For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
A person who has filed a written application for a special event permit or a person or organization seeking to hold the special event, including the promoter’s employees, agents, affiliates, successors, permitted assigns, and other persons controlled by the promoter. The applicant and the promoter may be the same in some events.
Block party.
The use of a residential street for a neighborhood function in which traffic control is required.
The City of Celina, Texas.
Committee review.
The required review when the special event manager determines that the parade or special event permit application requires evaluation by the special event review committee to determine if additional city services, supplementary permits and follow-up inspections will be required.
A facility at a special event where food or drink is offered to the public.
All costs and expenses incurred by the applicant/permittee/promoter for activities associated with staging of the event, including, without limitation, the following:
Utility services provided to the special event, including all of the costs of installation, maintenance, and connection.
Barricades and cones.
Special event parking.
Food services inspection.
Repair, maintenance and removal of facilities in the event of a failure of applicant/promoter.
Repair of streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks and other public property.
Police protection.
Fire protection.
Emergency medical service.
Garbage disposal and cleanup.
Traffic control.
Other direct costs associated with the special event.
Food service employee.
An individual working with unpackaged food, food equipment or utensils, or food contact surfaces.
Food service provider.
Any person, business, or vendor working with unpackaged food, food equipment or utensils, or food contact surfaces.
The applicant, promoter, or organization to whom the parade or special event permit has been issued.
Not maintained or organized for profit, as recognized by the state and the Federal Tax Code.
The assembly of persons whose gathering is for the common design of traveling or marching in procession from one location to any other location for the purpose of advertising, promoting, celebrating, or commemorating a thing, person, date, or event. Parade shall include runs, walks, relays, marathons, bicycle races/rides, or similar events.
Parade route notification.
The required signage posted at the affected intersections or along the route system one week prior to the event.
Pavilion rental.
All pavilion rental paperwork is managed and fees collected by parks and recreation, and are completely separate from any and all fees associated with the special event permit application process. The rotunda/pavilion located on the city’s square shall be considered a pavilion.
The city’s agreement giving the applicant/promoter permission to hold the block party, parade or special event, on the terms and conditions stated in the permit and subject to the rules, regulations, and requirements of this article. The parade or special event should not be considered approved until committee reviewed permit applications are signed off by the special event review committee and issued to the applicant/promoter or noncommittee reviewed applications are signed off by the special event manager and issued to the applicant/promoter.
A person to whom a permit is granted pursuant to this article.
Any individual, assumed named entity, partnership, association, corporation, or organization.
That portion of a street between the curblines or lateral lines of a roadway and the adjacent property lines, intended for the use of pedestrians.
Special event.
A temporary event or gathering of persons for a common purpose, including but not limited to, a parade, rally, public entertainment venue, carnival, festival, or other similar event using either private or public property that involves one (1) or more of the following activities, except when the activity is for construction or house-moving purposes only:
Closing of a public street or interference with the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
Blocking or restriction of public property, including public rights-of-way;
Offer or sale of merchandise, food, or beverages on public or private property where otherwise prohibited by ordinance;
Sale of alcoholic beverages on public or private property where otherwise prohibited;
Erection of a tent or canopy on public or private property where otherwise prohibited by ordinance;
Placement of portable toilets on public or private property where otherwise prohibited by ordinance;
Installation of a stage, band shell, trailer, van, portable building, grandstand, or bleachers on public property, or on private property where otherwise prohibited by ordinance; or
The need for special city services, including but not limited to, street closure, provision of barricades, provision of police or emergency services, or provision of special electrical services.
Special event manager.
The city official, or his/her designee, designated by the city manager as primarily responsible for managing special event/parade applications.
Special event/parade permit.
The city’s written authorization to hold a special event/parade. The parade or special event should not be considered approved until committee reviewed permit applications are signed off by the special event review committee and issued to the applicant/promoter or noncommittee reviewed applications are signed off by the special event manager and issued to the applicant/promoter.
Special events review committee.
Committee consisting of a representative from each of the following city departments: building inspections, development services, emergency management, code enforcement/environmental health, fire, parks and recreation, police, public works, and additional city staff as determined by the special event manager upon review of the special event permit application. The special event review committee will meet on a monthly basis, or as needed. The special event review committee shall review the parade or special event permit application and procure from the applicant/promoter such clarifications and additional information necessary for the approval, denial or revocation of the permit using the outlines within this article. The special event review committee and other related city personnel shall enforce the special events article.
The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained, when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic.
Tent or canopy.
As defined by the 2012 International Building Code (IBC) and the 2012 International Fire Code (IFC).
(Ordinance 2011-42 adopted 12/12/11; Ordinance 2014-38, sec. 3.01, adopted 9/9/14)
All special events, except those set forth in subsection (b) of this section, must conform to all applicable provisions of this article.
The following events are exempt from the provisions of this article:
An event wholly contained on property specifically designed or suited for the event and which holds a certificate of occupancy for such use including adequate parking.
National night out.
A funeral procession proceeding by a vehicle under the most reasonable route from a funeral home, church, or residence to the place of service or place of internment.
Events which are officially sponsored by the Armed Forces of the United States of America, the Military Forces of the state, political subdivisions of the state, and the forces of the police and fire departments acting within the scope of their duties.
An event for which an applicant has obtained a waiver from the city manager. The city manager may require that an applicant provide information related to the event or restrict activities conducted at the event as a condition of granting a waiver.
Specific permits must be applied for separately when such activities are conducted in conjunction with or as a part of a special event, whether on public or private property. Separate permits will not be required for loudspeakers in conjunction with the event. In any event, temporary permits for food service shall be obtained by each food service provider.
(Ordinance 2011-42 adopted 12/12/11; Ordinance 2014-38, sec. 3.02, adopted 9/9/14; Ordinance 2019-32 adopted 9/10/19)
In the event the special event manager or the special event review committee determines, upon a review of the application, that a special event may require the special attention and involvement of city personnel or facilities, the city shall so notify the applicant. The city may require the applicant to submit additional information and planning documents for a special event to aid in determining the burden on public infrastructure and personnel due to the special event. In such event, prior to the issuance of a permit for a special event, the applicant and the city shall agree upon the cost of police protection, fire protection, emergency medical services, parks service, public works service, cleaning, and the closure of roads, and the applicant shall pay that amount to the city upon application. Prior to the issuance of a permit and within ten (10) days of receiving the form establishing additional required fees, the applicant shall agree in writing to pay the costs to the city-approved outside contractors for costs associated with the event. Applicant shall pay the contractors on the day(s) the services are performed.
(Ordinance 2014-38, sec. 3.03, adopted 9/9/14)