(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
The following definitions shall apply to the terms used in section 82-13:
The City of Burleson.
The collection of pipes, taps, fire hydrants, pumps, storage tanks, and related facilities necessary for pumping and distribution of potable public water. The potable water system terminates at the point where:
The private service line connects to the water meter, or
Where the detector check assembly connects to the public line.
Accessible to or shared by citizens of the City of Burleson.
The area of land dedicated or conveyed to the city for public use including land on, below or above a roadway, highway, street, sidewalk, alley, or public utility easement.
The collection of pipes, taps, lift stations, and related facilities necessary for collection of public sanitary sewage. The sanitary sewer system terminates at the service connection.
The point at which the private sewer line connects to the public sanitary sewer system.
Pipe(s) which extend from private property to the potable water system or sanitary sewer system.
(Ord. No. CSO#130-01-2015 , § 1, 1-20-2015)
It shall be the duty of any person owning, leasing, claiming, occupying, maintaining, or having supervision or control of any real property within the corporate limits of the city to construct, repair, replace and maintain in operating condition any utility service line that provides utility service to such property.
Special regulations for sewer service lines.
It shall be the duty of any person owning, leasing, claiming, occupying, maintaining, or having supervision or control of any real property within the corporate limits of the city to clean, including removal of roots and other obstructions, utility service lines that connect to the sanitary sewer system. The city will repair and replace broken or damaged sewer service lines located within public rights-of-way. The city shall have the right to recover the cost of repairing or replacing sewer service lines in public rights-of-way from any third party whose negligence or willful misconduct has broken or damaged them.