The person elected Mayor shall be the presiding officer of all meetings of the City Council. He/She shall be the official head of the City government for all ceremonial purposes and by the governor for purposes of military law and shall not be able to vote on matters coming before the Council, except in case of a tie. The Mayor shall have a one-time veto power over ordinances adopted by the City Council, which can be overridden by a majority vote of the City Council, excluding the Mayor, at the next regular or special meeting. The Mayor shall present an annual state of the City message, and perform other duties as specified by the City Council, imposed by this Charter or by applicable State law. The Mayor may sign, upon authorization of the City Council, all resolutions, ordinances, contracts or conveyances on behalf of the City, and all bonds, warrants, and any other obligations issued under the provisions of this Charter.
In addition to any other qualifications prescribed by the Texas Election Code or any other applicable law, the Mayor and each Council Member shall meet the conditions of this Charter while in office, and shall reside within the corporate limits of the City while in office. Any member of the City Council ceasing to possess any of the qualifications specified in this Section or convicted of a felony while in office, shall immediately forfeit such position. Each candidate for election to the City Council or office of Mayor shall be a qualified voter of the City, shall be not less than twenty-one (21) years of age immediately preceding election day, shall have resided in the City not less than twelve (12) months immediately preceding election day and shall meet the requirements of the Texas Election Code.
No candidate may file in a single election for more than one (1) office or position as provided by this Charter.
The position of an elected Mayor or Council Member shall become vacant when the person holding such office is elected to another elective public office, or otherwise provided by the Texas Constitution.
(Amended 5/7/16; 5/7/22)
Members of the City Council shall serve without compensation, except that Council Members shall be entitled to reimbursement of all necessary and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their official City Council duties, upon approval of such expenses by the City Council.
The office of a Council Member or office of the Mayor shall become vacant upon his/her death, written resignation, or removal from office in any manner authorized by law, removal of his/her residence from the City of Celina, or forfeiture of his/her office.
A Council Member or the Mayor shall forfeit his/her office if he/she lacks at any time during his/her term of office any qualification for the office prescribed by this Charter or by State law, or if he/she violates any express prohibition of this Chapter or any other provision of this Charter, or if he/she fails to attend three (3) consecutive regular City Council meetings without being excused by the City Council. The City Council shall be the final judge in matters involving forfeiture of office by a Council Member or the Mayor.
A vacancy on the city council shall be filled by election in accordance with the Texas Constitution. However, a vacancy may be filled by appointment if the vacancy is created in an unexpired term having 12 months or less remaining.
(Amended 5/7/16)
Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held at such times as may be prescribed from time to time by resolution of the City Council. Special meetings shall be called by the City Secretary upon the written request of the Mayor, the City Manager or two (2) Members of the City Council. Notice of any regular or special meetings of the City Council shall state the subject to be considered at the meeting. All official meetings of the Council and of all committees thereof shall be open to the public as provided by State law. A quorum shall consist of four (4) Members, including the Mayor. No action of the City Council, except as specifically provided in this Charter, shall be valid or binding unless adopted by the affirmative vote of at least three (3) Council Members. The Council shall determine its own rules of procedure, may punish its Members for misconduct, and may compel the attendance of absent members.
The City Council shall elect one of its members as Mayor Pro Tem no later than the second regular Council meeting after such election or runoff election who shall perform the duties of Mayor in the case of the absence or inability of the Mayor to perform the duties of his/her office, and who shall, during that time, be vested with all the powers and responsibilities belonging to the Mayor.
The City Council shall elect one of its members as Deputy Mayor Pro Tem, who shall perform the duties of Mayor in the case of the absence or inability of the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem to perform the duties of his/her office, and who, shall during that time, be vested with all the powers and responsibilities belonging to the Mayor.
(Amended 5/7/22)
Should any Council Member choose to abstain from voting on any question or matter before the City Council, where no conflict of interest exists, the Council Member’s abstention shall be recorded as a negative vote in the official minutes of the meeting.