The specific regulations of this Article shall apply to the “R-3” Two-Family Residence District.
The “R-3” Two-Family Residence District is designed specifically to permit a higher density of residential use upon land. This does not provide for multifamily use in this District. It is the intent of this Article to encourage the development of and the continued use of the land for two-family dwellings and to prohibit commercial and industrial uses or any other use which would substantially interfere with the development or continuation of two-family dwellings in this District. This Article also discourages any use which would generate traffic or create congestion on neighborhood streets other than normal traffic which serves the residences on the street. It also encourages only those uses which, because of character or size, would not create additional requirements and costs for public services which are in excess of such requirements and costs if the District were developed solely for two-family dwellings.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91; Ordinance 2002-08 adopted 11/12/02)
In the “R-3” Two-Family Residence District, no building, structure, land or premises will be used and no building or structure shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, or altered, except for one or more of the permitted uses as listed as in this section.
The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
Single-family detached dwellings
Two-family dwellings
Golf courses (not including miniature or par-three commercial courses)
Temporary structures which are incidental to the construction of the main building and will be removed when the main structure is completed.
Playgrounds, public
Elementary schools, public and private where the curriculum is similar in nature and preparation of course work to the public school.
Agriculture uses of the garden type that are not intended for commercial purposes.
The following uses are permitted when they abut and have their main access on a major street, and provide a minimum yard on all sides of fifty (50) feet.
Arboretum or botanical garden
Churches, convents and monasteries
Fire and public stations
Libraries, public
Schools, both public and private with curriculum similar in nature and preparation of course work to the public school.
Swimming pools, private where no public sale or goods are promoted
Country Clubs
Nursing homes/assisted living facilities.
Editor’s note–Ordinance 2002-08 amended the zoning ordinance by adding “nursing homes/assisted living facilities” to article VIII, but did not specify the section and subsection number. Inclusion of these provisions as subsection C. of section 8.2 was at the discretion of the editor.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91; Ordinance 2002-08 adopted 11/12/02)
No dwelling or use shall be constructed or commenced in the “R-3” District which does not conform with the following minimum requirements for lot size.
Minimum Lot Area -
10,000 sq. ft.
Minimum Front Footage -
80 ft.*
* The frontage of any wedge-shaped lot which meets the requirements of minimum lot size may be a minimum of forty (40) feet; however, the front building line on the lot shall be a minimum of seventy (80) [sic] linear feet measured at an equal distance parallel to and from the front lot line.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91; Ordinance 2002-08 adopted 11/12/02)
The maximum improvement coverage of any lot in the “R-3” District shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot area. Paved areas are not considered improvements within the meaning of this provision.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91; Ordinance 2002-08 adopted 11/12/02)
The following minimum requirements for yards shall apply to any use that is constructed or commenced on a parcel of land in the “R-3” District.
Front Yard -
50 ft.
Side Yards -
5 ft. (one)
15 ft. (both)
10 ft. (street side of corner lot)
Rear Yard -
20% of lot depth
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91; Ordinance 2002-08 adopted 11/12/02)
No building in the “R-3” District shall be constructed with a height in excess of thirty-five (35) feet from the mean lot elevation nor will it exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) stories.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91; Ordinance 2002-08 adopted 11/12/02)
All permitted uses in the “R-3” District shall comply with the minimum requirements for off-street parking as contained in ARTICLE XVII Off-street Loading and Parking of this ordinance.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91; Ordinance 2002-08 adopted 11/12/02)
All permitted uses in the “R-3” District shall comply with signage regulations as contained in ARTICLE XVI Sign and Billboards Regulations.
(Ordinance 1991-13 adopted 11/7/91; Ordinance 2002-08 adopted 11/12/02)