It shall be unlawful for any individual or group of individuals to participate in any activity on any public park area when such activity will create a danger to the public or may be considered a public nuisance. The city council may designate particular locations within park areas for specific activities and, when deemed necessary, it may limit the conduct of such activities by the issuance of special permits upon application, which permits will set out the particular conditions under which such activity is permitted.
The following enumerated acts are presumed to cause potential for injury and are deemed unsafe and are prohibited on park property:
Carrying or discharging any firearm or explosive of any kind, including fireworks, excepting law enforcement officers, those with a valid concealed handgun license and those who have received written consent to do so from the city administrator;
Batting outside of a baseball field, batting cage or an area with proper netting;
Shooting any projectile, paintball or golfing;
Skateboards, roller skates, scooters, bicycles, etc. in the confined area of the baseball complex or in pavilions;
Glass of any type;
Use of any tobacco product, or to smoke or possess any burning tobacco weed, plant or other tobacco product, including vapor smoking devices; or
Making or continuing to burn an open fire (including barbecue pits and grills), exceptions by permit only.
It shall be unlawful for children under the age of ten (10) to be left unaccompanied and without adult supervision while in any areas of the park.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
A person commits an offense if in any park or recreational area he knowingly:
Cuts, breaks, defaces or in any way injures the trees, shrubs, plants, grass, turf, fountains, seats, fences, structures, improvements, ornaments, monuments, or property within or upon any of the public parks;
Adjusts or tampers with sprinklers, sprinkling valves, or sprinkling or irrigation systems;
Creates or constructs any path without the express written consent of the director or city administrator; or
Hits or throws balls or other hard objects against fences, or against baseball or other backstops.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
A person commits an offense if in any park or recreational area he knowingly:
Uses or speaks any threatening, abusive, insulting, or indecent language in any of the public parks, and no person shall commit in any such parks any obscene, lewd, or indecent act or create any nuisance;
Interferes or disrupts any game, league play, tournament or practice of any organized sports association, or any city-sponsored or approved organized athletic activity or special event;
Uses any abusive or profane language or gestures toward any coach, assistant coach, trainer, manager, umpire, referee, player, or other official during a practice, game or league play of any organized sports association or any city-sponsored or approved organized athletic activity;
Fails to leave the game, field or facility, or to otherwise fail to comply with the ejection order for any person ejected from a game, field or facility by the umpire, referee, or other league play official.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
It shall be unlawful for any owner, keeper, or person having the custody or control of any animal to cause or permit such animal to go into or upon the grounds of any park within the city, unless such dog is led by some person and retained in custody by having such animal securely fastened by means of a chain, rope, or strap.
It is the responsibility of any person having custody of any animal to clean up any waste left by that animal.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
A person commits an offense if in any park or recreational area he knowingly:
Parks a commercial vehicle overnight;
Parks a vehicle for the primary use of displaying advertising;
Drives or operates a motor vehicle except in areas designed for such use;
Stops, stands, or parks a motor vehicle in any area not designated as a parking space;
Parks a motor vehicle so as to obstruct entrance to or exit from a roadway, parking area, or trail established for public motor vehicle use; or
Fails to park the entire motor vehicle within the limit lines of a designated parking stall, where such lines have been provided.
It is an exception to subsection (a) above if the driving, stopping, standing, or parking:
Was along a roadway, or parking area established for public motor vehicle use;
Was due to temporary mechanical failure of the vehicle;
Was ordered by a police or park officer or a person charged with supervision of a park or recreation area within the city;
Was performed by an employee of the city while in the course of his official duties; or
Was due to the temporary loading and unloading of the vehicle.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
A person commits an offense if in any park or recreational area he knowingly:
Sells or offer for sale any food, drinks, confections, merchandise, or services in public park or recreation areas unless such person has a written agreement with the city or a permit issued from the city administrator permitting the sale of such items. Application for such agreement or permit shall be made to the office of the city secretary.
Distributes any handbills or circulars, or posting, placing or erecting any bills, notices, papers or advertising of any kind without the express written consent of the city administrator.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
A person commits an offense if he consumes or possesses an alcoholic beverage while in a public park or while on a public street, sidewalk, or parking area adjacent to a public park.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
A person commits an offense if he knowingly makes or causes to be made any loud and raucous noise in any public park and recreation area in the city.
It is a defense to prosecution under subsection (a) that the person:
Is a city employee acting within the scope of his official duties;
First obtained the written permission of the city authorizing a special event; or
Is part of the announcement of league play or an authorized sporting event.
The following enumerated acts are presumed to create loud and raucous noises for purposes of this section:
The sounding of any horn or signal device on any automobile, motorcycle, bus, or other vehicle, except as a danger signal, as required by state law.
The use of any mechanical loudspeaker or sound amplifier for the purpose of attracting the attention of other persons by the creation of noise.
The playing of any radio, television, amplified music musical instrument, or other machine or device for the production or reproduction of sound at such a volume that the sound produced is audible at a distance in excess of one hundred fifty (150) feet.
The operation of any automobile, motorcycle, bus, or other vehicle or mechanical device in such a manner so as to produce a sound that is audible at a distance in excess of one hundred fifty (150) feet.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
No agent, servant, or employee of the city having supervision or jurisdiction over any of the various city-owned parks may rent or allow the use of any of said parks to any person for the purpose of engaging in an enterprise for a profit unless as a part of a city sanctioned special event.
This section shall not apply to local civic, religious, and charitable organizations. Said organizations shall make application to the city secretary for the use of any such park, setting forth in said application the name of the organization and its officers, the purpose for which said park is desired to be used, the length of time and a detailed statement showing the use of the revenue derived from the use of said park.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
A person commits an offense if in any park or recreational area he knowingly:
Swims in Winchester Park Pond or off the banks of the Neches River in River Park;
Boats on Winchester Park Pond;
Fails to follow the Texas Parks and Wildlife State rules;
Fails to follow fishing limits as set forth by Texas Parks and Wildlife;
While fishing on Winchester Park Pond, fishes by any other means than by pole and line or exceeding the limit of two poles;
Fails to possess a state fishing license, if 17 or over; or
Cleans fish on property controlled by the city as a park.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
A person commits an offense if in any park or recreational area he knowingly:
Throws or deposits any bottle, metal objects, glass, paper, wood, clippings, rubbish or garbage except in receptacles set out for that purpose; or
Carries onto any park property any garbage, trash or other refuse.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)
A person commits an offense if in any park or recreational area he knowingly:
Loiters in or around park restrooms;
Puts any object which is not normally used in those receptacles in sinks, toilets or drinking fountains which is reasonably likely to clog or plug the plumbing;
Expectorates, urinates, or defecates except into a toilet for that purpose; or
Use the restrooms and washrooms designated for the opposite sex if over the age of six (6) years.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-B adopted 8/13/19)