Appointment and Qualifications.
The City Council, by the affirmative vote of five (5) or more Members of the City Council shall appoint a City Manager. The method of selection shall be left to the discretion of the City Council so long as the method insures orderly, nonpartisan action toward securing a competent and qualified person to fill the position. The City Manager shall be chosen solely upon the basis of such person’s executive and administrative training, experience and ability. The City Manager shall be bonded at City expense in an amount of not less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
The City Manager shall receive compensation as may be fixed by the City Council according to his or her experience, education, and training. The compensation shall be agreed upon before appointment with the understanding that the City Council may change it at its discretion.
Term and Removal.
The City Manager shall not be appointed for a definitive term but may be suspended or removed at the discretion of the City Council, by the affirmative vote of five (5) or more Members of the City Council. The action of the City Council in suspending or removing the City Manager shall be final. It is the intention of this Charter to vest all authority and fix all responsibilities of such suspension or removal in the City Council.
Powers and Duties.
The City Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the City, and shall be responsible to the City Council for the proper administration of all the affairs of the City and to that end shall have the power and shall be required to:
see that all state laws and City ordinances are effectively enforced;
appoint, suspend or remove all or any one of the directors of departments, except as otherwise provided in this Charter;
attend all meetings of the City Council except when excused by the City Council, and shall have the right to take part in the discussions;
prepare the budget annually and submit it to the City Council and be responsible for its administration after its adoption;
prepare and submit to the City Council at the end of the fiscal year a complete report on the finances and administrative activities of the City for the preceding year;
keep the City Council advised of the financial condition and future needs of the City and make such recommendations as may seem advisable;
make other such reports as the City Council may require concerning the operations of City departments, offices and agencies subject to his or her discretion and supervision; and
perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or required by the City Council, as consistent with this Charter.
Contracts and Purchases.
The City Council may by ordinance set a maximum amount for which the City Manager shall be authorized to execute contracts and/or to expend funds for budgeted items; provided here, that all contracts and expenditures must comply with applicable state laws requiring competitive bids or authorizing alternative procurement methods. The City Council may by ordinance establish a dollar amount above which all, or certain types of, contracts, or expenditures must be approved in advance by the City Council.
Execution of Documents.
The City Manager shall have the authority to execute, on behalf of the City, certain documents, including but not limited to deeds, conveyances, release of liens, rental agreements, easements, right-of-way agreements, joint use agreements, and other similar documents, under the following condition.
The execution of the document is necessary to carry out a public works project; utilize, maintain or improve a City facility, street, right-of-way, easement, park or other City property; or to implement other City policies; provided that such project, program, or policy has been approved by the City Council;
That all blanks are filled in on any document correctly and that such document is consistent with the objectives approved by the City Council; and
That the form of such document shall be approved by the City Attorney.
(Added May 6, 2017; Amended May 1, 2021; Amended May 1, 2021; Amended May 6, 2017)
There shall be such administrative departments as are established by this Charter and may be established by ordinance and, excepting as otherwise provided in this Charter, these administrative departments shall be under the direction of the City Manager.
The head of each department shall be a director who shall have supervision and control over said department. Two or more departments may be headed by the same individual and the City Manager may head one or more departments.
(Amended May 6, 2017)
There shall be established and maintained a court, designated as a “Municipal Court” for the trial of misdemeanor offenses, with all such powers and duties as are now, or may hereafter be prescribed by laws of the state of Texas relative to municipal courts.
The judge of said court shall be appointed by the City Council to serve at the discretion of the City Council. The judge shall be an attorney licensed and practicing in the State of Texas and shall receive such salary as may be fixed by the City Council.
There shall be a clerk of said court appointed by the City Manager.
The clerk of said court and deputies shall have the power to administer oaths and affidavits, make certificates, affix the seal of said court thereto, and generally do and perform any and all acts usual, and necessary to be performed, by the clerks of courts, in issuing process of said courts, and conducting the business thereof.
The City Council shall have the power to create additional judges as provided by law. The City Council shall appoint such additional judges.
All costs and fines imposed by the Municipal Court shall be paid into the City Treasury for the use and benefit of the City.
(Amended May 1, 2021)
The City Council shall appoint a competent and duly licensed attorney practicing law in the state of Texas, who shall be the City Attorney. The City Attorney shall hold office at the pleasure of the City Council. The City Attorney, or such other attorneys selected by the City Attorney with the approval of the City Council, shall represent the City in all litigation. The City Attorney shall be the legal advisor of, and attorney and counsel for, the City and all officers and departments thereof.
The City Council may appoint a competent and duly licensed attorney practicing law in the state of Texas, who shall be the Deputy City Attorney. The Deputy City Attorney shall hold office at the pleasure of the City Council. The Deputy City Attorney, or such other attorneys selected by the Deputy City Attorney with the approval of the City Council, shall conduct all prosecutions in the Municipal Court.
(Amended May 6, 2017; Added May 1, 2021)
The City Manager shall appoint the City Secretary and such Assistant City Secretaries as the City Council shall deem advisable. The duties of the City Secretary, and Assistant City Secretaries, shall be as follows:
to give notice of City Council meetings;
to keep the minutes of the proceedings of such meetings;
to authenticate by his or her signature and record in full a book kept and indexed for the purpose, all ordinances and resolutions; and
to perform such other duties as the City Council shall assign, and those elsewhere provided for in this Charter.
(Amended May 1, 2021)