Design and construction of public works improvements must conform to the standards, criteria, and requirements of the following, as they may from time to time be amended by those responsible for their promulgation:
The Thoroughfare Plan;
The Thoroughfare Standards of the City of Hudson Oaks;
The Texas Uniform Traffic-Control Device Manual;
The North Texas Council of Governments Standard Specifications for Construction of Public Works;
The City of Hudson Oaks Design Standards;
The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials Design Manual;
The Texas Health Code;
The City of Hudson Oaks Standard Construction Details;
The City of Hudson Oaks Manual for the Design of Water and Sanitary Sewer Lines and Facilities;
The Master Drainage Plan, as applicable;
The Floodplain Ordinance;
The Tree Preservation Ordinance, Article 3.12 of the City Code;
The Integrated Stormwater Standards; and
All other codes and ordinances of the City.
Design Expiration.
If the construction of public works improvements is not completed within two years from the preliminary plat approval date, then the infrastructure must be redesigned using the most current Design Standards.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
An area retained in private ownership but intended for the benefit of the owners of lots in the plat must be shown as a common area and a separate lot on the plat. A homeowners or property owners association which meets the requirements of Section 10.05 must be approved for the area before the final plat is recorded.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
The layout design of a plat must take into consideration the provision of adequate fire and police access.
Water supply.
Provisions must be made for the extension of water lines and the appropriate placement of fire hydrants as required by the fire department before approval of the final plat.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
Deeds in Escrow.
As a condition of preliminary plat approval, the City Council may require the property owner to deposit deeds in escrow describing by metes and bounds street rights-of-way, parkland, and easements required by these regulations, conveying such rights-of-way, parkland and easements to the City, pending acceptance of improvements by the City and recordation of the final plat. In the event the property owner fails to complete the public works improvements, and the improvements are deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health and safety, the City may compel the delivery and recording of the deeds in order to complete the improvements as required.
Installation after Final Plat Approval.
The City Council on request of the applicant may defer the obligation to install one or more public improvements to serve the development until after final plat approval. The request shall be submitted with an application for preliminary approval. If the subdivider elects not to file for preliminary approval, public works improvements shall be installed after approval of the final plat. In either case, deferral of the obligation to install public improvements shall be conditioned on execution of a development agreement and sufficient surety to secure the obligations defined in the agreement.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
A developer shall dedicate parkland in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances. Parkland shall be used in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, trails plan, and the park master plan.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
Each nonresidential development that has a refuse facility or location for solid waste collection containers shall provide for safe and convenient access.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
All retaining walls shall be constructed of inorganic material such as masonry, brick or stone. Timbers, railroad ties, or wood materials are prohibited.
Plans required.
Plans for a retaining wall must be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. The review shall verify the following:
That the retaining wall does not encroach on an adjoining property without the consent of the adjoining owner;
That the wall is constructed of a permitted material; and
The wall in not constructed within a utility easement or without a written waiver or consent from the utility company holding rights to the easement.
Inspection Required.
A certificate of occupancy will not be issued until the retaining wall is constructed, been inspected by the City and the requirements of this Ordinance have been satisfied.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
Performance Bonds; Escrow Agreement.
If the developer requests that building permits be issued for construction on lots within the development prior to completion and acceptance of all public works improvements, and the Administrative Official determines that permits should be issued, the following requirements shall apply:
A performance bond meeting the requirements of Chapter 2253, Texas Government Code, will be submitted in an amount of not less than the value of the public works improvements, as determined by the City Engineer, to ensure completion of all improvements; or
If the cost of completing the public works improvements at the time the building permits are requested is one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars or less, as determined by the City Engineer, cash money in the amount of the cost of completing the improvements, as determined by the City Engineer, may be deposited with a bank as escrow agent pursuant to an escrow agreement, the form and provisions thereof to be approved by the City Attorney, to ensure completion of the improvement.
Model Home.
The Administrative Official may authorize construction of a model home in a subdivision without completion of the public works improvements.
Payment Bond; Assurance of Payment.
Prior to acceptance by the City of any improvements, the developer shall provide one of the following assurances:
A payment bond meeting the requirements of Chapter 2253, Texas Government Code, in an amount of not less than one hundred (100%) percent of the approximate total cost of the contract, guaranteeing the full and proper protection of all claimants supplying labor and material for the construction of the improvements, in the form approved by the City and by a surety authorized to do business in Texas; or
If the total contract amount of all public works improvements is fifty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars or less, as determined by the City Engineer, or the improvements, regardless of the contract amount, are for a one-lot development, the owner and contractor may, in lieu of furnishing a payment bond, agree to pay and satisfy all claims, liens, charges and encumbrances arising from construction of the public works improvements and furnish a written affidavit signed by the developer, in a form provided by the City Attorney, stating the following:
All charges, accounts and claims for labor performed and material furnished in connection with the improvements have been paid in full; and
There are no unreleased recorded liens filed against the improvements or land to which they are affixed that are to be dedicated to the public.
Amount and Acceptability.
The security shall be issued in the amount of 125% of the cost estimate approved by the City Engineer for all public improvements associated with the subdivision. The bonds must be issued by a Best-rated surety company that is duly authorized to transact business in the State of Texas; however, the City retains the right to reject any surety company regardless of such company’s qualifications or authorization to do business in Texas if the company does not have a resident agent and/or surety does not meet the requirements of Art. 7.19-1 of the Texas Insurance Code. The security shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
Maintenance During Construction.
The property owner shall maintain all required public works improvements during construction of the development.
Warranty after Construction.
The developer shall covenant to warranty the required public works improvements for a period of two (2) years following issuance of a letter of acceptance by the City of all required public improvements and shall provide a maintenance bond in the amount of the cost to construct the improvements guaranteeing the maintenance and good condition of the improvements insuring the repair and replacement of all defective work due to faulty materials and workmanship that appear within a period of two (2) years from the date of acceptance of the improvements by the City. The bonds must be issued by a Best-rated surety company that meets the requirements of Section 6.08(d).
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
Construction inspection shall be supervised by the City Engineer. Construction shall be in accordance with the approved construction plans. Any significant change in design required during construction shall be made by the subdivider’s engineer, and shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. If the City Engineer finds upon inspection that any of the required public works improvements have not been constructed properly and in accordance with the approved construction plans, the property owner shall be responsible for completing and/or correcting the public improvements.
The developer shall reimburse the City for all inspection costs, plan review costs, plus 4% of the costs of the public works improvements to reimburse the City its administrative costs.
Submission of As-Built Plans or Record Drawings.
The City shall not accept dedication of required public improvements until the applicant’s engineer has certified to the City Engineer, through submission of a detailed “as-built” record drawing or survey plat of the property and any off-site easements, the location, dimensions, materials, and other information establishing that the public improvements have been built in accordance with the approved construction plans. Each as-built sheet shall show all changes made in the plans during construction and on each sheet there shall be an as-built stamp bearing the signature of the engineer and date. Required formats include:
One (1) full-size mylar set (22" x 34" sheet size); and
Electronic drawing in autocad or .pdf format of the final plat and water, wastewater and storm drainage layouts.
Acceptance of Improvements.
When the developer has certified to the City that the public works improvements have been completed in accordance with the plans and applicable ordinances, the City Engineer shall determine whether the public improvements have been installed in accordance with the approved construction plans and Design Standards and applicable ordinances. If so, the City Engineer shall accept such improvements on behalf of the City. Acceptance of the improvements shall mean that the property owner has transferred all rights to all the public works improvements to the City for use and maintenance. The City Engineer may accept dedication of a portion of the required public works improvements, provided adequate surety has been given for the completion of all of other improvements. Upon acceptance of the required public improvements, the City Engineer shall issue a certificate to the property owner stating that all required public improvements have been accepted.
Approval of a preliminary or final plat by the City Council shall not constitute acceptance of any of the public improvements required to serve the subdivision. No public improvements shall be accepted for dedication by the City except in accordance with this Section.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)
Regulations regarding the protection of existing trees on properties being developed or redeveloped. Refer to Chapter 3 “Building Regulations” of the Code of Ordinances, Article 3.12 “Tree Preservation.” The design and construction of public works improvements must be done with due regard for the protection of existing trees in accordance with the City’s Tree Preservation Ordinance, Article 3.12 of the City Code.
(Ordinance 2014-01 adopted 1/23/2014)