There shall be charged for water service rates as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
(1994 Code, sec. 11.801)
There shall be a charge for sewer service for each month in accordance with rates established below; however, it is impractical to measure the amount of sewer capacity actually used. The minimum rates shall be presumed to be established on an estimated amount of treatment required by nature of the materials being placed into the sewer and inclusive of any special charges for lift station maintenance and a pro-rata share of any power purchased to serve the customer’s lift station. The amount of sewage used in calculating rates in excess of the minimum shall be on an estimate based on the amount of water used during the months of December, January, and February, said months establishing the customer’s average winter water usage. If the usage in one (1) of the three (3) months exceeds the other two (2) by more than ten percent (10%) due to error or leakage, that month shall be computed to be ten percent (10%) more than the next highest of those three (3) months. If all three (3) months reflect an unusually high usage of water, then the estimate of usage shall be made on a twelve (12) month period. If any month is clearly an aberration, that month shall be dropped and the average determined by dividing the sum of the usage by the remaining number of months actually used in the calculation. Each year the city administrator shall make a good faith estimate of the sewage capacity used by the entity as well as any cost associated with the processing and any special materials placed in the sewer by the user and shall adjust the minimum charge to reflect the changes. In addition, the city administrator shall yearly establish the current fiscal year average of winter water usage and shall adjust the customer’s sewer fees accordingly. Such adjusted charges shall remain in effect until a new estimate is made or action by the city council is taken. Any ratepayer may appeal this adjustment to the city council, which retains final authority in the matter.
If the commercial user shall incur water usage in excess of ten thousand (10,000) gallons of water during the billing period in which the rates are established, such user shall also be presumed to be using additional sewer capacity and shall pay an additional charge as listed below for each one thousand (1,000) gallons of water used.
Rates inside the city limits shall be as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
Rates outside city limits shall be as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
Any use of sewer service by any person or entity in a manner not specifically enumerated herein shall be charged a rate based on the rate of the enumerated business which most closely approximates, in the opinion of the city administrator, the sewer usage and treatment requirements of the unlisted business or usage.
Two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per customer per month shall be placed in a separate fund to cover sewer plant capital expenditures.
(1994 Code, sec. 11.802)
All accounts shall be payable at the city hall by the tenth (10th) day of each month. The city administrator shall prepare statements for all utility services on the twenty-first (21st) day of each month. The city administrator shall disconnect any or all utility service, at the convenience of the city, to any connection on which the statement shall not have been paid on or before the twentieth (20th) day of the month following the date of the statement. After service has been disconnected, it shall be unlawful for any person or property owner to reconnect said service without a permit from the city administrator. The city administrator shall charge a fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code for issuing a permit to restore service, provided that no permit to restore service shall be issued unless such reconnection fee is paid for the connection of utility service. It is understood that the customer is to pay a reconnection fee, regardless of the number of city utility services he has.
Prior to disconnecting any or all utility service as provided for in subsection (a), notice of the intended disconnection, the reason therefor and a reasonable time limit to rectify the situation shall be provided to the customer.
(1994 Code, sec. 11.803)
The city administrator is directed to include in the monthly utility bill the charges for water and sewer service each and every month.
(1994 Code, sec. 11.804)