This table shows the location or gives the disposition of the chapters, sections and subsections of the 2001 Red Oak Code of Ordinances within this revised code. The abbreviation “NIC” means the provision is not included in this code, though not necessarily repealed.
Chapter 10: Code of Ordinances
§ 10.01
Title of code
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.02
Catchline of sections
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.03
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.04
Application to future ordinances
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.05
Definitions and rules of construction
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.06
Certain ordinances not affected by code
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.07
Prior offenses and contracts not affected by code
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.08
Amendments or additions to code
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.09
Supplementation of code
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.10
General penalty for violations of code
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.11
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 10.12
Altering or tampering with code
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
Chapter 30: Form of Government
§ 30.01
Home-rule municipality
Chapter 31: Municipal Procedures and Policies
Official Newspaper
§ 31.001
Official newspaper designated
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
City Map and Boundary Survey
§ 31.010
Official city map required
Abandoned, Seized and Surplus Property
§ 31.020
Disposition of abandoned, seized, or recovered personal property
§ 31.021
§ 31.022
Proceeds credited to general fund
§ 31.023
Worthless property
§ 31.024
Disposition of controlled substances
§ 31.025
Abandoned, stolen, and recovered firearms and weapons
§ 31.026
Disposition of seized weapons
§ 31.027
Deposit of money pending disposition of charges
Equal Opportunity Policy
§ 31.040
Nondiscrimination policy
Identification of City Vehicles and Equipment
§ 31.050
City vehicles to be marked
Copying Charges for Public Records
§ 31.060
Fee for copying authorized
Amnd. by Ord. 11-060
Claims for Damages
§ 31.070
City not liable for claim for damages
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
Emergency Actions by Officers of the City
§ 31.080
Emergency actions authorized
Municipal Memberships
§ 31.090
Membership in North Central Texas Council of Governments
§ 31.091
Membership in Texas Municipal League
Incorporation of State Law
§ 31.100
Incorporation of Local Government Code
Emergency Medical Services
§ 31.110
Superseded by Ord. 10-023
§ 31.111
Level of service
Superseded by Ord. 10-023
§ 31.112
Membership funding
Superseded by Ord. 10-023
Brady Law Background Checks
§ 31.120
Establishing fee for background checks
§ 1.06.092 amnd. by Ord. 11-060;
§ A2.003 dltd. by Ord. 11-060
Payment by Credit Card
§ 31.130
Processing fees for payment by credit card
Chapter 32: City Council; Regulatory Authority; Meetings
§ 32.01
Regulatory authority
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 32.02
Style of ordinances and resolutions
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 32.03
Introduction and action on ordinances
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 32.04
Recording ordinances and resolutions
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 32.05
Publication of ordinances
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 32.06
Veto power of mayor
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 32.07
Approval of legal documents
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
Conduct of Meetings
§ 32.20
Regular and special meetings
§ 32.21
Procedures controlled by Robert’s Rules
§ 32.22
Meetings to be recorded
§ 32.23
Addressing the city council
§ 32.24
Smoking in council chambers
Chapter 33: Departments, Boards, and Commissions
Creation of Departments, Commissions, and Committees
Creation of departments
§ 33.02
Creation of commissions and committees
Police Department
§ 33.10
Police department created
§ 33.11
Appointment of police officers; oath of office
§ 33.12
§ 33.13
§ 33.14
Duties generally
§ 33.15
Uniforms, badges, and armament
§ 33.16
Police department policies manual adopted
Police Reserve Force
§ 33.20
Special police reserve force established
§ 33.21
Appointment, removal, and command of reserve officers
§ 33.22
Maximum number of reserve officers
§ 33.23
Authority to carry weapon
§ 33.24
Compensation; uniforms; and other fringe benefits
§ 33.25
Qualifications and minimum standards for reserve officers
§ 33.26
§ 33.27
§ 33.28
Annual report
§ 33.29
Mayor’s powers to summon special police force not affected
Mutual Law Enforcement Aid
§ 33.40
State mutual aid law adopted
§ 33.41
Mayor may commission police to other cities
§ 33.42
City to participate in mutual aid law enforcement task force
§ 33.43
Police officers commissioned as peace officers of recipient city
Library Department
§ 33.50
Library department created
§ 33.51
Library advisory board established
Amnd. by Ord. 16-015
Amnd. by Ord. 16-015
Amnd. by Ord. 16-015
Chapter 34: Municipal Court of Record
Municipal Court
§ 34.01
Municipal court of record established
Amnd. by Ord. 09-068
§ 34.02
Practices and procedures
§ 34.03
Warrant of arrest fees
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 34.04
Dismissal fee, safety driving course
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 34.05
Transcript preparation fee
§ A2.004(a) dltd. by Ord. 11-060
Municipal Judge
§ 34.20
Office of municipal judge created; appointment; compensation; oath
§ 34.21
§ 34.22
Alternate judge
§ 34.23
Term of office
Amnd. by Ord. 09-068
§ 34.24
Removal of judge
§ 34.25
Mayor as ex officio judge
§ 34.26
Amnd. by Ord. 09-068
Court Personnel
§ 34.40
Office of court clerk created; appointment
§ 34.41
Duties of court clerk
§ 34.42
Court reporter
§ 34.43
Supervision of municipal court administrative department
§ 34.50
Jury duty pay
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 34.51
Selection of juries
Municipal Court Funds
§ 34.60
Municipal court technology fund
(a) Fund
(b) Establishment of amount of the fee and assessment and collection
§ A2.004(b) dltd. by Ord. 11-060
(c) Fund purposes
§ 34.61
Municipal court building security fund
(a) Fund
[(b) Establishment of amount of the fee and assessment and collection]
§ A2.004(c) dltd. by Ord. 11-060
(c) Fund purposes
Chapter 35: Finance and Revenue; Taxation
Fiscal Year
§ 35.01
Fiscal year designated
City Depository
§ 35.10
Official depository designated
Annual Budget
§ 35.20
Budget officer
§ 35.21
Budget required
§ 35.22
Budget content
§ 35.23
Cooperation required
§ 35.24
Time of filing and public inspection
§ 35.25
Public hearing required
§ 35.26
Filing adopted budget
§ 35.27
Money transfers
Audit of City Funds
§ 35.30
Annual audit required
§ 35.31
Financial reporting of agencies funded by city
§ 35.32
Forfeiture proceedings
Ad Valorem (Property) Tax
§ 35.40
Authority to levy property tax
§ 35.41
Participation in appraisal district
§ 35.42
Tax due date
§ 35.43
Additional penalty for collection costs of delinquent taxes
§ 35.44
Exemption from taxation of freeport goods
§ 35.45
Limitation for certain residential homestead property owners
Local Sales and Use Tax
§ 35.50
Local sales tax on residential gas and electricity exempt
§ 35.51
Telecommunications tax authorized
Amnd. by Ord. 17-014
Hotel/Motel Tax
§ 35.60
Rpld. by Ord. 10-016
§ 35.61
Amount of hotel/motel tax levied
Rpld. by Ord. 10-016
§ 35.62
Collection of tax
Rpld. by Ord. 10-016
§ 35.63
Rpld. by Ord. 10-016
§ 35.64
Rules and regulations
Rpld. by Ord. 10-016
Bidding Procedures
§ 35.80
§ 35.81
§ 35.82
Trench excavation plan
§ 35.83
Contracts for expenditures authorized by city manager
Rpld. by Ord. 09-022
Chapter 36: Emergency Management
§ 36.01
§ 36.02
Emergency management director-powers and duties
§ 36.03
Emergency management plan
§ 36.04
§ 36.05
§ 36.06
Commitment of funds
§ 36.06A
§ 36.07
Lights restricted during air raids
§ 36.08
Giving false sirens unlawful
§ 36.09
Conflicts with these rules and regulations
§ 36.10
Liability for damages and injuries
§ 36.11
Expending public funds on civil defense activities
§ 36.12
Interfering with public officer; violating rules and regulations; impersonating public officer
§ 36.13
Master emergency operations plan adopted by reference
Chapter 37: City Officials; City Employees
City Officers, Generally
§ 37.001
City council to provide for officers of city
§ 37.002
Officers to serve at pleasure of city council
§ 37.003
Removal of officers
City Manager
§ 37.030
General authority
Superseded by Ord. 01-25
§ 37.031
Superseded by Ord. 01-25
City Secretary
§ 37.035
Office of city secretary created
§ 37.036
Bond required
§ 37.037
Duties generally
Amnd. by Ord. 10-008
City Treasurer
§ 37.045
City secretary to serve as treasurer
City Attorney
§ 37.065
Office created; appointment and termination
§ 37.066
Authority to contract with person or firm
Director of Public Works
§ 37.075
Office created
§ 37.076
City Marshal
§ 37.085
Office abolished
Chief of Police
§ 37.095
Office created; appointment and termination
Building Inspector
§ 37.105
Office created
§ 37.106
Appointment and removal
§ 37.107
§ 37.108
Right to enter premises
§ 37.109
Building inspector not personally liable
Personnel Rules
§ 37.115
Adoption of personnel policies
Social Security
§ 37.125
Social security benefits authorized
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 37.126
Mayor to act as agent
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 37.127
City secretary to administer
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
Texas Municipal Retirement System
§ 37.135
Election to participate in Texas Municipal Retirement System
§ 37.136
City employees included
§ 37.137
§ 37.138
Remittance of contributions, reports, etc. to board of trustees
§ 37.139
Vesting; prior service credits; occupational disability benefits
§ 37.140
Supplemental benefits
§ 37.141
Supplemental death benefits
Chapter 38: Records Management
§ 38.01
Records management
Rpld. by Ord. 14-034
Chapter 50: Garbage and Refuse Services
§ 50.01
Sanitation collection service required
§ 50.02
Container required
§ 50.03
Placement of containers
§ 50.04
Meddling with trash receptacles prohibited
§ 50.05
Containers to be kept sanitary and secure
§ 50.06
Unauthorized private collections prohibited
§ 50.07
Rates for collection, hauling and/or disposal of garbage and trash
§ 50.08
Collection of charges
§ 50.09
Removal of building materials
§ 50.10
Prohibited acts
§ 50.11
Non-residential customers; container types; collection schedules
§ 50.12
Manner of collection and transportation
§ 50.13
License for private collection required; exception
§ 50.14
Out-of-city services
§ 50.15
Using receptacles without consent of owner
Chapter 51: Utility Services
Regulations Concerning All Utilities Supplied by the City
§ 51.001
Rules and regulations
§ 51.002
Right of entry
§ 51.003
Liability of city for damage
§ 51.004
Damage of equipment
§ 51.005
Temporary interruption of service
§ 51.006
Restricting use
§ 51.007
Connections of service
§ 51.008
Unlawful connections
§ 51.009
Responsibilities of the customer
§ 51.010
Blocked sewer lines
§ 51.011
Termination of service
Basis for Water Billing
§ 51.030
Water meters
§ 51.031
Amount of water billed
§ 51.032
Responsibility for leakage
Amnd. by Ord. 11-026
§ 51.033
Repair of meters
§ 51.034
Faulty meters
§ 51.035
Resale of water
§ 51.036
Extension of water service
§ 51.037
Sprinkler meters
§ 51.038
Construction meters
Basis for Sewer Billing
§ 51.055
Determination of sewer flow
§ 51.056
Metered effluent
Billing for Services
§ 51.070
Establishing service
§ 51.071
Refusal of service
§ 51.072
§ 51.073
§ 51.074
Time for billing
§ 51.075
Late charge
§ 51.076
Termination of water service
Amnd. by Ord. 09-052
§ 51.077
Failure to receive a bill
§ 51.078
Meter re-reads
§ 51.079
Payment of bills
§ 51.080
Insufficient funds
§ 51.081
Billing adjustments
Amnd. by Ord. 11-030
§ 51.082
Extension of deadlines
§ 51.083
Short term accounts
§ 51.084
“Benefit of the doubt” policy
Rpld. by Ord. 09-009
Basis for Solid Waste Collection Billing
§ 51.100
Mandatory solid waste collection service
§ 51.101
Billing for services
§ 51.102
Residential collection
§ 51.103
Recyclable materials
§ 51.104
Special services
§ 51.105
Commercial/industrial collection
§ 51.106
Reference to solid waste collection and disposal contract
§ 51.107
Suspension of utility service for nonpayment of solid waste collection bill
§ 51.108
Fine for nonpayment of solid waste collection bill
§ 51.155
Owner must connect to sewer
Chapter 52: Industrial Waste
§ 52.01
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
§ 52.02
Prohibited discharges
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
§ 52.03
Stormwater and other unpolluted drainage
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
§ 52.04
Specific substances prohibited
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
§ 52.05
Compliance with standards of superintendent
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
§ 52.06
Standards and procedures
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
§ 52.07
Grease, oil and sand interceptors
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
§ 52.08
Maintaining pretreatment facilities
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
§ 52.09
Sampling and testing
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
§ 52.10
Rates and charges
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
§ 52.11
Notice of violations
Rpld. by Ord. 23-018
Chapter 70: Traffic Regulations
General Provisions
§ 70.001
State laws adopted
§ 70.002
Traffic-Control Devices
§ 70.010
Traffic-control devices to be consistent with Texas manual
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 70.011
Director of public works to implement placement and maintenance
Amnd. by Ord. 13-032
§ 70.012
Driver to obey traffic-control devices
§ 70.013
Unauthorized signs and signals
§ 70.014
Defacement of traffic devices
§ 70.030
Accident reports
§ 70.031
Removing vehicle from scene of accident
§ 70.032
Restrictions on activities of wrecker drivers at scene of accident
§ 70.033
Garages to keep records of damaged vehicles
Emergency Vehicles
§ 70.040
Emergency vehicles exempted from certain regulations
§ 70.041
Operators of emergency vehicles required to drive responsibly
Traffic Obstruction
§ 70.050
Unlawful to maintain traffic obstruction
§ 70.051
City may abate obstruction and assess lien
§ 70.052
Filing statement of expenses
Fire Trucks and Fire Hoses
§ 70.060
Drivers to stop for fire trucks; parking near fires
§ 70.061
Driving over fire hose
Speed Limits
§ 70.070
Speed limits generally
§ 70.071
Excessively slow speed prohibited
§ 70.072
Alterations to prima facie speed limits
Truck Routes
§ 70.080
Director of public works authorized to establish truck routes
Rpld. by Ord. 15-073
§ 70.081
Compliance required
Rpld. by Ord. 15-073
§ 70.082
Separate offenses
Rpld. by Ord. 15-073
§ 70.083
Trucks over five tons prohibited on certain streets
Rpld. by Ord. 15-073
Parades and Processions
§ 70.090
Permit for parades and processions required
Amnd. by Ord. 14-004
§ 70.091
Funeral processions
Amnd. by Ord. 14-004
§ 70.092
Escorts and traffic safety
Amnd. by Ord. 14-004
§ 70.093
Funeral escorts
Amnd. by Ord. 14-004
§ 70.100
Rules for operation
§ 70.101
Impoundment; sale of impounded bicycles
§ 70.102
Penalties for minors violating bicycle riding regulations
School Zones
§ 70.110
Speed limit in school zones
Rpld. by Ord. 08-153
§ 70.111
School zones established
Rpld. by Ord. 08-153
§ 70.112
Regulating signs and crosswalks
Chapter 71: Parking
§ 71.01
Parking on public roadways prohibited
§ 71.02
Parking of heavy trucks on streets prohibited
§ 71.03
Parallel parking
§ 71.04
Angle parking
§ 71.05
Parking in marked spaces
§ 71.06
Vehicle owner not to permit parking violations
§ 71.07
Impoundment of unlawfully parked vehicle
§ A10.001 dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 71.08
Parking zones for disabled persons
§ 71.09
No parking” zones
Rpld. by Ord. 15-074
§ 71.10
Parking surfaces
Rpld. by Ord. 09-042
Chapter 72: Vehicle Towing, Removal, and Impoundment Regulations
§ 72.01
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.02
Wrecker to be invited to accident scene; exception
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.03
Soliciting business prohibited
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.04
Application for placement on rotation list
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.05
Inspection by officials; notice to applicants seeking placement on rotation list
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.06
Annual requests for placement on rotation list
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.07
Maximum charges
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.08
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.09
Minimum equipment
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.10
Inspection of equipment
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.11
Driver registration
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.12
Fencing of yards
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.13
Rotation list
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.14
Answering calls
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.15
Wrecker selection form
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.16
Wrecker used in absence of designation
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.17
Police prohibited from influencing selection of wrecker
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.18
Following vehicle in response to accident report prohibited
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.19
Impoundment of wrecked vehicle
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
§ 72.20
Signs required on wreckers
Rpld. by Ord. 08-156
Chapter 90: Animals
General Provisions
§ 90.01
§ 90.02
Killing or destruction of animals if dangerous, sick, or threat to public or safety
§ 90.03
Cruelty to animals
§ 90.04
Proximity to residences; minimum area
§ 90.05
Animals running at large; when owner of premises may impound
§ 90.06
Animals running at large; impoundment authorized
§ 90.07
Impounded animals, notification, disposition, destruction
Amnd. by Ord. 11-039
§ 90.08
§ 90.09
Impoundment fees; redemption of animal
§ 90.10
Unlawful to keep more than permitted number of dogs and cats; exceptions
§ 90.11
Farm livestock; applicability of code to slaughterhouses, temporary exhibitions, and the like
§ 90.12
Standing of bull, stallion, or jack
§ 90.13
Sale of fowl, rabbits, and certain other animals prohibited
§ 90.14
Selling of animals for pet purposes
§ 90.15
Wild animals; caging and prohibition against running at large
§ 90.16
Animal waste; disposal, animal pens; offensive, unsanitary conditions
§ 90.17
Animal vaccination; annual vaccination, right of inspection
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 90.18
§ 90.19
Animals suspected of rabies; biting or attacking people
§ 90.20
Noisy animals
§ 90.21
Owner surrender of animal
§ 90.40
§ 90.41
Annual vaccination prerequisite to registration
§ 90.42
Annual registration required; fee
§ 90.43
Tag to be attached to collar or harness
§ 90.44
Running at large; control generally
§ 90.45
Release of dogs; generally
§ 90.46
Release of dogs; vaccination prerequisite
§ 90.47
Release of dogs; restraint from running at large
§ 90.48
Release of dogs; time limit, fee, disposition of unredeemed dogs
§ 90.49
Dog fights
§ 90.50
§ 90.51
Other sections applicable to dogs
§ 90.52
Animal control officers; authority
Amnd. by Ord. 11-018
Dangerous Animals Other than a Dog
§ 90.60
Nuisance declared
Amnd. by Ord. 11-040
§ 90.61
Finding of an animal, other than a dog, as “dangerous”
§ 90.62
Requirements for owner of dangerous animal other than a dog
§ 90.63
Failure to comply with requirements
§ 90.64
Registration of a dangerous animal other than a dog
§ 90.65
Attack by dangerous animal other than a dog
§ 90.66
§ 90.67
Dangerous Dogs
§ 90.70
Nuisance declared
Amnd. by Ord. 11-040
§ 90.71
Dangerous dog investigation
§ 90.72
Reporting of incident
§ 90.73
Dangerous dog incident
§ 90.74
Hearing for dangerous dog determination
§ 90.75
Requirements for owner of dangerous dog
§ 90.76
Dangerous dog registration
§ 90.77
§ 90.78
§ 90.99
Chapter 91: Fair Housing
§ 91.01
Definition of terms
§ 91.02
Discrimination in the sale or rental of housing
§ 91.03
Discrimination in the financing of housing
§ 91.04
Discrimination in the provision of brokerage services
§ 91.05
Exemptions and exclusions
§ 91.06
§ 91.07
§ 91.08
Cumulative legal effect
§ 91.09
Unlawful intimidation
Chapter 92: Fire Prevention
§ 92.01
International Fire Code adopted by reference
Rpld. by Ord. 08-37
Chapter 93: Health and Sanitation
Health Officer
§ 93.01
Appointment; term; qualifications; compensation
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.02
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.03
Records to be kept
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.04
Cooperation with state health officer
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
Mosquito Control
§ 93.10
Accumulations of water prohibited
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
Contaminated Water
§ 93.20
Collection of water containing bacillus coli declared public nuisance
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.21
Collection of water containing bacillus coli to be eliminated
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
Impairing Drainage
§ 93.30
Impairing of drainageways prohibited
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
Public Toilets
§ 93.40
Public toilets to be kept in sanitary condition
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
Health and Sanitation Nuisances
§ 93.50
Nuisances described
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.51
Public health nuisances specified
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.52
Offensive odors
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.53
Notice; abatement by city
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
Dead Animals
§ 93.60
Disposal of dead animals
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.70
Authorized cemeteries
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.71
Extension of cemeteries
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.72
Burial outside authorized cemeteries
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.73
Disinterment of certain bodies buried on private ground
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.74
New cemeteries; application
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
§ 93.80
Enforcement through courts
Rpld. by Ord. 09-034
Chapter 94: Nuisances
Nuisances Generally and Abatement Thereof
§ 94.01
Nuisance generally
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.02
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.03
Nuisances defined; prohibited generally
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.04
Accumulation of waste and refuse
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.05
Unclean pond or pool; mosquito nuisance
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.06
Refrigerators and freezers
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.07
Overgrown vegetation and weeds prohibited
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.08
Order to abate nuisance, and enforcement options
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.09
Notice of violation and order to abate prior to abatement by city
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.10
Noncompliance; work to be performed by the city
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.11
Hearing; right to extension
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.12
Authority in case of public epidemic or immediate danger
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.13
Assessment of expenses; lien; appeal
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.14
Additional authority to abate dangerous weeds without prior notice
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.15
Right of entry
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.16
Parkway maintenance
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.35
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.36
Littering unlawful
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.37
Duty to keep property free of litter
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.38
Container closure, maintenance
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.39
Pedestrian litter container use restrictions
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.40
Vehicles transporting loose materials
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.41
Littering from motor vehicle; evidence
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
Loud Noises
§ 94.50
Loud noises prohibited
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.51
Loud noises enumerated
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
§ 94.99
Rpld. by Ord. 09-036
Chapter 95: Junked and Abandoned Property
General Provisions
§ 95.01
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.02
State law applicable
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.03
Relationship to other regulations
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
Junked Vehicles
§ 95.10
Presence of junked vehicles deemed public nuisance; exception
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.11
Abatement order, private property
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.12
Abatement order, public property
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.13
Public hearing
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.14
Filing complaint
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.15
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.16
Removal of junked vehicle with permission
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.17
Removal from unoccupied premises
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.18
Notice to TxDot required
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
Abandoned Motor Vehicles and Other Property
§ 95.30
Declaration of nuisance; duty to impound
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.31
Lien on impounded property
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.32
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.33
Sale of property
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
§ 95.34
Records; fees
Rpld. by Ord. 09-037
Chapter 96: Parks and Recreation
General Provisions
§ 96.01
Safety of patrons generally
§ 96.02
Injury to trees, shrubs, fences, etc.
§ 96.03
Abusive or obscene language or act
§ 96.04
Dogs at large
Amnd. by Ord. 11-068
§ 96.05
Driving and parking of vehicles
§ 96.06
Sale of merchandise
§ 96.07
Possession of alcoholic beverages in parks
Rpld. by Ord. 13-013
§ 96.08
Noises interfering with enjoyment of public park areas
§ 96.09
Parks not to be used for profit
§ 96.10
Hours of operation for the city park
Parks and Recreation Commission
§ 96.20
Short title
§ 96.21
§ 96.22
Parks and recreation commission
Amnd. by Ord. 14-032
Amnd. by Ord. 09-018
Amnd. by Ord. 09-018
Rpld. by Ord. 14-032
Rpld. by Ord. 12-040
Amnd. by Ord. 09-018
Chapter 97: Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan
§ 97.01
Establishment and goals
§ 97.02
§ 97.03
Implementation and enforcement
§ 97.04
Periodic review
§ 97.10
Stage 1: water watch
Rpld. by Ord. 12-002
§ 97.11
Stage 2: water warning
Rpld. by Ord. 12-002
§ 97.12
Stage 3: water emergency
Rpld. by Ord. 12-002
§ 97.13
Stage 4: water crisis
Rpld. by Ord. 12-002
Chapter 98: Food Establishments
§ 98.01
Adoption of Texas Food Establishment Rules
Rpld. by Ord. 08-152
§ 98.02
§ 98.03
§ 98.04
Permits and exceptions
Rpld. by Ord. 08-152
§ 98.05
Application for permits and fees
Amnd. by Ord. 16-011
§ 98.06
Review of plans
§ 98.07
Suspension of permit
Rpld. by Ord. 08-152
§ 98.08
Revocation of permit
Rpld. by Ord. 08-152
§ 98.09
Grease traps
§ 98.10
Vent-a-hood systems
§ 98.11
Heimlich maneuver poster
§ 98.99
Chapter 99: Private Water Wells
§ 99.01
Purpose and intent
§ 99.02
General prohibition
§ 99.03
Exception; permitting process
§ A11.005 dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 99.04
Scope of chapter
§ 99.99
Chapter 110: Amusements
Carnivals, Circuses and Tent Shows
§ 110.01
Permit required; exemptions
Amnd. by Ord. 14-004
§ 110.02
Application for permits
Amnd. by Ord. 14-004
§ 110.03
Consideration of application
Amnd. by Ord. 14-004
§ 110.04
Approval or denial of permit; appeal
§ 4.02.034 amnd. by Ord. 14-004
§ A6.001(b) dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 110.05
Compliance with permit conditions and applicable laws and ordinances
Amnd. by Ord. 14-004
Amusement Devices; Machines
§ 110.15
§ 110.16
Gambling devices and slot machines prohibited
§ 110.17
Machines prohibited near school buildings
§ 110.18
Hours of operation
§ 110.19
Sale of alcoholic beverages prohibited
§ 110.20
Revocation of license
§ 110.21
Partitioning of building or premises
§ 110.22
Location requirement
§ 110.23
Pool or Billiard Tables
§ 110.35
§ 110.36
License required
§ 110.37
Fee; term of license
§ A6.005 dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 110.38
Hours of operation
§ 110.39
Sale of alcoholic beverages prohibited
§ 110.40
Revocation of license
§ 110.41
Partitioning of building or premises prohibited
§ 110.42
Location requirement
§ 110.43
Chapter 111: Auto Salvage, Junk, and Secondhand Dealers
Auto Salvage Dealers
§ 111.01
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.02
License required
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.03
Application for license
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.04
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.05
Public hearing on application
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.06
Issuance of license
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.07
Transfer of license
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.08
Content of license
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.09
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.10
General operating requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.11
Revocation or suspension of license
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.12
Declaration of public nuisance
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
Junk and Secondhand Dealers
§ 111.20
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.21
Record of and receipt for property purchased
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.22
Stock to be open for examination
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.23
Purchases to be retained at least seventy-two hours
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
§ 111.24
Purchasing or receiving goods from minors
Rpld. by Ord. 09-033
Chapter 112: Peddlers, Solicitors, and Itinerant Merchants
§ 112.01
Peddler or solicitor defined
§ 112.02
Permit required
§ 112.03
Application for permit
§ 112.04
Bond required
§ 112.05
Investigation of applicant
§ 112.06
Issuance and duration of permit
§ 112.07
Permit fees
§ 112.08
Permit must be carried
§ 112.09
Revocation of permit
§ 112.10
Permit not transferable
§ 112.11
Refusal to leave premises prohibited
§ 112.12
No peddling where posted
§ 112.13
Hours when peddling prohibited
§ 112.14
Consumers’ right to cancel order
§ 112.15
Chapter 113: Reserved
Chapter 114: Sale of Natural Gas
General Provisions
§ 114.01
Determining general service rate
§ 114.02
Rate adjustments
§ 114.03
Right to collect charges
§ 114.04
Recovery of expense through surcharge
§ 114.05
Changes and amendments
Lone Star Gas Company Tariffs and Schedules
§ 114.20
§ 114.21
Gas cost adjustment
§ 114.22
Weather normalization adjustment
§ 114.23
Tax adjustment
§ 114.24
Schedule of service charges
§ 114.25
Main line extension rate
Chapter 115: Cable Television
§ 115.01
§ 115.02
Initial review of basic cable rates
§ 115.03
Review of request for increase in basic cable rates
§ 115.04
Cable operator information
§ 115.05
Automatic rate adjustments
§ 115.06
Chapter 116: Alcoholic Beverage Sales
§ 116.01
Sale of beer and wine prohibited in residential areas
§ 116.02
Regulations prohibiting sale of alcohol near a church, public or private school, or public hospital
§ 116.03
Permit required
§ 116.04
Hours for sale of beer and wine, if permitted
§ 116.05
Regulation of food and beverage certificate holders
Chapter 130: General offenses
General Provisions
§ 130.01
Misdemeanors under state law adopted
§ 130.02
Arrests without warrant
Public Property - Damage and Trespass
§ 130.10
Damaging public property prohibited
§ 130.11
Entering into and ascending city waterworks facilities
§ 130.12
Destroying, defacing street signs
Theft from City
§ 130.20
Theft of city services and property
Obscene and Sexually Explicit Materials
§ 130.30
Attendance of certain motion pictures by minors
§ 130.31
Certain movies, scenes visible from street, residences, or private property declared unlawful
§ 130.32
Display, distribution, or promotion of obscene materials
§ 130.33
Sale, distribution, or display to minors
§ 130.34
Public displays of explicit sexual material
§ 130.40
Posting advertising matter on utility poles
§ 130.50
Carrying weapons prohibited
§ 130.51
Discharging firearms prohibited
§ 130.60
Amnd. by Ord. 08-48
§ 130.61
Amnd. by Ord. 08-48
§ 130.62
Amnd. by Ord. 08-48
§ 130.63
Amnd. by Ord. 08-48
Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 130.70
Open wells
§ 130.71
Camping in city
§ 130.72
Loitering, congregating and unoccupied vehicles
§ 130.73
Sexual offender: residency restrictions
§ 130.74
Property owners prohibited from renting real property to sexual offenders
§ 130.75
Loitering under circumstances manifesting purpose of prostitution; definitions
Chapter 150: Building Regulations
Building Code
§ 150.01
International Building Code adopted
Amnd. by Ord. 08-40
Amnd. by Ord. 08-40
§ 150.02
§ 150.03
Contractor’s license and bond required
Electrical Code
§ 150.10
National Electrical Code adopted
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.11
Scope of code
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.12
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.13
Compliance with electrical code required
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.14
Office of electrical inspector created; compensation
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.15
Powers and duties of electrical inspector
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.16
Electrical permits
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.17
Applications for permits
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.18
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.19
Expiration of permit
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.20
Required inspections
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.21
Defective work
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.22
Meter loop equipment
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.23
Work standards
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.24
Change of occupancy requires rewire
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.25
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.26
Licensing of electricians
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.27
Bond required for electrical contractors
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.28
Qualifications of electricians
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.29
Failure to comply with orders of electrical inspector
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.30
Interference with electrical inspector prohibited
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
§ 150.31
License to individuals doing own electrical work
Amnd. by Ord. 08-39
Plumbing Code
§ 150.40
Standard Plumbing Code adopted
Amnd. by Ord. 08-41
§ 150.41
State plumbing license required
§ 150.42
Mechanical Code
§ 150.50
Standard Mechanical Code adopted
Amnd. by Ord. 08-43
§ 150.51
Moving of Buildings
§ 150.70
Permit required
§ 150.71
Application for permit
§ 150.72
Investigation of application by building official
§ 150.73
Issuance of permit
§ 150.74
Insurance and bonding requirements
§ 150.75
Escort required
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 150.76
House mover to make all arrangements
§ 150.77
Notice to utility companies
§ 150.78
Police escort
§ 150.79
Water and sewer connection mandatory
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 150.80
Parking on public property
§ 150.81
Issuance of certificate of occupancy
§ 150.82
Liability of city under this chapter
§ 150.83
General Building Regulations
§ 150.90
Addressing standards for numbering structures
International Codes Adopted
§ 150.100
International Residential Code adopted by reference
Amnd. by Ord. 08-42
§ 150.101
International Energy Conservation Code adopted by reference
Amnd. by Ord. 08-44
Chapter 151: Housing Code
§ 151.01
Southern Standard Housing Code adopted
Rpld. by Ord. 09-038
§ 151.02
Rpld. by Ord. 09-038
§ 151.03
Rpld. by Ord. 09-038
Chapter 152: Signs
§ 152.01
Short title
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.02
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.03
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.04
Permit required
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.05
Application for permit
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.06
Illuminated sign: approval by electrical inspector/code enforcement officer
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.07
Permit issued if application in order
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.08
Permit fees
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.09
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.10
Sign verbiage
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.11
Unsafe and unlawful signs
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.12
Number, date, and voltage to be on sign
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.13
Maintenance required
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.14
Wind pressure and dead load requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.15
Removal of certain signs
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.16
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.17
Bond or insurance requirements
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.18
Obstructions to doors, windows, or fire escapes
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.19
Signs not to constitute traffic hazard
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.20
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.21
Prohibited signs
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.22
Permitted signs
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.23
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.24
Temporary signs
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.25
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.26
Board of appeal
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.27
Responsibility for violation
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
§ 152.28
Masonry monument sign required
Rpld. by Ord. 09-041
Chapter 153: Unified Development Code
§ 153.01
Adoption of code by reference
§ 153.02
Construction board of adjustments and appeals
§ A5.004 dltd. by Ord. 11-060
Chapter 154: Dangerous and Substandard Buildings Code
§ 154.01
Purpose and scope
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.02
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.03
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.04
Substandard buildings declared
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.05
Determination by building official
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.06
Public hearing for abatement of substandard buildings
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.07
Orders of the building board of appeals
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.08
Notice of orders of the building board of appeals
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.09
Enforcement of orders of the building board of appeals
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.10
Performance of work by the city
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.11
Recovery of cost of securing, repair, removal or demolition
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.12
Additional authority to secure certain substandard buildings prior to public hearing and to secure, demolish, repair or remove certain dangerous buildings
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.13
Civil penalty
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.14
Authority not limited
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.15
Priority over Standard Housing Code
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
§ 154.20
Rpld. by Ord. 09-035
Chapter 155: Public Rights-of-Way Use and Administration
§ 155.01
§ 155.02
Scope of chapter
§ 155.03
Findings and purpose
§ 155.04
Registration required
§ 155.05
Application for registration
§ 155.06
Issuance or denial of registration
§ 155.07
Term of registration
§ 155.08
Registration fee
§ 155.09
Revocation of registration
§ 155.10
Appeal from denial or revocation of registration
§ 155.11
Plans of record
§ 155.12
Tree trimming; temporary removal of facilities
§ 155.13
Other facilities
§ 155.14
Excavation permit required; exceptions; fees
§ 155.15
Permit application
§ 155.16
Permit issuance
§ 155.17
Revocation of excavation permit
§ 155.18
Appeal from denial or revocation of permit
§ 155.19
§ 155.20
Placement of facilities
§ 155.21
Worksite regulations
§ 155.22
Traffic; detours, barricades
§ 155.23
Restoration of right-of-way
§ 155.24
Failure to complete work
§ 155.25
Removal of utility facilities
§ 155.26
§ 155.99
Chapter 156: Building Board of Appeals
§ 156.01
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 156.02
Appointment and terms
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 156.03
Qualifications of members
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 156.04
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 156.05
Duties and powers
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 156.06
Meetings and quorums
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 156.07
Priority over standard codes
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
Chapter 157: Flood Damage Prevention
§ 157.01
Statutory authorization, findings of fact, purpose and methods
§ 157.02
§ 157.03
General provisions
§ 157.04
§ 157.05
Provisions for flood hazard reduction
§ 157.06
Penalty for noncompliance
Amnd. by Ord. 13-023
Appendix 1: Fee Schedule
§ 1.00
Copying charges for public records
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 2.00
Tax certificates
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 3.00
Vehicle towing and impoundment charges
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 4.00
Animal fees
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 5.00
Impoundment fees—abandoned motor vehicles and other property
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 6.00
Parade, circus, carnival, or tent show permit fee
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 7.00
Permit fee for public fireworks displays
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code
§ 8.00
Auto salvage license fees
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 9.00
Peddlers, vendors, and itinerant vendors license fee
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 10.00
Construction permits
Rpld. by Ord. 08-45
§ 11.00
Electrical inspection fees
Rpld. by Ord. 08-45
§ 12.00
Plumbing permit and inspection fees
Rpld. by Ord. 08-45
§ 13.00
Mechanical permit fees
Rpld. by Ord. 08-45
§ 14.00
Permit fee, deposit, and escort fee for moving houses, buildings, or structures
Rpld. by Ord. 08-45
§ 15.00
Garbage collection charges
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 16.00
Water and sewer fees
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 17.00
Sign permits
Amnd. by Resolution 10-057R
§ 18.00
Voluntary parks and recreation utility bill fee
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 19.00
Library fines and fees
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 20.00
Rental of park, pavilions, and meeting rooms
Rpld. by Ord. 09-044
§ 21.00
Alcoholic beverage permit fees
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 22.00
Miscellaneous fire department fees
Rpld. by Ord. 08-45
§ 23.00
Public works engineering fees
Dltd. by Ord. 11-060
§ 24.00
Credit card processing fee
Rpld. by Ord. adopting Code