There is hereby created a park and recreation board for the city, which shall be known as the city park and recreation board.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.01)
The park and recreation board shall be composed of five members.
All members of the board shall be resident citizens and qualified voters of the city or residents within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Appointments to the board shall be made by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the city council.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.02)
Members of the park board shall serve two-year terms or until their successors are duly appointed.
Appointments shall be made each year following the regular election of councilmembers.
So as to identify members of the board and their terms, the members shall be identified by place numbers one through five.
In order to provide for staggered terms, however, even-numbered places shall expire in even-numbered years and odd-numbered places shall expire in odd-numbered years.
The members of the board serve at the will and pleasure of the city council.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.03)
Vacancies on the board shall be filled for the unexpired term.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.04)
Members of the board shall serve without compensation.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.05)
The board shall elect the chairperson and the vice-chairperson from among its members.
The chairperson shall call and preside over all meetings of the board and the vice-chairperson shall perform all the duties of the chairperson in his or her absence.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.06)
The board shall have authority to make rules and regulations for its own meetings and the conduct of its business and shall make recommendations to the city council.
It shall provide a method of calling and conducting regular and special meetings.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.07)
The board is hereby directed to carry out the following duties:
To make and recommend for adoption a master plan, as a whole or in parts, for the future development and redevelopment of city parks;
To make recommendations to the city council for the adoption of ordinances and other rules and regulations for the operation of public parks in the city;
To make recommendations to the city council relative to the acquisition, by lease, exchange or purchase, of additional land for public park and recreational purposes within or outside the city limits;
To investigate and make recommendations to the city council relative to the acquisition of gifts, grants or matching funds for public or private entities for use in the development of additional park and recreational facilities in the city; and
To perform other duties as may be delegated by the city council, which are not in conflict with state law.
(2004 Code, sec. 31.08)