The site plan shall be filed as required by section 6.05.052 of this article and shall show the following:
The name, address, fee owner and record owner of the proposed or existing HUD-code manufactured home park.
Name of the subdivision where the park is located.
Names of adjacent public streets and roads.
Contour lines at two-foot (2') intervals.
Locations and dimensions of all HUD-code manufactured mobile home spaces, utility easements, drives, recreation areas, streets and sidewalks. Each HUD-code manufactured mobile home space shall be numbered.
Scale of plan (no smaller than 1" = 200') and complete dimensions.
Density in units per gross acre.
Area and dimensions of site.
Areas defined for waste containers and method of disposal of garbage and refuse.
Location of shower and toilet facilities.
Water and sewer plans. Water and sewer plans must be submitted showing the following:
Sewer line locations, grades and sizes.
Water line locations, sizes and source of water supply.
Paving and drainage plans. Paving and drainage plans must show the directions and calculated quantities of runoff and the proposed specifications for streets.
The city shall notify the applicant in writing as to whether the plan was approved or disapproved, stating the reasons for disapproval and the modifications or conditions that must be made or met before approval can be obtained upon subsequent submission.
(2007 Code, sec. 3.14.041)