Annual registration fees shall be required for all plumbing contractors. The annual registration fee shall be as provided in the code, and shall be payable at the building inspection department of the town. The fiscal year for the payment of registration begins on January 1 of each year and ends at midnight on December 31 of the same year.
Incomplete or incorrect information.
The registration of a plumbing contractor may be denied by the building official if the application is incomplete or incorrect, or the registration may be revoked by the building official if the registration is issued on the basis of incorrect information supplied by the plumbing contractor.
Suspension or revocation.
In the event a plumbing contractor knowingly commits violations of the town requirements, the building official may revoke or suspend a plumbing contractor’s registration up to one year. After the one-year revocation, the plumbing contractor may reapply for registration as a new plumbing contractor as set forth in this section.
In the event that a plumbing contractor wishes to appeal the decision of the building official for denial, revocation, or suspension, the plumbing contractor shall file a written notice of appeal in the office of the building official within ten (10) days of receipt of the notice for denial, revocation, or suspension.
A hearing shall be held before the building board of appeals after the plumbing contractor has given notice of the hearing by personal service or certified mail, return receipt requested, at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing date.
After the hearing, the plumbing contractor shall be notified in writing of the determination of the building board of appeals by personal service or certified mail, return receipt requested.
Exception for work by homeowner.
No such registration procedure shall be required for alteration or repair work to be performed on a residential structure when the person performing the alteration or repair work is the owner of the structure, has his legal residence there, and is not assisted by any other person for remuneration. The homeowner shall be automatically termed a registrant for the purposes of such a project without registration. Notwithstanding such relief from registration, all requirements for permits for the work and all other applicable provisions of this plumbing code shall remain in force.
(2001 Code, sec. 3.406)
Each holder of a license as a master plumber shall display his license in a conspicuous place in his principal place of business.
Each holder of a master or journeyman plumber’s license shall carry evidence of proper registration on his person at all times while doing plumbing work and shall produce and exhibit same when requested by any inspector or officer of the town.
(2001 Code, sec. 3.403)
The actual work of installing, maintaining, altering, or repairing of plumbing for which a permit is required by this code shall be supervised by a licensed master plumber as provided by the Texas Plumbing Licensing Law and this code. The owner of a plumbing contracting business who is not a licensed master plumber shall have constantly in his employ a licensed master plumber. Such master plumber shall be designated by the owner of such place of business to the plumbing inspector as the person responsible for, and supervising, the plumbing work done by such plumbing contractor. Such designated master plumber shall be the supervisory plumber of only one plumbing contractor within the town at any one time. Should such supervision not be constantly provided, the building official may order the work being done by such plumbing contractor to be discontinued until proper supervision and control has been provided and the name of the new master plumber disclosed to the building official.
(2001 Code, sec. 3.404)
Nothing in this code shall prevent a homeowner from installing or maintaining plumbing within the property boundaries of his homestead, provided that the owner files with the building inspection department adequate plans and specifications and satisfies the building official as to his ability to install plumbing, provided such work is done by himself and used exclusively by him and his family. Such privilege does not convey the right to violate any of the provisions of this code, nor is it to be construed as exempting any such property owner from obtaining a permit, paying the required fees, and obtaining all required inspections.
(2001 Code, sec. 3.405)
There is hereby adopted by the town, for the purpose of providing minimum standards to safeguard life, limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, installation, quality of materials, location, operation and maintenance of plumbing drain, waste, vent and potable water systems, the International Plumbing Code, 2009 edition, and the same is incorporated by reference herein the same as if fully copied, subject to any amendments which may be adopted from time to time. A copy of this code, with any approved amendments and exceptions, shall be kept on file in the town secretary’s office for reference and inspection.
(Ordinance 07-231, sec. 5 (3.401), adopted 5/23/07; Ordinance 15-007 adopted 6/8/15)
Local amendments to the International Plumbing Code as adopted by the town and as amended from time to time are not printed herein, but shall remain in full force and effect. Said amendments shall be available and on file in the office of the town secretary.
(Ordinance adopting Code)