The building official shall be the enforcement agent for the electrical regulations.
(1997 Code, sec. 151.35)
The rules and requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for the installation of electrical wiring and apparatus, known as the "National Electrical Code," currently in force and as may be amended from time to time, as adopted in section 4.02.001, is hereby recognized as standard authority on the subject of electric wiring, and the installation of electric apparatus, as interpreted by the building official in inspecting all electrical installations, shall be governed thereby.
Solid aluminum conductors 8, 10, and 12 AWG shall be made of AA-800 series electrical grade aluminum alloy conductor material. Stranded aluminum conductors 8 AWG through 1000 kcmil marked as Type RHH, RHW, XHHW, THW, THHW, THHN, service-entrance Type SE Style U and SE Style R shall be made of an AA-8000 series electrical grade aluminum alloy conductor material.
Minimum size wire shall be 1/0.
For commercial buildings only.
Two grounding electrode systems are required by the city for all new construction.
Any person, firm or corporation who knowingly or intentionally violates subsection (b) of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined any sum not to exceed $2,000.00 and assessed court costs as provided by law.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-122; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; Ordinance O-21-05 adopted 12/13/2005; Ordinance O-19-07 adopted 9/25/2007; 1997 Code, secs. 151.36, 151.99(B))
For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
Electric wiring or wiring.
The installation of wires for transmission of electric current on or in any building, for any purpose whatsoever, or installation of electric devices, fixtures and apparatus of any description.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-123; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.37)
The provisions of this article shall apply to any and all electric wiring hereafter installed in the city, including any and all additions and alterations to new or old wiring installed therein.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-124; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.38)
All electrical signs erected within the city limits shall be erected under the supervision of the building official or his or her designee.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-125; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.39)
All electrical wiring in any commercial structure shall be placed in approved conduits or other metallic coverings as approved by the National Electrical Code. Fire zones will be designated by the city council.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-126; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; Ordinance O-21-05 adopted 12/13/2005; 1997 Code, sec. 151.40)
All buildings used or to be used for mercantile purposes, all churches, schools, rooming houses, garages for three or more cars, hotels, rent houses of more than two apartments, all buildings (other than private residences) of two or more stories, and all buildings to be used for public entertainments within the city limits shall be wired in accordance with specifications for fire zones, and shall be so kept and maintained in a safe condition.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-127; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.41)
All motors above one-half horsepower within the city limits shall be connected in accordance with specifications for fire zones.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-128; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.42)
The building official shall have the power and authority to enter any building, structure, lot or premises within the city during reasonable hours and while in the performance of his or her regular duties. He or she shall have the power and authority to arrest or cause the arrest of any person violating any of the provisions of this article.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-129; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.43)
The building official shall decide all questions not provided for in this article pertaining to the installation, operation, or maintenance of electrical wiring and apparatus.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-130; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.44)
The building official shall have the authority to make a thorough inspection of all electric wires, wiring and apparatus within the city, and where wires or apparatus are in a dangerous or unsafe condition, or are deemed to be an interference with the work of the fire department, he or she shall notify the person, firm or corporation owning, using or operating the same to place them in a safe, secure and noninterfering condition, within a reasonable time to be specified in such notice not to exceed ten days from date thereof; provided, for good cause shown, the building official may grant extensions therefor not to exceed ten days each.
Any person, firm, co-partnership, association, or corporation or agent thereof failing, neglecting or refusing to make the necessary repairs or changes and have the work completed within the time specified in such notice, or extension or extensions thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this article. Every day that elapses after the expiration of such time until such wires and apparatus are repaired, removed or changed as required by the building official shall be considered a separate offense within the intent and meaning of this article.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-131; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.45)
A person may not perform electrical work within the city unless the person holds the appropriate license and is not otherwise exempted under state law. In order to obtain a permit in the city, a person must hold a state master electrical license. Such license shall be a condition precedent to obtaining a local license.
All persons, firms or corporations desiring to engage in electrical work in the city shall obtain from the city manager, building official or their designee or other person authorized by the city council to issue the same a license, which shall run for a period of one year from the date of its issuance unless sooner revoked by the city council, and such license shall not be transferable. The names of each and every member of any firm or co-partnership obtaining such license shall be given to the building official, or other person authorized to issue such a license, and each of the names shall be inserted in such license [and such person shall pay] the sum as provided in section 4.01.002, and [be] subject to the other licensing provisions stated herein.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-132; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; Ordinance 301 adopted 5/9/1978; Ordinance O-05-05 adopted 5/24/2005; 1997 Code, sec. 151.46)
All persons, firms or corporations obtaining a local license as required by section 4.03.012 herein shall pay to the building official or other person authorized by the city council to issue such a license the sum as provided in section 4.01.002, and give the bond hereinafter provided, before such license shall be issued.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-133; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; Ordinance 301 adopted 5/9/1978; Ordinance O-05-05 adopted 5/24/2005; 1997 Code, sec. 151.47)
As a condition of the local license requirement and before engaging in electrical work in the city, every person, firm or corporation shall make and execute to the city a bond in the sum of $10,000.00 to be approved by the city manager, building official or their designee, conditioned that such party will faithfully comply with the terms and provisions of this article and all the rules and regulations made in pursuance thereof, and will indemnify and hold harmless the city against any and all costs, expense, damages and injuries sustained by the city or any person or property, by reason of or that may be occasioned by the acts and operations of such licensee under such license. Such bond shall be executed to cover a period of one year from the date of its approval, and shall cover and remain in full force and effect as to each and every piece of work done during such period. Failure to maintain said bond shall in full force and effect [sic] render the local license void without further action by the city and prohibit further work being performed in the city until such time as a new bond is made and executed.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-134; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; Ordinance 301 adopted 5/9/1978; Ordinance O-05-05 adopted 5/24/2005; 1997 Code, sec. 151.48)
It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in electrical work within the city without first having obtained a license as required by state law or this article and/or to have, make or execute the bond as required by this article.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-135; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; Ordinance O-05-05 adopted 5/24/2005; 1997 Code, sec. 151.49)
It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation doing any electrical wiring within the city to notify the building official when such work is ready for inspection, and before any of such work is concealed and while the same is still accessible, that such work is ready for inspection.
It shall be the duty of the building official as soon as possible after receiving such notice and not later than 24 hours after such notice is received to inspect such work and ascertain whether or not same is in compliance with the rules laid down by the National Electrical Code, and if same is in compliance therewith, he or she shall approve the same and issue to the person, firm or corporation doing such work a certificate of inspection stating that such work has been approved by the city building official. The certificate of inspection shall be delivered forthwith to the person for whom such work is done, by the person, firm or corporation doing such electrical wiring.
The inspection shall be paid for by the person doing the electrical wiring and the building official shall not issue any certificate of inspection until such fee shall be paid. No electric current shall be turned on to any wiring hereafter installed until such wiring shall have been inspected and a certificate of inspection issued therefor, as herein provided.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-136; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.50)
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article shall be subject, upon conviction, to the penalty prescribed in section 4.01.001, and in addition thereto the municipal court shall have the power, if it is deemed best, to declare forfeited the license theretofore granted under the provisions of this article to such person, firm or corporation unless expressly authorized by the city council.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-137; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.51)
Telephone and telegraph companies installing wires for their own service are exempt from the terms of this article.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-138; Ordinance 75 adopted 11/6/1945; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.52)
The city shall be entitled to permit fees for inspection work. Inspection fees for electrical work are established in section 4.01.002 and shall also be kept on file in the office of the city clerk.
For residential and commercial renovation, rough-in inspections shall be deemed necessary if the renovation work done is of an extensive and comprehensive nature. If the project requires more than one inspection, there will be a separate fee for each inspection, unless the inspection results from the need for a reinspection.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-139; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; Ordinance 300 adopted 3/28/1978; Ordinance 307 adopted 3/27/1979; 1997 Code, sec. 151.53)
There shall be a rough-in inspection where desirable, and final inspection on each installation. For the rough-in inspection, the permit holder whose installation is ready for inspection shall allow the building official's office 24 hours, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays recognized by the city excepted, before proceeding with the work or installation. The same notice shall be allowed for a final inspection.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-140; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.54)
If, for reason of faulty work, negligence, or anything not the fault of the inspection department, a subsequent inspection must be made in excess of the rough-in and final inspections provided for herein, a fee will be charged for each reinspection. The amount of these fees is established in section 4.01.002 and shall also be kept on file in the office of the city clerk.
(1984 Code, sec. 4-141; Ordinance 298 adopted 12/27/1977; 1997 Code, sec. 151.55)