Office created.
There is hereby created the office of city administrator. The city administrator shall serve as the chief administrative officer of the city, responsible to the city council for the administration of city affairs.
Appointment; qualifications.
The city administrator shall be appointed by a majority vote of the city council. The city administrator shall be chosen by the city council solely on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications, with special reference to actual experience in or knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the duties of the office hereinafter set forth.
At the time of appointment, the city administrator need not be a resident within the city or state, nor during the tenure of office be required to be a resident within the city.
No member of the city council shall be appointed to the office during his or her council term or within one year after the expiration of the term.
The city council may remove the city administrator at any time by majority vote of its members. If requested, the city council shall grant a public hearing within 30 days following notice of removal. During the interim, the city council may suspend the city administrator from duty, but shall continue salary and benefits until the removal becomes final. In the event of the removal, he or she shall be paid any accumulated and unused vacation time.
Powers and duties.
The city administrator shall exercise all general management functions of the city and serve as chief administrative officer of the city. The city administrator may head one or more departments of the city and shall be responsible to the city council for the proper administration of all city affairs.
To that end, the city administrator shall have the power and shall be required to:
Appoint, suspend or terminate any city employee, except for the city judge or city attorney;
Direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the city;
Maintain in proper order the city’s ordinances and codes, and recommend revisions necessary to keep them current with state law and the desire of the city council;
See that all state laws and city ordinances are effectively enforced;
Assist the city council in applying for federal and state grants;
Attend all city council meetings and have the right to take part in discussions, but shall not vote;
Serve as the disaster coordinator of the city, charged with the preparation of the city’s disaster services plan;
Serve as the floodplain administrator;
Prepare the proposed annual budget for the mayor’s approval and submission to the city council;
Prepare and submit to the city council as of the end of the fiscal year a complete report on the finances and administrative activities in the city for the preceding year;
Keep the city council advised as to the financial condition and future needs of the city and make recommendations concerning the affairs of the city, as deemed desirable or necessary;
Work directly with outside consultants in developing solutions to identified local service needs;
Recommend to the city council, from time to time, the adoption of measures as may be deemed necessary or expedient for the health, safety or welfare of the city or for the improvement of administrative services of the city to achieve greater cost effectiveness or program results;
Enforce all personnel policies and rules and advise the city council on other personnel system improvements as needed;
Investigate the affairs of the city or any department or division thereof;
Investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the government of the city and in regard to service maintained by the public utilities in the city and see that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the city are faithfully observed; and
Perform such other duties as may be required by the city council, not inconsistent with the laws of the state or the United States or ordinances of the city.
Purchasing authority.
The city council hereby confers upon the city administrator authority to contract for expenditures of the city, without further approval from the city council, for all budgeted items not exceeding the sum of $10,000.00.
In case of accident, disaster or other circumstances creating a public emergency, the city administrator may award contracts and make purchases for the purpose of meeting the emergency, but shall file promptly with the city council a certificate showing the emergency and necessity for the action, together with an itemized account of all expenditures.
Actions by city council.
Except for the purpose of inquiry, the city council and its members shall deal with city affairs through the city administrator, and neither the city council, nor any member thereof, shall give orders to any subordinates of the city administrator, either publicly or privately.
Emergency purchases.
In case of accident, disaster or other circumstances creating a public emergency, the city administrator may award contracts and make purchases for the purpose of meeting the emergency, but shall file promptly with the city council a certificate showing such emergency and necessity for the action, together with an itemized account of all the expenditures. All expenditures made hereunder shall conform to the requirements of the laws of the state.
Compensation and benefits.
The city administrator shall receive compensation and benefits as the city council shall fix.
(2004 Code, sec. 30.15)
The city treasurer shall:
Execute a bond in favor of the city in the amount of $25,000.00;
Receive and secure all money belonging to the city;
Make all payments on the order of the mayor, attested by the city secretary under the seal of the city;
Render to city council a full statement of the receipts and payments noted herein at the city council’s first regular meeting in every quarter and at the times as required by the city council; and
Perform all other acts and duties as the city council requires.
(2004 Code, sec. 30.16)
The city health officer shall be paid the sum as set by the city council.
The council of the city does hereby direct that the city health officer shall give bond in the amount of $1,000.00 for faithful performance of his or her duties. This bond is required in accordance with the provisions of Loc. Gov’t Code section 22.072.
The city health officer shall perform such duties as prescribed by the laws of the state or by ordinance of the city.
(2004 Code, sec. 30.17)