The historic preservation commission members shall consist of seven members that serve three-year terms.
The city will designate a member of development services staff to act as liaison of the historic preservation commission. The liaison may in an advisory capacity participate in discussions, but has no right to vote. The liaison of the historic preservation commission will also serve as the local preservation officer and fulfill all duties as may be required under any certified local government agreement with the state historical commission.
Historic preservation commission members should, to the extent reasonably possible, have a demonstrated outstanding interest in the historic traditions of the city and have experience in the preservation of the historic character of the city. City council will try, to the extent reasonably possible, to appoint members from the following categories:
Architect, planner or design professional; historian.
Licensed real estate broker/appraiser; attorney at law.
Archaeologist or member of a related scholarly discipline.
Member of chamber of commerce (either the chamber president or a member designated by the chamber president).
Texas Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, approved by the state historical commission, serves as a guideline for decisions made by the historic preservation commission.
(Ordinance O-18-07-05-8B adopted 7/5/18)
The historic preservation commission will:
Adopt rules and procedures for its governance.
Establish committees as needed.
Consider and recommend designation of a historic district or historic landmark.
Consider and render decisions on certificates of appropriateness and demolition requests in designated historic districts.
Conduct and administer historic resource surveys.
Develop public outreach/education/awareness programs.
Recommend acquisition of endangered historic resources to city council when necessary.
Recommend acceptance of donations of preservation easements.
Submit an annual report to city council and the mayor on the status of preservation in the community and on the work of the historic preservation commission.
Recommend tax or other financial incentives to encourage preservation of historic resources.
Prepare and promote design guidelines for historic landmark districts.
Make an annual report to the city council showing the activities of the commission for the current year.
(Ordinance O-15-01-22-7C adopted 1/22/15)
Development services staff, the city manager, city council, and the planning and zoning commission may make a request requiring historic preservation commission consideration.
(Ordinance O-15-01-22-7C adopted 1/22/15)
The historic preservation commission is an administrative body. The applicant or city may appeal decisions to city council.
(Ordinance O-15-01-22-7C adopted 1/22/15)