Dwelling unit.
Any building or portion of a building which is arranged, occupied, or intended to be occupied as living quarters of a person or family, and including facilities for food preparation, sleeping and sanitation, which is rented, leased, or otherwise occupied by a person or family other than the owner.
Multifamily rental building.
A residential building containing three or more attached units available for rental. Under this definition, an apartment complex can consist of multiple rental buildings.
An individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, two or more persons having a joint interest, or any other legal or community entity.
Property manager.
A person whom for compensation has managing control of a rental unit.
Rental registration permit required.
All owners of a dwelling unit or a multifamily rental building shall obtain a rental registration permit issued under the provisions of this section. Rental registration permits are valid for the calendar year in which they are issued. It shall be unlawful to submit a false or fraudulent application for a rental registration permit. A property owner who rents a dwelling unit knowing that a rental registration permit has not been issued for that dwelling or building or who knows that the permit issued has been revoked commits an offense each day the dwelling or building is occupied by a tenant and may permanently lose the rental registration permit. Multifamily rental buildings shall commence registration in January 2021. Single-family and duplex dwelling units shall commence January 2022.
Registration permit form contents.
An applicant for a rental registration permit shall file with the city a written permit form, on the form provided for that purpose by no later than February 15th of each year. Owners of multifamily rental buildings can file based on complex, if consolidation is desired.
The permit shall include:
The name, mailing address, physical street address, telephone number, email address, and driver’s license or other government-issued identification number of the owner and/or agent assigned to the property for which the registration is being submitted;
If the owner is other than an individual, the legal name, all trade names, and the registered agent, managing partner, or other person authorized to accept service of process on behalf of the owner; and
A signed agreement to comply with the stated maintenance and safety conditions of the rental dwelling unit.
Agent for service.
An applicant may designate on the registration an agent for service of process who shall be the authorized agent for purposes of notice and other communications provided in this section. If an owner designates an agent for service as provided in this subsection, service of any notice under this article on the designated agent shall constitute service upon the owner unless the director of development services receives actual notice from the owner that the designated agent is no longer authorized to accept service on behalf of the owner.
Accessibility of permit; replacement.
A rental registration permit issued pursuant to this section shall be maintained by the city, with a copy provided to the permittee.
Permit nonassignable; surrender.
A permit issued under this section is valid for the calendar year in which it was issued and is not assignable or transferable. A permit is valid only for the premises for which it is issued. It shall be unlawful for any person to counterfeit, forge, change, deface or alter a permit. A permit may be canceled upon written request of the owner(s) and surrender of the permit itself to the director of development services. The surrender of a permit shall be effective immediately upon its filing in the office of the director.
Landlord responsibility.
The landlord/owner is responsible for ensuring the dwelling unit is compliant with all standards within this article. Any repair required to meet these conditions will be the responsibility of the landlord/owner and not passed on to the tenant. The landlord/owner must acknowledge this responsibility on the annual registration form for the property.
Notification of change in occupancy.
The landlord/owner shall notify the city at each change in occupancy. A change in occupancy shall mean any change in tenant(s) that are occupying the rental unit. It is an offense for the landlord/owner to fail to notify the city of a change in occupancy.
Permit term and fee.
Each rental registration permit issued under this section shall be valid for the calendar year in which it was issued, unless suspended or revoked.
Annual rental registration permit fees, including any reinspection fees and/or any monthly late fees, shall be per the city’s master fee schedule, as amended. Uncollected fees shall apply retroactively, unless otherwise authorized by the director. The director may also pro-rate the annual fee for an owner-occupied dwelling unit that converts to a rental dwelling unit during the calendar year.
Temporary tenancies.
It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution that the single-family residential dwelling was rented or leased for a period of less than 90 days to a person who was the immediate past owner of the dwelling or who shall be the immediate next owner of the dwelling.
Suspension of permit.
A rental registration permit shall be temporarily suspended by the city:
If a life safety violation exists on the premises of the permitted rental dwelling unit;
If, after notice and a period of correction as provided herein, a violation remains on the premises of the permitted rental unit; or
If, the owner of the property has not paid all amounts then-due and outstanding to the city (other than amounts for ad valorem taxes) directly related to such property, including, without limitation, the payment of any amounts secured by liens filed against the property by the city and fines owed by the owner.
Reinstatement of suspended permit.
A person whose rental registration permit has been suspended may, at any time, make written application for a reinspection for the purpose of reinstating the permit. Within ten days following receipt of a request, which shall include a statement signed by the applicant that in the applicant’s opinion, all of the violations that caused suspension of the permit have been corrected, the city shall make a reinspection. Upon reinspection, if all life safety, critical and noncritical violations have been corrected, the permit shall be reinstated.
Revocation of permit.
For serious or repeated violations of any of the requirements of this article, or for interference with the city or any of its agents in the performance of their duties, the rental registration permit may be permanently revoked after the city has provided an opportunity for a hearing. Prior to such action, the city shall notify the holder of the permit in writing, stating the reasons for which the permit is subject to revocation and advising that the permit shall be permanently revoked at the end of ten days from the service of such notice unless a request for a hearing is filed with the city, by the permit holder, within such ten-day period. A permit shall be suspended for cause pending its revocation or a hearing relative thereto.
The hearings provided for shall be conducted at a time and place designated by the board of adjustment. Based on the record of such hearing, the board shall make a finding and shall sustain, modify, or rescind any official notice or order considered in the hearing. A written report of the hearing decision shall be furnished to the permit holder by the city.
Fire code applies.
This article does not include, nor exempt, properties, whether residential or commercial or other, from any inspection required or allowed by the most current adopted fire code.
Municipal immunity.
The city is not liable for the condition of an inspected/uninspected rental dwelling unit. Successful rental registration permit registration and/or safety inspection in no manner makes the city responsible for anything that may occur on private property.
(Ordinance 2020-105 adopted 12/8/20)
Safety inspection.
An exterior and interior safety and property maintenance inspection shall be conducted at each tenant change by the city on all rental dwelling units. Inspections shall also be made based upon code violation complaints or at the city’s discretion on any rental property. Inspections shall include, but are not limited to:
The International Property Maintenance Code, as amended;
City nuisance codes, as amended;
Driveways and other hardscape;
Interior safety (plumbing, electrical, heat/air, means of egress, etc.);
Trees and landscaping;
Other conditions as determined by the city.
Code violations.
Any code violations, which are the responsibility of the landlord to correct, must be corrected within ten days of notice by the city or have a work plan approved by the development services department. Property owner must obtain all applicable permits, if any are required, prior to starting any work. Failure to do so will result in citations and possible revocation of rental registration permit.
The agent(s) of the city administering this program is authorized and directed to make inspections to determine conditions of dwellings and premises located within the city. This article shall not be construed to require an occupant, operator, or owner to consent to a warrantless inspection of a dwelling or premises, except as provided by law.
(Ordinance 2020-105 adopted 12/8/20)
Inspection required.
Each year, the city shall register and inspect its commercial, institutional, HOA common areas, multifamily developments, and other nonresidential sites to ensure continued compliance with development and safety regulations, any on-going or recurring maintenance requirements, and to ensure completion of deferred maintenance. An annual inspection fee shall also apply, per the approved master fee schedule.
Code violations.
Any code violations are the responsibility of the landlord/owner to correct and should be corrected within ten days of notice by the city or have a work plan approved by the development services department. Property owner must obtain all applicable permits, if any are required, prior to starting any work. Failure to do so will result in citations and possible loss of certificate of occupancy.
(Ordinance 2020-105 adopted 12/8/20)