(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-90), 2-10-2000)
Pursuant to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules and regulations, specifically stated under section 290.44(h) of Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code, as amended, it is the responsibility of the water purveyor to ensure that an adequate cross connection control program is in effect.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-91), 2-10-2000)
Every source of contamination or possible contamination from any contaminant which originates from or is located at a residential or commercial establishment, which is connected to any public water supply or which provides water to the public shall be equipped with the protection required under the provisions of the article.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-92), 2-10-2000)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. If a word or term used in this article is not contained in the following list, its definition, or other technical terms, shall have the meanings or definitions listed in the most recent adopted edition of the city plumbing code and/or the "Manual of Cross Connection Control," published by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, University of Southern California.
A physical separation between the free flowing discharge end of a potable water supply piping and/or appurtenance and an open or non-pressure receiving vessel, plumbing fixture or other device. An "approved air-gap separation" shall be at least twice the diameter of the supply pipe measured vertically above the overflow rim of the vessel, plumbing fixture or other device and in no case less than one inch.
An assembly to counteract back-pressure or prevent backsiphonage. This assembly must appear on the list of approved assemblies issued by the city.
An atmospheric vacuum breaker consists of a body, a checking member and an atmospheric opening.
Any water source or system other than the public water system that may be available in the building or on any property.
The flow of water or other liquids, gases, mixtures, or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supply of water, the public water system, in a direction opposite to the normal flow or from any sources other than its intended source.
See Approved backflow prevention assembly.
Any elevation of pressure in the downstream piping system (by any means) above the supply pressure at the point of consideration which would cause, or tend to cause, a reversal of normal direction of flow and the introduction of fluids, mixtures or substances from any source other than the intended source.
The flow of water or other liquids, mixture or substances into the distribution pipes of a potable water supply system from any source other than its intended source caused by a sudden reduction of pressure in the potable water supply system.
Providing adequate drainage for backflow prevention assemblies installed in vaults through the use of an unobstructed drain pipe.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and its successor agencies.
Any foreign material, solid or liquid, not common to the potable water supply which makes the water unfit or undesirable for human or animal consumption.
The admission of contaminants into the potable water supply.
Any connection, physical or otherwise, between a potable water supply system and any plumbing fixture or any tank, receptacle, equipment or device, through which it is possible for any nonpotable, used, unclean, polluted and contaminated water, or other substances, to enter into any part of such potable water system under any condition or set of conditions.
Any nationally approved or recognized device installed to prevent non-potable water from entering any part of the potable water system.
An inspection designed to inspect and detect any actual or potential cross connection hazards and/or exceed the lead action level in solder or flux, pipe or pipe fittings.
The low or high hazard classification that shall be attached to all actual or potential cross connections as follows:
Health hazard: An actual or potential threat of contamination of a physical or toxic nature to the public potable water system or the consumer's potable water system that would be a danger to public health.
High hazard: The classification assigned to an actual or potential cross connection that potentially could allow a substance that may cause illness or death to backflow into the potable supply.
Low hazard: The classification assigned to an actual or potential cross connections that potentially could allow a substance that may be objectionable but not hazardous to one's health to backflow into the potable water supply.
Pollution hazard: An actual or potential threat to the physical properties or the water system or the potability of the public or the consumer's potable water system but which would not constitute a health or system hazard.
System hazard: An actual or potential threat of severe danger to the physical properties of the public or consumer's potable water supply or of a pollution or contamination that would have a detrimental effect on the quality of the potable water in the system.
The city department of public works.
The city's director of public works or the director's authorized representative.
A backflow preventer designed to control cross connections between potable water lines and substances that are objectionable but not hazardous to health if introduced into the potable water system, consisting of two independently operating check valves which are spring-loaded or weighted. The assembly comes complete with a gate valve on each side of the check valves, as well as test cocks to test the check valves for tightness.
A tester who is employed by a state approved fireline contractor and is qualified to test backflow prevention assemblies on firelines only.
A tester who is qualified to test backflow prevention assemblies on any domestic, commercial, industrial or irrigation service except firelines.
A person who is a certified cross connection inspector employed by or under contract with the city.
Any operation, which may have the potential to introduce contaminants into a potable water system from a mobile source. These include, but are not limited to, carpet-cleaning vehicles, water-hauling vehicles, street-cleaning vehicles, liquid-waste vehicles, power-wash operations and pest-control vehicles.
All uses not specifically included in the term "residential use."
Water not fit for drinking, personal, or culinary utilization.
The plumbing code adopted by ordinance by the city.
An internal or plumbing-type cross connection in a consumer's potable water system that may be either a pollution or a contamination hazard.
The appropriate backflow prevention within a consumer's water system at a point at which a cross connection exists.
Water which is satisfactory for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes, free from impurities present in amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects and conforming in bacteriological and chemical quality to the requirements of the Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards or the regulations of the public health authority having jurisdiction.
Any water supply intended or used for human consumption or other domestic use; also any water that is potable.
The appropriate backflow prevention at the service connection between the public water system and the water user.
An assembly consisting of a loaded air inlet valve, an internally loaded check valve, two property located test cocks and two isolation valves.
Public or privately owned system that supplies water for human consumption.
The system includes all service lines to the meter, reservoirs, facilities, and equipment used in the process of producing, treating, storing, or conveying water for public consumption.
A backflow preventer designed to give maximum protection against backflow caused by either back-pressure or backsiphonage from a cross connection where a health hazard exists, consisting of two independently acting internally loaded check valves, approved check valves together with a hydraulically-operated, mechanically independent pressure differential relief valve located between the check valves. The assembly includes properly located test cocks and tightly closing shut-off valves at the end of the assembly.
An assembly composed of a line-size approved reduced pressure principle assembly with a bypass containing a specific water meter and an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly. The meter shall register accurately for very low rates of flow.
Single-family dwellings, duplexes, multiple housing, and apartments where the individual units are each on a separate meter; or, in cases where two or more units are served by one meter, and the units are full-time dwellings.
The point of delivery up to and including water meters through which the public water system furnishes water to a user. After this point the system has no control over use.
An assembly containing an independently operating, internally loaded check valve and independently operating, loaded air inlet valve located on the discharge side of the check valve. This assembly is to be equipped with a properly located resilient seated test cock and tightly closing resilient seated shutoff valves attached at each end of the assembly.
See Public water system.
An actual or potential threat of severe danger to the physical properties of the public or a consumer's potable water supply, or an actual or potential threat of pollution or contamination that would have a detrimental effect on the quality of the potable water in the system.
A person that is a certified backflow prevention assembly technician approved by and registered with the city and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
Heated water that does not have the space to expand.
Water supplied by a public water system to a water user's system after it has passed through the service connection.
A survey supplied by a public water system to a water user's local authority designed to identify any possible sources of contamination to the potable water supply.
A utility customer of the city that is a municipality, town, village, or other governmental entity, or a private firm contracting with a governmental entity for the provision of water and/or wastewater treatment service.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-93), 2-10-2000)
The physical condition of any plant furnishing potable water to the public for human consumption in the city shall meet all drinking water standard requirements set by the United States Public Health Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the commission.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-94), 2-10-2000)
A well, tank, cistern, or other private water supply connected to the city's water supply shall at all times meet all water hygiene standards established by the commission. All connections shall comply with the International Plumbing Code, as designated in this article.
The director shall not be required to supply water through a meter to a private supply that does not meet the standards of this article.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-95), 2-10-2000)
The discharge of contaminants or a contamination of water or a harmful quantity of any substance is hereby declared to be a health nuisance. Backflow entering or threatening to enter the public water supply from any premise is hereby declared to be a health nuisance. A backflow prevention assembly installed or maintained in city right-of-way in violation of this article or an order issued pursuant to this article is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-96), 2-10-2000)
The cost of complying with the regulations of this article shall be the responsibility of the property owners and their lessees. These costs include, but are not limited to, purchasing, installing, testing, and repairing of the assembly designed to prevent contamination. These costs shall also include point of use and premises isolation assemblies. Any costs incurred by the city to enforce this article are the responsibility of the property owners and their lessees.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-97), 2-10-2000)
Property owners and their lessees are responsible for abiding by the conditions of this article. If changes are made to a premises' plumbing system, the property owner shall notify the director.
The owner of leased premises is responsible for complying with this article, unless the owner and lessee, manager, or other third party in control of any premises agree in writing that such party is responsible, in which case, the owner must immediately forward a copy of such agreement to the city. When the person in control of the premises changes, the owner shall immediately notify the city.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-98), 2-10-2000)
An inspector employed by or under contract with the city shall determine the type and location of backflow assembly to be installed within the city's water service area.
At a minimum, the city shall require a backflow prevention assembly in each of the following circumstances:
When the nature and extent of any activity at a premises, the materials used in connection with any activity at a premises, or materials stored at a premises could contaminate or pollute the potable water supply.
When a premises has one or more cross connections.
When internal cross connections are present that are not correctable.
When intricate plumbing arrangements are present that make it impractical to ascertain whether cross connection exist.
When a premises has a repeated history of cross connections being established or reestablished.
When entry to a premises is unduly restricted so that the inspector cannot make inspections for cross connections with sufficient frequency to ensure that cross connections do not exist.
When materials are being used such that, if backflow should occur, a health hazard could result.
When an inspector deems installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly is necessary to accomplish the purpose of this article.
When an appropriate cross connection survey report form has not been filed with the director.
When a fire sprinkler system using non-potable piping material is connected to the city's water system.
In all new nonresidential construction at the service connection, for which the Inspector shall determine the type of the assembly commensurate with the degree of hazard.
When a building is constructed on commercial premises, and the end use of such building is not determined or could change, a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly shall be installed at the service connection to provide protection of the public water supply in the event of the most hazardous use of the building.
If a premises is required to have backflow prevention assemblies, but water cannot be turned off during the testing of such assemblies, the premises shall be equipped with dual backflow prevention assemblies of the same type so that the city can perform testing, repair, and maintenance.
In any used water return system that has received approval from the director.
If a point-of-use assembly has not been tested or repaired as required by this article, a premises isolation assembly shall be required.
If an inspector determines that additions or rearrangements have been made to the plumbing system without the proper permits as required by the International Plumbing Code, premises isolation shall be required.
In all multistory buildings or any building with a booster pump or elevated storage tank.
Retrofitting shall be required on all high hazard connections and elsewhere, as required by the director.
Any premises requiring multiple service connections for adequacy of supply and/or fire protection shall have a backflow assembly at each service connection. The assembly shall be commensurate with the degree of potential hazard that could occur in the event of an interconnect between any of the buildings on the premises.
All backflow prevention assemblies installed after the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived shall be installed in a manner designed to facilitate ease of inspection by the city. Any currently installed backflow prevention assemblies which are located in inaccessible location, or where the tester is subject to physical danger, shall be relocated to approved locations following current national guideline standards.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-99), 2-10-2000)
If the director determines that residential premises have a cross connection, said premises shall be equipped with an approved backflow prevention assembly installed in accordance with this article.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-100), 2-10-2000)
As a condition of water service, customers shall install, maintain, and operate their piping and plumbing systems in accordance with the International Plumbing Code. If there is a conflict between this article and the International Plumbing Code, the more restrictive provision shall apply.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-101), 2-10-2000)
Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the International Plumbing Code and this article, and shall meet the following requirements to ensure their proper operation and accessibility:
Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the current Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rule and these regulations. The assembly installer must obtain the required plumbing permits and have the installation inspected by the city.
No part of a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly shall be submerged in water or installed in a location subject to flooding. If a double check value assembly is installed in a vault, brass plugs shall be maintained in the test ports at all times and adequate drainage shall be provided.
At facilities which require a backflow prevention assembly to be installed at the point of delivery of the water supply, such installation of the assembly must be before any branch in the line and on private property located just inside the boundary between the city right-of-way and the landowner's property. The city may specify other areas for installation of the assembly. Assemblies that must be installed or are located on city rights-of-way are responsibilities of the business or entity that the water line is serving.
The assembly shall be protected from freezing and other severe weather conditions.
Bypass lines are prohibited. Pipe fittings which could be used for a connection bypass line must not be installed.
Premises where an uninterrupted water supply is critical should be provided with two assemblies installed in parallel. This should be sized in such a manner that either assembly will provide the maximum flow required.
Lines should be thoroughly flushed prior to installation. A strainer with blowout tapping may be required ahead of the assembly.
All backflow prevention assemblies shall be of a type and model approved by the director.
All vertical installations shall be approved in writing by the director prior to installation. Assemblies shall be approved by the manufacturer for this type of installation.
The assembly shall be readily accessible with adequate room for maintenance and testing. Assemblies two inches and smaller shall have at least a six-inch clearance on all sides of the assembly. Assemblies larger than two inches shall have a minimum clearance of 12 inches on the back side, 24 inches on the test cock side, 12 inches below the assembly and 36 inches above the assembly. All "Y" pattern double check valve assemblies shall be installed such that the check valves are horizontal and the test cocks face upward.
If the director grants written permission to install the backflow assembly inside of a building, the assembly shall be readily accessible between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays.
If an assembly is installed pursuant to this section and is four inches or larger and is installed five feet or higher above the floor, it shall be equipped with a rigidly and permanently installed scaffolding acceptable to the director. This installation shall also meet all applicable requirements set out by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the state occupational safety and health laws.
Upon completion of installation, the property owner shall notify the director that the assembly has been inspected and shall submit a copy to test and inspect the assemblies. The property owner shall register all backflow assemblies with the director. Registration shall consist of date of installation, manufacturer, model, serial number of the backflow prevention assembly, and initial test report.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-102), 2-10-2000)
The property owner or his lessee shall have the backflow prevention assembly tested by a state certified backflow prevention assembly tester who is approved by the director:
Immediately after installation;
Immediately after the assembly is moved;
A minimum of once a year for all high health hazard connections;
Every six months for any premises that has a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly as point-of-use protection without high-hazard premises isolation protection;
Every six months for any premises that has a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly as premises isolation without high-hazard point-of-use protection;
Prior to re-occupancy of premises that have been vacated and unoccupied for one year; and
Immediately after repair.
The director may deem it necessary to test assemblies more frequently than prescribed in subsection (a) of this section.
The tester shall perform all assembly testing in accordance with city-approved test procedures.
A water use survey may be conducted at any establishment located in the city which is served by a public water supply or which provides water to the public. Upon determination that the establishment falls under the provisions of this article and requires a backflow prevention assembly, a notice to abate the condition or to install the proper backflow prevention assembly shall be issued.
The city shall not be liable for damage to an assembly that occurs during testing when damage results from metal fatigue or deteriorated metal or when damage occurs under standard testing procedures.
All results from assembly testing by a certified backflow prevention assembly tester shall be placed on a form that is purchased by the tester from the city at an established fee.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-103), 2-10-2000)
The property owner of premises in which required backflow prevention assemblies are installed, or a third party if the property owner enters and files an agreement as described by section 82-228(b), shall maintain the assemblies in proper working order at all times, including repair as required, in accordance with all applicable regulations of the commission and this article. If a tester finds a needed repair, the property owner (or third party) shall make the repair at the owner or third party's sole cost and expense within a reasonable amount of time as determined by the director and in a manner approved by the director. All maintenance and repair of assemblies shall be done in accordance with all applicable regulations, including this article.
Backflow prevention assemblies shall be maintained in a manner that allows them to be tested by a method that has been approved by the director.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-104), 2-10-2000)
The property owner is responsible for eliminating the possibility of thermal expansion, if a closed system has been created by the installation of a backflow assembly.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-105), 2-10-2000)
The city shall not be responsible for any water pressure drop caused by the installation of a backflow assembly. The department may give reasonable assistance to a property owner regarding information on adequate sizing of assemblies and proper plumbing practices to provide for required pressure and flows for fire protection.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-106), 2-10-2000)
A person who owns or operates any vehicle that uses water from the city's public water system shall obtain a use permit from the director before accessing the public water system. The director may require a fixed air gap or backflow assembly mounted either on the vehicle or piping.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-107), 2-10-2000)
Every wholesale customer that has a contract for water services with the city shall have an active, ongoing cross connection program approved by the director. The city reserves the right to require a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly or air gap at the interconnect.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-108), 2-10-2000)
No person shall install or maintain a backflow prevention assembly upon or within any city right-of-way except as provided by this article.
No encroachment agreement will be necessary, but all other permits required by the city Code of Ordinances to perform work in the right-of-way shall be obtained.
A backflow prevention assembly required by this article may be installed on or within any city right-of-way only if the owner proves to the city that no other feasible location exists for installing the assembly, and installing it in the right-of-way will not interfere with traffic or utilities. The city retains the right to approve the location, height, depth, enclosure, and other requisites of the assembly prior to its installation.
The assembly shall be installed below or flush with the surrounding grade except when it is not practicable to install it in this manner. Any assembly or portion of an assembly which extends aboveground shall be located no closer than 18 inches to the face of the curb, or two feet from the property line or streets without curbs.
A property owner shall, at the request of the city and at the owner's sole expense, relocate a backflow prevention assembly which encroaches upon any city right-of-way when such relocation is necessary for street or utility construction or repairs or for purposes of public safety.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-109), 2-10-2000)
All testers operating within the city shall be certified in accordance with all applicable regulations of this state and this article. No person shall operate as a tester within the city without being certified.
At the time of certification or recertification, and at any time the director requests, each person certified as a tester shall furnish evidence to show that the person is insured and bonded to perform services on private property, has all current licenses required by the state and the city to perform the contemplated services, and is registered with the city.
Each tester who applies for registration shall meet the following requirements:
Has a high school diploma, or equivalent;
Has attended a backflow assembly tester certification training course and/or holds a current certification accepted by the commission, has attended a refresher course, and meets all other requirements of the state and this article;
Has successfully passed a written and a hands-on proficiency examination that meets state requirements;
Has successfully completed "Permit Confined Space Entry Training" as specified by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Agency at 29 CFR 1910.146;
Maintains general commercial liability insurance and automobile liability insurance with the following minimum limits: $250,000.00 per person, $500,000.00 per accident for bodily injury and $100,000.00 per accident for property damage, or $500,000.00 per accident if combined;
Provides evidence to the director to establish that the applicant has available the necessary tools and equipment to properly test backflow prevention assemblies; and
Identifies all test gauges the applicant will use in testing backflow prevention assemblies.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-110), 2-10-2000)
Registration required.
No certified backflow assembly tester shall operate within the city without first registering with the director.
Conditions for registration to remain in effect.
A registration shall remain in effect, provided that:
The tester maintains eligibility for registration and certification; and
Registration is not revoked by the director.
Renewal of registration.
Upon re-certifying, a tester shall renew his registration with the director. If a certification remains expired for a period of one year, the tester shall reestablish registration eligibility.
Duties of tester.
A tester shall:
File the serial number of each of his test kits and certification with the director;
Annually have each recorded test kit tested for accuracy and calibrated to maintain a two percent accuracy factor and provided documentation to the director recording the same;
Perform competent and accurate certifications of each backflow prevention assembly he or she tests and submit complete reports to the director;
List registered serial numbers of test gauges on tests and maintenance reports prior to submitting them to the director; and
Not change the design or operation characteristics of a backflow prevention assembly.
Revocation of certification; causes.
The director may revoke a tester's certification if the director determines that the tester:
Has made false, incomplete, or inaccurate assembly testing reports;
Has used inaccurate gauges;
Has used improper testing procedures;
Has expired insurance;
Is not in compliance with safety regulations;
Has failed to register the serial numbers of his test kits or failed to calibrate gauges annually; or
Has violated any other provision of this article.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-111), 2-10-2000)
Pursuant to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Water System Regulations, a customer service inspection for cross connection control shall be completed by the city prior to providing continuous water service in each of the following circumstances:
Before water service is connected to a newly constructed facility or previously non-existing premises.
After any material improvement to buildings or premises.
After any correction or addition to the plumbing of any facility or premises.
At any other time when the city deems it necessary.
Permanent water service shall not be supplied to a new construction facility until after the customer service inspection is completed.
Temporary water service which poses a potential cross connection threat to the potable water supply shall be protected by an approved backflow prevention assembly.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-112), 2-10-2000)
RPs may be utilized at premises where a substance is handled that would be hazardous to the public health if introduced into the potable water system. An RP is normally used in locations where an air gap is impractical. An RP shall be effective against both backsiphonage and back-pressure.
RPs shall be sized to provide an adequate supply of water and pressure for the premises being served. Since flow characteristics are not standard, installers shall consult manufacturer's specifications for specific performance data.
Premises where interruption of water supply is critical shall be provided with two assemblies installed in parallel. They shall be sized in such a manner that either assembly will provide the minimum water requirements while the two together will provide the maximum flow required.
Bypass lines are prohibited. Pipe fittings which could be used for connecting a bypass line shall not be installed.
RPs shall be installed as follows:
The assembly shall be readily accessible for testing and maintenance and shall be located in an area where water damage to buildings or furnishings will not occur from relief valve discharge. An approved air gap funnel assembly may be used to direct minor discharges away from the assembly; this assembly shall not control flow in a continuous relief situation. Drain lines to accommodate full relief valve discharge flow should be considered.
RPs are typically installed above grade in well drained areas, but may be installed below grade if an adequate drain to daylight is provided.
Enclosures shall be designed for ready access and sized to allow for the minimum clearances established below. Removable protective enclosures are typically installed on the smaller assemblies. Daylight drain ports shall be provided to accommodate full pressure discharge from assembly.
All assemblies larger than two inches shall have a minimum of 12 inches on the backside, 24 inches on the test cock side, and the relief valve opening shall be at least 12 inches plus nominal size of assembly above the floor or highest possible water level. Headroom of six feet is required in vaults without a fully removable top. A minimum access opening of 24 inches square is required on all vault lids.
Assemblies installed more than five feet above floor level must have a suitable platform for use by testing or maintenance personnel.
An approved air gap shall be located at the relief valve orifice of reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies. This air gap shall be at least twice the inside diameter of the incoming supply line as measured vertically above the top rim of the drain.
RP assemblies may be installed in a vault only if relief valve discharge can be drained to daylight through a boresight type drain. The drain shall be made of adequate capacity to carry the full rated flow of the assembly and shall be screened on both ends.
The assembly must be protected from freezing and other severe weather conditions.
Vertical installation is prohibited.
Lines shall be thoroughly flushed prior to installation. A strainer with blowout tapping may be required ahead of the assembly.
The property owner assumes all responsibility for leaks and damage. The owner shall ensure that the vault is kept reasonably free of silt and debris.
All RPs shall be tested in accordance with this article. Any premises that has RPs that are point-of-use protection or premises isolation without high hazard premises isolation protection shall be tested every six months. The owner is responsible for all tests on the assembly. The owner shall notify the director upon installation of any backflow prevention assembly.
Variances from these specifications will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The director may approve a variance only if the alternate materials or methods provide equivalent protection to those provided by the requirements of this article. Any variance is prohibited without the director's prior written approval.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-113), 2-10-2000)
RPDAs may be utilized in all installations requiring a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly and detector metering.
RPDAs shall comply with the installation requirements applicable for reduced pressure principle backflow assemblies (RP).
The line-size RP assembly and the bypass RP assembly must each be tested. A separate test report for each assembly must be completed by the certified tester.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-114), 2-10-2000)
DCs may be utilized at premises where a substance is handled that would be objectionable but not hazardous to health if introduced into the potable water system.
DCs shall be sized to provide an adequate supply of water and pressure for the premises being served. Since flow characteristics are not standard, installers shall consult manufacturer's specifications for specific performance data.
Premises where interruption of water supply is critical shall be provided with two assemblies installed in parallel. They shall be sized in such a manner that either assembly will provide the minimum water requirements while the two together will provide the maximum flow required.
Bypass lines are prohibited. Pipe fittings which could be used for connecting a bypass line shall not be installed.
DCs shall be installed as follows:
The assembly shall be readily accessible with adequate room for testing maintenance. DCs may be installed below grade, as long as all test cocks are fitted with brass pipe plugs. All vaults shall be well drained, constructed of suitable materials, and sized to allow for the minimum clearances established below.
Assemblies two inches and smaller shall have at least a three-inch clearance on bath sides and six inch clearance above and below of the assembly, and if located in a vault, the bottom of the assembly shall be not more than 24 inches below grade. All assemblies larger than two inches shall have a minimum clearance of 12 inches on the back side, 24 inches on the test cock side, and 12 inches below the assembly. Headroom of six feet is required in vaults without a fully removable top. A minimum access opening of 24 inches square is required on all vault lids. All "Y" pattern double check valve assemblies shall be installed so that the check valves are horizontal and the test cocks face upward. These clearance standards apply to all assemblies installed in vaults, enclosures, and meter boxes.
Assemblies installed more than five feet above floor level shall have a suitable platform for use by testing or maintenance personnel.
Vertical installations are allowed on sizes up to and including four inches that meet the following requirements:
Internally spring-loaded check valves;
Flow is upward through assembly;
Manufacturer states that the assembly can be used in a vertical position; and
The director gives written approval.
The assembly shall be protected from freezing and other severe weather conditions.
Lines shall be thoroughly flushed prior to installation. A strainer with blowout tapping may be required ahead of the assembly.
The property owner assumes all responsibility for foundation or basement wall penetration, leaks, and damage. The owner shall ensure that the vault is kept reasonably free of silt and debris.
All DCs shall be tested in accordance with this article. The owner is responsible for the initial test upon installation and the city is responsible for all subsequent tests. The owner shall notify the director of installation of any backflow prevention assembly.
Variances from these specifications will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The director may approve a variance only if the alternate materials or methods provide equivalent protection to those provided by the requirements of this article. No variances shall be permitted without the director's prior written approval.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-115), 2-10-2000)
DDCs may be utilized in all installations requiring a double check valve assembly and detector metering.
DDCs shall comply with the installation requirements applicable for double check valve assemblies (DCs).
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-116), 2-10-2000)
PVBs may be utilized only at point-of-use protection where substance would be objectionable but not hazardous to health if introduced into the potable water system. PVBs protect against backsiphonage only and shall not be installed where potential exists for back-pressure.
The assembly shall be installed a minimum of 12 inches above the highest use outlet or overflow level downstream from the assembly. See Standard Detail Sheet 6.
PVBs shall not be installed in an area subject to flooding or where damage would occur from water discharge.
The assembly shall be protected from freezing and other severe weather conditions.
The assembly shall be readily accessible for testing and maintenance, with a minimum clearance of 12 inches all around the assembly.
PVBs shall be located between 12 inches and 60 inches above the ground level.
A strainer with blowout tapping may be required ahead of the assembly.
All PVBs shall be tested in compliance with this article. The owner is responsible for the initial test upon installation and the city is responsible for all subsequent tests. The owner shall notify the director of installation of any backflow prevention assembly.
Variances from these specifications will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The director may approve a variance only if the alternate materials or methods provide equivalent protection to those provided by the requirements of this article. Any variance is prohibited without the director's prior written approval.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-117), 2-10-2000)
AVBs provide minimal protection and are approved for very low hazard application only. AVBs protect against backsiphonage, only, and are prohibited where there is potential for back-pressure.
The assembly shall be installed a minimum of six inches above the highest use outlet or overflow level downstream from the assembly.
Shutoff valves downstream from the assembly are prohibited.
AVBs shall be allowed only for those applications where there is less than 12 hours per day of continuous use.
AVBs shall not be installed in an area subject to flooding or where damage may occur from water discharge.
AVBs shall be allowed for point-of-use protection only in accordance with the International Plumbing Code, as adopted. The director does not recognize AVBs as adequate protection and may require additional protection.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-118), 2-10-2000)
Air gap separations provide maximum protection from backflow hazards and may be utilized at premises where a substance is handled that would be hazardous to health if introduced into the potable water system.
An air gap separation shall be at least twice the diameter of the supply pipeline measured vertically above the top rim of the receiving vessel; in no case less than one inch. If splashing is a problem, tubular screens may be attached or the supply line may be cut at a 45 degree angle. The air gap distance is measured from the bottom of the angle. Hoses shall not be allowed.
Air gap separations shall not be altered in any way without prior approval from the director, and shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times.
Side walls, ribs or similar obstructions do not affect air gaps when spaced from the inside edge of the spout opening a distance greater than three times the diameter of the effective opening for a single wall, or a distance greater than four times the effective opening for two intersecting walls.
In cases where there are three or more side walls, ribs, or similar obstructions extending from the water surface to or above the horizontal plane of the spout opening other than as specified in subsection (d) of this section, the air gap shall be measured from the top of the wall.
The effective opening shall be the minimum cross sectional area at the seat of the control valve, the supply pipe, or the tubing that feeds the assembly or outlet. If two or more lines supply one outlet, the effective opening shall be the sum of the cross sectional areas of the individual supply lines or the area of the single outlet, whichever is smaller.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-119), 2-10-2000)
Outside hose bibs are required to have an approved backflow device installed on the bib.
Commercial hoses that extend the water line below the overflow level of a sanitary wastewater fixture must have an approved backflow device installed.
All landscape irrigators and installers of lawn sprinkler systems must comply with the statutory authority and rules and regulations for landscape from the commission.
Any miscellaneous potential sources of cross connections not specifically covered in this article must be installed according to the International Plumbing Code and this article.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-120), 2-10-2000)
All new installation of fire suppression systems, which utilize the city's potable water supply, shall have installed an approved backflow prevention device according to the degree of hazard.
An approved double check detector backflow prevention assembly (DCDA) or reduced pressure detector assemblies (RPDA) shall be the minimum protection for fire sprinkler systems using piping material that is not approved for potable water use and/or that does not provide for periodic flow-through during each 24-hour period, unless a variance has been issued in writing from the director. A (RPDA) must be installed if any solution other than the potable water can be introduced into the sprinkler system.
It is the responsibility of all property owners and persons in charge of any premises to abide by the conditions of this article. In the event of any changes to the plumbing system, it is the responsibility of the property owners to notify the regulatory authority. All costs associated with this article and the purchase, installation, testing and repairs of (DCDA) or (RPDA) devices is the responsibility of the property owner and persons in charge of any premises.
Upon the approved installation of the (DCDA) or (RPDA) device, a cross connection test report completed by a licensed fireline tester must be sent to the attention of the city and include the information required by this article.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-121), 2-10-2000)
An approved double check device backflow prevention assembly (DCD) or reduced pressure detector assemblies (RPDA) shall be the minimum protection for fire hydrant water meters which are being used for a temporary water supply during any construction or other uses which would pose a potential hazard to the public water supply. A (RPDA) must be installed if any solution other than the potable water can be introduced into the sprinkler system.
It is the responsibility of all persons engaging in the use and rental of a fire hydrant water meter to abide by the conditions of this article. All fire hydrant water meter rentals shall meet the current requirements as provided for by the city.
Only city fire hydrant water meters with approved backflow prevention assemblies are allowed to be used within the city limits.
A refundable deposit is required to insure the return of all water meter and backflow assemblies to the city. Failure to return the assemblies can result in the forfeiture of deposit and/or enforcement action being taken against the responsible party, as allowed for in section 82-258.
All non-approved fire hydrant meters which are found to be in use in the city will be confiscated and enforcement action taken against the responsible party, as allowed for in the enforcement section in this article.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-122), 2-10-2000)
A person commits an offense if the person:
Knowingly installs or maintains backflow prevention assemblies or air gaps in violation of this article;
Owns or is in control of any premises and knowingly fails to install and maintain backflow prevention assemblies on said premises as required by this article;
Owns or is in control of any premises and knowingly fails or refuses to cause or allow backflow prevention assemblies to be tested as required by this article;
Commits an offense if the person connects any well, tank, cistern or any other private water supply with the city's water supply system without written permission of the director;
Owns or is in control of any premises and backflow from the premises enters the public water supply system;
Installs a backflow prevention assembly in violation of this article;
Fails to notify the director to inspect a backflow prevention assembly after its installation as required by this article;
Fails to register a backflow prevention assembly as required by this article;
Knowingly fails to maintain backflow prevention assemblies in compliance with this article;
Knowingly fails to comply with a repair order issued by the director;
Operates or causes to be operated a vehicle in violation of section 82-237;
Knowingly fails to install a RP in accordance with this article after receiving notice from the director;
Fails to relocate a backflow prevention assembly located in or on any city right-of-way after receiving a written order from the city to do so;
Knowingly operates as a tester within the city without a valid state certification or without being registered with the city; or
Reinstates water service to premises suspended pursuant to this article without the prior approval of the director.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-123), 2-10-2000)
Every person to whom the city directly or indirectly provides water service shall, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m., permit the director to enter their premises and buildings for the purpose of inspecting pipes, fixtures, and the manner in which they are using water to determine whether they are in compliance with this article.
If any water user refuses to allow an inspector access to inspect a premises during the times listed above, the water user shall install an RP at the service connection to that premises.
The water user shall promptly remove and leave removed any temporary or permanent obstruction to an inspector's safe and easy access to the premises upon the director's written or verbal request. The water user shall pay all costs of clearing such obstruction.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-124), 2-10-2000)
The director may, without prior notice, suspend water service to any premises when such suspension is necessary to stop an actual or threatened backflow which:
Presents or may present imminent and substantial danger to the environment or to the health or welfare of persons; or
Presents or may present imminent and substantial danger to the city's public water supply.
As soon as practicable after the suspension of service, the director shall notify the owner or person in charge of the premises of the suspension in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall order such person to correct the cross connection which allowed the backflow to occur. When time permits, the director should notify the owner or person in charge prior to suspending water service.
If the persons fails to comply with an order issued under subsection (b) of this section, the director may take such steps as the director deems necessary to prevent or minimize damage to the public water supply or to persons.
The director shall not reinstate suspended services until:
The person presents proof, satisfactory to the director, that the backflow has been eliminated and its cause determined and corrected;
The person pays the city for all costs the city incurred in responding to the backflow or threatened backflow; and
The person pays the city for all costs the city will incur in reinstating service.
A person whose service has been suspended may appeal such enforcement action pursuant to section 10-79.
The remedies provided by this article are in addition to any other remedies set out in this article. Exercise of any remedy in this article shall not be a bar against nor a prerequisite for taking other action against a violator.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 1(7-125), 2-10-2000)
The director may terminate the city-provided water supply of any water user who violates any of the following conditions:
Refusing the director or inspector reasonable access to the water user's premises for the purpose of inspection;
Hindering or denying the director or inspector access to backflow prevention assemblies;
Failing to install and maintain backflow prevention assemblies in accordance with this article; or
Failing to install, maintain, and operate piping and plumbing systems in accordance with the International Plumbing Code.
The director shall notify a water user of the proposed termination of its water supply. The water user may petition the director for a reconsideration and hearing pursuant to section 10-79.
Exercise of this enforcement option by the director shall not be a bar against nor a prerequisite for taking any other action against the water user.
The director shall not reinstate suspended services until the person presents proof, satisfactory to the director, that the backflow has been eliminated and its cause determined and corrected.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 2, 2-10-2000)
This article shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinance of the city, except when the provisions of this article are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 4, 2-10-2000)
Any person, firm, association of persons, company, corporation, or their agents, servants, or employees violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this article shall be fined, upon conviction, not more than $2,000.00 for each offense relating to fire safety, zoning, or public health and sanitation, and not more than $500.00 for all other offenses. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. The penalty provided in this section shall be cumulative of other remedies provided by state law including, without limitation, the power of injunction.
(Ord. No. B-641, § 5, 2-10-2000)
All rights and remedies of the city are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of this article or any other ordinances affecting the prevention of backflow into the city's water system that have accrued at the time of the effective date of Ordinance No. B-641; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, the same shall not be affected by this article but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts.