The City Council shall have authority to establish by ordinance such boards and commissions as it may deem necessary for the conduct of City business and management of municipal affairs. The authority, functions and responsibilities of such boards and commissions shall be such as are spelled out in the ordinance establishing them. All existing boards and commissions heretofore established shall be continued in accordance with the ordinance or other acts under which they have been created, or until the City Council shall by ordinance abolish, modify or alter the ordinance or acts under which they exist. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter, the City Council shall have paramount authority over all matters affecting the budgets, appropriation of funds, expenditures, purchases and sale of properties and procedures for accounting therefore, consistent with the express provisions of this Charter and applicable provisions of the state constitution and laws of this state.
(Amended May 1, 2021)
Qualifications shall be set by ordinance rather than Charter.
(Amended November 7, 2006)
No member of a Board or Commission shall continue in such position after being elected or appointed to the City Council.
(Amended May 6, 2017; Amended May 1, 2021)
There shall be a City Planning and Zoning Commission which shall be established by ordinance consisting of seven (7) members serving staggered terms of three (3) years.
For purposes of transitioning from two-year terms to three-years terms the following shall apply: After June 30, 2021, the Commissioners for Place 6 and Place 7 (Mayor) shall be appointed to a one-year term, and the Commissioner for Place 4 shall be appointed to a two-year term. After June 30, 2022, the Commissioner for Place 1 shall be appointed to a one-year term, the Commissioners for Place 2 and Place 5 shall be appointed to two-year terms, and the Commissioners for Place 3, Place 6, and Place 7 (Mayor) shall be appointed to three-year terms.
The Commission shall have the power and be required to:
be responsible to and act as an advisory body to the City Council;
recommend to the City Council for its action an official zoning map and recommend any changes to the map;
approve or disapprove plats and plans of proposed subdivisions and insure that all plats and plans conform to the City’s subdivision and development ordinances;
annually recommend a five (5) year Capital Improvement Program to the City Council;
annually recommend an annexation plan to the City Council;
annually review the General Plan for the City and recommend to the City Council any change; and
perform such other functions as may be duly delegated to them from time to time by the City Council.
establish that a quorum is set at four (4) members present.
(Amended May 1, 2021; Amended May 4, 2024)