Fees for all permits issued pursuant to this code shall be as prescribed in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
(2005 Code, sec. 15.1.25)
The various requirements contained in this chapter for the payment of fees shall correspond to the fees, methods of calculation, and restrictions contained herein.
The following standards shall apply:
Calculations for area (square footage) shall be on a gross basis, measured from the exterior face of exterior walls.
Final calculations shall be carried to the nearest whole dollar. Fractions greater than 0.49 shall be extended upward.
For any occupancy not clearly defined, the building official shall designate the applicable method of calculation.
The building official may approve a mixed calculation method when separate occupancy descriptions are applied to a single structure.
“Valuation,” except where otherwise defined, shall be the estimate of the total market value of a proposed construction project, including contractors’ overhead and profit and other associated owner’s costs, but excluding raw land costs.
When replacement of a contractor occurs in the duration of a project, the building official may, based on his determination of percentage of work remaining, prorate the amount of building permit fee for the new contractor.
There shall be no refund of a permit fee except when:
The permit has been issued and no part of the work commenced; or
The permit has been issued through error on the part of the city, and it is found that the work applied for cannot be allowed.
The building official shall not authorize the refund of any fee paid under this division except upon written request submitted by the original permittee no later than 180 days after the date of the fee payment.
(2005 Code, secs. 15.1.26)
No building permit shall issue for any residence in any residential development in the city unless the applicant therefor shall first have obtained from the gas and/or electric service provider written approval for gas main facilities and electric streetlights applicable to the property that is the subject of the permit application.
(2005 Code, sec. 15.1.28)