Approval required.
Unless and until any plat, plan, or replat shall has been first approved in the manner provided by law, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or organization to construct or cause to be constructed any streets, utilities, buildings, or other improvements to any tract of land; and any official of the city shall not issue any permit for such improvements or to serve or connect said land, or any part thereof, or for the use of the owners or purchasers of said land, or any part thereof, with any public utilities such as water, sewers, lights, gas, etc., which may be owned, controlled, distributed, franchised, or supplied by the city.
No building permits will be issued for the construction of any building on any unplatted land within the city and the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Minor repair permits may be issued for an existing structure. When additions, alterations, or repairs within any twelve (12) month period exceed fifty percent (50%) of the value of an existing building or structure on previously unplatted property, the land upon which such building or structure is located shall be platted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Improvements required.
Responsibility for improvements.
All of the improvements required under these regulations, or improvements specified in the comprehensive plan of the city, or improvements which, in the judgment of the director of engineering, are necessary for the adequate provision of streets, utilities, drainage, services, and facilities to the subdivision and to the surrounding areas of the city, shall be constructed at the sole expense of the developer, unless otherwise provided for and approved by city council. All improvements required by this ordinance shall be constructed and accepted by the director of engineering prior to filing the associated plat, unless otherwise specified in a binding contractual development agreement approved by city council. Payment for any and all improvements that are not to be made at the time of the primary construction of the subdivision or development shall be made a part of the signed and executed development agreement.
Plats prior to development.
Plats may not be used as a mechanism to establish boundaries without the dedication of required infrastructure, such as public utilities easements, right-of-way dedication, and any other requirement of this subdivision ordinance. Platting of property is reserved for those properties that are anticipating immediate development, with the exception of conveyance plats.
Types of plats required.
Final plat or a minor plat.
A final plat or minor plat must be approved prior to any land division that is subject to these regulations and prior to commencement of any new development or construction project. A conveyance plat may be approved for the reasons enumerated in section 10.03.032(a), purpose, but no vertical construction may occur until an associated final plat or minor plat is approved.
A replat in accordance with state law and the provisions of section 10.03.036, replats, shall be required any time a platted, recorded lot is further divided or expanded, thereby changing the boundary and dimensions of the property. In the case of minor revisions to recorded plats or lots, a minor plat or amending plat may also be utilized if allowed by state law and if in accordance with section 10.03.035, minor plats, section 10.03.036, replats, and section 10.03.037, amending plats, respectively.
The following land divisions are exempt from the requirements of this subdivision ordinance that apply to plats:
Use of existing cemeteries complying with all state and local laws and regulations; and
A division of land created by order of a court of competent jurisdiction, provided however, that prior to construction of improvements, a plat meeting the requirements of this ordinance shall be approved and recorded prior to the issuance of permits.
A property within the city’s corporate limits that is being proposed for platting or development must be properly zoned by the city prior to submission of an application for approval of any concept plan or plat. In addition, the proposed development layout or subdivision design shown on the proposed concept plan or plat must be in conformance with all standards and requirements prescribed in the city’s zoning ordinance and this division.
Conformance with existing zoning.
All applications shall be in conformance with the existing zoning on the property, as applicable.
Request to rezone prior to platting.
If an applicant seeks to change the zoning for the property, the request to rezone the land shall be submitted and approved prior to acceptance of an application for any type of plat for recordation unless as otherwise provided below:
The applicant may request approval from the director of development services to submit a plat application simultaneously with the zoning change request, in which case the application for the zoning amendment shall be acted upon first.
In the event that the requested zoning amendment is denied, the plat application shall also be denied.
It is not necessary to rezone the tract prior to the submittal and approval of a conveyance plat which is exclusively for the purpose of the sale of land and not as a precursor to development.
It is not necessary to zone or rezone the tract prior to the submittal and approval of any plat within the city’s ETJ, since the ETJ is not subject to the zoning ordinance.
Site plan approval.
Where site plan or concept plan approval is required by the zoning ordinance, a conveyance plat or preliminary plat shall be submitted prior to or concurrently with the site plan or concept plan application so the interrelated plans may be reviewed to determine if they will function together. A final plat may be submitted concurrently with the site plan application or at a later date.
Stages of plat approval, staff review, and approval.
Preliminary and final plats.
The platting process of land not previously platted typically involves two (2) approval stages: submission and approval of a preliminary plat (or conveyance plat under certain circumstances) and subsequent submission and approval of an associated final plat. However:
An applicant may proceed with the plat to be recorded without an approved conveyance plat or preliminary plat if one of the following conditions apply:
A minor plat is sufficient for submittal; or
A concept plan for a multifamily, single-family attached or nonresidential development is submitted and approved in accordance with the zoning ordinance.
The lot in question is less than two acres in size and will be developed in one phase.
An applicant may submit construction plans and a final plat (or minor plat) simultaneously in lieu of a preliminary plat if a development agreement and appropriate surety (see section 10.03.044, development agreements) are submitted along with the application.
Staff review.
Unless otherwise specified under the regulations for a specific type of plat:
The director of development services shall be the responsible official for processing a plat, and shall be responsible for the initial review of a plat for conformance with this subdivision ordinance and any other applicable ordinances of the city.
The director of development services shall direct other city staff to review all applications for conformance with this subdivision ordinance and with other applicable city regulations and supply to the applicant a list of revisions necessary for compliance with the subdivision ordinance, if warranted.
Authority for the approval of plats is granted by the state to either the planning and zoning commission or the director of development services. See individual plat descriptions, below, for the appropriate approval authority.
Signatures required on filed plats.
When any plat is prepared for filing with Denton or Collin County, each copy to be certified by the county must be signed by the chairman of the planning and zoning commission and a city official, defined as being one of the following: the mayor, the city manager, or an assistant city manager. Both signatures shall be attested by the city secretary.
Director of engineering signature required.
When any plat is prepared for filing with Denton or Collin County, and the installation of public improvements is required prior to the recordation of the plat, the director of engineering shall also endorse the plat after all conditions of approval of the plat have been satisfied and all public improvements completed to the city’s specifications. There shall be written evidence that the required public improvements have been installed in a manner satisfactory to the city as shown by a certificate signed by the director of engineering stating that the necessary dedication of public lands and installation of public improvements has been accomplished.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
There are several purposes of a conveyance plat:
To subdivide land and to provide for recordation of same, for the purpose of conveying (i.e., selling) the property without developing it in the near future. A conveyance plat may be used to convey the property or interests therein; however, a conveyance plat does not constitute approval for any type of development on the property. A conveyance plat is an interim step in the subdivision and development of land.
To record a tract that is not intended for immediate development.
Review and consideration.
Unless otherwise specified within this section for specific requirements for a conveyance plat, a conveyance plat shall be processed and approved using the same timing and procedures, including recordation, as specified for a final plat. Procedures to appeal a decision on a conveyance plat shall also be processed and considered the same as a final plat.
Specific requirements for the plat exhibit may be found on the city development services webpage under plat checklists.
Subsequent filing of a final plat.
No final plat processed and approved in association with a conveyance plat shall be filed without the concurrent or prior filing of the associated approved conveyance plat for the remainder of the subject property.
Conveyance plat limitations.
No building or development permit shall be issued nor permanent utility service provided for land that has only received approval as a conveyance plat; a final plat must be filed for building and development permits and for utility service.
A conveyance plat may be superseded by a revised conveyance plat or a final plat in total or in part through compliance with the procedures and requirements of this ordinance.
Standards for approval.
All lots created by a conveyance plat shall have access to an improved public street that meets the city’s minimum design and paving standards. All lots created by a conveyance plat shall provide points of access as required by the zoning ordinance and/or by this ordinance.
Reservation of rights-of-way.
Conveyance plats must provide for the reservation of future rights-of-way of planned roadways, as shown on the master thoroughfare plan. Right-of-way reservation acknowledges the future obligation to dedicate right-of-way for public thoroughfares and streets specified on the city’s thoroughfare plan or approved concept plan. Reservation of right-of-way does not grant any right or interest in the property to the city, state, or other government entity. The final alignment of such roadways may be adjusted upon final platting in order to meet the standards of the engineering design standards.
Dedication of rights-of-way.
Dedication of right-of-way shall be required where a conveyance plat is used to record the remainder of a tract created by the final platting of a portion of the property. The required right-of-way dedication shall be limited to that which is necessary to provide access to the property proposed for the final plat approval and to complete turn lanes, intersections, and transitions in road pavement width resulting from development of the property proposed for the final plat approval and what is considered to be roughly proportional to the impact of the development (see section 10.03.088, rough proportionality, for more information). The director of engineering or fire marshal may require a temporary paved turnaround if a street is stubbed pending future construction.
Approval of conveyance plats.
The planning and zoning commission is authorized to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove conveyance plats. Conveyance plats may be approved on the consent agenda.
Effect of approval.
The approval of a conveyance plat authorizes the sale of the lot(s) created thereon, but does not authorize any type of development on the property. The applicant and future owner(s) of the property remain obligated to comply with all provisions in this subdivision ordinance upon future development of the property including, but not limited to, all requirements for platting, required public improvements, utility extensions, street improvements or assessments, right-of-way and easement dedications, and all other requirements in this subdivision ordinance.
Neither reservation nor dedication of right-of-way shall relieve the property owner from obligations for street construction or assessments associated with public street improvement programs.
Easements for access, utilities, and drainage may be recorded on conveyance plats.
No building permit shall be issued nor permanent utility service provided for land which has only received approval as a conveyance plat. Notwithstanding the above, the building official may authorize temporary building permits, temporary occupancy permits, and temporary utility service prior to final plat approval and recordation, if deemed appropriate.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
The purpose of a preliminary plat is to determine the general layout of the subdivision, the adequacy of public facilities needed to serve the intended development, and the overall compliance of the land division with applicable requirements of this subdivision ordinance and the zoning ordinance regulations for each zoning district. A preliminary plat is not recorded in the county.
A preliminary plat is not required when a minor plat or amending plat is adequate.
A preliminary plat is not required when the proposed development is a single phase and/or less than 300 lots, if the concept plan associated with a development agreement or planned development contains sufficient data as required by the engineering department, or at the discretion of the director of engineering.
A final plat in accordance with section 10.03.034, final plats, along with construction plans in accordance with section 10.03.041, construction plans, may be submitted in lieu of a preliminary plat if a development agreement and appropriate surety are submitted along with the application, at the discretion of the director of engineering.
Accompanying applications.
An application for a preliminary plat shall be accompanied by a preliminary drainage plan, a preliminary utility plan, and other plans deemed necessary for thorough review by the director of development services or the director of engineering. However, approval of each shall be separate and in accordance with this section 10.03.033, preliminary plats and with section 10.03.041, construction plans.
The applicant shall furnish as part of the preliminary plat submittal a current title commitment issued by a title insurance company authorized to do business in Texas, a title opinion letter from an attorney licensed to practice in Texas, or some other acceptable proof of ownership, identifying all persons having an ownership interest in the property that is the subject of the preliminary plat.
Specific requirements for the plat exhibit may be found on the city development services webpage under plat checklists.
Review by director of development services.
The director of development services shall:
Initiate review of the plat and materials submitted (including the required preliminary drainage plan and preliminary utility plan).
Request written comments from other city departments, such as engineering, fire, parks and recreation, or other departments, as deemed necessary, which will be submitted to the applicant for compliance and revisions.
Provide and make available the plat exhibit and reports to the commission for review.
Upon determination that the application is ready to be acted upon, schedule the preliminary plat for consideration on the agenda of the next available meeting of the planning and zoning commission.
Action by planning and zoning commission.
The commission shall:
Review the preliminary plat application, the findings and recommendation of the director of development services, and any other information available. From all such information, the commission shall determine whether the preliminary plat conforms to the regulations of this subdivision ordinance.
Act within thirty (30) calendar days following the official filing date of the preliminary plat application. If no decision is rendered by the commission within the thirty (30) day period, the preliminary plat, as submitted, shall be considered to be approved.
Take one of the following actions:
Approve the preliminary plat;
Approve the preliminary plat with conditions, which shall mean that the preliminary plat shall be considered to have been approved once such conditions are fulfilled; or
Deny the preliminary plat.
Standards for approval.
The following criteria shall be used by the commission to determine whether the application for a preliminary plat shall be approved, approved with conditions, or denied:
The preliminary plat is consistent with all zoning requirements for the property, including any applicable planned development zoning standards, and with any approved development agreement, if applicable;
The proposed provision and configuration of public improvements including, but not limited to, roads, water, wastewater, storm drainage, park facilities, open spaces, habitat restoration, easements and rights-of-way are adequate to serve the development, meet applicable standards of this subdivision ordinance, and conform to the city’s adopted master plans for those facilities;
The preliminary plat is in accordance with the city’s interlocal agreement with Denton or Collin County if the proposed development is located in whole or in part in the ETJ of the city;
The preliminary plat has been duly reviewed and accepted as meeting the requirements of the subdivision ordinance by city staff;
The preliminary plat conforms to design requirements and construction standards as set forth in the engineering design standards;
The preliminary plat is consistent with the comprehensive plan, except where application of the Plan may conflict with state law (e.g., land use in the ETJ);
The proposed development represented on the preliminary plat does not endanger public health, safety or welfare; and
The formal recommendation from staff based upon the above criteria.
Approval of preliminary plats.
The planning and zoning commission is authorized to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove preliminary plats. Preliminary plats may be approved on the consent agenda.
Effect of approval.
The approval of a preliminary plat shall allow the applicant to proceed with the next step in the development and platting process by submitting a final plat and construction plans, and later submit an application for a building permit. Approval of the preliminary plat shall be deemed general approval of the subdivision’s layout only, and shall not constitute approval or acceptance of construction plans or the associated final plat.
Appeal of the decision on a preliminary plat application.
Initiation of an appeal.
The applicant may appeal the decision of the commission by submitting a written notice of appeal to the director of development services within fourteen (14) calendar days following the date of the commission’s decision. A letter stating the reasons for the appeal, citing the specific applicable section(s) of the subdivision ordinance, shall be submitted by the applicant to the director of development services.
Council decision.
Once the formal appeal is made, staff will schedule the hearing to be heard by the city council at the first scheduled public meeting that meets the published deadline of the city secretary. The city council may affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the commission by simple majority vote. The decision of the city council is final.
Two-year validity.
The approval of a preliminary plat shall remain in effect for a period of two (2) years following the date of approval, during which period the applicant shall submit and receive approval for construction plans and a final plat for a portion or all of the land area shown on the preliminary plat. If construction plans and a final plat application have not been approved within the two (2)-year period, the preliminary plat shall automatically expire.
Phased developments.
A final plat and construction plans must be approved within two (2) years of the approval of the preliminary plat. When a project is phased, the preliminary plat may be extended for a period of one (1) year, during which time a subsequent final plat and construction plans must be approved. preliminary plats may be extended automatically for a period of one (1) so long as substantial activity on the property continues.
Relationship to construction plans.
A preliminary plat shall remain valid for the period of time in which approved construction plans are valid.
Action on final plat.
Should a final plat application be submitted within the two (2) year period, but not be acted upon by the commission within the two (2) year period, the preliminary plat shall expire unless an extension is granted as provided below in section 10.03.033(k), extension, and in section 10.03.025, amendments and expiration of current projects.
Void if not extended.
If the preliminary plat is not extended as provided above, it shall expire and shall become null and void after a period of two (2) years of the date of approval.
A preliminary plat may be extended for a period not to exceed one (1) year beyond the preliminary plat’s expiration date. A request for extension shall be submitted to the development services department in writing within sixty (60) calendar days following the expiration of the preliminary plat, and shall include reasons why the preliminary plat should be extended.
Decision by the director of development services.
The director of development services will review the extension request and shall approve it, approve it with conditions, or deny the extension request within thirty (30) calendar days following the official filing date of the request.
Should the director of development services fail to act on an extension request within thirty (30) calendar days, the extension shall be deemed to be approved.
In considering an extension, the director of development services shall consider whether the following conditions exist:
A final plat has been submitted and/or approved for any portion of the property shown on the preliminary plat;
Construction plans have been submitted and/or approved for any portion of the property shown on the preliminary plat;
Construction is occurring on the subject property;
The preliminary plat complies with new ordinances that impact the health, safety and general welfare of the community; and/or
If there is a need for a park, school or other public facility or improvement on the property.
Additional conditions.
In granting an extension, the decision-maker may impose such conditions as are needed to ensure that the land will be developed in a timely fashion and that the public interest is served. Any extension may be predicated upon compliance with new development regulations and/or the applicant waiving any vested rights.
All applicable city taxes shall be considered current prior to the consideration of any extension of the preliminary plat expiration date. Time extensions will not be considered for any property on which taxes are delinquent. Proof of payment shall be entered into the file.
Appeal of denial for extension.
Appeal of the director’s decision.
The denial of an extension by the director of development services may be appealed to the commission. A written request for such appeal shall be received by development services department within fourteen (14) calendar days following the denial. The commission shall hear and consider such an appeal at the first scheduled public meeting that meets the published deadlines of the development services department.
Appeal of the commission’s decision.
The denial of an extension by the commission may be appealed to the city council. A written request for such appeal shall be received by the director of development services within fourteen (14) calendar days following the denial. Once the formal appeal is made, staff will schedule the hearing to be heard by the city council at the first scheduled public meeting that meets the published deadline of the city secretary. The city council may affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the commission by simple majority vote. The decision of the city council is final.
Amendments to preliminary plat following approval.
Minor amendments.
Minor amendments to the design of the subdivision subject to an approved preliminary plat may be incorporated in an application for approval of the associated final plat without the necessity of submitting a new application for reconsideration of a preliminary plat. Minor amendments include, but are not limited to, minor adjustments in street or alley alignments, street lengths and paving details, and minor adjustments to lot lines that do not result in creation of additional lots or any non-conforming lots (that do not comply with Zoning standards), provided that such amendments are consistent with the intent of the previously approved application.
Major amendments.
All other proposed changes to the design of the subdivision subject to an approved preliminary plat shall be deemed major amendments that require submittal and approval of a new application for approval of a preliminary plat (including new fees, new reviews, new official filing date, etc.) before approval of construction plans and/or a final plat.
The director of development services shall make a determination of whether proposed amendments are deemed to be minor or major, thereby requiring new submittal of a preliminary plat.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
The purpose of a final plat is to ensure that the proposed subdivision and development of the land is consistent with all standards of this subdivision ordinance pertaining to the adequacy of public facilities, that public improvements to serve the subdivision or development have been installed and accepted by the city or that provision for such installation has been made, that all other requirements and conditions have been satisfied or provided for to allow the final plat to be recorded. The director of engineering may allow the grading and flatwork on the subject property following the approval of a final plat.
A final plat is not required when a minor plat is sufficient (refer to section 10.03.035, minor plats).
The applicant shall furnish to the city a current title document issued by a title insurance company authorized to do business in the state, a title opinion letter from an attorney licensed to practice in Texas, or some other acceptable proof of ownership, identifying all persons having an ownership interest in the property subject to the final plat.
The final plat application shall be signed by each owner, or by the representative of the owners authorized to sign legal documents for the owners, effectively denoting that they are consenting to the platting of the property and to the dedications and covenants that may be contained in the final plat. Such consent shall be subject to review and approval by the city attorney, and the applicant shall reimburse the city for all related legal costs for review. This reimbursement shall be paid in full prior to filing of the final plat.
Complete applications for final plats in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).
Where the land to be platted lies within the ETJ of the city, pursuant to the existing or amended interlocal agreement with Denton or Collin County under state law, a complete application shall be submitted to the city.
Accompanying applications.
An application for a final plat may be accompanied by construction plans if also accompanied by a development agreement and appropriate surety in accordance with section 10.03.044, development agreements. However, approval of each shall be separate and in accordance with this section for final plats and with section 10.03.041, construction plans.
Previously approved preliminary plat or concept plan.
The final plat and all accompanying data shall conform to the associated preliminary plat as approved by the commission, or as the initial plats may have been amended subsequently incorporating all conditions imposed or required by the commission, or per any previously approved concept plan in an associated development agreement or planned development district.
Review by director of development services.
The director of development services shall:
Initiate review of the plat and materials submitted.
Determine that the final plat substantially conforms to the associated preliminary plat or other comparable concept plan.
Determine that the final plat conforms to the zoning ordinance and other applicable regulations.
Request written comments from other city departments, such as engineering, fire, and parks and recreation, as deemed necessary.
A final plat may not be used to nullify any of the conditions, covenants and restrictions (CCRs) of any governing association, such as a HOA.
Action by staff.
Staff shall:
Review the final plat application, the findings and recommendation of other departments, and any other information provided. From this information, staff shall determine whether the final plat conforms to the regulations of this subdivision ordinance.
Act within thirty (30) calendar days following the official acceptance date of final plat. If no decision is rendered by the city within the thirty (30) day period, the final plat, as submitted, shall be deemed to be approved.
Take one of the following actions:
Approve the final plat;
Approve the final plat with conditions, which shall mean that the final plat shall be considered to have been approved once such conditions are fulfilled; or
Deny the final plat.
Standards for approval.
The following criteria shall be used by staff to determine whether the application for a final plat shall be approved, approved with conditions, or denied:
Prior approved preliminary plat or concept plan.
The final plat conforms to the associated, approved preliminary plat except for minor amendments that are authorized under section 107.04.03(k) [section 10.03.033(l)], amendments to preliminary plats following approval, and that may be approved without the necessity of revising the approved associated plat;
All conditions imposed at the time of approval of the preliminary plat, as applicable, have been satisfied;
The construction plans conform to the requirements of section 10.03.041, construction plans, and have been approved by the director of engineering;
Where public improvements have been installed, the improvements conform to the approved construction plans and have been approved for acceptance by the director of engineering;
Where the director of engineering has authorized public improvements to be deferred, a development agreement has been executed and submitted by the property owner in conformity with section 10.03.044, development agreements;
The final layout of the subdivision or development meets all standards for adequacy of public facilities contained in this ordinance;
The final plat meets all applicable county standards to be applied under an interlocal agreement between the city and Denton or Collin County under state law, where the proposed development is located in whole or in part in the ETJ of the city and in the county;
The plat conforms to design requirements and construction standards as set forth in the engineering design standards; and
The plat includes all information in the development services’ subdivision application checklists.
City staff may approve final plat applications, even if dedicating new streets, so long as there is a previously approved preliminary plat or concept plan.
Final plat approval with no prior approved preliminary plat or concept plan.
A final plat may be approved without prior approval of a preliminary plat when the following conditions are met:
The construction plans conform to the requirements of section 10.03.041, construction plans, and have been approved by the director of engineering;
A development agreement or surety for installation of public improvements has been prepared and executed by the property owner in conformance with section 10.03.044, development agreements;
The final layout of the subdivision or development meets all standards for adequacy of public facilities contained in this ordinance;
The final plat meets all applicable county standards to be applied under an interlocal agreement between the city and Denton or Collin County under state law, where the proposed development is located in whole or in part in the ETJ of the city and in the applicable county; and
The final plat conforms to the development services application checklist.
If new streets are being dedicated by the subdivision, then the final plat must be approved by the planning and zoning commission (on the consent agenda).
Approval of final plats.
Staff is authorized to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove final plats. Upon approval, a certificate stating that the final plat has been reviewed and approved shall be provided to the applicant, as required by state law.
Procedures for recordation of final plat documents upon approval.
The applicant shall supply to development services department the required number of signed and executed copies of the final plat documents (whether mylar or paper originals, as required by both the city and Denton or Collin County) that will be needed to file the plat, upon approval, with Denton or Collin County. No copies of the exhibits will be accepted.
After approval of the final plat, the director of development services shall procure the appropriate city signatures on the final plat.
County requirements.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to comply with the platting requirements of Denton or Collin County.
Recording upon acceptance of public improvements.
The final plat shall be recorded after:
The final plat is approved by the city;
All required public improvements have been completed and accepted by the city (or a development agreement has been executed and appropriate surety provided in accordance with section 10.03.044, development agreements;
All Denton or Collin County filing requirements are met.
Submittal of final plat documents for filing when improvements installed.
When all required public improvements have been installed prior to recording of the final plat, the applicant shall meet all requirements in accordance with section 10.03.046, inspection, maintenance and acceptance of public improvements.
Submittal of final plat documents for filing when improvements have not been installed.
When some of or all required public improvements are not yet completed in connection with an approved final plat, the applicant shall submit the final plat documents for filing, revised to reflect any conditions imposed by staff as part of approval.
Update of proof of ownership.
If there has been any change in ownership since the time of the proof of ownership provided under section 10.03.044(c) [section 10.03.034(c)], ownership, the applicant shall submit a new consent agreement executed by each owner consenting to the platting of the property and the dedications and covenants contained in the plat. The title commitment or title opinion letter and consent agreement shall be subject to review and approval by the city attorney, and the applicant shall reimburse the city for all related legal costs for review. This reimbursement shall be paid in full prior to filing of the final plat.
Effect of approval.
The approval and filing of a final plat:
Supersedes any prior approved preliminary plat for the lots final platted.
Authorizes the applicant to install any improvements in public rights-of-way in conformance with approved construction plans and under a development agreement (refer to section 10.03.044, development agreements), if applicable.
Authorizes the applicant to seek construction release (refer to section 10.03.041(i), construction release) and/or issuance of a building permit for vertical construction.
Appeal of decision of final plat application.
Appeal of a decision on a final plat application shall be brought to the planning and zoning commission, whose decision shall be final.
Revisions following recording/recordation.
Revisions may only be processed and approved as a replat or amending plat, as applicable.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
The purpose of a minor plat is to simplify divisions of land under certain circumstances as outlined in state law.
An application for approval of a minor plat may be filed only in accordance with state law, when all of the following circumstances apply:
The proposed division results in four (4) or fewer lots;
All lots in the proposed subdivision front onto an existing public street and the construction or extension of a street or alley is not required to meet the requirements of this subdivision ordinance; and
Except for right-of-way widening and easements, the plat does not require the extension of any municipal facilities to serve any lot within the subdivision.
Application requirements.
The requirements for the submittal of a minor plat shall be the same as the requirements for a final plat, as outlined in section 10.03.034, final plats.
Review by director of development services.
The director of development services shall:
Initiate review of the plat and materials submitted.
Request written comments from other city departments, such as engineering, public works, fire department, and parks and recreation, if deemed necessary.
Action by director of development services.
The director of development services shall:
Determine whether the minor plat meets the regulations of this subdivision ordinance.
Act within thirty (30) calendar days following the official filing date of a completed application for a minor plat. If no decision is rendered by the director of development services, or if the director has not deferred the application to the planning and zoning commission for decision, within the thirty (30) day period, the minor plat, as submitted, shall be deemed to be approved.
The director of development services is authorized to make one of the following actions:
Approve the minor plat;
Approve the minor plat with conditions, which shall mean that the minor plat shall be considered to have been approved once such conditions are fulfilled; or
Defer the minor plat to the commission for consideration prior to expiration of the required 30-day approval period.
Standards for approval.
The following criteria shall be used by the director of development services to determine whether the application for a minor plat shall be approved, approved with conditions, or denied:
The minor plat is consistent with all zoning requirements for the property (if applicable), any approved development agreement (if applicable), and all other requirements of this subdivision ordinance that apply to the plat;
All lots to be created by the plat already are adequately served by an improved public street access and by all required city utilities and services and by alleys, if applicable;
The ownership, maintenance and allowed uses of all designated easements have been stated on the minor plat; and
Except for right-of-way widening and easements, the plat does not require the extension of any municipal facilities to serve any lot within the subdivision.
Approval of minor plats.
The director of development services is authorized to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove minor plats. However, the director of development services may defer the decision of any minor plat for any reason to the planning and zoning commission. Upon approval, a certificate stating that the minor plat has been reviewed and approved by the either the director of development services or the planning and zoning commission shall be provided to the applicant, as required by state law.
Procedures for recordation following approval.
The procedures for recordation of a minor plat shall be the same as the procedures for recordation of a final plat, as outlined in section 10.03.034(k), procedures for recordation of final plat documents upon approval.
Appeal of decision on minor plat application.
Commission decision.
If the director of development services defers the minor plat application to the planning and zoning commission, the commission shall consider the application at a regular meeting no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date on which the director of development services deferred the application to the commission. The commission shall, upon simple majority vote, take one of the following actions:
Approve the minor plat;
Approve the minor plat with conditions, which shall mean that the minor plat shall be considered to have been approved once such conditions are fulfilled; or
Deny the minor plat.
The decision of the commission may be appealed to the city council in accordance with the procedures for an appeal on a final plat decision. Once the formal appeal is made, staff will schedule the hearing to be heard by the city council at the first scheduled public meeting that meets the published deadline of the city secretary. The city council may affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the commission by simple majority vote. The decision of the city council is final.
Revisions following approval.
Revisions submitted by the applicant following initial approval may only be processed and approved as a replat or amending plat, as applicable.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
Applicability and terminology.
The procedures outlined in this section and in subsequent sections 10.03.036, residential replats, and 10.03.037, amending plats, shall apply only if a property owner seeks to change any portion of a plat that has been filed for record with Denton or Collin County.
The term “replat” includes changes to a recorded final plat, whether the change is effected by replatting without vacation or replatting by vacating the recorded plat (section 10.03.038, plat vacation) and approving a new application.
City action required.
Unless otherwise specified, any change to a recorded plat shall be subject to approval by the planning and zoning commission.
Construction management.
If the subdivision, as replatted, requires construction of additional public improvements, the provisions of the development agreement between the city and the developer shall apply (see section 10.03.044, development agreements). If the subdivision as replatted does not require any appreciable alteration or improvement of utility installations, streets, alleys, building setback lines, etc., then no additional construction plans shall be required.
Application and approval procedures.
Unless otherwise specified, application and all related procedures and approvals, including recordation, for a replat shall be the same as specified for a final plat.
Partial replat application.
If a replat is submitted for only a portion of a previously platted subdivision, the replat must reference the previous subdivision name and recording information, and must state on the replat the specific lots that are being changed along with a detailed “purpose for replat” statement.
Replats requiring a variance or exception.
Replats requiring a variance or exception must be considered as a public hearing item. In these cases, notification in the official newspaper of the city a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing is required. In addition, written notices of the proposed residential replat requiring a variance or exception shall be mailed to all property owners located within 200 feet of the subject property a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing. Notice of the public hearing shall also be posted with the agenda at the city hall and on the city’s website within the prescribed time limits, as required by state law.
Special requirements for residential replats.
state law offers an option for notification for residential replats. Cities may opt to notify residents in one of the following manners:
Written notices of the proposed residential replat shall be mailed to all property owners located within 200 feet of the subject property a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing. In addition, a notice shall be published in the official newspaper of the city a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing; or
As a courtesy to the neighboring property owners, written notices of the approved residential replat shall be mailed to all property owners located within 200 feet of the subject property a maximum of fifteen (15) days following the decision by the planning and zoning commission. In this case, no public hearing is required and the plat may be considered on the consent agenda.
Special requirements for non-residential replats.
Non-residential replats do not require noticing by newspaper or to adjacent property owners. However, a public hearing shall be held on any non-residential replat that requires a variance or exception.
Approval of replats.
The planning and zoning commission is authorized to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove replats. Upon approval, a certificate stating that the replat has been reviewed and approved by the planning and zoning commission shall be provided to the applicant, as required by state law.
Effect of approval.
Upon approval and recording of the replat, it is controlling over the previously recorded plat for the portion replatted.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
The purpose of an amending plat shall be to provide an expeditious means of making minor revisions to a recorded plat consistent within the provisions of state law.
The procedures for an amending plat shall apply only if the sole purpose of the amending plat is to achieve one or more of the following:
To correct an error in a course or distance shown on the preceding plat;
To add a course or distance that was omitted on the preceding plat;
To correct an error in a real property description shown on the preceding plat;
To indicate monuments set after the death, disability or retirement from practice of the engineer or surveyor responsible for setting monuments;
To show the location or character of a monument that has been changed in location or character or that is shown incorrectly as to location or character on the preceding plat;
To correct any other type of scrivener or clerical error or omission previously approved by the municipal authority responsible for approving plats, including lot numbers, acreage, street names, and identification of adjacent recorded plats;
To correct an error in courses and distances of lot lines between two (2) adjacent lots if:
Both lot owners join in the application for amending the plat;
Neither lot is abolished;
The amendment does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or restrictions; and
The amendment does not have a material adverse effect on the property rights of any of the owners in the plat;
To relocate a lot line to eliminate an inadvertent encroachment of a building or other improvement on a lot line or easement;
To relocate one (1) or more lot lines between one (1) or more adjacent lots if:
The owners of all those lots join in the application for amending the plat;
The amendment does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or restrictions; and
The amendment does not increase the number of lots;
To make necessary changes to the preceding plat to create six (6) or fewer lots in the subdivision or a part of the subdivision covered by the preceding plat if:
The changes do not affect applicable zoning and other regulations of the municipality;
The changes do not attempt to amend or remove any covenants or restrictions; and
The area covered by the changes is located in an area that the commission or other appropriate governing body of the municipality has approved, after a public hearing, as a residential improvement area; or
To replat one (1) or more lots fronting on an existing street if:
The owners of all those lots join in the application for amending the plat;
The amendment does not attempt to remove recorded covenants or restrictions;
The amendment does not increase the number of lots; and
The amendment does not create or require the creation of a new street or make necessary the extension of municipal facilities.
Certificates of correction.
Certificates of correction are prohibited.
In accordance with state law, the approval and issuance of an amending plat shall not require notice, hearing or approval of adjacent lot owners.
Review by director of development services.
The director of development services shall:
Initiate review of the plat and materials submitted.
Request written comments from other city departments, such as engineering, public works, fire department, and parks and recreation, if deemed necessary.
Action by director of development services.
The director of development services shall:
Determine whether the amending plat meets the regulations of this subdivision ordinance.
The director of development services is authorized to take one of the following actions:
Approve the amending plat;
Approve the amending plat with conditions, which shall mean that the amending plat shall be considered to have been approved once such conditions are fulfilled; or
Defer the amending plat to the commission for consideration prior to expiration of the required 30-day approval period.
Approval of amending plats.
The director of development services is authorized to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove amending plats. However, the director of development services may defer the decision of any amending plat for any reason to the planning and zoning commission.
Procedures for recordation following approval.
The procedures for recordation of an amending plat shall be the same as the procedures for recordation of a final plat.
Effect of approval.
Upon approval, an amending plat shall be recorded and is controlling over the previously recorded plat without vacation of that plat. Upon approval, a certificate stating that the amending plat has been reviewed and approved by either the director of development services or the planning and zoning commission shall be provided to the applicant, as required by state law.
Appeal of decision on amending plat application.
Commission decision.
If the director of development services defers the amending plat application to the planning and zoning commission, the commission shall consider the application at a regular meeting no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date on which the director of development services deferred the application to the commission. The commission shall, upon simple majority vote, take one of the following actions:
Approve the amending plat;
Approve the amending plat with conditions, which shall mean that the amending plat shall be considered to have been approved once such conditions are fulfilled; or
Deny the amending plat.
The decision of the commission may be appealed to the city council in accordance with the procedures for an appeal on a final plat decision. The city council decision is final.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
The purpose of a plat vacation is to provide an expeditious means of nullifying a recorded plat in its entirety, consistent with provisions of state law.
Initiation of a plat vacation.
By property owner.
The property owner of the tract covered by a plat may submit an application to vacate the plat at any time before any lot in the plat is sold.
By all lot owners.
If lots in the plat have been sold, an application to vacate the plat must be submitted by all the owners of lots in the plat.
City initiation.
If the planning and zoning commission, on its own motion, determines that the plat should be vacated in the interest of and to protect the public’s health, safety and welfare; and:
No lots within the approved plat have been sold within five (5) years following the date that the final plat was approved by the city; or
The property owner has breached a development agreement, and the city does not appropriate funds with which to complete construction of public improvements, except that the vacation shall apply only to lots owned by the property owner or its successor; or
The plat has been recorded in Denton or Collin County for more than five (5) years, and the planning and zoning commission determines that the further sale of lots within the subdivision or addition presents a threat to public health, safety and welfare, except that the vacation shall apply only to lots owned by the property owner or its successors.
Published notice of the public hearing on the plat vacation application shall be given in accordance with state law. The hearing shall be conducted by the planning and zoning commission.
Review by director of development services.
The director of development services shall:
Initiate review of the plat vacation application and materials submitted.
Request written comments from other city departments, such as engineering, public works, fire department, and parks and recreation, if deemed necessary.
Action by the planning and zoning commission.
The planning and zoning commission shall:
Review the plat vacation application, the findings and recommendation of the director of development services, and any other information provided. From all such information, the planning and zoning commission shall conduct a public hearing and make a finding as to whether or not the plat should be vacated. The planning and zoning commission decision on a plat vacation shall be final.
Take one of the following actions:
Approve the plat vacation;
Approve the plat vacation with conditions, which shall mean that the plat vacation shall be considered to have been approved once such conditions are fulfilled; or
Deny the plat vacation.
Approval of plat vacations.
The planning and zoning commission is authorized to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove plat vacations. Upon approval, a certificate stating that the plat vacation has been reviewed and approved by the planning and zoning commission shall be provided to the applicant, as required by state law.
Procedures for recordation following approval.
If the planning and zoning commission adopts a resolution vacating a plat in whole, it shall record a copy of the resolution in the Denton or Collin County clerk’s office. If the planning and zoning commission adopts a resolution vacating a plat in part, it shall cause a revised final plat to be recorded along with the resolution which shows that portion of the original plat that has been vacated and that portion that has not been vacated.
Effect of approval.
On the execution and recording of the vacating instrument, the previously filed plat shall have no effect. Regardless of the planning and zoning commission’s action on the petition, the property owner(s) or developer will have no right to a refund of any monies, fees or charges paid to the city nor to the return of any property or consideration dedicated or delivered to the city except as may have previously been agreed to by the planning and zoning commission.
The plat is vacated when a signed, acknowledged instrument declaring the plat vacated is approved and recorded in the manner prescribed for the original plat.
The planning and zoning commission, at its discretion, shall have the right to retain all or specific portions of road rights-of-way or easements shown on the plat being considered for vacation. However, the planning and zoning commission shall consider plat vacation upon satisfactory conveyance of easements and/or rights-of-way in a separate legal document using forms provided by the city attorney’s office.
Once a plat is duly vacated, according to the regulations above, the property lines of the adjacent properties shall extend to the centerline of the plat, unless specific arrangements between or among the adjacent property owners has been agreed upon.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)
From time to time, as the city’s vehicular circulation needs and traffic patterns change, rights--of-way previously dedicated to, or acquired by, the city for public travel may no longer be necessary. Therefore, in accordance with the Texas Transportation Code sec. 311.007, the city may choose to vacate, abandon, or close a street or alley on its own accord or upon receipt of a petition of property owners adjacent to, abutting or directly served by the right-of-way sought to be closed and/or abandoned.
Prior to the vacation of a public street or alley right-of-way, a public hearing shall be held by the city council. Written notices of the proposed right-of-way vacation shall be mailed to all property owners immediately adjacent to the subject property a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the public hearing. In addition, a notice shall be published in the official newspaper of the city a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing.
Review by director of development services.
The director of development services shall:
Initiate review of the right-of-way vacation application and materials submitted.
Request written comments from other city departments, such as engineering, public works, fire department, and parks and recreation, if deemed necessary.
The director shall consider issues of utility placement, traffic access, and the number of property owners in favor or against the request.
Retention of easements.
The applicant for a right-of-way vacation or alley abandonment shall verify with the appropriate entity that the right-of-way to be vacated is free of all public and private utilities including, but not limited to water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, electricity, gas, and franchise utilities. If public or private utilities are present within the right-of-way, a utility easement of an appropriate size and location, as determined by the director of engineering, will be retained. A drainage easement may also be retained, as determined by the director of engineering.
Action by the city council.
If the city council chooses to vacate or abandon a right-of-way, an ordinance shall be adopted and said ordinance shall be filed for record with the county clerk. A metes and bounds description or a visual depiction or exhibit showing the location and limits of the vacated right-of-way shall be attached to the ordinance.
Effect of approval.
The city council, at its discretion, shall have the right to retain all or specific portions of right-of-way or easements being considered for vacation or abandonment.
Once a right-of-way is duly vacated, according to the regulations above, the property lines of the adjacent properties shall extend to the centerline of the right-of-way.
Zoning of the adjacent property shall also automatically extend to the centerline of the right-of-way.
(Ordinance 2020-95 adopted 10/13/20)