The fee for a permit required under article 4.02 of this code shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) unless it is a city or school-sponsored event.
If disapproved, the applicant may appeal such decision to the city council. An appeal fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be paid to the city secretary prior to the city council hearing the appeal to partially defer the administrative cost of handling the appeal.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-D adopted 8/13/19)
Every dealer shall obtain from the city an annual license to pursue his business, and shall pay therefor twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-D adopted 8/13/19)
Each person engaging in any activity mentioned in article 4.04 of this code shall pay the investigation fee for a peddler/vendor license of fifty dollars ($50.00) for 14 consecutive days, or $100.00 for 30 consecutive days.
However, an itinerant vendor on private property instead must obtain a temporary sales permit of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) from the city to be able to intermittently occupy any privately owned property for the purpose of operating a temporary business within the city. This fee includes the investigation fee.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-D adopted 8/13/19)
The annual license fee for a sexually oriented business license shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-D adopted 8/13/19)
The fee for a permit required to drill an oil or gas well shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00), which amount, in cash, shall accompany the application.
If the drilling permit be refused or if the applicant has notified the city council in writing that he does not elect to accept the permit as tendered and wishes to withdraw his application, or if the bond or surety instrument of the applicant be not approved and the applicant notifies the city council in writing that he wishes to withdraw his application, then, upon the happening of any of these events, the fee filed with the application shall be returned to the applicant, except there shall be retained therefrom by the city the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) as a processing fee.
(Ordinance O-2019-0813-D adopted 8/13/19)
A permit application shall be accompanied by a permit fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) plus all applicable actual review costs.
An annual fee of fifty cents ($0.50) multiplied by the number of linear feet of public right-of-way or public utility easement that may be occupied by a pipeline shall be paid to the city. Payment for the first year shall be due within thirty (30) days of the pipeline's construction being completed. Payment for subsequent years shall be due on the same date for each respective year.
As an alternative to an annual fee, a one-time fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) multiplied by the number of linear feet of public right-of-way or public utility easement that may be occupied by a pipeline shall be paid to the city. Payment shall be due within thirty (30) days of the pipeline's construction being completed.
(Ordinance O-2022-0712-A adopted 7/12/2022; Ordinance O-2023-1212-E adopted 12/12/2023)
Fee for mobile food truck permitted by the city:
$150.00 - 6 month duration.
$200.00 - 12 month duration.
(Ordinance O-2023-0314-B adopted 3/14/2023)