There is hereby created the outside agency funding advisory committee of the city. The outside agency funding advisory committee shall consist of three (3) city council members, each serving a one-year term. In even-numbered years, the councilmembers for place 1, place 3, and place 5 shall serve on the outside agency funding advisory committee. In odd-numbered years, the councilmembers for place 2, place 4, and place 6 shall serve on the outside agency funding advisory committee.
(Ordinance O-2022-028 adopted 6/2/22)
The outside agency funding advisory committee will advise and recommend the annual expenditure of funds for outside agency funding.
The outside agency funding advisory committee may adopt procedural guidelines for evaluating funding applications.
(Ordinance O-2022-028 adopted 6/2/22)
The outside agency funding advisory committee, in discharging its duties enumerated in this division, shall serve in an advisory capacity only. As such, the outside agency funding advisory committee is not subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
(Ordinance O-2022-028 adopted 6/2/22)