The city council shall create a planning and zoning commission of the City of University Park and shall appoint five (5) members and three (3) alternate members, each of whom shall be a citizen and taxpayer of the City of University Park. Members and alternates shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years concurrent with the term of the mayor. Such appointees shall serve without compensation and may not hold any elective office of the State of Texas or any other political subdivision thereof during their terms. A vacancy in an unexpired term shall be filled by the city council for the remainder of the term. A majority of the appointed members shall constitute a quorum, and decisions may only be made with the affirmative vote of a majority or more of the members of the entire commission. The city council shall name one (1) of the members to be the chairman and one (1) to be the vice chairman.
The city council shall appoint a board of adjustment consisting of five (5) regular members and four (4) alternate members, all of whom shall be qualified voters of the City of University Park. The board of adjustment shall have the powers and authority set forth in Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code, and as hereafter amended, and such additional powers and authority as may be duly assigned to it by ordinances of the city or other applicable state law. The city council may remove a board member for cause on a written charge after a public hearing. A vacancy on the board shall be filled by the city council for the unexpired term only.
The city council shall have the power and is hereby authorized to create, abolish, establish, and appoint such other boards, commissions and committees as it deems necessary to carry out the functions of the city, and to prescribe the purpose, composition, functions, and tenure of each such board, commission, or committee.