The City Council shall have the power, subject to the provisions hereof, by ordinance to confer upon any person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity the franchise or right to use the public property of the City for the purpose of furnishing to the public any general public service or benefit, including, but not limited to, heat, light, power, telephone service, transportation, cable, or other telecommunication providers for compensation or hire. No franchise shall be granted by the City to any person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity to own, control or operate a waterworks therein. The City shall have the power by ordinance to grant, renew, and extend all franchises of all public utilities of every character operating within the City. No such franchise shall be granted until after a public meeting shall have been called and held and until such ordinance shall have been passed and accepted by the franchisee. No such ordinance shall become effective until thirty (30) days after its passage.
No public utility or other franchise shall be transferable except with the approval of the City Council expressed by ordinance. This restriction shall not be construed to prevent the franchise holder from pledging the franchise as security for a valid debt.
No franchise or easement involving the right to use the same either along, over, across, under, or upon the streets, alleys, highways, parks, and public ways shall be valid unless granted in compliance with the terms of this chapter. No granting of a franchise by ordinance pursuant to this chapter shall convey any ownership or interest in any property of the City other than the right to use the public property for purposes of such franchisee’s operations as expressed in the ordinance granting such franchise.
In granting, amending, renewing and extending public service and utility franchises, the City shall retain the right to:
Repeal such franchise by ordinance for failure to comply with the terms thereof, or for failure to begin construction or operation within the time prescribed, such power to be exercised only after due notice and hearing;
Require an adequate extension of plant and service as is necessary to provide adequate service to the public, and maintenance of the plant and fixtures at the highest reasonable standard of efficiency;
Establish reasonable standards of service and quality of products and prevent unjust discrimination in service or rates;
Impose regulations to ensure safe, efficient and continuous service to the public. The franchise holder in opening and refilling all earth openings shall re-lay the pavement and do all other work necessary to complete restoration of streets, sidewalks, or grounds to a condition equally as good as or better than when disturbed; and
Regulate, locate, or prohibit the erection of any and all poles, wires, or other utility equipment, conveyance, or structure, on the streets, alleys, and public places of the City, and to cause the same to be changed, removed, altered, increased, diminished, placed underground, or be supported by poles of such material, kind, quality and class as may be determined by the City Council whether the same be telegraph, telephone, electric, cable television, or otherwise, and to enforce the provisions hereof by appropriate action in any court of competent jurisdiction.
All persons, corporations, or association of persons, to whom a franchise or privilege may hereafter be granted shall pay to the City for such privilege such compensation as may be fixed by the City Council in the grant of such franchise or privilege. Such compensation as fixed by contract or provided by any Texas statute or statutes and any amendments thereto shall become due and payable at such time as the City Council shall fix in the grant of such franchise or privilege, and upon the failure of any franchisee to pay said compensation when due shall result in forfeiture of the franchise or privilege.
Subject to state or federal law, the City Council shall determine, fix, and regulate the charges, fares or rates of any person, firm, or corporation enjoying a franchise or privilege granted under the provisions of this chapter, and shall prescribe the kind of service to be furnished to the public by such person, firm, or corporation, and the manner in which it shall be rendered and may from time to time alter or change such rules, regulations, and compensation after reasonable notice and public hearing, provided that the rates, charges and fares so fixed shall at all times be reasonable and permit a reasonable net return on the actual value of the physical properties and equipment of such utilities. In this connection, the City Council may require any utility or franchise holder to furnish such financial reports and information as the City Council may request, including reports of actual operating costs and the financial condition of its operations within the City, and the City Council may employ, at the expense of such franchisee, necessary outside experts to examine and audit the accounts and records of the franchisee to determine the reasonableness of such charges, fares, and rates.