The overall purpose of the three multifamily zoning districts is to create a mix of rental housing opportunities within the City of Celina.
Permitted uses.
No building, structure, land, or premises will be used, and no building or structure shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, or altered, except for one or more of the uses specified in section 14.03.102, schedule of uses - non-residential.
Given that the City of Celina is an area designated with historical, cultural, and architectural importance and significance, the following provisions apply to all multifamily districts unless otherwise specified within their respective descriptions in sections 14.02.302 through 14.02.304.
Site plan approval.
Facade and siting approval shall be part of the overall site plan approval process. This will include, but not be limited to, the materials used on each facade, the orientation of buildings to the street, adjacency to single-family residential developments and commercial buildings, and location of open space. Site plans may be approved by the director of development services through the civil plan review process or as part of a planned development.
Setbacks adjacent to single-family residential.
When any multifamily development is sited adjacent to a single-family zoning district or vacant land designated as single-family on the comprehensive plan, the following regulations apply:
Article 14.02, Part Three, Table 1 Setbacks and Landscape Buffers Adjacent To Single-Family
Structures - Number of Stories
Setback from Adjacency to SF
Buffer Width within Setback
1 or 2 story
40 feet
20 feet
3 story
60 feet
30 feet
4+ story
100 feet
40 feet
Note 1. Parking and/or drive aisles may be located within the setback.
Note 2. Refer to section 14.04.207(c) for landscaping requirements within buffers.
Parking regulations for multifamily developments.
The minimum off-street parking and loading regulations shall comply with the following:
No garage doors shall face a public street.
No covered parking spaces and/or detached garages may be placed between a multifamily building and a public street.
Stacking spaces (tandem spaces between the garage door and fire lane) shall not be counted towards required parking spaces.
The ratio of required parking spaces per bedroom shall be as follows:
Article 14.02, Part Three, Table 2A Multifamily Parking Spaces per Unit Size
Type of Unit
Number of Spaces
1 bedroom
2 bedrooms
3+ bedrooms
Total required spaces
No less than 1.8 spaces per dwelling unit overall
Percentage of parking that shall be enclosed or structured shall be as follows:
Article 14.02, Part Three, Table 2B Multifamily Percent of Enclosed or Structured Parking
Type of Multifamily
Minimum Percent of Enclosed or Structured Parking
MF-1, Garden Style
MF-2, Urban Edge
none required
MF-3, Urban Living
Open space.
All multifamily districts requires twenty percent (20%) of the gross acreage as open space with a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of that open space being “usable open space,” as defined in section 14.01.115, other zoning ordinance definitions. Any open space area shall be platted as a common area lot, be owned and maintained by the owner or management firm, and be designated with an “X” on the plat. Open space should be located to preserve existing trees and other desirable physical features.
Maximum number of 3+ bedroom units.
No more than ten percent (10%) of the total units of any multifamily development shall have three (3) or more bedrooms.
Mail kiosks.
Mail kiosk shall have a minimum of three (3) required parking spaces for the development within fifty (50) feet of the kiosk, unless a drive-thru facility is provided. The mail kiosk must be constructed of the same materials as the main structure.
Other applicable regulations.
Article 14.04, site development standards, part one, architectural design standards.
Article 14.04, site development standards, part two, landscaping and tree preservation.
Article 14.04, site development standards, part three, screening walls and fencing.
Article 14.04, site development standards, part five, lighting standards.
Neighborhood vision book.
(Ordinance 2019-42 adopted 10/8/19)
The MF-1 District is intended as a relatively low density multifamily development that is designed with commonly used open space, some garage or covered parking options for residents, amenities such as a fitness centers, community rooms, tennis courts, dog parks, or other amenities typically provided in a suburban, garden-style multifamily development.
General locations.
Locations of MF-1 zoning districts should be sited adjacent to areas that have generally low to medium density residential development and are not anticipated to develop with an urban character.
Specific MF-1, garden-style design regulations.
Maximum density.
The maximum density for MF-1 developments shall be 18 units/acre.
Maximum height.
Maximum height of MF-1 developments shall be four (4) stories.
Enclosed parking.
A minimum of ten percent (10%) of all parking provided on the MF-1 site shall be in enclosed garages or parking structures.
Where MF-1 buildings are designed to create inner courts, the facade materials of all exterior walls shall extend into such court area for a distance not less than five (5) feet.
Exterior stairs.
Stairs between floors shall be screened with architectural features to avoid a direct view of a stairwell from any public street or open space.
Balconies and patios.
Where MF-1 residential buildings are designed with balconies or patios facing a public street, such balconies shall not extend beyond the building line.
Building orientation and spacing.
MF-1 buildings, when located adjacent to any single-family residential district or use shall be sited perpendicular to the single-family lots.
MF-1 buildings on a single parcel of land shall have the following minimum distance between structures:
Article 14.02, Part Three, Table 3 MF-1 Distance Between Structures
Distance Between Structures
Face to face
50 feet
Face to end
30 feet
Corner to face or end
30 feet
End to end
30 feet
Required amenities.
A minimum of four (4) of the following must be incorporated into each MF-1 development. A minimum of two (2) major amenities must be provided. The scale of the amenities as well as other comparable amenities shall be approved through the site plan approval process.
Major amenities:
Dog park.
Indoor exercise facility.
Jogging trail.
Sport courts or fields (volleyball, baseball, tennis etc.).
Swimming pool.
Minor amenities:
Improved picnic areas (with tables, grills, shading).
Playground or tot lot.
Splash pad.
Putting green.
(Ordinance 2019-42 adopted 10/8/19)
The MF-2 district is more urban in nature than garden style multifamily developments and provides a mid-range of density for apartment complexes. This type of district places the buildings close to the street and makes use of wide sidewalks and more narrow streets, often with limited open space and interior sited parking garages or surface lots. The MF-2 development is typically provided at the edges of urban centers, often combined with commercial, office, and entertainment uses in close proximity.
General locations.
Locations of MF-2 zoning districts should be sited in areas that will develop with an urban character, such as at major intersections of the Dallas North Tollway and crossing arterials or other dense urban-type hubs throughout Celina. MF-2 zoning should not be located adjacent to any single-family residential district or use, unless appropriate spatial buffering is provided.
Specific MF-2, urban-edge design regulations.
Maximum density.
The maximum density for MF-2 developments shall be 28 units/acre.
All buildings within an MF-2, urban-edge development shall be a minimum of two (2) stories in height with a maximum height of six (6) stories.
Where MF-2 residential buildings are designed to create inner courts, the faces of all opposite walls of such courts shall be a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet apart and no balcony or canopy shall extend into such court area for a distance not less than five (5) feet.
Where MF-2 residential buildings are designed with balconies or patios facing a public street, such balconies shall not extend beyond the building line.
Required amenities.
A minimum of four (4) of the following must be incorporated into each MF-2 development. A minimum of two (2) major amenities must be provided. The scale of the amenities as well as other comparable amenities shall be approved through the site plan approval process.
Major amenities:
Indoor exercise facility.
Jogging trail.
Sport courts or fields (volleyball, baseball, tennis etc.).
Swimming pool.
Minor amenities:
Improved picnic areas (with tables, grills, shading).
Playground or tot lot.
Splash pad.
(Ordinance 2019-42 adopted 10/8/19)
The MF-3 district is strictly urban in nature and is typically part of a mixed-use development. This type of district places the buildings close to the street and makes use of wide sidewalks and more narrow streets, often with limited open space and interior sited garages making up the majority of the parking. The MF-3 development is provided in an urban setting, often combined with commercial, office, and entertainment uses as part of the same development or in close proximity.
General locations.
Locations of MF-3 zoning districts should be sited in areas that will develop with an urban character, such as at major intersections of the Dallas North Tollway and crossing arterials or other dense urban-type hubs throughout Celina. MF-3 zoning should not be located adjacent to any single-family residential district or use, unless significant spatial buffering is provided.
Open space calculation.
MF-3 districts are subject to twenty percent (20%) open space of the building footprint (rather than the gross acreage of MF-1 and MF-2 districts). The director has the discretion to reduce this percentage if conditions dictate that reducing the open space will be in the best interest of the city.
It is expected that some or all of the shared amenities for MF-3 developments will be provided within interior spaces. Therefore, the open space requirement for this type of multifamily development may be reduced by the amount of shared interior open space provided, such as interior or rooftop swimming pools, sports courts, community rooms, etc.
Specific MF-3, urban living design regulations.
Minimum and maximum density.
MF-3 developments shall have a minimum twenty-eight (28) units per acre and a maximum sixty (60) units per acre. These density figures may be amended by the city council.
Mixed-use integration.
Urban-character projects shall be integrated at the time of construction within mixed-use developments. Residential units may be located in separate, freestanding buildings or may be combined vertically in multi-use buildings of multi-story design.
First floor retail.
Where buildings face a public street or an active pedestrian area, the first floor shall be “retail-ready” and shall be constructed with a minimum twelve (12) foot high ceilings and mechanical chases necessary for conversion to commercial uses.
Height minimums.
All buildings within an MF-3, urban-living development shall be a minimum of four (4) stories in height.
Where MF-3 buildings are designed with balconies or patios facing a public street, such balconies shall not extend beyond the building line.
Enclosed parking.
A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of all parking provided on the MF-3 site shall be in enclosed garages or parking structures.
Required amenities.
A minimum of three (3) of the following must be incorporated into each MF-3 development. A minimum of two (2) major amenities must be provided. The scale of the amenities as well as other comparable amenities shall be approved through the site plan approval process.
Major amenities:
Indoor exercise facility.
Indoor jogging trail.
Sport courts or fields (volleyball, baseball, tennis etc.).
Swimming pool.
Meeting room.
Minor amenities:
Playground or tot lot.
Splash pad.
(Ordinance 2019-42 adopted 10/8/19)