A monument sign shall be located a minimum of five (5) feet from any lot line and shall not be placed in a public easement or right-of-way or visibility triangle. No more than one monument sign shall be allowed in the front yard of a lot. If the lot abuts more than one street then no more than one monument sign shall be located in each front yard. A monument sign shall not be located within one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of another monument sign on the same lot unless the monument sign displays a menu or pricing for food services in connection with a drive-through lane or drive up facility at a fast food restaurant.
A monument sign shall not be located within fifty (50) feet of another monument sign on another lot.
The base and structure of a monument sign shall be architectural in nature and constructed of stucco, brick or stone material and shall be made of the same material as the principal building or buildings located on the lot. For purposes of this section, brick and stone material are defined in accordance with section 3.09.002 of this article. Sculpted aluminum sign panels may be used on a monument sign.
A monument sign may be illuminated by a light source located on the ground if the light source and supporting structure for the light are not visible from a street. A monument sign may be illuminated by internal lighting if sculpted aluminum sign panels are used.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.021), adopted 4/10/12)
A subdivision entrance sign on each side of the street shall be permitted at each street entrance into a residential subdivision subject to the following requirements:
The maximum height of a sign under this section, shall be eight (8) feet, including the base and supporting structure, when measured from ground level at the center of the base or supporting structure to the highest point of the sign, base or supporting structure.
The maximum height of the sign face of a sign under this section shall be four (4) feet, excluding the base and supporting structure. The maximum width of the sign face of a sign under this section shall be twelve (12) feet, excluding the base and supporting structure.
The maximum area of a sign under this subsection shall be 96 square feet per sign, with a maximum area per sign face of forty-eight (48) square feet.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.022), adopted 4/10/12)
A monument sign shall be permitted on a lot used for multiple-family dwelling subject to the following requirements:
The maximum height of a monument sign under this section, including the base and supporting structure shall be eight (8) feet, when measured from ground level at the center of the base or supporting structure to the highest point of the sign, base or supporting structure. The maximum width of a monument sign under this section, including the base and supporting structure shall be eight (8) feet.
The maximum height of the sign face of a monument sign shall be six (6) feet, excluding the base and supporting structure. The maximum width of the sign face of a monument sign shall be six (6) feet, excluding the base and supporting structure.
The maximum area of a monument sign under this section shall be 72 square feet per sign, with a maximum area per sign face of 36 square feet.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.023), adopted 4/10/12)
A monument sign shall be permitted on a lot in a commercial land use area to identify a business located on the lot other than a home occupation, subject to the following requirements:
The maximum height of a monument sign under this section, including the base and supporting structure shall be eight (8) feet, when measured from ground level at the center of the base or supporting structure to the highest point of the sign, base or supporting structure. The maximum width of a monument sign under this section, including the base and supporting structure shall be eight (8) feet.
The maximum height of the sign face of a monument sign shall be six (6) feet, excluding the base and supporting structure. The maximum width of the sign face of a monument sign shall be six (6) feet, excluding the base and supporting structure.
The maximum area of a monument sign under this section shall be 72 square feet per sign, with a maximum area per sign face of 36 square feet.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.024), adopted 4/10/12)
A monument sign shall be permitted on a lot in a commercial land use area to identify more than one business located on the lot other than a home occupation, subject to the following requirements:
The maximum height of a monument sign under this section, including the base and supporting structure shall be twelve (12) feet, when measured from ground level at the center of the base or supporting structure to the highest point of the sign, base or supporting structure. The maximum width of a monument sign under this section, including the base and supporting structure shall be ten (10) feet.
The maximum height of the sign face of a monument sign shall be ten (10) feet, excluding the base and supporting structure. The maximum width of the sign face of a monument sign shall be eight (8) feet, excluding the base and supporting structure.
The maximum area of a monument sign under this section shall be 160 square feet per sign, with a maximum area per sign face of 80 square feet.
The maximum number of sign panels shall be eight per sign face.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.025), adopted 4/10/12)
An attached sign shall be permitted as long as it complies with the following requirements:
The sign face of an attached sign located on a principal building devoted to a multifamily residential use may not exceed one percent of the area of the wall or facade upon which it is located.
The sign face of an attached sign located on a principal building devoted to a nonresidential use may not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the area of the wall or facade upon which it is located, or four hundred (400) square feet, whichever is less.
The sign face of an attached sign located on an accessory building serving a nonresidential use may not exceed five (5) percent of the area of the wall or facade upon which it is located, or one hundred (100) square feet, whichever is less.
An attached sign shall not extend beyond the perimeter of any part of the wall to which it is attached.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, an attached sign shall not extend above the wall or facade to which it is attached. A sign may be attached to a continuous plane fascia provided the sign does not extend above or below the projection of the fascia.
If a building is leased to more than one tenant then not more than one attached sign per lease space shall be attached to a wall or facade that faces a street.
An attached sign may only be illuminated by internal lighting. Exterior letters with exposed neon lighting shall not be used.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.026), adopted 4/10/12)
An awning sign shall be permitted as long as it complies with the following requirements:
The sign face of an awning sign located on a principal building devoted to a residential use may not exceed two (2) percent of the area of the awning upon which it is located.
The sign face of an awning sign located on a principal building devoted to a nonresidential use may not exceed thirty (30) percent of the area of the awning upon which it is located, or four hundred (400) square feet, whichever is less.
The sign face of an awning sign located on an accessory building serving a nonresidential use may not exceed five (5) percent of the area of the awning upon which it is located, or one hundred (100) square feet, whichever is less.
An awning sign shall not extend above, below or beyond the perimeter of the face of the awning to which it is attached.
A building shall not have both an awning sign and an attached sign on the same side of the building. No more than one sign shall be located on an awning.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.027), adopted 4/10/12)
A gasoline canopy sign shall be permitted on a lot used as an establishment where flammable or combustible liquids or gases used as fuel are stored and dispensed from fixed equipment into fuel tanks as long as it complies with the following requirements:
The sign face of a gasoline canopy sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet.
A gasoline canopy sign shall not extend above, below or beyond the perimeter of the face of the canopy to which it is attached.
A gasoline canopy sign may only be illuminated by internal lighting. Exterior letters with exposed neon lighting shall not be used.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.028), adopted 4/10/12)
A roof sign on a pitched roof may not extend above the roofline and must be parallel to the building face and may not extend beyond the building wall. The support structures must be designed so that there is no visible support structure above the sign.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.029), adopted 4/10/12)
In unique situations with a special exception granted from the city council a freestanding pole sign may be permitted in a commercial land use category to identify one or more businesses subject to the following requirements:
The maximum height of a freestanding pole sign under this section, shall be thirty-five (35) feet, including the pole, when measured from ground level at the center of the pole to the highest point of the sign. The maximum height of the sign face of a freestanding pole sign under this section shall be ten (10) feet, excluding the pole. The maximum width of the sign face of a freestanding pole sign under this section shall be ten (10) feet, excluding the pole.
The maximum area of a freestanding pole sign under this section shall be two hundred (200) square feet per sign, with a maximum area per sign face of one hundred (100) square feet.
The maximum number of sign panels shall be eight per sign face.
A freestanding pole sign shall not extend into a public easement or right-of-way.
No more than one freestanding pole sign or monument sign shall be allowed in the front yard of a lot. If the lot abuts more than one street then no more than one freestanding pole sign or monument sign shall be located in each front yard. A freestanding pole sign shall not be located within one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of another freestanding pole sign or monument sign on the same lot unless the monument sign displays a menu or pricing for food services in connection with a drive through lane or drive-up facility at a fast food restaurant.
A freestanding pole sign shall not be located within fifty (50) feet of another freestanding pole sign or monument sign on another lot.
Sculpted aluminum sign panels may be used on a freestanding pole sign. Wood panels shall not be used on a freestanding pole sign.
A freestanding pole sign may be illuminated by internal lighting. Letters or a logo with exposed neon lighting shall not be used.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.030), adopted 4/10/12)
Notice of violation.
When the building official or designated code enforcement officer determines that a dilapidated, deteriorated, illegal, prohibited, or abandoned sign located on private property within the city limits requires removal by the owner, they must issue a notice of violation to the owner of the sign or to the owner, occupant, or person in control of the property on which the sign is located, except when the sign poses an immediate or imminent threat to public safety because of the condition of the sign, in which case it may be removed without notice at the owner’s expense.
Contents of notice of violation.
The notice of violation must contain:
Name of the owner, occupant, manager, or other person in control of the property.
Street address sufficient to identify the property on which the alleged violation occurred.
Description of alleged violation and reference to the portion of this section that has been violated.
Statement of the action required to correct the violation and a deadline for completing the corrective action.
Statement that failure to take the corrective action within the time specified may result in a criminal penalty and possible filing of a civil action by the city against the owner seeking injunctive relief and/or civil penalties.
Owners or the occupant, or person in control of the property on which the sign is located found to be in violation of this section may be assessed a fine as outlined in section 3.09.013.
Service of notice of violation.
The city administrator, or designee, must serve a written notice of violation on the owner of the sign or the owner, occupant, or person in control of the property on which the sign is located for sign violations on private property within the corporate limits of the city or ETJ. The notice of violation should be served by hand or by certified mail with a return receipt requested. Service by certified mail will be effective three days after the date of mailing.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.031), adopted 4/10/12)
Abandoned signs.
The city may consider a sign abandoned and require its removal if:
A structure is without advertising matter or displays obsolete advertising matter for a period of 365 consecutive days or more;
In the opinion of the building official or code enforcement officer the sign has fallen into disrepair, become dilapidated, faded to the point of being illegible, or become overgrown by trees or other vegetation.
The payment of property taxes or retention of the sign as a balance sheet asset will not be considered in determining whether the sign is considered abandoned.
An abandoned legal nonconforming sign may not be replaced or rehabilitated without being brought into conformance with the requirements of this article.
A sign that has been determined to be abandoned by a building official or code enforcement officer but is otherwise in conformance with this article may be replaced or rehabilitated in adherence to the requirements of this article.
Illegal sign.
Any sign erected or constructed after the effective date of this article in violation of this article must be removed or brought into compliance with the provisions of this article.
Upon a determination that any sign has been constructed or placed or is maintained in violation of the provisions of this article, the city code enforcement officer shall give written notice of the violation to the owner or person entitled to possession of the sign and the owner(s) of the property where the sign is located by certified and regular mail, or by personal delivery. The notice must identify (legal description not required) the property where the sign is located, identify the provisions of the code violated, and state that the sign must be removed or brought into compliance with the code within 30 days of the date of the notice. If the illegal sign is a hazardous sign the notice must state that the sign must be removed within 72 hours of the date of receipt of the notice. If the city is unable to contact the owner(s) or person entitled to possession of the sign by mail or personal delivery, the requirements of written notice shall be fulfilled by publishing notice in the newspaper.
If the person or owner fails to remove the sign or bring it into compliance with this article within 30 days after notice has been given, the code enforcement officer may, in accordance with the provisions contained herein, cause the sign to be removed at the expense of the owner or person entitled to possession of the property or sign, and shall, upon the determination of the expenses, certify them to the city. The decision of the code enforcement officer to cause a sign to be removed may be appealed to the board of adjustment acting as the sign control board.
If appealed, this decision shall be subject to review by the board of adjustment, acting as the sign control board, in accordance with the provisions contained herein. Except as may be otherwise provided herein, appeal must be made in writing and submitted to the city administrator no later than ten days after the date of the notice issued by the code enforcement officer. Notification of the date, time and location scheduled for the review of the board of adjustment shall be by certified mail. The board of adjustment may: (A) reverse the code enforcement officer’s decision if it finds that the sign is in compliance with this article; (B) uphold the decision of the code enforcement officer; or (C) issue its own removal or maintenance orders with respect to the sign. If removal or maintenance orders upheld or issued by the board of adjustment are not complied with within 15 days after the board’s decision, or within 30 days after the decision of the date of the notice issued by the code enforcement officer, if no appeal is taken, the code enforcement officer may order the sign removed at the owner’s expense under the provisions of this article.
If the code enforcement officer orders the removal of an illegal sign and the sign is removed at the expense of the city, the code enforcement officer shall notify the property owner, the person entitled to possession of the sign or property, and each mortgagee and lienholder identified through a diligent effort, of the total costs incurred by the city for the removal of the sign within ten days after removal is accomplished. If the persons notified fail within 30 days after the date of notification to pay the entire costs and expenses of the removal, such costs and expenses shall be assessed on and the city shall have a lien against the property on which the sign was located. The lien is extinguished if the person entitled to the sign or property, the property owner or another person having an interest in the title to the property reimburses the city for the costs and expenses. The lien arises and attaches to the property at the time the notice of the lien is recorded and indexed in the office of the county clerk in the county in which the property is located. The notice must contain the name and address of the owner if that information can be determined with a reasonable effort, a legal description of the real property on which the sign was located, the amount of expenses incurred by the city, and the balance due.
The city satisfies the requirements of this section to make a diligent effort or a reasonable effort to determine the identity and address of an owner, a lienholder, or a mortgagee if the city searches the following records:
County real property records of the county in which the property is located;
Appraisal district records of the appraisal district in which the property is located;
Records of the Secretary of State; and
Utility records of the city.
When the city mails a notice in accordance with this section to a property owner, lienholder, or mortgagee and the United States Postal Service returns the notice as “refused” or “unclaimed,” the validity of the notice is not affected, and the notice is considered delivered.
Nonconforming signs.
Removal of all other signs shall be accomplished by order of the municipal board on sign control in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code chapter 216, including the determination of compensation (if any) in connection therewith by the municipal board on sign control.
(Ordinance O-041012, ex. A (3.09.032), adopted 4/10/12)