Construction standards.
Water lines.
The following construction standards are hereby adopted for the construction and installation of water lines within the corporate limits or service area of the city:
All water lines within a residential development shall be a minimum eight-inch diameter pipe, C900 PVC, DR14, blue in color with tracer tape, or class 150 ductile iron with poly-wrap. Six-inch diameter water lines may be used only on dead-end lines that are less than 500 feet in length with no more than one fire hydrant.
All water lines within a commercial or industrial development shall be a minimum of 12-inch diameter pipe, C900 PVC, DR 18, blue in color with tracer tape, or class 200 ductile iron with poly-wrap.
In addition to internal water lines required for the development, all boundary water lines as identified on the water system master plan shall be installed along the entire property. The developer will be responsible for 100% of the cost for all water lines up to and including 12-inch diameter or the required diameter pipe for the development, whichever is greater. The city may, at its cost, oversize any water line being installed.
Sanitary sewer lines.
The following construction standards are hereby adopted for the construction and installation of sanitary sewer lines within the corporate limits or service area of the city:
All sanitary sewer lines shall be a minimum eight-inch diameter pipe, ASTM 03034 PVC, DR 35, green in color, closed profile, with tracer tape.
In addition to internal sanitary sewer lines required for the development, all sanitary sewer lines identified on the sanitary sewer system master plan shall be installed within the entire property. The developer will be responsible for 100% of the cost for all sanitary sewer lines up to and including 12-inch diameter or the required diameter pipe for the development, whichever is greater. The city may, at its cost, oversize any sanitary sewer lines being installed.
Any person violating any of the provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall be deemed guilty of a class C misdemeanor, upon conviction, and shall be fined, except as otherwise provided herein, in a sum not to exceed $2,000.00 for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
If the governing body of the city determines that a violation of subsection (a) of this section creates a threat to the public safety, the city may bring suit in district court to enjoin the person, firm, partnership, corporation or association from engaging in the prohibited activity. The city is not required to give bond as a condition to the issuance of injunctive relief.
(2004 Code, secs. 50.01, 50.99)
Permit required for connection to main; payment of charges.
No person, firm or corporation shall connect into a city water main without first having secured from the city a written permit and without having first paid the charges set forth in appendix A of this code.
Payment of the charges may be included in the first month’s billing for service if the person, firm or corporation is already a current customer in good standing.
Meter and other materials to be property of city.
The meter and all materials used in the connection shall remain the property of the city, and nothing contained herein shall be construed to confer a vested right to any person paying the fee and being provided water service.
Location of lines; payment of cost of extension of service.
No water line shall be laid except in a dedicated street, alley or easement in favor of the city, and the person, firm or corporation shall pay the full cost of extending any service from an existing main to the property line. The city shall have the option to pay the difference in cost for an upgrade of the main line to be consistent with the comprehensive plan.
Separate tap and meter required for each living unit; irrigation connection.
Each living unit in a residential structure (fourplex or less) shall have a separate water tap and meter for potable use. It also may be allowable for an irrigation meter to be installed on either a separate tap or an existing tap. The water usage through this meter will not be charged any sewer fee, as this water is not treated at the sewer plant. This connection must be performed by the city to ensure that adequate protective measures are followed.
If so desired, the irrigation connection may be installed at the time of the original tap for the structure. In this case, a larger tap will be made at the main to ensure proper flow for all uses. If the irrigation connection is provided at a later date, the original meter will be reset to allow connection of the new service. Double check valve assemblies must be installed.
It will be the responsibility of the owner to install and provide yearly inspection checks to the city.
Oversize lines.
If a service line and meter are requested which are larger than the normal residential meter (three-fourths inch), the charge set forth in appendix A of this code shall be paid.
Tampering with service or meter.
No person, firm or corporation may tamper with, modify or in any other way change the configuration of any service or water meter that is the property of the city. This includes the turning on of water to a service that is not in good standing with the city in accordance with the provisions of this chapter or the current rate charge ordinance.
Taps outside city.
Any tap outside the corporate limits of the city will be charged the same tap fees as those inside the city. All other provisions of this chapter will be applicable to these accounts.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined any sum not to exceed $500.00 and shall be assessed lawful costs to correct any tampering as may be allowed by law. Each day that a water connection exists that is not authorized by the city shall constitute a separate offense.
In the event the director of public works determines that a person, firm or corporation has violated the prohibitions listed in subsection (f) above, the city may suspend water service on the subject account. The person, firm or corporation named on the account must make a nonrefundable deposit of either $500.00 or the amount listed in the fee schedule located in appendix A, whichever is higher, with the city before the city will restore service on the account.
(Ordinance 2011-39 adopted 11/14/11; Ordinance 2019-14 adopted 5/14/19)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Available public sewer.
A public sewer that is within six hundred (600) feet of property to be served, without crossing another property to make the new connection, or such other conditions of availability as are established by administrative rule.
Customer classes.
Classes of retail wastewater customers within the Celina wastewater service area having similar flow and wastewater characteristics contracting with Celina for centralized wastewater service. Customer classes shall be identified as:
Residential (one- and two-unit permanent family residences).
Multifamily residential (three or more permanent family residences in one building or a complex of buildings under one ownership, such as apartments).
Nonresidential (all other customers other than the above-described categories of residential customers.
City wastewater system.
The wastewater system owned, maintained and operated by or on behalf of the City of Celina in order to furnish sanitary disposal services, including but not limited to its waste treatment facilities, including pipelines, conduits, pumping stations, force mains, and all other construction, devices, and appurtenant appliances used to transport waste, as such system may now be constituted or as it may be hereafter improved, enlarged, or extended by construction, reconstruction, acquisition, annexation, or otherwise.
The City of Celina, Texas.
Common private sewer system (also called party sewer).
That portion of a building sewer that:
Is not owned by the City of Celina;
Is used for draining more than one building under different ownership; and
Conveys the discharge to a sewer service lateral, public sewer, private sewage disposal system, or other point of disposal.
Common private sewers are found on private property and in private and public rights-of-way, including easements.
The connection of all sanitary waste and drainage disposal lines from all development on a property to the public sewer and drainage system.
The director of public works or designee.
Immediately available public sewer.
A public sewer to which a property can connect without further extension of the public system
Nonconforming sewer.
A private sanitary sewer that is:
Not on the same public or private property as the structure or structures being served by the sewer; and
Not located within a recorded sewer easement or subject to a recorded covenant for easement regarding use of the sewer and meeting the standards for easements specified in administrative rules.
An owner who uses the property as his or her primary residence. The individual who has the responsibility for assessments and is occupying the property will be considered the owner-occupant regardless of who holds the deed to the property. An owner who lived at the property before moving to a nursing home or similar facility is considered to be residing at the property if the property is not producing income.
Onsite sewage disposal system.
A cesspool or the combination of a septic tank or other treatment unit and effluent sewer and absorption improvement.
Public sewer.
An eight inches or more diameter sewer pipe which may be located in a street or a sewer easement owned and/or operated and maintained by the city.
Sewer lateral.
A minimum of four inch (4") diameter pipe that connects a residence or business building to the public sewer line.
Sewer contractor.
A person who constructs, installs, repairs, excavates or connects building sewers, and who is licensed in the state and registered with the city.
Septic tank abandonment.
means the process of taking a septic tank out of service by pumping out the tank; removing and disposing of the lid or crushing the lid and using it to fill the tank; and filling the empty septic tank with compacted earth, gravel or sand with permission from Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
Mandatory connection to city’s sewer system.
Utilization of the city’s wastewater system is essential for the health and welfare of the city and residents. It is therefore mandatory that any existing residence or nonresidential facility that discharges waste shall be connected to the system when such is made available to such property. The wastewater system shall be deemed to be available to any property where the closest property line is located within six hundred feet (600') of a wastewater system lateral/main unless such property is outside the designated service area of the system as determined by the city and designated on a wastewater system map on file with the city secretary.
In some instances property may be within the prescribed six hundred feet (600') and not be within the designated area. Such property owners may make application to the city for a permit for service. If, in the opinion of the designated city official, such connection will require an engineering study to determine the feasibility and cost for providing such service, the customer shall be required to obtain and pay for such study, in addition to the application and other applicable fees. If the connection is determined to be feasible by the designated city official after review of the engineering study and other applicable information, such connection may be made; provided, however, that the property owner shall be responsible for payment of all costs related to the engineering and construction of any service line necessary for connection to the existing wastewater system prior to such connection being made. Connections outside of the designated service area will be made in the sole discretion of the city.
Properties within six hundred feet (600') of an existing public sewer, shall be required to connect to the city’s sewer when the existing septic system fails or when improvements would require an expansion of the existing septic system.
If a neighborhood sewer extension is requested through a home owners associations (HOA) or a designated group, properties within that neighborhood shall be required to connect to the public sewer within ninety (90) days of receiving written notice that such service has become available.
Voluntary connection to city’s sewer system.
Properties within six hundred (600) feet of an existing public sewer, shall not be required to connect to the sewer when the existing septic system is functioning properly. That may change if recovery plans developed by the state identify the conversion of septic systems as a required action to clean up impaired water bodies within the city and its environs.
Conversion cost.
There can be four major costs in converting from a septic system to sewer service: the public sewer infrastructure, lateral line construction, and septic system abandonment and connection fees. The costs for connection may vary due to pertaining site conditions.
Public sewer infrastructure.
Costs will be dependent on the availability of a suitable public sewer adjacent to a property and may call for a reimbursement fee which shall be due prior to connection.
In the absence of a public sewer line adjacent to a property, the property owner shall be responsible for extending the sewer from the end of the city’s existing system to and along the frontage of the property prior to making a connection. The cost to extend a sewer pipe shall vary, depending on but not limited to the length of the project, difficulty of the terrain, soil type, need to acquire easements, the amount of engineering work required, pipe and backfill materials specified, methods of construction employed, and surface restoration required.
Public sewer infrastructure cost can be shared by interested benefited properties to reduce cost. Longer, shared sewer projects allow for an economy of scale in design and construction that reduces the cost per property, as compared to each property owner sequentially installing a separate, smaller sewer extension project.
Lateral sewer construction.
Construction and maintenance of the sewer lateral (private side sewer) shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
All flows from sewer laterals to public sewer shall be by gravity. However, if elevations do not permit a gravity flow system, the city may allow the installation of an individual privately owned residential grinder pump.
Only a licensed contractor registered with the city shall be permitted to do work within the public right-of-way or city easements.
Septic tank abandonment.
All installed sewer laterals shall be completed, inspected and accepted before an existing septic tank is removed from service and abandoned.
All out of service septic tanks shall be properly abandoned in accordance to the Texas Commission on Environmental quality (TCEQ) guidelines which includes; obtaining a permit from TCEQ, pumping of the tank(s) at the time of abandonment; removing and disposing of the lid; and filling the empty septic tank(s) with compacted earth, gravel or sand.
Connection fees.
Sewer impact fees.
Impact fees for sewer service shall be charged in accordance with the current impact fee ordinance.
Sewer tap fees.
Tap fees for sewer service shall be charged in accordance with the current sewer taps ordinance.
Sewer deposit fees.
Wastewater system customers shall be required to post a deposit with the city for each connection as set out in the rate schedule as adopted by the city council and amended from time to time. Such deposit is solely to secure payment of charges made for wastewater system service and a required deposit may be increased for a customer when, in the opinion of the designated city official, it should be increased in order to protect the city for payment of charges made pursuant to this article.
Monthly sewer rate.
Once connected to the public sewer system, a property owner shall be required to pay a monthly sewer utility bill in accordance to the most recent adopted utility fees.
Permits and plan approval.
Construction of a public sewer shall require permitting and inspection by the city’s engineering services department. To receive a permit, you shall be required to submit design plans certified by an engineer licensed in the state, conforming to the city’s engineering design and specification standards, for review and approval.
No sewer line (both main and lateral) shall be covered or buried unless inspected by the city.
Permits for sewer connection: A utility installation permit shall be required for works in the city’s right-of-way in addition to a notice of intent (NOI) or a TxDOT driveway permit if applicable.
Payment of line extension fee.
When a public sewer line extension charge is required the city may at its option require the owner being furnished the line to:
Deposit in advance, the estimated costs for construction of the sewer line that is estimated;
Post a bond sufficient to cover the total estimated costs of line extension; or
Provide a letter of credit sufficient to cover the total estimated costs of the line extension.
Line extension fees outside city limits: The costs set out in this section shall apply for connections to property both inside and outside the city limits.
Existing facilities.
These rules pertaining to existing residences, multifamily residential, and nonresidential facilities shall not abrogate rules set forth for new development in the city’s subdivision ordinance, or other applicable ordinances.
(Ordinance 2020-12 adopted 3/10/20)