The Town Board may, from time to time by resolution, set aside public places, streets or portions of streets within the unincorporated areas of the Town as parking spaces for motor vehicles for the sole and exclusive use by the holders of valid physically disabled drivers' parking permits issued by the Town of Oyster Bay and where specifically stated in this division such parking space may also be used by the holders of any valid disabled drivers' parking permit issued by a municipality located in the State of New York.
The Town's Commissioner of Public Works, or his or her designee, shall provide and maintain a sign at each of the public places, streets or portions of streets set aside as provided in Subsection (a) as parking spaces for the sole and exclusive use by the holders of valid physically disabled drivers' parking permits, providing notice that it is unlawful to leave a motor vehicle parked, stopped or standing in any such public places, streets or portions of streets except by the holders of physically disabled drivers' parking permits.
Any person of good moral character who has a permanent physical disability which so seriously impairs mobility as to prevent that person from walking without the assistance of an artificial device, as certified in writing to the Town Clerk by a physician duly licensed by the state, and which person is also the holder of a valid operator's or chauffeur's license duly issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles of the state, may obtain a physically disabled drivers' parking permit by making application therefor in writing to the Town Clerk upon forms furnished by the Town Clerk. The application shall state:
The following which shall be verified under oath by the applicant:
The name and address of the applicant.
The age, date of birth, sex, height, weight, color of hair and color of eyes of the applicant, and whether they are married or single.
The type of driver's license held by the applicant and the license identification number thereof and the date of issuance and expiration date thereof.
All the restrictions listed on the applicant's driver's license.
The occupation and social security number of the applicant.
The name and address of the applicant's employer and business phone.
If the applicant is a student, the name and address of the school, course of study and hours of attendance.
The name and address of the owner of the vehicle to be used.
The year, make, type, identification or serial number and color of the vehicle, the license plate number, and tab number, if any, and the year for which issued and state which issued same.
Whether a physically disabled drivers' parking permit was ever issued to the applicant and if so, was it ever revoked, and the details of any revocation.
The following information which shall be certified by the physician:
The nature and duration of the disability.
The cause of the disability.
The date of last examination.
Whether the disability is progressive.
Whether, in the physician's opinion, the applicant has a permanent disability which so seriously impairs his mobility as to prevent them from walking without the assistance of an artificial device, requiring a physically disabled drivers' parking permit.
The application for a renewal of a permit issued pursuant to this division shall contain such information as the Town Clerk, as License Commissioner, may require, and the form of the application shall be approved by the Town Board.
Permits authorized by this division shall be in the form prescribed by the Town Clerk and shall expire on the first day of March next following their issuance. Such permits shall not be transferable and shall be subject to such conditions, rules and regulations as the Town Board may establish by resolution, and the acceptance of a permit shall constitute an agreement to comply with such conditions, rules and regulations.
Permits authorized by this division shall be placed within the motor vehicle so as to be visible and legible from the outside thereof when the vehicle is parked, stopped or left standing in a parking space set aside under this division.
In the event a person, other than the person to whom the permit is issued, utilizes the permit claiming the privileges granted by this division to the physically handicapped person, the permit issued to the physically handicapped person shall be subject to suspension for six months for the first offense, if it is determined after proper hearing that the use was with the consent, express or implied, of the permittee. After a second offense and proper hearing, the permit may be revoked. Prior to suspension or revocation, as herein provided, a hearing shall be held by the Town Clerk, who shall then make recommendation of action to the Town Board. Notice of any hearing to be held by the Town Clerk for revocation or suspension of any license or permit shall be mailed, by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the holder of the permit directed to the address of such holder as set forth in the application. Such notice shall be mailed not less than five days prior to the hearing date and shall advise said holder of the permit of the time and place of the hearing and shall contain a concise statement of the reason or reasons for holding the hearing. The Town Clerk shall make findings based upon the evidence presented at such hearing, which shall be conclusive as to all matters of fact. Suspension or revocation shall not be deemed to preclude a fine or penalty pursuant to any other subsection herein.
The holder of a tow-issued disabled driver's permit shall be entitled to the same privileges and bound by the same responsibilities as the holder of a validly issued Town of Oyster Bay parking permit.
The fee to be paid by all persons who reside within the unincorporated areas of the Town for a permit issued pursuant to this division shall be $1 if the permit is issued after the first day of March and prior to the first day of September following, and $0.50 if issued after the first day of September and prior to the first day of March next following; and the fee to be paid by all other persons for a permit issued pursuant to this division shall be $12 if issued after the first day of March and prior to the first day of September next following, and $6 if issued after the first day of September and prior to the first day of March next following.
The amount of the fee for the permit year, or any part thereof, may be changed from time to time by resolution of the Town Board and shall be incorporated in the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this division.
A permit issued pursuant to this division shall automatically terminate and become void if the driver's license of the person to whom the permit has been issued is revoked or suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles of the state or by a court of competent jurisdiction, and the permittee shall immediately surrender his permit to the Town Clerk.
The Town Clerk may revoke any permit issued pursuant to this division or suspend the permit for not in excess of 90 days upon finding after a hearing of the existence of one or more of the following:
The holder of the permit has violated any of the conditions, rules or regulations established by the Town under this division.
The holder of the permit has misrepresented or made a false statement in his application.
The holder of the permit has been convicted of any crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
Notice of any hearing to be held by the Town Clerk for the revocation or suspension of any permit issued pursuant to this division shall be mailed by ordinary mail to the holder of the permit, and directed to the address of such holder as set forth in the application. The notice shall be mailed not less than five days prior to the hearing date, and shall advise the holder of the permit of the time and place of the hearing and shall contain a concise statement of the reason or reasons for holding the hearing. Rules of law with respect to the admissibility of evidence in the conduct of hearings shall not apply at such hearings, and the Town Clerk shall make such a record of the findings as he deems to be justified by all the evidence presented at such hearing, and his findings shall be conclusive as to all matters of fact.
It shall be unlawful for any person to leave a motor vehicle parked, stopped or standing, or to allow, suffer, or permit a motor vehicle to be parked, stopped or standing in any public place, street or portions of streets set aside pursuant to this division for the sole and exclusive use by the holders of valid physically disabled drivers' parking permits, unless such person is the valid holder of a permit issued pursuant hereunder and a violation of this division shall be an offense and shall be punishable as provided in Section 1-8, but in no event shall an offense hereunder be punishable by a fine less than $100 or more than $750.