For the purpose of this Ordinance, the City is hereby divided into nine (9) zones, or districts, as shown on the Official Zoning Map which together with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this Ordinance. These districts are as follows:
“A-1” Agricultural Residence
“R-1” One-Family Residence District
“R-2” One-Family Residence District
“R-3” Two-Family Residence District
“R-4” Multiple-Family Residence District
“MH” Mobile Home Park Residence District
“C-1” Central Business District
“C-2” Local and Through Highway Business District
“I-1” Light Industrial District
“I-2” Heavy Industrial District
The Official Zoning Map shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Secretary.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91)
As Districts are designated they shall be bounded and defined as shown on a map entitled “Zoning Map of the City of [San] Saba, Texas” which map is hereby made a part of this ordinance.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91)
In the event of uncertainty in the exact boundaries of any of the aforesaid districts as shown on the “Zoning Map of the City of San Saba, Texas”, the Planning Commission upon written application or upon its own motion, shall recommend the location of such boundaries to the City Council, in consonance with ARTICLE IV - GENERAL PROVISIONS.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91)
Upon authorization by the City of San Saba, a Conditional Use Permit may be issued upon submission of an application and appropriate material describing the proposed use. The purpose of this Conditional Use Permit is to provide for uses that generally have unusual nuisance characteristics or are of a public or semi-public character often essential or desirable for the general convenience and welfare of the community, which without specific consideration may have possible adverse impact on neighboring properties.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91)