No person shall operate or cause to be operated in the city any ambulance or other emergency medical service vehicle used or equipped for the transportation or conveyance of the sick or injured without first having secured a permit from the city.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.330)
No permit shall be required for:
The contracted EMS provider operating an ambulance in the city.
Any licensed ambulance provider when called upon by the city to render assistance during a catastrophe or major emergency when the ambulances authorized to operate in the city by permit are either insufficient in number or inadequate for any other reason.
Any licensed ambulance provider operating from a location outside the city and transporting any patient from a point of origin outside the city to a destination inside the city.
Any licensed provider operating under the contracted city EMS provider’s written mutual aid/coverage agreements.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.331)
Applications for a provider permit for the operation of ambulance service within the city shall be in written form prescribed by the city, signed and sworn to by the applicant, and shall be filed with the city secretary.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.332)
All persons operating an ambulance under the provisions of this article shall have in their possession:
An appropriate valid driver’s license issued by the state; and
A current department of state health services EMS certification.
No person shall operate or allow the operation of any ambulance for which a permit has been issued under this article on an emergency call unless such ambulance is attended by:
At least two emergency care attendants (ECA), emergency medical technician basics (EMT-B), emergency medical technician intermediates (EMT-I), emergency medical technician paramedics (EMT-P) or any combination of the above two certified personnel meeting the provisions of this article.
Persons acting under the direction of the incident commander at the scene when a mass casualty incident has occurred.
No person shall operate or allow the operation of any ambulance for which a permit has been issued under this article on an emergency call unless such ambulance is equipped with at least:
The minimum equipment and supplies as required by the state for a basic life support (BLS) up to mobile intensive care unit (MICU);
The minimum equipment and supplies as required by the state for a basic life support ambulance (BLS); or
For response to mass casualty incidents or non-emergency medical calls, the minimum equipment and supplies as required by the state for a basic life support ambulance (BLS).
Permit holders operating ambulance service within the city shall be capable of communicating to the fire department and Hill County SO dispatch via assigned two-way radio frequency.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.333)
The city secretary shall issue a permit required by this article only if the ambulance provider meets all requirements of this article. Permits may be revoked, altered or suspended by the city in accordance with sections 6.03.076 and 6.03.077.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.334)
Every permit issued hereunder shall be subject to revocation, alteration or suspension by the city where it shall appear that one or more of the following conditions exist:
The permit was obtained by an application in which any material fact was intentionally omitted or falsely stated;
The permit holder has persisted in permitting emergency medical service vehicles to be operated in violation of any law;
The permit holder has willfully and knowingly violated or failed to comply with any of the provisions hereof;
The permit holder’s insurance, as required herein, has been cancelled, withdrawn or terminated.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.335)
The city may at any time give notice in writing to a permit holder or other person in control of the operation and maintenance of such ambulance service that the permit issued for the operation and maintenance of such ambulance service has been revoked. The notice of revocation shall become a final revocation after the expiration of five days from the date of the service of same unless, on or before the expiration of such five days, the permit holder shall file with the city secretary a written appeal of such revocation.
The appeal shall operate as a stay of revocation of the permit issued until such time as the city council shall grant a hearing and make a final adjudication. The hearing shall be held within 30 days after the date of filing of the appeal, and such action and judgment of the council, after hearing all the evidence and facts, shall be final and conclusive as to all parties.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.336)
No permit shall be issued unless the applicant therefor shall have paid an initial permit application fee as provided in appendix A to this code payable in advance with the application to the city for the right to engage in the ambulance business in and upon the public streets and thoroughfares of the city. Each permit issued hereunder shall be valid for one calendar year beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of such year, and any ambulance provider desiring to continue operations hereunder shall make application for renewal of permit prior to December 1 of any year for the privilege of operating during the following calendar year. Renewal applications for permits shall be accompanied by a fee as provided in appendix A to this code. The permit application fees herein shall be nonrefundable.
The amount of the permit fee herein prescribed shall not be prorated for fractional parts of a calendar year, nor shall it relieve the ambulance provider from the necessity of obtaining any federal, state or county occupation license or any other requirement established by statute. Permits issued hereunder shall not be transferable or assignable without the consent of the city council.
Any ambulance provider that is contracted with the city shall be exempt from the permit fees as listed above so long as they are under contract with the city.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.337)
Each operator shall purchase and keep in full force and effect public liability insurance in the amount of not less than $1,000,000.00 for each person, $1,000,000.00 for each accident, and $100,000.00 for property damage, to secure payment of all lawful and proper claims arising out of the operations of the ambulance service authorized hereunder. A written statement from an authorized agent of the operator’s insurance carrier verifying the issuance of such insurance shall be filed with the city secretary before any certificate or permit may be issued. All such verifications of insurance shall provide for a 30-day cancellation notice to the city.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.338)
By acceptance of a permit authorized to be issued pursuant to this article, any ambulance provider expressly stipulates and agrees to be bound by the terms of this article and comply with the provisions contained herein.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.339)
Any ambulance provider who currently operates non-emergency and/or emergency service within the city and who possesses a city previously issued permit shall not be required to file an original application.
(Ordinance adopted 5/16/06, sec. 4.340)