In addition to any other provision of this article that requires the obtaining of a permit prior to engaging in a given activity, no person in a park shall conduct, operate, present, manage or take part in any of the following activities unless a permit is obtained prior to the start of the activity, with the exception of activities sponsored or co-sponsored by the parks and recreation department:
Any exhibit, dramatic performance, play, motion picture, radio, or television broadcast, fair, circus, musical event or any similar activity.
Any public meeting, assembly, parade, ceremony, address, speech, political meeting, or any other gathering composed of 500 or more persons.
Any use of a park facility by a group of persons to the exclusion of others.
Any use involving amplified sound.
(1984 Code, sec. 15-3; Ordinance O-12-16 adopted 10/24/2016; Ordinance O-28-2021 adopted 12/13/2021; 1997 Code, sec. 95.15)
A person seeking the issuance of a permit to carry on an activity in a park shall file an application with the supervisor of the parks and recreation department not less than seven days nor more than 365 days before the date of the proposed use or activity.
The application shall state:
The name, address and telephone number of the person and organization, and its officers, applying for the permit.
If the use or activity is to be conducted for, on behalf of, or by any person other than the applicant, the name, address, and telephone number of that person.
The exact nature of the use or activity for which the permit is being sought.
The day and hours for which the permit is desired.
The park and the portion of the park desired to be used to carry out the proposed use or activity.
An estimate of the anticipated attendance.
Any other information that the supervisor finds to be reasonably necessary in order to determine whether to issue a permit.
(1984 Code, sec. 15-4; Ordinance O-12-16 adopted 10/24/2016; Ordinance O-28-2021 adopted 12/13/2021; 1997 Code, sec. 95.16)
The supervisor shall consider the application and grant the permit if it is found that the activity or use will satisfy the following criteria:
The proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the general public's use and enjoyment of the park.
The proposed activity or use of the park will not create an unreasonable risk of damage or destruction of public park property.
The proposed activity or use of the park will not create an unreasonable risk of injury to the participants of the activity or any other person, or the public generally.
Adequate provision has been made for supervision and security of the activity or use of the park.
The facilities desired have not been reserved for another activity or use at the day and time requested in the application.
The application does not contain any false or misleading information, and no required information is omitted.
The activity or use will not violate any federal, state or local law.
(1984 Code, sec. 15-5; Ordinance O-12-16 adopted 10/24/2016; Ordinance O-28-2021 adopted 12/13/2021; 1997 Code, sec. 95.17)
The supervisor may impose reasonable conditions or restrictions on the granting of a permit, including but not limited to any of the following:
Restrictions on fires, fireworks, amplified sound, dancing, sports, use of animals, equipment or vehicles, the number of persons to be present, the location of any bandstand or stage, or such other restrictions as may be reasonable considering the intended use or activity, its effect on the general public use and enjoyment of park property, and the possible injury or damage to persons or property.
A requirement that the applicant post a reasonable deposit of security for the repair of any damage to park property or the cost of cleanup, or both.
A requirement that the applicant pay a reasonable fee to defray the cost of furnishing adequate security forces by the city at the proposed use or activity if required.
A requirement that the permittee furnish additional sanitary and refuse facilities that might be reasonably necessary based on the use or activity for which the permit is being sought.
(1984 Code, sec. 15-6; Ordinance O-12-16 adopted 10/24/2016; Ordinance O-28-2021 adopted 12/13/2021; 1997 Code, sec. 95.18)
Permits shall not be transferable without the written consent of the supervisor of the department of parks and recreation.
(1984 Code, sec. 15-7; Ordinance O-12-16 adopted 10/24/2016; Ordinance O-28-2021 adopted 12/13/2021; 1997 Code, sec. 95.19)
Within seven days after submission of an application, the supervisor shall inform an applicant in writing of his or her approval or reasons for refusing a permit or of any conditions attached to the issuance of a permit, and any aggrieved person shall have the right to appeal in writing within six days to the city council, which shall consider the application.
(1984 Code, sec. 15-8; Ordinance O-12-16 adopted 10/24/2016; Ordinance O-28-2021 adopted 12/13/2021; 1997 Code, sec. 95.20)
A permittee shall be bound by all park rules and regulations and all applicable ordinances as fully as though the same were inserted in his or her permit.
(1984 Code, sec. 15-9; Ordinance O-12-16 adopted 10/24/2016; Ordinance O-28-2021 adopted 12/13/2021; 1997 Code, sec. 95.21)