Whenever any ordinance of the city designates any one-way street or alley, the director of public works shall direct the placement and maintenance of signs giving notice thereof, and no such regulations shall be effective unless such signs are in place. Signs indicating the direction of lawful traffic movement shall be placed at every intersection where movement of traffic in the opposite direction is prohibited.
(2000 Code, sec. 24-241)
Upon those streets and parts of streets and in those alleys which are designated as one-way streets or alleys, vehicular traffic shall move only in the indicated direction where signs indicating the direction of traffic are erected and maintained at every intersection where movement in the opposite direction is prohibited.
(2000 Code, sec. 24-242)
The chief of police is hereby authorized to determine and designate streets, parts of streets or specific lanes thereon upon which vehicular traffic shall proceed in one direction during one period and the opposite direction during another period of the day and shall notify the director of public works, who shall direct the placement and maintenance of appropriate markings, signs, barriers or other devices to give notice thereof. The chief of police may determine the need for traffic to temporarily move in a particular direction regardless of the centerline of the roadway, and shall notify the director of public works, who shall then direct the erection of markings, signs, barriers or other traffic-control devices to so direct the movement of traffic.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle in violation of such markings, signs, barriers or other devices so placed in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(2000 Code, sec. 24-243)
The chief of police is authorized to determine the need and the location for the erection of signs upon the lefthand side of any one-way street to prohibit the standing or parking of vehicles, and when so notified the director of public works shall direct the installation of such signs at the designated locations. When such signs are in place, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon such lefthand side in violation of any such sign.
In the event a highway includes two (2) or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted to one direction upon any such roadway, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the lefthand side of such one-way roadway unless signs are erected to permit such standing or parking. The chief of police is authorized to determine when standing or parking may be permitted upon the lefthand side of any such one-way roadway and may so inform the director of public works, who shall direct the erection of signs giving notice thereof.
(2000 Code, sec. 24-244)