There shall be such administrative departments as are established by this Charter and may be established by ordinance and excepting as otherwise provided in this Charter, these administrative departments shall be under the direction of the City Manager. The Council shall have power, by ordinance, to establish administrative departments or offices not herein provided by this Charter. The Council may discontinue, redesignate or combine any of the departments and/or administrative offices. No changes shall be made by the Council in the organization of the administrative service of the City until the recommendations of the City Manager thereon shall have been heard by the Council.
The head of each department shall be a chief, director, superintendent or coordinator who shall be appointed by the City Manager, subject to the approval of the Council and such chief, director, superintendent or coordinator shall have supervision and control over his department. Two or more departments may be headed by the same individual, and the City Manager may act as City Secretary and may head one or more departments.