This ordinance shall be known, cited, and referred to as “TECHNICAL MANUAL FOR SUBDIVISIONS, COMMERCIAL, AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS.”
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
Preliminary Plat and Related Documents shall include:
Two (2) originals and five (5) black line or blue line copies of a preliminary plat covering all of the contiguous land owned or controlled by the subdivider intended to be developed at any time, even though it is intended by the developer to file final plats and install improvements for parts of said tract by sections or units. The preliminary plat shall be in compliance with all applicable provisions of the subdivision design regulations.
Three (3) black line or blue line prints of the preliminary plans for the furnishing of water, the installation of sanitary sewer facilities, and provisions for storm sewers and general drainage facilities and associated calculations. Topographic contours of not more than one-foot (1') intervals shall be shown.
A letter of transmittal in duplicate giving the name and address of the owner or agent and the person or firm who prepared the plat.
In cases where public streets, alleys or easements are proposed to be platted across private easements or fee strips, a copy of the instrument establishing such private easement or fee strip shall be submitted. Where a private easement has no defined location, an effort shall be made to reach agreement on a defined easement. (Agreement must be reached before submission of final plat.)
Preliminary Plat Specifications -
The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn on 24" x 36" sheets at a scale not less than 1" = 100'. When more than one (1) sheet is necessary to accommodate the entire area, an index sheet at appropriate scale showing the entire area shall be attached. The plat shall be drawn on mylar film positive accompanied by ten (10) paper copies. The following shall be shown on the Preliminary Plat:
Topographic contours of not more than one-foot (1') intervals.
Title or name of the subdivision.
Names and addresses of owners and/or subdividers.
Names and addresses of persons or firms preparing plat.
North point and scale.
Key map showing location of subdivision in relation to any existing streets and highways and original survey lines.
The boundary of the subdivision and accurate dimensions, both linear and angular, of the boundary.
All existing utilities, natural water or drainage courses, streets, lots, easements, and fee strips as to size and location within the subdivision.
Within 200 feet of the boundaries of the subdivision, all existing utilities, streets, and lots, as to size and location and property lines, survey lines, and the names of property owners.
All proposed blocks, lots, alleys, streets, utilities, easements, purposes thereof, drainage or watercourses, recreation and special use areas, reserves and their proposed use, proposed land uses, screening devices, setback lines, proposed dedication of areas for public use other than streets and easements, and the approximate dimensions of all proposed items shall be shown. Public facilities and easements included in any City, County, or regional plan that are included or adjacent to the land being subdivided shall be shown.
Street names and lot and block numbers.
Proposed sectioning, if any.
Area in subdivision, total number of lots and total area of reserves.
Proposed location of sediment traps to be constructed for temporary or permanent purposes in streams and other drainageways.
Boundaries and locations of any floodplains to be shaded in as found by any governmental body or state agency acting in accordance with state law or local ordinance or regulation.
Proposed uses of the land within the subdivision, including an outline or brief form of proposed restrictions.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
Staking Plat on Ground -
All final plats must be in full accordance with the required certification made upon the plat by a registered land surveyor ascertaining that the plat represents a survey made by him and that all necessary monuments are accurately and correctly shown. The surveyor shall place such monuments as required by the City, including a benchmark as specified by the City Engineer, and they shall be set at all corners and angle points of the boundaries of the original tract to be subdivided and at all street intersections, angle points in street lines and points of curve, and at such intermediate points as shall be required by the City. Such monuments shall be of iron rods not less than five-eighths inch (5/8") in diameter and three feet (3') in length, driven securely into solid earth with the grades of same being at grade with established sidewalk, or if walk is not established, flush with natural grade of the earth’s surface.
Final Plat and Related Documents -
The Final Plat and Related Documents shall consist of and include the following:
Two (2) originals and five (5) copies of a final plat meeting all applicable requirements [of] the subdivision design requirements and the Technical Manual and certified by a surveyor registered by the State of Texas. The plat shall be drawn on tracing linen, plastic, or their equivalent with waterproof black tracing ink or reproduced by photographic process on linen, plastic, or their equivalent, to scale from an accurate survey made on the ground, and in all respects shall be neat. The final plat shall not show zoning information, construction features, cross-sections, public utility lines, or other structures not involved in the title covenant.
A current title report, statement, opinion, title policy, certificate or letter from a title guaranty company authorized to do business in the State of Texas, certifying that a search of the appropriate records was made within the last thirty (30) days covering the land proposed to be platted and stating an opinion as to current record title ownership and any encumbrances and encroachments if shown of record.
Tax certificates shall accompany the plat, indicating that all taxes have been paid.
The owner, developer, or dedicator of any subdivision plat wherein public streets, alleys, or easements are shown crossing private easements or fee strips shall by letter to the City Building Official or City Council assume responsibility for seeing that any adjustments and protection of existing pipelines, or other facilities shall be planned and provided for to the satisfaction of the holder of the private easements of fee strips and the City Attorney prior to the approval of the plat by the City Council and filing of the plat for record.
Requirements Prior to Final Approval -
Before approval of the final plat by the City Building Official or City Council and before recording of the plat shall be permitted by the City Building Official or City Council, compliance with the following requirements shall be made:
Complete and detailed construction plans and written specifications (indicating the method of construction and the materials to be used and specifying all construction equal to or better than hereinafter required and certified to by a professional engineer registered by the State of Texas) shall be submitted for:
The water distribution system showing the size and location of all existing and proposed water mains, service lines, valves, fire hydrants, and all other water distribution appurtenances within the proposed subdivision, also the location and method of connecting the proposed water lines, water mains, and water services to the City’s existing system. Refer to applicable provision of the Technical Manual for minimum requirements.
The sanitary sewer system showing by plan and profile the size, location and the gradient of all existing and proposed sanitary trunk lines, laterals, manholes, cleanouts, lift stations, and services within the proposed subdivision and the location and method of connecting the proposed sewer system into the existing sanitary sewer system or the proposed location, type, capacity and plans of proposed treatment plant. Refer to applicable provision of the Technical Manual for minimum requirements.
The natural gas distribution system showing the size and location of all existing and proposed gas mains, service lines, valves, regulators and all other appurtenances with[in] the proposed subdivision; also the location and method of connection to the City’s existing system. Refer to applicable provision of the Technical Manual for minimum requirements.
The stormwater drainage system showing by plans and profile, the means and methods of draining the proposed subdivision, showing in detail all existing and proposed drainage structures and the means and methods of connecting the proposed drainage system into the City’s existing drainage system and the means and methods of sediment control shall be shown. Refer to applicable provision of the Technical Manual for minimum requirements.
All proposed bridges or culverts within the proposed subdivision, showing in detail, by plans and/or profiles, the structural members[,] connectors, railings, approaches, reinforcing steel and deck, which bridges and culverts shall, at the City’s option, be constructed of concrete and/or metal and which culverts shall be a minimum of fifteen inches (15") inside diameter. Refer to applicable provisions of the Technical Manual for minimum requirements.
All existing and proposed streets and alleys within the proposed subdivision, showing by plans and profiles the width of the rights-of-way; the widths of the proposed roadways; the gradient of all curblines; the location and size of all drainage inlets; and the type of pavement. Refer to applicable provisions of the Technical Manual for minimum requirements.
All proposed underground electrical system improvements.
All existing and proposed streetlights within the proposed subdivision, showing the location of any and all easements necessary to provide electricity for said light, with lights to be provided for on every street intersection within the proposed subdivision, and in such other locations as may be necessary to properly and evenly light the subdivision which in no event shall be comprised of a spacing between said lights of greater than five hundred feet (500').
(All of the above required plans and specifications must be approved by the City Engineer or an engineer designated by the City Council, and such approval indicated in writing along with his signature before the City Council.)
The owner or developer of the proposed subdivision shall file a performance bond or other form of security as set forth in section 10.02.062(c)(3) approved by the City Council and the City Attorney as to form and surety and sureties on such bond, guaranteeing the completion of such improvements as are required to be constructed by the owner or developer under City policies in effect and as required by this ordinance. Such bond shall be in an amount equal to the estimated cost and amount of the bond shall be approved by the City Engineer. Such bond shall be payable to the City and shall guarantee completion of all required improvements within one (1) year from the date of final approval of such plat. Where for good cause shown to the satisfaction of the City Council, the developer or owner has not completed the required site improvements within one (1) year from the date of the final approval of the plat, the City Council may grant additional time, not to exceed one (1) year, within which to complete said improvement. No such extension shall be granted unless the developer or owner has filed new security in conformance with the conditions applied to the original bond. All bonds shall be kept in the custody of the City Secretary. Bonds shall be released to the principal and/or surety only after all the subdivision requirements have been fulfilled or the money sum of the bond or the amount of the work required yet to be finished has been paid to the City. The City Engineer shall certify to the City Secretary that all the required work has been accepted and completed. In the event that a money settlement is paid the City in lieu of performing the required work, the City Engineer shall certify to the City Secretary that such sum is adequate compensation and that in his opinion the bond should be released.
The following form shall be used in releasing subdivision bonds and signed by the City Secretary.
NAME OF SURETY(IES): __________
This is to certify that all requirements of the City of Bellville, Texas, concerning the above named subdivision have been met and such bond is hereby released to the above designated principal and surety(ies).
City Secretary
City of Bellville, Texas
The developer of any plat shall obtain from the holder of any private easement or fee strip within the plat crossed by proposed street, alley, or other public easements an instrument granting to the public the use of said public streets, alleys, or easements over and across said private easements or fee strips for construction, operation and maintenance of those public facilities normally using the type of public streets, alleys, and easements indicated. A signed copy of this instrument shall be delivered to the City Council and the original shall be filed for record along with the plat.
The developer shall furnish the City Council with a letter from the holder of the private easement or fee strip in question, stating that arrangements for any required adjustments in pipelines, electrical transmission lines, or other similar facilities have been made to the satisfaction of the holder of the easement or fee strip.
Final Plat Specifications -
The final plat shall include:
The Final Plat shall be prepared and sealed by a registered professional land surveyor in accordance with the associated Preliminary Plat. The Final Plat shall have accurate dimensions, both linear and angular, of all items on the plat. Linear dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals of a foot; angular dimensions may be shown by bearing. The plat shall be drawn on 24" x 36" sheets at a scale of not less than 1" = 100', and shall include the following information as applicable:
The name of the subdivision, name and addresses of owners and/or subdividers, name and address of surveyor preparing plat. Legal description of plat and date of preparation or revision.
North point and scale and key map.
All certification statements, dedication restrictions and other inscriptions as required by this article.
All lots, blocks, streets, alleys, pipelines, fee strips, watercourses, easements, reserves and total area, number of lots and number of blocks.
Setback lines.
All utility easements.
Street names, lot numbers, block numbers and alphabetical identification of reserves.
Blocks are to be numbered consecutively within the overall plat as recorded.
All lots are to be numbered consecutively within each block. Lot numbering may be cumulative throughout the subdivision if the numbering continues from block to block in a uniform manner that has been approved on an overall preliminary plat.
Reserves (land to be used for other than residential purposes) are to be labeled A, B, C, etc., rather than numbered as blocks and lots.
Streets and Alleys
Complete survey data (P.C., L.R.P.R.C., P.I.) shown on each side of streets and alleys and/or centerline.
Length and bearings of all tangents.
Dimensions from all angle points of curve to an adjacent side lot line.
Actual width of all streets and alleys, measured at right angles or radially where curved.
Complete bearings and dimensions for front, rear, and side lot lines. The following note for side lot lines may be used in lieu of bearing: “All side lot lines are either perpendicular or radial to street frontage unless otherwise noted.”
Watercourses and Easements:
Distance to be provided along the side lot lines from the front lot line to the point where the side line crosses the drainage easement line or the high bank of a stream. Traverse line shall be provided along the edge of all large watercourses on a convenient location, preferably along a utility easement if paralleling the drainage easement of a stream.
Pipelines having no defined easement location or width shall be tied by dimensions to all adjacent lot and tract corners. If no agreement can be reached on a defined easement, then building setback lines shall be shown at a distance of ten feet (10') from the parallel to the centerline of the pipeline.
Boundaries -
Ownership or outline of the tract or tracts the plat is proposed to subdivide shall be shown with very heavy, solid lines. The boundaries of the plat shall be described with complete and overall dimensions and bearings and be tied to an original corner of the original survey of which the subdivision is a part.
Existing Data -
The location, width, and name of existing streets and subdivisions or property ownerships and the location and dimensions of existing lots, easements, pipelines[,] fee strips, survey lines, building lines, watercourses, or other important information shall be shown on all sides of the subdivision for a distance of not less then two hundred feet (200'). The lines of such indication beyond the plat boundary shall be dashed.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
The subdivision shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan and any separately adopted part thereof.
The subdivision layout shall make reasonable provisions for development of adjacent land.
Name of Subdivision. Duplication of subdivision names shall be prohibited.
Legal description of location of subdivision. This description shall be sufficient for the requirements of title examination.
Name of owner. If owner is a company or corporation, the name of a responsible individual such as President or Vice-President must be given.
For preliminary plat, the name of the person or firm preparing the plat must be shown. For final plat, name of surveyor certifying the plat must be shown.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
General -
The street pattern of a neighborhood should provide adequate circulation with[in] the subdivision and yet discourage excessive through traffic on minor or local streets, the arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, and locations of all streets shall conform to the comprehensive plan and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to public safety and convenience, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. If any portion of a collector or major street, as shown in the major Street Plan adopted as a part of the Comprehensive Plan, traverses any part of the land being subdivided, that portion of the major or collector street as planned at the proposed right-of-way width shall be incorporated in the subdivision plan and shall be dedicated to the appropriate government. The street layout shall be devised for the most advantageous development of the entire neighborhood development and shall conform to connecting streets in land adjacent to the new subdivision. Provision shall be made within the subdivision to provide street access to adjacent undeveloped acreage in such a way as to assure adequate circulation for future development. Dead-end streets and those which do not conform to adjacent established streets are to be avoided whenever possible. Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed major street (as indicated in the comprehensive plan or separately adopted part thereof), reverse frontage lots may be required. When reverse frontage lots are required, access shall be denied to the major street, and screen planting or a screening device as defined herein, shall be required along the rear property line abutting such existing or proposed major street. Paved alleys shall be provided in commercial and industrial developments, except where other definite and assured provision is made for service access, such as off-street loading, unloading and parking consistent with and adequate for the uses proposed. The street system layout shall be so designed insofar as practicable to preserve natural features such as trees, brooks, hilltops, scenic views and other such features. The street system layout shall provide for the acceptable disposal of stormwater and provision shall be made by the developer to handle stormwater to comply with provisions elsewhere in this ordinance.
Right-of-way Requirements -
All major and secondary streets shall have a minimum right-of-way width of eighty feet (80'). All residential streets shall have a minimum right-of-way width of sixty-one feet (61'), where the plat is inside the city limits and where only single-family residential lots abut such street. Where proposed streets are extensions of existing or planned streets designated in the comprehensive plan, or revisions thereto, having a right-of-way width greater than sixty-one feet (61'), the proposed streets shall be the same width as the existing or planned streets. Alleys, where provided, shall not be less than twenty feet (20') wide. Intersecting alleys shall have corner cut-offs of at least twenty feet (20') on a side. Alleys with only one (1) point of access shall have a turnaround with a minimum radius of twenty feet (20') at their closed ends.
Secondary or Major Streets -
Minimum centerline radius of eight hundred feet (800'). Minimum tangent between points of curvature shall be fifty feet (50').
Residential Streets -
Minimum centerline radius of two hundred feet (200'). Minimum tangent between points of curvature shall be zero (0).
Offsets -
Street offsets must be offset a minimum distance of one hundred twenty-five feet (125') on centerline. Offset distance shall be indicated on the final plat.
All streets and alleys are to intersect at a ninety-degree (90°) angle with variations of ten degrees (10°) subject to approval upon evidence of good cause.
Acute angle intersections approved by the City Council are to have thirty-foot (30') radii at acute corners.
Street or alley intersections with or extending to meet an existing street or alley will be tied to the existing street or alley on centerline with dimensions and bearings to show relationship.
Cul-de-Sac Streets -
Turnarounds are to have a minimum right-of-way radius of sixty feet (60') with a minimum paved radius of fifty feet (50').
Provisional Reserves -
A provisional reserve is not permitted.
Street Names -
The names of proposed streets shall conform to the names of existing streets of which they may be or become extensions, or shall not duplicate or conflict with the recognized name of any other street located in the area subject to these regulations. The City shall have the final right to determine acceptability of any proposed name.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
Drainage -
Where conditions require, there shall be provided a stormwater drainage easement adequate for the purpose, as determined by the City Engineer in accordance with the comprehensive plan or separately adopted part thereof. Where such easement is adjacent to the lots, tracts, or reserves, the easement shall be noted on the face of the final plat as follows:
“This easement shall be kept clear of fences, buildings, plants, and other obstructions to the operation and maintenance of the drainage facility, and abutting property shall not be permitted to drain into this easement except by approved means.”
Utilities to be installed in street right-of-way behind the curbs in the front of lots.
There also shall be shown on the plat and dedicated for utilities unobstructed aerial easements and guy wire easements as shall be required by the City Council.
Easements as set forth in any applicable city, county, or regional plan for the location of future sewage or utility facilities shall be provided and indicated upon the plat.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
Block Length
Maximum block length for a single-family residential development shall be eight hundred feet (800'), measured along the center of the block, when the lots are the minimum required area of seven thousand (7,000) square feet. If the lots are larger than seven thousand (7,000) square feet minimum, the block length shall be reasonable but shall not exceed one thousand six hundred feet (1,600').
Maximum block length along a major thoroughfare, railroad, body of water, or similar barrier shall be one thousand six hundred feet (1,600'), except under special conditions and upon approval by the City Council.
General -
The lot design should provide for lots of adequate width, depth, and shape to provide open area, to eliminate overcrowding, and to be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and for the type of development and use contemplated. Lots should have the side lot lines at right angles to the streets on which the lot faces of [or] radial to curved street lines.
Rear and Side Driveway Access -
Rear and side driveway access to major thoroughfare or freeways shall be prohibited.
Minimum Requirements for Residential Lots
Single-family and Duplexes
Minimum Width at Building Setback Lines -
Sixty feet (60'). (At a distance not greater than twenty-five feet (25') from the front lot line.)
Minimum Width at Front Lot Line -
Forty feet (40').
Minimum Area of Lots Within City Limits -
Seven Thousand Five Hundred (7,500) square feet.
Corner lots siding on minor streets shall have a minimum width at the building setback line of not less than seventy feet (70').
Corner lots siding on major thoroughfare or freeway shall have a minimum width at the building setback line of not less than seventy-five feet (75').
Minimum depth of conventional lots shall be one hundred fifteen feet (115') except lots facing or backing on a major thoroughfare or freeway shall be not less than one hundred and twenty-five feet (125') deep. The minimum depth of lots with frontage on cul-de-sacs shall be one hundred feet (100').
Septic Tanks -
If feasible in the opinion of the City, a subdivision outside the City must be connected to the City sanitary sewer system. If a residential subdivision outside the city limits proposed to contain only single-family or duplex dwelling units is not to be served by a public sanitary sewer system and septic tanks are to be used, lot sizes shall be adequate to accommodate the size of drainfield as necessary because of soil type to effectively absorb the effluent without creating a health hazard or a nuisance as governed by Austin County requirements.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
Only one (1) townhouse may be constructed per lot.
Minimum Width -
Twenty-four feet (24'), except the end unit or unit which occupies a corner lot shall provide an additional ten feet (10') for side yard.
Minimum Area -
Two thousand (2,000) square feet.
Minimum Number of Lots in a Townhouse Project -
Three (3).
A townhouse project shall have not less than five hundred (500) square feet of open space per dwelling unit in addition to lots and parking areas for recreational and/or yard use.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10)
Patio Home.
The term “patio home” shall mean a single-family development construction on a single lot, with the building line (including drip line) of one (1) side of the structure being tangential to the property line and allowing for yard space at the front, one (1) side and at the back of the structure.
Patio Home Subdivision.
The term “patio home subdivision” shall apply to those developments in which it is proposed to partition land into individual lots, construct patio homes which may be individually owned, and where such housing is separated by a minimum distance as specified herein.
Patio homes (zero lot line):
Minimum Site Area.
The minimum area for patio home development shall be not less than fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet.
Size of Yards
Front Yard.
There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty feet (20').
Side Yard.
A side yard of ten feet (10') shall be maintained adjacent to one property line, except where the side yard is adjacent to a plat boundary that is contiguous to a standard single-family subdivision, said side yard shall be ten feet (10'). Adjacent to public streets, a side yard of not less than fifteen feet (15') is required.
Rear Yard.
A rear yard of twenty feet (20') shall be maintained. There shall be a rear yard of not less than twenty feet (20') adjacent to all major streets.
Size of Lots
Lot Area.
No building shall be constructed on any lot less than thirty-five hundred (3,500) square feet.
Lot Width.
The width of a lot shall not be less than forty feet (40') at the front building line nor shall the average width be less than forty feet (40').
Lot Depth.
The average depth of a lot shall not be less than fifty feet (50').
Openings Prohibited.
Openings are prohibited on the zero (0) lot line side. The wall of the dwelling located on the lot line shall have no windows, doors, air conditioning units or other type of opening. Atriums or courts shall be permitted on the zero (0) lot line side when the court or atrium is enclosed by three (3) walls of the dwelling unit and a solid wall of at least eight feet (8') in height is provided on the zero (0) lot line. Said wall shall be constructed of the same material as exterior walls of the unit.
Each deed whereby a patio home is conveyed must contain a limited license or easement that will permit the owners of the adjacent property to enter onto the property at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice to maintain or repair the structure adjacent to the zero (0) lot line.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10)
No lot to be used for multifamily or apartment purposes shall contain an area of less than seven thousand (7,000) square feet plus an additional one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet for each dwelling unit in excess of two (2) dwelling units within structures to be constructed or occupied upon such a lot. Each plat shall contain a restriction in accordance with the above as approved by the City Attorney.
Each lot containing a multifamily complex or apartment must be served by an approved sanitary sewer.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10)
Must be served by an approved sanitary sewer.
Minimum Width at Front Lot Line -
Twenty-five feet (25').
Lots may be of various sizes and widths but in no event may the minimum area of an individual lot be less than three thousand (3,000) square feet.
Minimum Number of Lots in a Cluster Development -
Twenty (20).
For every square foot of each lot less than seven thousand (7,000) square feet in the subdivision there shall be designated for public open space purposes the same quantity of square feet.
No residential lot may be designated other than for single-family residential purposes.
The average density of population per acre shall not be greater for the entire subdivision than that for single-family and duplexes using one (1) family per seven thousand (7,000) square feet as standard criteria.
Within all cluster developments platted within a forest or adjacent to a lake, stream, bayou, or beach, the area that shall be dedicated for public open space purposes shall be an area within the forest or adjacent to the lake, stream, bayou, bay or beach.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10)
All residential condominium projects or condominium projects containing residential uses as well as a combination of any other use or uses must be served by a sanitary sewer system.
Only one (1) condominium regime may be established per lot as recorded by the “master deed,” “master lease,” or “declaration” as found in the appropriate records of the County.
The minimum size of the master lot from which all the residential units and other sub-units are to be conveyed shall be the sum of the totals of the minimum square feet of each type residential unit specified in this section multiplied by the respective number of units for that category. For each use other than residential wherein there is no minimum lot area provided by this ordinance, the City Council shall add a minimum number of square feet to be consistent with the fire ordinance, or any parking regulations established by the City and shall insure that there is proper buffering if necessary between contrasting uses in the condominium.
No condominium lot shall be platted in a floodplain.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10)
For subdivisions for single-family and two (2) family dwellings, building setback lines adjacent to streets shall be shown and labeled on all plats, both preliminary and final. For such dwellings and all residential lots, the building setback line shall not be less than thirty-five feet (35') from a front lot line and twenty-five feet (25') from a side lot line that is also a street right-of-way line on a corner lot. Building setback lines in single-family and two-family dwelling subdivisions, and all residential lots except as specifically provided elsewhere from side lot lines, except for corner lots, as set forth above, shall be not less than ten feet (10') from a side lot line, and in the case of subdivisions shall be so noted on the plat. Building setback lines for apartment or multifamily developments shall be not less than fifteen feet (15') from any side or rear lot lines. Residential dwellings shall be set back a minimum of twenty-five feet (25') from the rear property line. Accessory buildings shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') from the rear property line. Such shall be noted on all plats as a condition to the use of any portion of the property for multifamily or apartment purposes. Building setback lines for lots in cluster development shall not be less than twenty-five feet (25') from any street. If proposed subdivision is a townhouse development where community sidewalks are to connect adjoining structures on separate lots, no side yard is required. The minimum setback line for a townhouse lot shall be fifteen feet (15'). Building lines shall also comply with all other ordinances adopted by the City of Bellville.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
Surveyor’s Certification
This is to certify that I, __________, a licensed surveyor of the State of Texas, have platted the above subdivision from an actual survey on the ground; and that all block corners, angle points and points of curve are properly marked with five-eighth-inch (5/8") iron rods, three feet (3') long set with the head flush with the ground or sidewalks; that this plat correctly represents that survey made by me.
Registration Number
Plat Dedication and Certification
The following form for dedications and certifications shall be utilized on the final plat of subdivisions or resubdivisions:
I (or we), (name(s) of owner(s) or in the case of corporations, name of “president and secretary” respectively) of (name of “company”) owner (or owners) of the property subdivided in the above and foregoing map of the (name of subdivision), do hereby make subdivision of said property (in case of corporation, use words for and on behalf of said/name of company), according to the lines, streets, alleys, parks, and easements therein shown, and designate said subdivision as (name of subdivision) in the _____ Survey, Austin County, Texas; and (in case of corporation, use words on behalf of said/name of company) dedicate to public use, as such, the streets, alleys, parks and easements shown thereon forever; and do hereby waive any claims for damages occasioned by the establishing of grades as approved for the streets and alleys dedicated, or occasioned by the alteration of the surface of any portion of streets or alleys to conform to such grades and do hereby bind myself (or ourselves), my (or our) such heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend the title to the land so dedicated. There is also dedicated for utilities an unobstructed easement _____ (_____) feet wide from a plane _____ (_____) feet above ground upward located as shown hereon. We have also complied with all regulations hereto before adopted by the Commissioner’s Court of Austin County, Texas.
Mortgagee’s Statement
The following paragraph is to be used where there is a lien against the property (or a separate instrument may be filed):
I, (or we), (name of mortgagees), owners(s) and holders(s) of a lien(s) upon said property do hereby ratify and confirm said subdivision and dedication and do hereby in all things subordinate to said subdivision and dedication the lien(s) against said landowner and held by me (us). Signature(s) of lienholder(s) to appear below that of owner’s and to be duly acknowledged.
Board of Aldermen’s Certification
This is to certify that the Board of Aldermen of the City of Bellville, Texas, has approved this plat and subdivision of (name of Subdivider) as shown herein.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, in witness the official signatures of the Mayor, Aldermen and City Secretary of the City of Bellville, Texas this the _____ day of _____, 20_____.
City Secretary
County Clerk’s Certification
I, (name of County Clerk), Clerk of the County Court of Austin County, Texas, do hereby certify that the written instrument with its certificate of authentication was filed for registration in my office on _____, 20_____, at _____ o’clock, _____m., Volume _____, Page _____, Records of said County.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, at _____ the day and date last above written.
(Name of Clerk)
Clerk, County Court
Austin County, Texas
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
Before beginning any construction of the improvements authorized in this Article on proposed roadways, public utilities, or drainage facilities, or structures pertaining to any subdivision coming under the provisions of this ordinance and within the city limits, complete plans and specifications for such improvements shall have first been completely approved by the Engineer or his designated engineer as meeting the City’s standards in connection with the approval of a final plat of the proposed subdivision by the City Council.
The City Engineer or his duly authorized representative shall from time to time inspect the construction of all utility facilities and streets in the subdivision during the course of construction to see that the same comply with the standards governing the same. The inspection fee shall be paid by the subdivider. In this regard, free access to the subdivision shall be accorded the City Engineer and his duly authorized representative by the subdivider, his agents, and employees. Inspection by the City Engineer, or failure of the City Engineer to inspect construction as required herein shall not in any way impair or diminish the obligation of the subdivider to install improvements in the subdivision in accordance with plans and specifications therefor as approved by the City Engineer and the City Council and in accordance with the City’s or County’s standards.
After all required improvements have been completed the owner or subdivider of the subdivision shall file with the City Secretary within thirty (30) days after completion of all required improvements one (1) set of record drawings of all underground utilities and street improvements that have been constructed.
In the event exigencies of construction necessitate changes in plans and specifications, approval of the changes must be made by the City Engineer prior to making any revisions in the construction.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
The following minimum standards apply to public streets:
Asphaltic or reinforced concrete surface with concrete curb and gutter.
Minimum Pavement Width
Major Streets -
Forty-four feet (44')
Secondary Streets -
Thirty-eight feet (38')
Residential Streets -
Forty feet (40').
Cross-Section -
The standard cross-section for a residential street is thirty feet (30') wide by five and one-half inches (5-1/2") thick for concrete or a six-inch (6") minimum thickness base with a one and one-half [inch] (1-1/2") minimum thickness HMAC pavement. The standard cross-section for a collector street is thirty-nine feet (39') wide by six inches (6") thick for concrete or an eight-inch (8") minimum thickness base with a two-inch (2") minimum thickness HMAC pavement. The standard cross-section for a thoroughfare street is forty-four feet (44') wide by seven inches (7") thick for concrete or a ten-inch (10") minimum thickness base and a two-inch (2") HMAC pavement. At intersections, curb return radius shall be twenty feet (20'); cul-de-sacs thirty-five feet (35').
Reinforcing Steel
Material -
Open hearth new billet steel.
Yield Strength -
Sixty thousand (60,000) pounds per square inch, minimum.
Splices -
Twenty-four (24) bar diameters.
Bar Size and Spacing -
No. 3 bars at eighteen-inch (18") centers, each way.
Bar Support -
Metal or plastic “chairs” shall be used to hold bars in position during placement of concrete.
Concrete Mixture
Compressive Strength -
Two thousand four hundred (2,400) pounds per square inch minimum at seven (7) days and three thousand five hundred (3,500) pounds per square inch minimum at twenty-eight (28) days as determined in accordance with American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) C39 or C109.
Slump -
Four inches (4") maximum as determined in accordance with ASTM C143 (most current edition).
Cement Factor -
Five and one half (5.5) bags per cubic yard, minimum.
Cement -
Type I (normal) Portland cement, or with City Engineer’s approval, Type III (high early strength). No fly ash shall be allowed in lieu of cement.
Aggregate -
Coarse and fine aggregate shall meet the requirements of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Standard Specification “Item 360” for concrete pavement.
Depth of Contraction Joints -
One-fourth (1/4) of slab thickness.
Longitudinal Spacing.
Expansion Joints - Sixty feet (60') (maximum). Contraction Joints - Twenty feet (20') (maximum).
Transverse Spacing -
Twenty feet (20') (maximum).
Expansion Joints -
At intersections.
Joint Filler Material -
Pre-formed expansion joint filler of the bituminous type which conforms to ASTM D 1751, 3/4 inch thickness.
Joint Seal -
Joint sealing material shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C-920, Type S, Grade PorNS.
Curing -
Curing method shall retain at least ninety-seven percent (97%) of moisture at twenty-four (24) hours, at least ninety-five percent (95%) at three (3) days, and at least ninety-one percent (91%) at seven (7) days. (American Society of Testing and Materials Procedure C-5.)
Tests -
Compression Strength - A test set, consisting of at least three (3) cylinders, shall be cast during each placement. The cylinders shall be cast at a rate of one (1) set for every fifty (50) cubic yards of concrete if total concrete placement is less than two hundred (200) cubic yards. If the total concrete placement is greater than two hundred (200) cubic yards, then the rate should be one set for every one hundred (100) cubic yards of concrete placed. At least one (1) set shall be cast during each placement day.
Placement -
Concrete shall not be placed on frozen subgrade; when air temperature is thirty-eight degrees (38°) Fahrenheit or below; when air temperature is below forty-two degrees (42°) Fahrenheit and declining; when finishing cannot be completed during natural daylight.
Asphaltic Pavement
Curb and Gutter
Material -
Reinforced concrete as specified in this section.
Width -
Twenty-four inches (24") overall.
Tests -
Same as Subsection (D)(6) of this section.
Thickness -
Six inches (6") after final compaction.
Material and Construction -
Material shall be crushed stone meeting TxDOT Standard Specification “Item 247” for Type A, Grade 2. Compaction of the base materials shall be a minimum density of ninety-seven percent (97%) of the maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor density (ASTM D1557) (most current edition) at a moisture content within ± two percent (2%) of optimum.
Tests -
Material - The City Engineer may require laboratory testing of the proposed material before and/or during construction to determine that it meets the applicable specifications. Compaction and Depth: Tests at two hundred (200) linear foot intervals, or closer where requested by the City Engineer.
Surface Course
Material -
TxDOT Standard Specifications “Item 340” for hot mix asphaltic concrete pavement, Type D, including prime and tack coat. An asphalt mix design shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to placement.
Minimum Thickness -
One and one-half inches (1-1/2") after final compaction.
Density -
A compaction density of ninety-two (92) to ninety-six (96) percent of the maximum theoretical density as determined in accordance with ASTM D1559 (most current edition).
Tests -
The City Engineer may require the following tests: Material laboratory tests before and/or during construction; in place density.
Rolling Machinery -
All subgrade shall be rolled.
Density Required -
At least ninety-five percent (95%) of the maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor density (ASTM D1557) (most current edition) at a moisture content between -1% and +2% of optimum.
Density Tests Frequency -
At two hundred (200) linear feet intervals or closer when requested by the City Engineer.
Lime Stabilization -
Required when plasticity index (PI) of subgrade soil exceeds 20.0. The optimum percentage of lime to be added shall be determined based on TEX-121-E laboratory tests. Lime and required water shall be thoroughly mixed and blended with subgrade by an approved pulverizing mixer to a minimum depth of six (6) inches. All lime stabilization shall be performed in accordance with TxDOT Item 260.
Cement Stabilization -
Required when plasticity index (PI) is less than five (5), “spongy” or wet soils. Five percent (5%) by weight cement shall be thoroughly mixed and blended with subgrade by an approved pulverizing mixer to a minimum depth of 6 inches.
Subgrade shall not be allowed to dry before concrete or base is placed, nor shall concrete or base be placed on frozen subgrade. Apply seal or additional course within fourteen (14) days of final compaction.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10; Ordinance 1675 adopted 6/28/22)
The following minimum standards apply to water system extensions within the City of Bellville.
Main Lines
Minimum Diameter -
Six inches (6").
Depth -
Three feet (3') six inches (6") of cover below final grade.
Material Type -
C-900 PVC[.] Pressure rating: One hundred fifty (150) pounds per square inch. Field tests shall be in accordance with American Water Works Association requirements. Pipe shall be manufactured within the United States.
Location -
Mains shall be looped with no dead-ends serving more than four (4) lots.
Trace Wire -
Twelve (12) gauge thermoplastic insulated solid, direct burial conductive copper wire securely bonded together at all joints and pipe intersections and accessible at all valve boxes and services. Wire connectors to be 3M DBR or approved equal and shall be watertight and provide electrical continuity.
Locations -
At tees: Two (2) valves. At crosses: Three (3) valves. At each connection to existing water system: One (1) valve.
Type -
Nonrising stem, O-ring seals, Mueller CCW opening, M.J.
Valve Boxes -
Adjustable height valve boxes shall be cast iron encased with a four-inch (4") thick by twenty-four-inch (24") square reinforced concrete pad.
Fire Hydrants
Locations -
Single-family residential areas: five-hundred-foot (500') intervals approximately, and at the end of each cul-de-sac. Multifamily or commercial, including reserves: three-hundred-foot (300') intervals.
Type -
Mueller Improved, three (3) way with threads matching City’s requirements, CCW opening, M.J.
Material - Ductile iron, cement lined, concrete blocked, M.J.
Pressure Rating -
Two hundred fifty (250) pounds per square inch (minimum).
Corporation Stop -
Mueller, Ford or approved equal.
Combination Curb Stop and Meter Yoke (Line Setter) with Lock Wing -
Ford LSV41-233 or equal, in approved inverted plastic meter box.
Pipe Material -
Type K soft copper.
Size -
Single Service: Three-fourths inch (3/4") diameter. Double Service: One inch (1") diameter.
Marking -
“Record Drawing” plans required to show location of services. End of services not connected to an existing structure shall be marked with six-foot (6') long (three-foot (3') buried) heavy duty T post painted blue. Also, where a service crosses a proposed curb, the curb shall be marked with a “W” inscribed in the top of the curb.
Flush Valves
Provide a two-inch (2") flush valve at the end of all dead-end main water lines.
Construct flush valves in accordance with the detail contained on the City’s Standard Water Details sheet.
Embedment -
Pipe shall be embedded in bank sand. Embedment shall extend a minimum of four inches (4") below the pipe; a minimum of eight inches (8") on each side of the pipe and a minimum of twelve inches (12") above the pipe. The embedment material shall be compacted to a minimum of eighty-five percent (85%) of maximum density as defined by Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) testing procedures.
Under Asphalt Streets -
One and one-half (1.5) sack per cubic yard (minimum) cement stabilized sand compacted to a minimum of ninety-five percent (95%) of Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) density at a moisture content within three percent (3%) of optimum.
Other Locations -
Sandy soil must be water jetted; other soil may be compacted using mechanical compacters.
Satisfactory bacteriological and pressure tests in accordance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s (TCEQ) requirements are required before acceptance by the City.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10)
All residences must be connected to the City’s central sanitary sewer system. The following minimum standards apply to the sanitary sewer extensions within the City of Bellville.
Main Lines
Minimum Diameter -
Six inches (6").
Minimum Depth -
Four feet (4') zero inches (0").
Material Pipe -
PVC SDR 26 sewer pipe, ASTM D3034 (minimum), PVC SDR 26 CL 160, ASTM D2241 or Ductile Iron Pipe as per TCEQ requirements.
Trace Wire -
Twelve (12) gauge thermoplastic insulated solid, direct burial conductive copper wire securely bonded together at all joints and pipe intersections for force mains only. Wire connectors to be 3M DBR or approved equal and shall be watertight and provide electrical continuity
Size -
Four feet (4') zero inches (0") (minimum).
Spacing -
Five hundred feet (500') maximum.
Material -
Precast concrete with interior coating thickness of 10 mil coal tar epoxy or traffic rated fiberglass (one-half-inch (1/2") minimum wall thickness) as manufactured by Fluid Containment, Inc. or approved equal.
Wall Thickness -
Six inches (6") (minimum) for concrete manholes.
Pipe Diameter -
Four inches (4").
Material -
Fittings Required -
Wye, bend, and plug.
Service Cleanout -
A four-inch (4") diameter two (2) way cleanout is required at the right-of-way line.
Marking -
“Record Drawing” plans required to show location of services. End of services not connected to an existing structure shall be marked with six-foot (6') long (three-foot (3') buried) heavy duty T post painted green. Also where service crosses a proposed curb, the curb shall be marked with a “Y”.
Cleanouts -
A six-inch (6") diameter with cleanout boot shall be provided at the upper end of sanitary sewer lines.
Lift Station -
If a lift station is required to serve the subdivision, the lift station shall be designed in accordance with the City of Bellville requirements.
Embedment -
Pipe shall be embedded in bank sand. Embedment shall extend a minimum of four inches (4") below the pipe; a minimum of eight inches (8") on each side of the pipe and a minimum of twelve inches (12") above the pipe. The embedment material shall be compacted to a minimum of eighty-five percent (85%) of maximum density as defined by Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) testing procedures.
Backfill used in connection with Sanitary Sewer Systems shall be the same quality as specified for use in connection with water systems.
Testing of all wastewater improvements in accordance with TCEQ requirements are required before acceptance by the City.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10)
Design requirements for drainage criteria administered by the City of Bellville are intended to provide protection from structural flooding from a one hundred (100) year storm event. This is accomplished through application of various drainage enhancements, such as storm sewers, roadside ditches, open channels, detention and overland (sheet) runoff. The combined system is intended to prevent structural flooding from extreme events up to a one hundred (100) year storm. Recognizing that each site has unique differences that can enhance the opportunity to provide proper drainage, the intent of these criteria is to specify minimum requirements that can be modified provided that the objective for drainage standards is maintained. The developer shall design and construct downstream drainage improvements or a detention system to protect downstream property owners from any change in stormwater runoff.
Street Drainage:
Street ponding of short duration is anticipated and designed to contribute to the overall drainage capability of the system. Storm sewers and roadside ditch conduits are designed as a balance of capacity and economics. These conduits are designed to convey less intense, more frequent rainfalls with the intent of allowing for traffic movement during these events. When rainfall events exceed the capacity of the storm sewer system, the additional runoff is intended to be stored or conveyed overland in a manner that reduces the threat of flooding to structures.
Flood Control:
The City of Bellville is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program. The flood insurance program makes insurance available at low cost by providing measures that reduce the likelihood of structural flooding.
Relationship to the Platting Process:
Approval of storm drainage is a part of the review process for planning and platting of a new development.
Conflicting Provisions:
The specifications set forth in this manual shall control over any publication of any standardized reference. In the event of a conflict, the conflict shall be resolved by the City Engineer.
Fort Bend County Drainage Criteria Manual.
TxDOT Hydraulics Manual, most current edition.
Conduit -
Any open or closed device for conveying flowing water.
Drainage Area Map -
Area map of watershed which is subdivided to show each area served by each subsystem.
Hydraulic Grade Line -
A line representing the pressure head available at any given point within the drainage system.
Redevelopment -
A change in land use that alters the impervious cover from one (1) type of development to either the same or another type, and takes advantage of the existing infrastructure in place as a drainage outlet.
Infill Development -
Development of open tracts of land in areas where the storm drainage infrastructure is already in place and takes advantage of the existing infrastructure as a drainage outlet.
Rational Formula -
A method for calculating the peak runoff for a storm drain system using the following equation for runoff: Q = I * (CA)
C = watershed coefficient
A = area (acres)
I = rainfall intensity (inches per hour)
Design Storm Event -
Rainfall intensity upon which the drainage facility will be sized.
Rainfall Frequency -
Probability of a rainfall event of defined characteristics occurring in any given year. Information of rainfall frequency is published by the National Weather Service. For the purpose of storm drainage design, the following frequencies are applicable:
Five (5) Year Frequency -
Rainfall intensity having a twenty percent (20%) probability of occurrence in any given year, or nominally likely to occur once every five (5) years.
Ten (10) Year Frequency -
Rainfall intensity having a ten percent (10%) probability of occurrence in any given year, or nominally likely to occur once every ten (10) years.
Twenty-Five (25) Year Frequency -
Rainfall intensity having a four percent (4%) probability of occurrence in any given year, or nominally likely to occur once every twenty-five (25) years.
One Hundred (100) Year Frequency -
Rainfall intensity having a one percent (1%) probability of occurrence in any given year, or nominally likely to occur once every one hundred (100) years.
Sheet Flow -
Overland storm runoff that is not conveyed in a defined conduit and is typically in excess of the capacity of the conduit.
Manning’s Equation:
V = (K/n)R2/3 Sf 1/2
K = 1.49 for English units, 1.00 for metric units
V = Velocity (f./sec or m/sec)
R = Hydraulic radius (ft. or m) (area/wetted perimeter)
Sf = Friction slope (headloss/length)
n = 0.013 for concrete pipes, 0.024 for CMP pipes
Continuity Equation:
Q = VA
Q = Discharge (cfs or cms),
V = Velocity (ft/sec or m/sec)
A = Cross-sectional area of conduit (square feet or square meters)
Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Design Requirements
Design of drainage facilities shall meet requirement of the Bellville Development Code and Standard Specifications and Standard Details provided in this manual.
Determination of Runoff
Design Storm Events
Rainfall Duration
For design purposes, the rainfall duration for drainage areas less than two hundred (200) acres will be no less than three (3) hours in duration.
For design purposes, the rainfall duration for drainage areas more than two hundred (200) acres will be no less than six (6) hours of duration.
Intensity - Duration Curves.
The Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) formula contained within the TxDOT Hydraulics Manual shall be used for storm sewer and roadside ditch design in the City of Bellville and its ETJ.
Application of Runoff Calculation Models
Stormwater runoff computations for all drainage areas shall be based upon ultimate watershed conditions with the following storm frequencies shall be used in designing:
Rational Method:
The rational method will be used for design on storm sewered areas up to two hundred (200) acres in size and for areas served by roadside ditches.
Rainfall Runoff Modeling:
Rainfall runoff modeling will be applied to areas greater than two hundred (200) acres in size. Rainfall runoff modeling shall be used for modeling of storm sewered areas greater than two hundred (200) acres provided the model considers the storage and ponding in streets. If the modeling is associated with establishing a floodprone area for purposes of a FEMA submittal, the models must be acceptable to that agency. Other models that may be used are Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Unit Hydrography techniques.
Use of the WinStorm computer program is required for calculating the capacity of inlets and storm drain systems. The program is available at no cost through TxDOT’s website. The complete report the WinStorm program can generate shall be submitted as part of the drainage report. In addition, both an analysis layout and an electronic medium (diskette or CD) of the analysis shall be provided.
Coefficients for the Rational Method
Runoff Coefficients:
The “C” values shown in the table below shall be used in design to represent ultimate watershed development conditions. When ultimate development conditions or undeveloped property cannot be verified, a standard runoff coefficient of 0.70 may be used.
A drainage area under investigation may consist of several varied drainage surfaces; therefore, a weighted average coefficient in accordance with the respective areas shall be utilized.
Land Use
Value of C
Residential (Single-Family) Areas
Lots More Than 1/2 Acre
Lots 1/4 -1/2 Acre
Lots Less Than 1/4 Acre
Multifamily Areas
Less than 20 Service Units/Acre
20 Service Units/Acre or Greater
Business Areas
Shopping Centers
Industrial Areas
Railroad Yard Areas
Parks/Open Space
Alternatively, the runoff coefficient C in the rational method formula can be calculated from the equation: C = 0.6Ia + 0.2
C = Watershed coefficient
Ia = Impervious area/total area
If the alternate form is to be submitted, the calculation of C shall be provided as part of the drainage calculations.
Determination of Time of Concentration
The time of concentration is the amount of time required for surface runoff to travel from the most hydraulically remote drainage point to the drainage point under consideration. The most remote drainage point refers to the route requiring the longest drainage travel time and not necessarily the greatest linear distance. The flow routes used in determining the time of concentration must take into consideration future development as proposed by thoroughfare plans, zoning maps, etc. Time of Concentration shall be calculated in accordance with the procedure contained in the latest version of the TxDOT Hydraulics Manual.
The following table contains minimum and maximum allowable times of concentration. These times were derived from times of concentration typically used in runoff determination calculations.
It should be noted when analyzing a storm drainage system that a downstream inlet may have an inlet time exceeding the time of concentration through the system to that point, therefore, the greatest time would be used from the point downstream.
Times of concentration less than ten (10) minutes are not to be used, except for, paved areas or roofs, unless the specific situation is formally identified as unique and such is required by the City Engineer.
Minimum Time of Concentration
Parks and Open Areas
Roofs and Paved Areas
General Requirements for Storm Design Analysis
Curb and Gutter Streets.
Drainage systems for curb-and-gutter pavements shall be underground closed conduits with the exception to existing individual residential lot drainage. Installation shall be calculated to where the stormwater runoff is of such a quantity as specified in this section.
Non-curb and Gutter Streets.
Drainage systems for pavement without curb and gutter shall be roadside open-ditch sections. Open channels or ditch methods may be used as specified in this article to dispose of stormwater runoff of such a quantity that it exceeds the height specified in this chapter. Such channels shall be in dedicated easements to the City upon approval of the location and alignment of such easements. All channels shall be designed and constructed to terminate at an approved outlet.
Alternative to Height Limitation.
If an underground drainage system is required, and a sixty-inch (60") or smaller pipe will handle the design flow, pipe shall be used. If a sixty-inch (60") pipe is not adequate, concrete pipe or natural and/or open channels and ditch methods is an option.
Design of Storm Sewers
Design Frequency
All Developments.
The following table shall provide the storm frequencies to be used in storm drain designs for newly developed areas, redevelopment or infill development.
Street Capacity, Enclosed Pipe System (if needed), Side ditches or Combination*
Residential, Commercial Industrial
Local - 5 years
Collector - 10 years
Arterial - 10 years
Culverts, Bridges, Channels and Creeks
Any Type of Area Less Than 1,000 Acres
25 years
Culverts, Bridges, Channels and Creeks
Any Type of Area More Than 1,000 Acres or Any Area Located in a Special Flood Hazard Zone Designated Under the National Flood Insurance Program
100 years
*Due to physical constraints, hydraulic gradient threatening potential overflow which could cause damage or serious inconvenience to surrounding properties, areas of historical drainage problems as determined by the city engineer or representative, and/or future capital improvement project intended to upgrade existing drainage, the flood frequency may be increased to twenty-five (25) years.
Redevelopment or Infill Development:
Assuming no development takes place. The storm drain will then be evaluated with the development in place.
If the proposed redevelopment has a lower or equal impervious cover, no modifications to the existing storm drain are required.
If the hydraulic gradient of the existing storm drain is below the top of curb, no improvements to the existing storm drain are required.
If the hydraulic gradient is above the top of curb, and no structures are threatened, the applicant must check with the City to see if a Capital Improvement Project is proposed that will require a capital contribution. If no Capital Improvement Project is in place for the subject system and no structural flooding is threatened by the project then no improvements to the existing storm drain are required.
If the hydraulic gradient indicates that structures are threatened by flooding, the applicant has the option of either making improvements to the existing storm drain or providing on-site detention.
City Projects (Capital Improvement Programs).
Proposed City capital improvements may indicate a larger diameter storm sewer is planned in the area proposed for drainage improvements. The Department of Planning shall be consulted with on impact of new development.
Private Drainage Systems.
Storm sewers for private drainage systems shall conform to the City of Bellville Building Code.
Velocity Considerations
Minimum velocities should not be less than three (3) feet per second with the pipe flowing full, under the design conditions.
Maximum velocities should not exceed eight (8) feet per second without use of energy dissipation downstream.
Maximum velocities should not exceed twelve (12) feet per second.
In extreme conditions where the maximum velocity must be exceeded, prior approval must be obtained from the City Engineer or representative.
Pipe Sizes and Placement
Minimum Pipe Size
Minimum Box Size*
15 inches inside or equivalent cross-section
2 feet x 2 feet
*Closed conduits (circular, elliptical, or box) shall be selected based on hydraulic principal and economy of size and shape.
Larger pipes upstream should not flow into smaller pipes downstream unless construction constraints prohibit the use of a larger pipe downstream, or the improvements are outfalling into an existing system, or the upstream system is intended for use in detention.
Match crowns of pipe at any size change unless severe depth constraints prohibit.
Locate storm sewers in public street right-of-way or in approved easements. Back lot easements are discouraged.
Follow the alignment of the right-of-way or easement when designing cast in place concrete storm sewers.
A straight line shall be used for inlet leads and storm sewers.
Center culverts in side lot storm sewer easements.
Pipe soffits at changes in pipe sizes should be set at the same elevations.
Vertical curves in the conduit will not be permitted, and horizontal curves will be permitted only with the approval of the City Engineer or representative. No reverse curves will be allowed.
Starting Water Surface and Hydraulic Gradient
The hydraulic gradient shall be calculated assuming the top of the outfall pipe as the starting water surface.
At drops in pipe invert, should the upstream pipe be higher than the hydraulic grade line, then the hydraulic grade line shall be recalculated assuming the starting water surface to be at the top of pipe at that point.
For the Design Storm, the hydraulic gradient shall at all times be below the gutter line, at least one foot (1') below gutter line, for all newly developed areas.
Manhole Locations
Use manholes at the following locations:
Size or cross-section changes.
Inlet lead and conduit intersections.
Changes in pipe grade.
Required at bends greater than thirty degrees (30°) and pipe junctions greater than forty-five degrees (45°).
Street intersections.
A maximum spacing of six hundred feet (600') measured along the conduit run.
Use manholes for existing monolithic-concrete storm sewers at the same locations as above except for intersections of inlet leads unless a manhole is needed to provide maintenance access at those intersections.
Do not place manholes in driveways or in the street in front of or immediately adjacent to a driveway.
Where inlets serve as a manhole or junction box, the width of a new standard inlet at a minimum, shall be equal to the outside diameter of the largest pipe plus eight inches (8").
Locate inlets at low points in the gutter.
Valley gutters across intersections are not permitted.
Inlet spacing is a function of gutter slope and should be designed to conform with this section. The following shall be used:
Residential Development: Maximum spacing of inlets shall result from a gutter run of seven hundred feet (700') from high point in pavement to the adjacent inlet on a continuously graded street section, with a maximum of fourteen hundred feet (1,400') of pavement draining towards any one (1) inlet location.
Commercial Development: Maximum spacing of inlets shall result from a gutter run of four hundred feet (400') from high point in pavement to the adjacent inlet on a continuously graded street section with a maximum of six hundred feet (600') of pavement draining toward any one (1) inlet location.
Recessed inlets will be required on arterial and collector streets.
The minimum curb inlet size shall be five feet (5'). Maximum length of inlet at any one curb location shall be twenty feet (20') on each side of the street. Curb inlets are not allowed in intersection or curb returns.
Do not use beehive grate inlets or other specialty inlets.
Do not use grate top inlets in unlined roadside ditch.
Do not place inlets in the circular portion of cul-de-sac streets unless justification based on special conditions can be provided.
Place inlets at the end of proposed pavement, if drainage will enter or leave pavement.
Do not locate inlets adjacent to esplanade openings.
Place inlets on side streets intersecting major streets, unless justification based on special conditions can be provided.
For all new construction, convey public or private alleyway drainage to an inlet prior to entering the public street drainage system.
Overland Flow
Design Frequency:
Design frequency for consideration of overland flow shall consider extreme storm events which exceed the capacity of the underground storm sewer system resulting in ponding and overland sheet flow through the development to the primary outlet.
Relationship of Structures to Street:
All structures shall be a minimum of one foot (1') higher than the highest level of ponding anticipated resulting from the extreme event analysis.
Calculation of Flow
Streets shall be designed so that consecutive high points in the street will provide for a gravity flow of drainage to the ultimate outlet.
Cross flow along street intersections of arterial and collector streets is prohibited unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer or representative.
Maximum spread of water to be allowed in local streets at five (5) year design flow shall allow for one (1) clear lane of traffic (twelve feet (12') wide).
Maximum spread of water in collector streets at ten (10) year design flow shall allow for one (1) clear lane of traffic each way (twelve feet (12') wide).
Maximum spread of water in arterial streets at ten (10) year design flow shall allow for two (2) clear lanes of traffic (twenty-four feet (24') wide).
Inverted crown sections are permitted only in alleys.
Street flow between lots can be provided only through a defined drainage easement.
A map shall be provided to delineate extreme event flow direction through a proposed development and how this flow is discharged to the primary drainage outlet.
In areas where ponding occurs and no sheet flow path exists, then a calculation shall be provided showing that runoff from the 100-year event can be conveyed and remain in compliance with the other requirements of this paragraph.
Design of Open Channels
Design Frequency
Open channels shall be designed according to methods described in the Fort Bend County Drainage Criteria Manual.
Design standards for channel construction shall follow the requirements specified in the Fort Bend County Drainage Criteria Manual.
Design standards for outfalls into channels shall conform to those in the Fort Bend County Drainage Criteria Manual.
A copy of the Fort Bend County Drainage Criteria Manual for open channels is available online.
Determination of Water Surface Elevation
Water surface elevations shall be calculated using Manning’s Equation and the Continuity equation.
For the design storm event, the water surface shall be calculated to remain within banks.
In the absence of detailed calculation by Manning’s Formula for the specific street section, the average velocities in the following table may be used upon approval by the City Engineer or representative.
% Slope of Gutter
Assumed Velocity
Design of Culverts
Head loss in culverts shall conform to TxDOT Hydraulics Manual, Chapter 4, Culverts.
Railroad crossings shall be approved by the respected [respective] Railway Company.
Design of Roadside Ditches
Design Frequency
Roadside ditch design is permissible only for single-family residential lots or for commercial areas equal to or larger than one-half (0.5) acres.
The design storm event for the roadside ditches or side ditches shall conform to the table in this section.
Design capacity for a roadside ditch shall be to one-half foot (0.5') below the edge of pavement or the natural ground at the right-of-way line, whichever is lower.
The design must include an extreme event analysis to indicate that structures will not be flooded.
Velocity Considerations
For grass-lined sections, the maximum design velocity shall be 3.0 feet per second during the design event.
A grass-lined or unimproved roadside ditch shall have side slopes no steeper than three horizontal to one vertical (3:1), or as soil conditions will permit.
Minimum grades for roadside ditches shall be -0.33 feet per one hundred feet (100').
Calculation of velocity will use a Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) of 0.045 for earthen section and 0.025 for ditches with paved inverts.
Use erosion control methods acceptable to the City when design velocities are expected to be greater than three (3) feet per second.
Culverts will be placed at all driveway and roadway crossings, and other locations where appropriate.
Culverts will be designed assuming inlet control.
Roadside culverts are to be sized based on drainage area. However, the minimum culvert sizes shall be fifteen inches (15") (residential) and eighteen inches (18") (commercial). When requested, calculations shall be provided for review.
Cross open channels with roadside culverts no smaller than eighteen inches (18") inside diameter or equivalent. The size of culvert used shall not create a head loss of more than 0.20 feet greater than the normal water surface profile without the culvert.
Stormwater discharging from a ditch into a storm sewer system must be received by use of an appropriate structure.
Culverts shall be of approved class of reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) or equivalent.
Safety standards for ends to driveway culverts adopted by TxDOT, as amended, are hereby adopted by reference to the following extent.
Culverts of fifteen inches (15") in diameter or larger shall have six (6) to one (1) safety end sections. The ground around the end section shall have a grade of six (6) to one (1).
Culverts thirty-six inches (36") and larger in diameter may have four (4) to one (1) safety end sections when approved by the City Engineer or representative.
Pipe runners shall be required in accordance with TxDOT standards.
Invert Protection
Ditch invert protection shall be used when velocities exceed three (3) feet per second.
Ditch invert protection will be used at the upstream and downstream ends of all culverts.
Depth and Size Limitations
Maximum depth shall not exceed four feet (4') from adjacent edge of pavement.
Ditches in adjoining and parallel easements shall have top of bank not less than two feet (2') from the outside easement line.
Design of Outfalls.
Outfall design shall conform to Fort Bend County Drainage Criteria Manual standards.
Stormwater Detention
The intention of stormwater detention is to mitigate the effect of the new development on an existing drainage system. Unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer, the project engineer shall provide calculations using acceptable design criteria to show that the impact can be mitigated using detention criteria from the requirement list in this section.
Application of Detention
The use of on-site detention is required when reported incidence of structural flooding exists, or when infill or redevelopment will result in a potential threat to existing structures unless the current infrastructure is improved, or the City has developed a plan for a detention facility to serve the overall area.
If the City of Bellville’s criteria or certain provisions within the criteria are stricter than Austin County’s criteria, the City of Bellville’s criteria shall prevail.
If redevelopment occurs without increasing the overall impervious character of the site, detention may not be required upon approval by the City Engineer or representative.
If the proposed development has less or equal impervious land cover than that used in the design of the storm sewer system as shown on the drainage area map in the roadway construction plans or other hydraulic computations, detention may not be required upon approval by the City Engineer or representative.
If the hydraulic grade line from the current design storm of the receiving storm sewer system remains below the elevation of the gutter throughout the system with the proposed development, detention may not be required upon approval by the City Engineer or representative.
Calculation of Detention Volume
Detention volume for redevelopment areas is calculated on the basis of the amount of area of increased impervious cover.
Areas Less Than Three (3) Acres:
Detention will be required at the rate of 0.20 acre-feet per acre of increased impervious land cover.
Areas Greater Than Three (3) Acres But Less Than Ten (10) Acres:
Detention will be required at the rate of 0.45 acre-feet per acre of increased impervious land cover.
For areas greater than ten (10) acres, the SCS Unit Hydrograph Method and the Modified Puls Routing Method shall be used to determine the size of the detention pond.
Private parking areas, private streets, and private storm sewers may be used for detention provided the maximum depth of flooding does not exceed nine inches (9") directly over the inlet and paved parking areas are clearly marked.
Private transport truck only parking may be used for detention provided the maximum depth of flooding does not exceed fifteen inches (15") directly above the inlet and, unless otherwise, signage is provided stating that the area is subject to flooding during small rain events.
Calculation of Outlet Size
Detention pond discharge pipe into an existing storm sewer line or existing City of Bellville ditch:
All detention facilities shall be analyzed for the five (5), ten (10), twenty-five (25), and one hundred (100) year storm events. Analysis for smaller events is required if the downstream channel has less than a five (5) year capacity.
The maximum allowable release rate from a detention facility is equal to the pre-development discharge rate for each storm event based on existing conditions, unless there are specific conditions that warrant approval of a variance by the City of Bellville.
Reducer or restrictor pipes shall be sized as follows:
Use the following equations to calculate the required outflow orifice:
Q = CA 2g h
D = Q1/2(2.25h1/4)
Q = Outflow discharge (cfs)
C = 0.8
A = Orifice area (square feet)
g = Gravitational factor (32.2)
h = Head, water surface differential (feet)
D = Orifice diameter (feet)
Restrictor shall be either of the required diameter or of the equivalent cross-sectional area.
Ownership and Easements
Private Facilities
Pump discharges into a roadside ditch requires the submittal of pump specifications on the design drawings.
The City reserves the right to prohibit the use of pump discharges where their use may aggravate flooding in the public right-of-way.
Responsibility for maintenance of the detention facility must be indicated by letter submitted to the City as part of the design review.
All private properties being served shall have drainage access to the pond. Dedicated easements may be required.
No public properties drain into the detention area.
A private maintenance agreement is provided when multiple tracts are being served.
Public Facilities
Facilities will only be accepted for maintenance by the City in cases where public drainage is being provided.
The City requires a maintenance work area of twenty-foot (20') width surrounding the extent of the detention area. Public rights-of-way or permanent access easements may be included as a portion of this twenty-foot (20') width surrounding the extent of the detention area. Public rights- of-way or permanent access easement may be included as a portion of this twenty-foot (20') width.
A dedication of easement shall be provided by plat or by separate instrument.
Proper dedication of public access to the detention pond must be shown on the plat or by separate instrument. This includes permanent access easements with overlapping public utility easements.
Drainage System Criteria.
If an underground drainage system is required, and a sixty-inch (60") or smaller pipe will handle the design flow, pipe shall be used. If a sixty-inch (60") pipe is not adequate, concrete pipe or natural and/or a lined open drainage channel is an option. If pipe is selected, the maximum allowable velocity shall be twelve (12) fps in the pipe. Lining materials, if used, shall be approved by the City.
Habitable Structures.
Adequate means for stormwater runoff in excess of the street’s “design storm” capacity (i.e., five-, ten-year (5, 10 yr.) storm) shall be provided to flow around habitable structures. Whichever one of the following methods provides the greatest finished floor foundation shall be used:
If adjacent topography rises away from the street, a grading/drainage plan shall be provided which shows that all building sites can provide a finished floor elevation:
At least one foot (1') above the top of the curb using the highest point along the portion of such curb fronting the building site; or
At least one foot (1') above the top of ditch elevation using the highest point along the portion of such ditch fronting the building site.
If adjacent topography falls away from the street, a grading/drainage plan shall be provided which shows that all building sites can provide a finished floor elevation at least one foot (1') above the ground elevation along all sides of the building site.
The building foundation guidelines for surface drainage set forth in the International Building Code, as amended.
All streets shall be designed and constructed to minimize any fill required to bring building pads into compliance with this document.
Alternate methods of building protection of those above may be accepted by the City upon submittal of detailed, engineered plans.
Easements and Right-of-Way
In addition to any other provisions of this Code relating to easements of public improvements. The following requirements for easements for public drainage improvements, channels and facilities required for any development by this section shall apply.
General Provisions
All public drainage systems and facilities, which are not to be included within an existing or proposed public street right-of-way, shall be located within an existing or proposed public street right-of-way [sic], shall be located within easements to be dedicated to the City, and shall have adequate access to a public street. Prior to acceptance of any public drainage facilities, all easements within which the facilities are located shall be cleared of all buildings, structures, fences or other obstacles that would interfere with access to the easements. Restrictions of easements shall be described on the final plat or plan using City guidelines.
Drainage easements through residential lots shall be placed entirely on one (1) lot. No split lot easements are allowed unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer or representative.
No structures, eaves and overhangs, fences, storage sheds, decks, pools, landscaping or other above-ground man-made improvements shall be permitted in drainage easements. This provision includes, but is not limited to, areas encompassing floodplain, channels, flumes, natural creeks or swales, and any other condition that relies on a drainage easement to convey stormwater through surface flow.
Major creeks, streams or other natural drainageways shall generally remain in an open natural condition free of artificial impoundments. Minor creeks or branches may be channelized provided such improvements are designed and constructed in conformity with the city’s approved plans and specifications.
Where artificial channels are to be provided, an easement of sufficient area to encompass a channel designed in accordance with the city’s approved standards and specifications must be dedicated in favor of the public. Such easement must include a sufficient area for access and maintenance running parallel and adjacent to each side of the channel.
When a new subdivision is traversed by or adjacent to any creek, stream or other natural drainageway, stormwater drainage easements following the general course of the stream shall be dedicated in favor of the public. At a minimum, such easement shall include the area between the high banks of the channel together with the parallel and adjacent areas extending twenty feet (20') on either side of the channel.
Lateral easements of at least fifteen feet (15') in width must provide access to all drainage easements from adjacent streets for maintenance purposes. Such easements must be provided at intervals of not greater than fifteen hundred feet (1,500').
Where a proposed artificial drainage system will carry water across private lands outside of the subdivision, appropriate drainage easements must be secured by the persons responsible for the new development.
Above-Ground Systems.
Where an access road is required adjacent to a channel, an additional easement area of a minimum width of fifteen feet (15') shall be provided. The maximum cross slope shall be five percent (5%).
Closed Systems
Storm sewers within easements shall be placed no closer than seven and one-half feet (7.5') measured from the outside edge of the pipe to the edge of an easement, except when adjoining another easement or public right-of-way. The total width of an easement shall be equal to the maximum depth of the line plus twice the outside diameter of the storm sewer. The storm sewer shall be placed in the center of the easement. When the storm sewer adjoins a public right-of-way, the easement may be reduced and the storm sewer may be aligned closer to the right-of-way line with specific approval of the City. In all cases, the minimum width of a storm sewer easement shall be fifteen feet (15') with the sewer located in the center of the easement.
Utilities such as water and sanitary sewer lines may share a portion of a drainage easement, containing an underground enclosed drainage system where an additional easement width for a minimum of ten (10) feet may be required to create a public drainage and utility easement. No utilities shall be located in any lined channel, pipe, or box in such a way as to interfere with flow capacity or maintenance of or access to the channel, pipe or box.
A drainage easement shall be provided for the area within a required outfall channel or ditch to the point where the flow line “day lights” on natural grade, or matches existing topography.
To provide for maintenance, a drainage easement shall be provided at least fifteen feet (15') beyond any outfall headwall.
Responsibility for Maintenance of Detention Facilities
Detention facilities shall remain the responsibility of property owners within the subdivision.
Covenants, filed of record and running with the land shall make provision for a maintenance entity authorized to assess the costs of detention facility repair and maintenance to lot owners within the subdivision. Such covenants shall provide for a lien against the subdivision lots to secure payment of the assessed costs. In addition, such covenants shall authorize, but not obligate, the city to exercise such maintenance and assessment power in place of the maintenance entity and to secure the assessed costs with a lien against the subdivision lots.
Preliminary Submittals -
Submittal, for review and comment, of one (1) line drawing is recommend and may be required as part of the platting process. One (1) line drawing should include:
Approximate definition of lots and street patterns.
The approximate drainage areas for each system.
A definition of the proposed drainage system by single line.
Any proposed drainage easements.
The proposed pipe diameters.
Floodplain information, including floodplain boundary, in [if] any; FEMA map number, effective map date and zone.
Final Design -
Submit the following for approval:
Copies of any documents which show approval of exceptions to the City design criteria.
Design calculations for storm line sizes and grades, and for detention facilities, if any.
Design calculations for the hydraulic grade line of each line or ditch, and for detention facilities, if any.
Contour map and drainage area map of the project.
Plan and profile sheets showing stormwater design (public facilities only).
Projects located within a floodplain boundary or within a floodplain management area shall:
Show the floodplain boundary or floodplain area, as appropriate, on the one (1) line drawing or drainage area map.
Comply with all applicable submittal requirements contained herein.
Signature Stage -
Submit the following for approval:
Review prints.
Original drawings
Stormwater detention maintenance agreement letters.
Include drainage area map and supporting calculations of drawings.
Qualms Assurance.
Prepare calculations and design drawings under the supervision of a Texas Professional Engineer trained and licensed under the discipline required by the project scope. The final design drawings and all design calculations must be sealed, signed, and dated by the Professional Engineer responsible for the development of the drawings.
Design Analysis
Projects shall be tied to National Geodetic Survey (NGS) datum adjustment which matches the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) rate maps or the most current NGS datum which matches the FEMA rate maps. In the event GPS surveying is used to establish benchmarks, at least two (2) references to benchmarks relating to the FEMA rate maps shall be identified. Equations may be used to translate other datum adjustments to the required adjustment.
Drawing sets shall include a drainage area map, which will contain calculations of flow by the rational method.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10)
All natural gas system work shall be in strict compliance with D.O.T. Title 49, Part 192, Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards and the Texas Railroad Commission Gas Utilities Division minimum pipeline safety standards. All persons performing work on the natural gas system shall be appropriately qualified under these regulations.
The following minimum standards apply to natural gas system extensions within the City of Bellville.
Minimum Diameter -
Two inches (2").
Depth -
Three feet (3') of cover below final grade.
Material -
Type: Polyethylene conforming to the requirements of the ASTM D-2513 (current edition) specification “Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings.” Standard Dimension Ratio: SDR-11, minimum.
Pressure Test -
Mains (and services, if connected): Ninety (90) pounds per square inch for one (1) hour minimum. The pressure test shall be conducted with a gauge with a recording chart. A record of the successful test must be delivered to the City for its files.
Trace Wire -
Twelve (12) gauge thermoplastic insulated solid, direct burial conductive copper wire securely bonded together at all joints and pipe intersections and accessible at all valve boxes and services. Wire connectors to be 3M DBR or approved equal and shall be watertight and provide electrical continuity.
Heat Fusion Joints -
All persons making heat fusion joints must be currently certified to make such joint. A copy of the certificate(s) must be furnished to the City.
Locations -
Must conform to the City’s Sectionalizing Valve Plan.
Material -
Polyethylene valve stub ends must be compatible with the pipe specified above including the Standard Dimension Ratios (SDR).
Type -
Rockwell Polyvalve Ball Valves.
Material -
Polyethylene conforming to the requirements of ASTM D-2683 specification “Socket-Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Pipe” or ASTM D-3261, “Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing.”
Standard Dimension Ratio -
Eleven (11).
Tapping Tee -
Polyethylene with one inch (1") cutter.
Fitting and Pipe Material -
Polyethylene conforming to specifications for mains above.
Size -
One inch (1") diameter.
Pressure Test -
Unless tested with mains, services must be tested to ninety (90) pounds per square inch gauge for ten (10) minutes.
Trace Wire -
Twelve (12) gauge thermoplastic insulated solid, direct burial conductive copper wire securely bonded to trace wire on main. Wire connectors to be 3M DBR or approved equal and shall be watertight and provide electrical continuity.
Marking -
“Record Drawing” plans required to show location of services. End of services not connected to an existing structure shall be marked with four-foot (4') long (two-foot (2') buried) two-inch (2") diameter Schedule 40 PVC painted yellow.
Under Asphalt Streets -
One and one-half (1.5) sack per cubic yard cement stabilized sand.
Other Locations -
Sandy soil must be water jetted; other soil may be compacted with mechanical compactors.
All testing shall be in accordance with D.O.T. Title 49, Part 192, Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards.
If services are installed at the same time as the main, the services and main may be tested at the same time. If the services are installed after the main is in service, each service shall be tested. Each service shall be pressurized to ninety (90) psig for twenty (20) minutes. During that period, the service shall be leak-free. If leaks are found, appropriate repairs shall be made.
(Ordinance 1419, exhibit 9A, adopted 8/24/10)