At an election held on May 5, 2001, called by Ordinance 020601-2, the voters of the city adopted an additional one-half-cent (1/2¢) sales and use tax within the city to be used for any of the purposes authorized by section 4B of article 5190.6 V.T.C.S., as amended (the Development Corporation Act of 1979).
(Ordinance 020601-2 adopted 2/6/01; Ordinance adopting Code)
Pursuant to House Bill No. 1, passed, enacted, and enrolled by the legislature of the state during the special session of the legislature called by the governor of the state, the city council hereby rescinds and repeals any and all sales tax on residential electric and gas utility services within the city.
The repeal of the local sales tax on residential gas and electric utility services in the city shall become effective on the effective date of the law enabling such repeal, same being House Bill 1 of the special session of the state legislature of 1978, such effective date being October 1, 1978.
(Ordinance 780905, secs. I, II, adopted 9/5/78)
The exemption provided by section 323.208(a) [Texas Tax Code, pertaining to sales and use tax for telecommunication services] is hereby repealed and such action authorizing said repeal has been entered in the minutes of the city. The mayor of the city and the attorney for the city are authorized to send to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts by United States certified or registered mail a copy of the ordinance adopted under this section, and such repeal of the exemption shall take effect within the city as provided for therein, and any other actions necessary to effect this order.
(Ordinance 091103-1 adopted 11/3/09)