Calculation of Ratios.
Mixed Uses:
Developments containing more than one use shall provide parking spaces in an amount equal to the total of the requirements for all uses.
Fractional Measurements:
Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be rounded up to the next highest whole number.
The following minimum parking ratios apply to all zoning districts. The applicant may provide an alternative parking plan with data submitted in support of higher or lower ratios.
No use shall provide more than 150 percent of the required parking shown in the table below unless any parking above the 150 percent threshold is provided on pervious surface or as underground or structured parking.
Unlisted Uses:
The parking space requirements for a use not specifically listed in the table shall be the same as for the listed use deemed most similar to the proposed use by the Administrator.
Credit for On-Street spaces:
On-street parking spaces located immediately abutting the subject parcel, lying entirely within the extension of the side lot lines into the roadway and not within any required clear sight distance, may be counted toward meeting these parking requirements.
Handicap Parking:
Accessible parking must be provided according to the standards in the Architectural Barriers Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS)
Specific Use
Minimum Parking
Household living
Single Family
1.0 per unit
Accessory dwelling (e.g. garage apartment)
1.0 per unit
Multifamily (e.g. duplex, apartment)
1.0 per unit
Group living
All uses
1.0 per 300 SF of GFA
Social service
All uses
1.0 per 300 SF of GFA
1.0 per 400 SF of GFA
Place of worship
1.0 per 5 seats in main worship space
All other uses
1.0 per 300 SF of GFA
Parks & open space
All uses
As determined by P&Z commission
All uses
1.0 per 250 SF of office GFA
All uses
1.0 per 250 SF of GFA
Office (e.g. dentist, chiropractor)
1.0 per 150 SF of GFA
Indoor recreation
All uses
1.0 per 250 SF of GFA
Outdoor recreation
All uses
1.0 per 5,000 SF outdoor use area
Overnight lodging
All uses
1.0 per guest room
Personal service
All uses
1.0 per 500 SF of GFA
Restaurant Bar
All uses
1.0 per 200 SF of GFA
Retail sales
All uses
1.0 per 500 SF of GFA
Heavy industrial
All uses
1.0 per 600 SF GFA (office) + 1.0 per 4,000 SF GFA
Light industrial
All uses
1.0 per 600 SF GFA (office) + 1.0 per 4,000 SF GFA
Research & development
All uses
1.0 per 300 SF of GFA
Self-service storage
All uses
1.0 per 250 SF GFA (non-storage) + 1.0 per every 50 storage units
Vehicle service
All uses
3.0 per bay or 1.0 per 250 SF GFA, as applicable whichever is greater
Warehouse & distribution
All uses
1 per 500 SF GFA office space + 1 per 4,000 SF indoor storage area
Wholesale trade
All uses
1.0 per 250 SF GFS (office) + 1.0 per 4,000 SF of indoor storage
Parking Space and Lot Design.
Parking Space Dimensions.
Required off-street parking spaces shall meet the following dimensions.
Each required off-street parking space and off-street parking area shall be identified by surface markings at least four (4) inches in width. Markings shall be visible at all times. Such markings shall be arranged to provide for orderly and safe loading, unloading, parking and storage of vehicles. One-way and two-way accesses into required parking facilities shall be identified by directional arrows.
Surfacing and Maintenance.
Drives, parking lots, and loading areas shall be paved with concrete, asphalt, crushed limestone, compacted gravel, or equal substitute in all residential, multiple-family, commercial, office, and light industrial sites. All off-street parking areas, drive aisles, internal roadways, and loading areas for all uses shall be paved at all times.
Screening of parking areas adjacent to designated thoroughfares.
In order to ensure that adequate landscaping is provided to create and maintain a pleasant visual environment along the primary routes through the City of Hubbard, the following minimum standards shall apply to all non-single-family residential property which is adjacent to the right-of-way line of any of the following designated thoroughfares and highways within the city limits:
State Highway 31
State Highway 171
Surface parking spaces adjacent to any street shall be required to be screened from the street or street easement by a minimum two and one-half (2-1/2) feet tall (at time of planting) hedge of evergreen shrubs spaced no greater than three (3) feet on center, or a minimum two and one-half (2-1/2) feet tall grass berm, or a combination of the two (2).
Such landscaping or berms shall not conflict with any sight easements.
Parking spaces shall be so designed and shrubs shall be planted such to preclude vehicle overhang onto the shrubs or their planting area.
For purposes of this section, "adjacent to any street or street easement" shall refer to parking spaces which are less than one hundred (100) feet from the nearest street right-of-way or private street easement, and for which there are no buildings, structures, fences, or other site improvements other than landscaping, signs, or open space between the parking spaces and the street right-of-way or easement.
The property owner installing new landscaping shall guarantee a plant life of at least eighteen (18) months after issuance of a letter of compliance or certificate of occupancy. Ongoing maintenance of required landscaping, including replacement of any landscape elements which are damaged or which die, shall be the responsibility of the current owner of the property.
Alternative Parking Plan.
An alternative parking plan may be approved by the City Council for specific developments that are deemed to require a different amount of parking than shown above. The Zoning Administrator shall establish conditions necessary to insure the adequacy of future on-site parking when approving an alternate parking plan. Any alternative standard shall meet the following criteria below:
The applicant provides a detailed breakdown of his or her parking requirements indicating employee counts, shift distribution and visitor or customer needs.
The applicant provides a site plan showing how additional parking to meet standard requirements would be provided if the use changed or parking needs increase.
In limited cases, off-site parking, shared parking agreements, and reciprocal access and parking agreements may be approved by the City Council.
(Ordinance 081115-02 adopted 8/11/15)
General Standards.
All buildings shall be located on a site abutting a public or private street.
Unless otherwise approved by the City's Engineer, all nonresidential sites abutting an arterial street must provide a shared cross-access easement with a minimum paving width of 22 feet when abutting another mixed use or nonresidential property.
No vehicle or obstacle may block driveways intended for use as a fire lane or for cross-access.
A driveway may be no less than eight feet and no more than 30 feet in width.
A maximum of forty percent (40%) of the curbline and parkway shall be used for vehicular access to such property.
Location of Driveways.
A platted lot shall be permitted the number of driveways identified below.
Total Site Frontage
Number of Driveways (max)
200 feet of frontage or less
201 feet to 400 feet of frontage
401 feet to 600 feet of frontage
601 + feet of frontage
The City's Engineer may approve or require additional driveways. Such determination shall consider site design, pedestrian and vehicle circulation, adjacent uses, topography, speed of traffic on adjacent roads, and other similar considerations.
Driveways shall be separated by a distance of not less than 150 feet measured centerline to centerline of the driveways. In the event that an infill lot is unable to meet this separation requirement due to the location of existing driveways on adjacent lots, the infill lot shall be permitted one driveway.
Unless otherwise approved or required by the City's Engineer, the permitted driveway for a corner lot shall connect to the street with the lower roadway classification.
Unless otherwise approved or required by the City's Engineer, driveways may intersect a street no closer than 50 feet from the intersection of two street right-of-way lines and no closer than 100 feet from the intersection of an arterial street.
Driveways shall be contained entirely within the property frontage or as part of a joint access easement with an adjacent platted property.
(Ordinance 081115-02 adopted 8/11/15)
This Section establishes standards for the screening and separation of adjoining residential and nonresidential land uses, equipment and outdoor storage areas, and surface parking areas.
Screening between different land uses.
A commercial or industrial land use proposed on a site adjacent to a zone that allows single dwellings shall provide screening at the parcel boundary as follows. Other nonresidential uses adjacent to a residential use may also be required by the Planning Commission to comply with these requirements.
The screen shall consist of plant materials and a solid, decorative wall of masonry or similar durable material, six to eight feet in height. Openings or pedestrian connections may be required at the discretion of the review authority. The decorative wall shall be architecturally treated on both sides, subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator.
A landscaping strip with a minimum width of 10 feet shall be installed adjacent to a screening wall.
The Planning Commission may approve a substitute for the requirements of this Section if it first determines that:
The relationship of the proposed uses make the required screening unnecessary;
The intent of this Section can be successfully met by means of alternative screening methods;
Physical constraints on the site make the required screening infeasible; or
The physical characteristics of the site or adjoining parcels make the required screening unnecessary.
Height limits.
Each fence or wall shall comply with the height limits shown in the Table below.
Location of Fence or Wall
Maximum Height
Within front or street side setback
5 ft
Within interior or side or rear setback
6 ft*
Outside of a required setback
6 ft*
Corner lots
4 ft, along front and sides of property
* A fence or wall up to eight feet in height may be allowed when the portions above six feet are of an open design (e.g., lattice, wrought iron or grille work)
Measurement of fence and wall height.
Fence height shall be measured as the vertical distance between the finished grade at the base of the fence and the top edge of the fence material.
All fences must be constructed parallel with lot or property lines. All fences adjacent to public street rights-of-way must be maintained in good repair.
Specific fence and wall requirements.
Outdoor equipment, storage, and work areas.
Nonresidential outdoor uses and equipment adjacent to a residential use shall be fenced and/or screened[.]
Swimming pools, spas, and similar features.
Swimming pools/spas and other similar water features shall be fenced in compliance with the City's Building Code, regardless of the other requirements of this Section.
Mechanical equipment, loading docks, and refuse areas.
Roof or ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view from adjoining public streets and rights-of-way and adjoining areas zoned for residential uses. This equipment includes air conditioning, heating, ventilation ducts, and exhaust vents, loading docks, refuse storage areas; and utility services, electrical transformers, gas meters, etc.
Temporary fencing.
Temporary fencing may be necessary to protect historic resources, trees, or other similar sensitive features during site preparation and construction. This fencing shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator.
Prohibited materials.
The following fencing materials are prohibited in all zones except where they are required by a State or Federal law or regulation.
Razor or concertina wire in conjunction with a fence or wall, or by itself, and chain-link fencing within a front or street side setback; and
Barbed wire, or electrified fence; except where approved by the Zoning Administrator for animal control.
The colors, materials, and architectural style of screening shall be architecturally compatible with other on-site development.
(Ordinance 081115-02 adopted 8/11/15)