The city council shall allot as much as twenty-five (25) minutes at regular meetings to hear persons who desire to make comments to the city council. This time may be extended at the discretion of the council.
Any person desiring to participate in this portion of the meeting shall at the beginning of the meeting indicate in writing a desire to speak and indicate in full the topic on which they desire to speak. Said person shall limit his or her comments to the topic indicated.
No person shall exceed five (5) minutes in his or her presentation to the city council, unless granted additional time by the presiding officer.
Delegations of more than five (5) persons shall appoint one person to present their views to the city council. If the delegation fails to appoint a spokesman for the group, the presiding officer shall appoint a spokesman for the group.
All persons addressing the city council shall do so from the podium designated by the city council.
Public participation is limited to the designated open forum of a meeting. At all other times during the city council meeting, the members of the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the city council, unless recognized by the presiding officer.
Specific, factual information or recitation of existing policy may be furnished in response to inquiries, but the city council shall not deliberate, discuss, or make any decision on any subject not on the agenda.
(2001 Code, sec. 32.22)
The city council formally adopts and implements the City Council Rules of Conduct and Procedure as amended, which are attached as exhibit A to Ordinance O-2024-0409-A.
(Ordinance O-2023-1010-B adopted 10/10/2023; Ordinance O-2024-0409-A adopted 4/9/2024)
The city council shall have the power to pass, publish, amend, repeal, and enforce all ordinances, rules, and police regulations not contrary to the constitution and statutes of this state for the good government, peace, and order of the city and the trade and commerce thereof that may be necessary or proper to carry into effect the powers vested to local governments.
(2001 Code, sec. 32.01)
The style of all ordinances shall be “BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANDLER, TEXAS” and the style of all resolutions shall be “BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANDLER, TEXAS.”
(2001 Code, sec. 32.02)
All ordinances and resolutions shall be in writing and shall be introduced by a member of the city council at an open meeting of the city council. It shall only be necessary to provide a brief explanation and read the caption of the ordinance or resolution unless a motion is made by any councilmember to read the entire ordinance or resolution. An ordinance must be adopted by a majority vote, unless otherwise required by other provisions of this code or state law.
(2001 Code, sec. 32.03)
Upon passage, all ordinances and resolutions shall be approved by the mayor, numbered, and attested by the city secretary, and shall be recorded by the city secretary in a book of ordinances or in the minutes for resolutions, except under conditions pertaining in section 1.03.046.
(2001 Code, sec. 32.04)
Every ordinance imposing any penalty, fine, or forfeiture shall after passage thereof be published in the official newspaper for a consecutive two-day period or one (1) issue if the official newspaper is a weekly paper, and such ordinances shall take effect and be in force from and after the publication thereof, unless otherwise provided. Ordinances not required to be published shall take effect from their passage, unless otherwise specified. In lieu of publication of the entire ordinance, the city council may provide for the publication of a descriptive caption or title, stating in summary the purpose of the ordinance and penalty for violation thereof.
(2001 Code, sec. 32.05)
Every ordinance or resolution passed by the city council must be filed with the city secretary. The mayor may either sign or refuse to sign the ordinance or resolution.
If the mayor does not sign the ordinance or resolution, his objections must be set forth in writing and submitted to the city secretary within three (3) days of the time the ordinance or resolution was filed. If the mayor’s statement of objections is not filed within three (3) days, the ordinance or resolution goes into effect without his signature.
If the mayor timely files a statement of objections to the ordinance or resolution, the city council shall reconsider the vote by which the ordinance or resolution was adopted. If a majority of the total number of councilmembers approves the ordinance or resolution on reconsideration, with the vote of each councilmember entered in the minutes of the meeting at which the vote was taken, the ordinance or resolution shall take effect.
(2001 Code, sec. 32.06)