For the purpose of this division, certain terms, phrases, words, and their derivatives shall be construed as set out in this section. Where terms, phrases, and words are not defined, they shall have their ordinary acceptable meanings within the context with which they are used. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged, copyright 1986, shall be considered as providing ordinarily accepted meanings.
Approved by the National Fire Protection Association, Underwriters’ Laboratories Inc., or a nationally recognized testing agency acceptable to the building official.
Authorized person.
Any individual, firm, partnership, or corporation registered under the provisions of this division to do work as permitted under the specific provisions of this division.
The town board of adjustment.
Board of adjustment.
The town board of adjustment, as defined in the zoning ordinance of the town.
Building official.
The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of this code, or a duly authorized representative.
A wire or cable suitable for carrying electric current or potential.
Electrical construction.
All work and materials used in installing, maintaining or extending a system of electrical wiring and all appurtenances, apparatus or equipment used in connection with them, inside or outside of or attached to any building, structure, lot, or premises.
Electrical contractor.
Any person engaged in the business of installing or altering, by contract, electrical conductors or equipment.
Electrical inspector.
Any individual who has been qualified and employed by the town as an electrical inspector.
Any person who is engaged in the trade or business of electrical construction and who is qualified under the terms and provisions of this division.
Any person who homesteads and resides in his own property.
Journeyman electrician.
Any individual who possesses the necessary qualifications, training, and technical knowledge to install, maintain, and extend electrical conductors and equipment and is capable of doing the work in accordance with plans and specifications furnished him and in compliance with applicable laws.
Master electrician.
Any individual who possesses the necessary qualifications, training, and technical knowledge to plan, lay out and supervise the installation, maintenance, and extension of electrical conductors and equipment.
National Electrical Code.
The electrical code published by the National Fire Protection Association.
An individual, firm, corporation, partnership and any other legal or business entity.
When used with the words “electrical contractor,” “electrician,” or the like, means that the person has made application to the building official and has provided proof that he is qualified to do the work stated in the application, that he has paid the necessary registration fees to date and been issued a certificate of registration, and that his name is carried in the records of the chief electrical inspector as a person authorized to do electrical work for which he is registered.
Having the character of a detached one-family and two-family dwelling or a multiple single-family dwelling that is not more than three stories high with separate means of egress, including the accessory structures of the dwelling, and that does not have the character of a facility used for the accommodation of transient guests, or structure in which medical, rehabilitative, or assisted living services are provided in connection with the occupancy of the structure.
Residential electrician.
Any individual who possesses the necessary qualifications to construct, repair, install, or maintain specific electrical conductors and equipment under the specific classification of electrical work for which the residential electrician is qualified.
Special approval.
Written consent of the building official.
Temporary electrical installation.
Installation of electrical work that is intended to be in place for a period of time not in excess of 90 days.
The territory within the corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the town, the municipal corporation which is the town, and its agents and officers.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(C)), adopted 5/23/07)
The provisions of this division apply to all installations of and work done on electrical conductors, fittings, devices, motors, appliances, fixtures and apparatus, and electrical equipment, under, within or on public and private buildings and premises.
The installation is used by an electrical supply, electric railway, or communication agency in generation, transmission, or distribution of electricity or for the operation of a street railway or signals for the transmission of intelligence when located within or on buildings or premises used exclusively by the agency when it is operating under a franchise agreement with the town.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(d)), adopted 5/23/07)
This division does not relieve from or lessen the responsibility or liability of any party owning, operating, constructing, or installing any electrical equipment for damages to persons or property caused by any defect in them. The town is not liable by reason of the inspection or reinspection of any equipment.
Liability of enforcement officers.
The building official, or his authorized representative charged with the enforcement of this division, acting in good faith and without malice in the discharge of his duties, is not personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act or by reason of any act or omission in the discharge of his duties. Any suit brought against the building official or employee because of such act or omission performed by him in the enforcement of any provision of this division may be defended by the town until final disposition of the proceedings, and any judgment resulting may be assumed by the town.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(e)), adopted 5/23/07)
No person shall install electrical conductors or equipment or alter or repair existing installations in a manner which does not conform to the requirements of this division.
The owner of the premises and his agent shall maintain electrical equipment in a safe condition.
No person shall perform electrical work without permits and registration as required by this division.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(f)), adopted 5/23/07)
It is unlawful for any owner, contractor, or worker other than an authorized electrician to, in any manner, make any physical alteration to any electrical wiring being installed in or on any building. If, in the course of construction of a building, the wiring is in such a position as to interfere with the building’s erection or completion, the owner or the general contractor shall immediately give notice to the person installing the wiring, or to the electrical contractor, who shall make the needed changes.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(g)), adopted 5/23/07)
Any electrical supply agency, operating under a franchise granted by the town, has the right to install, connect, disconnect and remove its meters and protective devices without a permit, but it shall not connect any electrical equipment to a source of supply without first having been authorized to do so by the building official.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(h)), adopted 5/23/07)
Authority of electrical inspectors.
The electrical inspector or inspectors may, during reasonable hours, enter any building or premises in the discharge of their official duties, and make inspections, reinspections and tests of the electrical equipment or installation contained in it. When the inspector finds electrical equipment that may be dangerous to persons or property he shall notify the person owning the electrical equipment by written report or certified mail directing him to make any changes or repairs within a reasonable time which will make the equipment safe. If the work is not completed within the period specified by the inspector in the notice, the inspector may disconnect or order the disconnection of electric service to the dangerous electrical equipment.
In case of emergency or when necessary for the safety of persons or property, the electrical inspector with the approval of the building official may cause the disconnection of any electrical equipment without notice.
Service of notice.
When an electrical inspector needs to issue an order or notice to a person who cannot be found after a reasonable search, then he may serve it by posting it in a conspicuous place upon the premises occupied by the person or upon the premises where the defect exists. The method of posting the notice is equivalent to personal service of the order or notice. An order or notice sent by mail in a sealed envelope with postage prepaid and directed to the address of the electrical contractor, owner, lessee or occupant of the premises is equivalent to personal service of the order or notice. Electrical inspectors may attach to electrical cabinets and equipment an official notice or seal to prevent use of electricity. It is unlawful for any other person to place or attach a seal or to break, change, destroy, tear, mutilate, cover, remove, or otherwise deface or injure an official notice or seal posted by an electrical inspector.
Special rulings.
The building official may, by special ruling, regulate electrical construction not covered by this division and all wiring for similar types of electrical construction in the future, with approval by the board. The building official shall file a copy of the ruling in his office and send copies to each electrical contractor registered by the town.
Special approvals.
The building official may approve alternate methods and/or materials to those specified in the regulations of the National Electrical Code where such special approval is reasonable and does not differ from the intent of this division. The building official shall file a copy of each special approval in his office.
Approved equipment.
It is unlawful for any person to use or install any electrical equipment in the town that is not approved.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(i)), adopted 5/23/07)
In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the building official relative to the application and interpretation of this code, the board of adjustment and procedures as described in the town zoning ordinance (chapter 14, exhibit A) shall apply. The board of adjustment shall have no authority to waive requirements of this code. If, in the building official’s opinion, a building or structure is unsafe or dangerous, the building official may limit the time for an appeal of his decision.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(j)), adopted 5/23/07)
Permit required.
It shall be unlawful for any person to begin or proceed with the installation of or to cause to be installed electrical conductors or equipment within or on any building, structure or premises (publicly or privately owned) or to make or to cause to be made alterations in or additions to electrical conductors or equipment until an electrical permit has been obtained as provided in this division.
The work is limited to the replacement of lamps or fuses or the connection of portable electrical equipment to permanently installed receptacles.
The work is limited to installation of electrical conductors or equipment for or by a public utility in the generation, transmission, sale or use of electrical energy or in the transmission of intelligence as outlined in its franchise with the town.
The work is involved in the manufacturing, repair or testing of electrical equipment or apparatus in the course of manufacture.
Use of permits.
It shall be unlawful for any person to install, alter or repair any electrical conductors or equipment by authority of a permit issued to and for the use of some other person. It is unlawful for any person to secure or furnish a permit for installation, alteration or repair of electrical conductors or equipment for or to any person not entitled to a permit under the provisions of this division. Each permit applies only to a specific installation, alteration, addition or replacement of electrical conductors or equipment to be done within a specific single building, structure, or premises. A permit may be issued for each installation and alteration of electrical conductors or equivalent [equipment], when application for the permit has been made in compliance with the requirements of this division, if the applicant meets the requirements in subsection (e) of this section and has paid the applicable fee.
Each permit issued by the building inspection department under the provisions of this division expires and becomes null and void if the building or work authorized by the permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of the permit or if the building or work authorized by the permit is suspended, abandoned, or lacks electrical inspections as required by this code for a period of 180 days or more at any time after the work is commenced. Before the work can be recommenced, the owner of the premises or a contractor shall first obtain a new permit and pay a fee for it equal to one-half the amount required for a new permit for the work if the suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year.
Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the time within which he may commence work under that permit when he is unable to commence work within the time required by this division for good and satisfactory reasons. The electrical inspector may extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented action from being taken. No permit shall be extended more than once.
If the permit has expired, the owner of the premises or a contractor shall obtain a new permit at the regular fee before beginning or continuing work on the project.
Correct information required.
Electrical contractors or their authorized representatives or other applicants shall give correct addresses upon all applications for permits and inspections.
The applicant for a permit shall swear or affirm that the statements contained in the application are true and correct. Any misrepresentation or false statement on an application is sufficient reason for the building official to revoke the applicant’s certificate of registration and cancel the permit issued. The work indicated on the application shall be performed only under the supervision of the applicant.
The building official may revoke any permit obtained by fraud or misrepresentation or in any way contrary to the requirements of this division, or for any other just cause.
Persons qualified to obtain permits.
Permits will be issued only to contractors who are registered with the town as provided in this division. A homeowner may obtain a permit to do work in or on his home.
Homeowner’s permit.
It is unlawful for a homeowner to personally install electrical conductors or equipment within his own home, or on his own premises, unless the property is homesteaded by the owner, without having first applied for and secured a homeowner’s permit, and paid the required fee. It is unlawful for a homeowner to do electrical work that is not in compliance with this division. A homeowner wishing to do electrical work in his own home shall apply for an inspection and a certificate of approval.
Fee schedule.
Permit fees shall be paid as required in accordance with the schedule as established by the town council.
Payment of fees.
The owner or electrical contractor shall pay electrical permit and registration fees in compliance with the requirements of the financial services department of the town. Failure to pay a fee forfeits the rights of the owner or contractor to obtain other permits and registrations or otherwise engage in the installation, repair and maintenance of electrical conductors or equipment until he pays all fees he owes the town.
Permits for temporary electrical installations.
It is unlawful for any person to cause, suffer, allow or permit a temporary electrical installation without first having obtained a temporary permit for it. Each applicant for a temporary permit shall state on his application the period of time the service is required and shall remove the installation at the end of that period of time, or apply in writing and receive an extension of time for the electrical installation from the building official.
All wiring used in conjunction with temporary electrical installations shall be maintained during the period of operation by a registered electrical contractor and be reasonably safe to persons and property. The electrical inspector shall satisfy himself or herself that the work is done in a manner to render it safe from fire and electrical hazards.
Inspection required.
It is unlawful for any person to perform work on electrical systems and equipment for which a permit is required by this division without having the work inspected by the electrical inspector. No person shall conceal any portion of any electrical system until it has been inspected and approved. Any person who conceals electrical work before it has been inspected shall remove and later replace material required to allow inspection at his own expense. When the installation of an electrical system and equipment is complete, the contractor shall request an additional and final inspection. No person shall connect an electrical system or equipment regulated by this division to an energy source until authorized by the electrical inspector.
The person doing the work authorized by a permit shall notify the electrical inspector that the work is ready for inspection. The request may be in writing or by telephone at the option of the electrical inspector.
The person requesting inspections required by this division shall provide access to and means for proper inspection of the work.
Opening of covered work.
The electrical inspector may demand that building contractors remove any obstacle that in any manner conceals electrical wiring. The inspector will not approve the work until he is satisfied that it is in compliance with the provisions of this division. The inspector may refuse to approve any wiring that is concealed in such a manner that he cannot fully satisfy himself or herself that it has been done in compliance with this division.
Notice of conformance.
The issuance of a notice of conformance is not a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any applicable law. No notice of conformance giving authority to violate or amend any applicable law is valid unless it is issued pursuant to a variance granted by the board of adjustment or the town council or to a special ruling or special approval granted by the building official.
The issuance of a notice of conformance does not prevent the electrical inspector from requiring the correction of errors in said installation or from preventing building operations from being carried on in violation of any applicable law.
Connection to electrical supply.
It is unlawful for any person to make a connection to a supply of electricity for any electrical equipment for which a permit is required, or which has been disconnected by the order of the electrical inspector, without first obtaining a notice of approval issued by the electrical inspector authorizing the connection and use of the equipment.
Temporary connection in order to clean and show property.
A commercial building owner, or his authorized agent, who wishes to obtain electricity temporarily in order to clean and show property shall apply to the department of inspections, pay the applicable fee, provide access for inspection, and receive approval from the electrical inspector.
Certificate of approval.
When the electrical inspector completes a final inspection of an electrical installation and finds that it conforms with the provisions of this division, he shall issue a certificate of approval.
A reinspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or reinspection when such work for which inspection is called is not complete, when corrections called for are not made, or for failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is requested. To obtain a reinspection, the applicant shall pay a reinspection fee as provided in the current fee schedule and request an inspection from the office of building inspections.
Disconnection from electrical supply.
If in the judgment of the building official any electrical installation in any building or on any premises may be unsafe to persons or property, the building official may cause the installation to be disconnected from the source of electrical supply and may seal the control switches in an open or disconnected position, give notice at the site, and notify the electric company serving the premises. It is unlawful for any person to cause or permit electric current to be supplied to a sealed electrical installation until it has been made safe and the inspector has issued a certificate of approval for it.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(k)), adopted 5/23/07)
Registration classifications.
Electrical registration classifications are as follows:
Electrical contractor.
Master electrician.
Journeyman electrician.
Residential electrician.
A person registered in one of these classifications may perform the work of that classification.
Method of registration.
To secure a certificate of registration as a qualified and competent electrician in any of the classes set out in subsection (a) (registration classifications), an applicant shall apply on forms available in the office of the building inspection department.
An electrician holding a valid license or certificate of registration from another town in the state or who can show proof of successfully passing an electrical examination by a nationally recognized testing agency with the approval of the building official may apply for and receive a certificate of registration for the same classification from the town if he:
Submits evidence satisfactory to the building official that his license, certificate of registration or test score is valid and current; and
Pays the required registration fee and complies with all other requirements of this division.
It is unlawful for an electrical contractor to employ laborers or apprentices on any of his jobs who are not under the direct supervision of a master or journeyman electrician registered in the town.
Fees for registration.
Registration fees shall be paid as required, in accordance with the schedule as established by the town council.
Renewal of registration.
Any person whose license registration has lapsed for a period not to exceed one year may be eligible to renew his license registration upon payment of the required registration fee for the period for which the license registration had expired. Should any license registration lapse for more than two years, the holder is considered a new applicant.
Revocation of registration.
The board may by a majority vote suspend or revoke an electrical registration if the holder willfully violates any provisions of this division or is incompetent to comply with it. If summoned by the board, he shall appear before the board for a registration revocation hearing.
Contractor registration.
It is unlawful for any person to offer to do electrical work in the town if the person is not properly registered in compliance with this division.
It is unlawful for any person to engage in the business of electrical contractor without being registered in the town in compliance with this division.
Applicants for registration as an electrical contractor shall file with the building official an application setting forth the names of the person or persons who are the owners of the business or who are the officers of the firm, and the name and address of the persons who are responsible for the business. No person shall be issued registration as an electrical contractor who is not a qualified master electrician, or who does not have continuously in his employ a qualified master electrician who has active supervision over and is responsible for carrying out the provisions of this division.
The holder of an electrical contractor’s registration may engage in the business of and secure permits for the installation, addition, alteration, servicing, replacing, removing, or repairing of any electrical conductors, apparatus, appliances, devices and equipment.
A person performing the actual work of installation or alteration shall be under the direct supervision of a master or journeyman electrician.
An electrical contractor engaging in the installation, alteration, or repair of any electrical equipment or conductors shall obtain a contractor’s registration before beginning the work.
A registered electrical contractor shall correct any defect, error, or deficiency in any work installed under the authority of any electrical permit issued to him or her, within ten calendar days after written notification by the electrical inspector or within a reasonable time the electrical inspector prescribes. The electrical inspector may, without further notice, stop routinely inspecting a building or premises until corrections he requires have been made, inspected, and approved.
Master electrician registration; employment of master electrician by contractors.
Any person holding an electrical contractor’s [registration] shall appoint or employ or shall be a qualified master electrician.
Any person who has been appointed or employed as a master electrician by a registered electrical contractor shall register himself with the building inspection department in writing on a form furnished by the building official’s office.
The master electrician shall perform the work or supervise and direct the installation, alteration, repair, and maintenance of electrical conductors and equipment authorized by permits issued under the authority of this division.
Whenever a master electrician shall leave or be discharged from the employ of any person who is required by this division to appoint or employ a master electrician, a notice in writing shall be given immediately by the master electrician to the building official’s office. The permit privileges of the contractor shall without further order or action stand suspended until he employs or appoints a qualified master electrician.
No master electrician shall use his registration in order to qualify more than one electrical contractor’s registration at any time.
Journeyman electrician registration.
A journeyman electrician’s registration issued by the building official entitles its holder to engage himself or herself in the employ of any person registered under the provisions of this division. A registration shall be issued to each registered journeyman electrician.
Residential electrician registration.
A residential electrician’s registration issued by the building official entitles its holder to engage himself or herself in the employ of any person registered under the provisions of this division.
Exceptions from registration requirements.
The following classes of work may be carried out by persons who are not registered electricians:
Replacement of lamps and fuses and the connection of portable devices to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed.
Installation, alteration or repairing of any wiring, devices or equipment for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence, where such wiring, devices, appliances or equipment operates at a voltage not exceeding 50 volts between conductors and does not include generating or transforming equipment.
Installation, alteration or repair of electric wiring, devices, appliances, and equipment installed by or for an electrical public service corporation operating under a franchise from the town when for the use of such corporation in the generation, transmission, distribution, or metering of electrical energy or for the use of such a corporation in the operation of street railways, signals or the transmission of intelligence as specified in this division.
Any work involved in the manufacture or testing of electrical materials, devices, appliances or apparatus.
Supervision of work.
No person shall perform the actual work of installing, maintaining, altering or repairing any electrical conductors or equipment for which a permit is required by this division without having present and in direct supervision a qualified electrician of the proper classification. Should the electrical inspector find that such supervision and control are not being maintained, the inspector may order the work to be discontinued. The person to whom the permit has been issued shall discontinue further work until proper supervision has been employed or supplied. A contractor may employ apprentices or unskilled laborers assisting a person duly qualified and registered under the provisions of this division.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(l)), adopted 5/23/07)
Standards for electrical equipment and materials.
Approval by Underwriters’ Laboratories or a similar recognized testing agency is prima facie evidence that equipment or materials are reasonably safe for persons and property.
Compliance with plans.
Any person installing electrical equipment within or attached to buildings or structures shall do so only in compliance with plans and specifications previously submitted to and approved by the building official. Complete descriptions of proposed work may be required by the building official. When drawings are required they shall be to definite scale, showing area in square feet, load (before applying demand factors,) demand factors selected, computed loads (after applying demand factors), the point at which service connection is required, size of service and subfeeders, location of service switches and center of distribution, the arrangement of circuits and the number of outlets connected to them. The issuance of a notice of conformance does not prevent the electrical inspector from requiring the correction of errors in any installation or from preventing building operations from being carried on in violation of any applicable law.
Temporary service poles.
The contractor shall adequately brace, safely construct, and properly ground temporary service poles for construction purposes with a ground wire no less than no. 8 ga. solid copper extended to an approved electrode. Temporary service poles shall meet all requirements of this code for ground fault circuit interrupters.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(m)), adopted 5/23/07)
The National Electrical Code, 2014 edition, is hereby adopted by reference and made part of this code as a general standard for electrical equipment and installation thereof in the town as set forth herein. A copy of this code, with any approved amendments, shall be kept on file in the town secretary’s office for reference and inspection.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 4 (3.301(A)), adopted 5/23/07; Ordinance 15-010 adopted 8/10/15)
It shall be unlawful for any person to install electrical conductors or equipment within or on public and private buildings or other structures, including mobile homes, dwelling units, and other premises such as yards, carnivals, parking and other lots, and industrial substations, or to install conductors that connect to the supply of electricity or install outside conductors on the above-named premises in the town, or cause the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this code.
(2001 Code, sec. 3.302(B))
Local amendments to the National Electrical Code as adopted by the town and as amended from time to time are not printed herein, but shall remain in full force and effect. Said amendments shall be available and on file in the office of the town secretary.
(Ordinance adopting Code)