As authorized by applicable statutes of the state, the city does hereby impose fees for services of police officers of the city, which fees are to be paid by the defendant convicted of an offense, as set forth in V.T.C.A., Transportation Code, section 543.009.
The fees, when collected, shall be paid into the city treasury for the use and benefit of the city.
It is the intent of this section to adopt those fees as authorized by applicable statutes, and in the event of conflict it is understood that the statutory law shall in all things prevail.
(2007 Code, sec. 1.02.032)
There is hereby created a municipal court building security fund. This fund shall be administered under the direction of the governing body of the city.
Fee assessed.
All defendants convicted in a trial for a misdemeanor offense in municipal court shall be required to pay a fee in the amount of three dollars ($3.00), as a cost of court. A person is considered convicted for purposes of this section if a sentence is imposed on the person, the person receives community supervision, including deferred adjudication, or the court defers final disposition of the person’s case. The security fee shall be collected by the municipal court clerk and paid to the official who discharges the duties of municipal treasurer for deposit in the municipal court building security fund.
The municipal court building security fund may be used only to finance the following items when used for the purpose of providing security services for any buildings housing the municipal court of the city:
The purchase or repair of X-ray machines and conveying systems;
Hand-held metal detectors;
Walk-through metal detectors;
Identification cards and systems;
Electronic locking and surveillance equipment;
Bailiffs, deputy sheriffs, deputy constables, or contract security personal during times when they are providing appropriate security services;
Confiscated weapon inventory and tracking systems;
Locks, chains or other security hardware; and
Any other item or service permitted by law.
(2007 Code, secs. 7.03.001–7.03.003)
There is hereby created and established a municipal court technology fund, herein known as the fund, pursuant to article 102.0172 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The fund may be maintained in an interest-bearing account and may be maintained in the general revenue account.
Amount of fee; assessment and collection.
The fee shall be in the amount of four dollars ($4.00).
The fee shall be assessed and collected from the defendant upon conviction for a misdemeanor offense in the municipal court as a cost of court. A defendant is considered convicted if:
A sentence is imposed on the person;
The person is placed on community supervision, including deferred adjudication community supervision; or
The court defers final disposition of the person’s case.
The fee shall be collected on conviction for an offense committed on or after September 1, 1999.
The clerk of the court shall collect the fee and pay the fee to the municipal treasurer or other official who discharges or performs the duties of the treasurer, who shall deposit the fee into the municipal court technology fund.
Designated uses; administration.
The fund shall be used only to finance the purchase of technological enhancements for the municipal court of the city, including:
Computer systems;
Computer networks;
Computer hardware;
Computer software;
Imaging systems;
Electronic kiosks;
Electronic ticket writers; or
Docket management systems.
The fund shall be administered by the city.
(2007 Code, secs. 7.04.001–7.04.003)