This table shows the location or gives the disposition of the chapters, sections and subsections of the 2005 Dalworthington Gardens Code of Ordinances within this revised code. The abbreviation “NIC” means the provision is not included in this code, though not necessarily repealed.
Chapter 1.1 The Code
Article I Code Administration
Sec. 1.1.01
Code designation and citation
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.02
Continuation of existing ordinances
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.03
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.04
Severability of parts of code
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.05
Amendments or additions to code
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.06
Recording of ordinances; ordinance books as evidence
Sec. 1.1.07
Enforcement governmental; liability
Article II Rules for Definition
Sec. 1.1.10
Sec. 1.1.11
Title of office
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.12
Words and phrases
Sec. 1.1.13
Grammatical rules
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.14
Sec. 1.1.15
Joint authority
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.16
Scope of act or omission
Sec. 1.1.17
Time of act
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.18
Article III Violations and Penalties
Sec. 1.1.25
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.26
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 1.1.27
Continuing violations
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Chapter 2.1 Administration
Article I Title
Sec. 2.1.01
Article II Council Meetings
Sec. 2.1.02
Regular meetings
Sec. 2.1.03
Special meetings
Sec. 2.1.04
Meeting agendas
Article III Seal
Sec. 2.1.10
Sec. 2.1.11
Custody of seal
Article IV City Secretary
Sec. 2.1.12
City secretary
Amnd. by Ord. 17-13
Sec. 2.1.13
Sec. 2.1.14
Term of office
Article V Public Works Director
Sec. 2.1.16
Appointment, compensation, and term of office
Amnd. by Ord. 17-13
Sec. 2.1.17
Amnd. by Ord. 17-13
Article VI City Administrator
Sec. 2.1.20
Appointment and term of office
Amnd. by Ord. 17-13
Sec. 2.1.21
Amnd. by Ord. 17-13
Sec. 2.1.22
Dltd. by Ord. 2024-03
Article VII Accounts, Funds, Audits and Fiscal Year
Sec. 2.1.26
Deposit of funds
Sec. 2.1.27
Signatures required
Sec. 2.1.28
General fund
Sec. 2.1.29
Water/sewer fund
Sec. 2.1.30
Fiscal year
Sec. 2.1.31
Audit required
Article VIII Bonds
Sec. 2.1.36
Bonds of employees and officers
Sec. 2.1.37
Bonds paid by city
Chapter 2.2 Municipal Court
Article I Scope and Intent
Sec. 2.2.01
Creation of court
Article II Officers of the Municipal Court
Sec. 2.2.02
Judge of the municipal court
Sec. 2.2.03
Judge appointment, qualifications and removal
Sec. 2.2.04
Alternate judge - Appointment, duties
Sec. 2.2.05
Clerk of court: appointment; duties
Amnd. by Ord. 17-13
Sec. 2.2.06
Warrant officers: appointment; duties
Sec. 2.2.07
Court reporter
Article III Proceedings of Court
Sec. 2.2.08
Amnd. by Ord. 17-09
Sec. 2.2.09
Rules governing proceedings
Sec. 2.2.10
Sec. 2.2.11
Conduct of prosecution
Sec. 2.2.12
Court of inquiry
Sec. 2.2.13
Fines and expenses
Chapter 2.3 Police Administration
Article I Police Department
Sec. 2.3.01
Police chief
Amnd. by Ord. 17-13
Sec. 2.3.02
Members of department
Sec. 2.3.03
Qualifications of policemen
Sec. 2.3.04
Duties of police
Article II Departmental Authority
Sec. 2.3.08
Sec. 2.3.09
Duties of director of public safety
Amnd. by Ord. 17-13
Sec. 2.3.10
Council direction
Sec. 2.3.11
All members to act
Article III Departmental Regulations
Sec. 2.3.14
Policemen to be courteous
Sec. 2.3.15
Collecting money before conviction
Sec. 2.3.16
Article IV Police Reserve
Sec. 2.3.20
Reserve established
Sec. 2.3.21
Under control of director of public safety
Sec. 2.3.22
Voluntary; limited in number
Sec. 2.3.23
Sec. 2.3.24
Call to active service by director of public safety
Sec. 2.3.25
Carrying weapons
Sec. 2.3.26
Supplementary capacity
Sec. 2.3.27
Sec. 2.3.28
No compensation
Sec. 2.3.29
Status as peace officers
Chapter 2.4 Park Board
Sec. 2.4.01
Board created
Sec. 2.4.02
Composition; term
Sec. 2.4.03
Vacancies; removal; compensation
Sec. 2.4.04
Sec. 2.4.05
Rules of procedure; meetings
Sec. 2.3.06
Chapter 2.5 Records
Sec. 2.5.01
Definition of city records
Sec. 2.5.02
City records declared public property
Sec. 2.5.03
Sec. 2.5.04
Records management function established
Sec. 2.5.05
Duties of records management
Sec. 2.5.06
Responsibilities of department heads
Sec. 2.5.07
City offices to use records schedules
Sec. 2.5.08
Development of records retention and disposition schedules
Sec. 2.5.09
One-time destruction of obsolete records
Sec. 2.5.10
Preservation of permanent records
Sec. 2.5.11
Non-current records not to be maintained in office files
Chapter 2.6 Advisory Committees
Sec. 2.6.1
Creation of committee
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-03
Sec. 2.6.2
Scope of duties
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-03
Sec. 2.6.3
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-03
Sec. 2.6.4
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-03
Sec. 2.6.5
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-03
Chapter 2.7 Mayor and Council Elections
Sec. 2.7.1
Regulation of elections
Sec. 2.7.2
Filing for place on ballot
Sec. 2.7.3
Council ballot form
Sec. 2.7.4
Election of mayor and councilmen
Sec. 2.7.5
Election by majority; runoff elections
Sec. 2.7.6
Laws governing city elections
Sec. 2.7.7
Canvassing election
Chapter 3.1 Property Taxation
Sec. 3.1.01
Tax administration
Sec. 3.1.02
Tax appraisal
Sec. 3.1.03
Tax collection
Sec. 3.1.04
Sec. 3.1.05
Tax levy
Law applicable
Chapter 3.2 Sales and Use Tax
Sec. 3.2.01
Sales and use tax authorized
Sec. 3.2.02
On gas and electricity
Amnd. by Ord. 2018-12
Sec. 3.2.03
On telecommunications services
Amnd. by Ord. 2018-09
Chapter 3.3 Permit and Service Fees
Sec. 3.3.01
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-06
Sec. 3.3.02
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-06
Sec. 3.3.03
Fees and charges imposed
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-06
Sec. 3.3.04
Conflict with other ordinances
Amnd. by Ord. 08-17
Sec. 3.3.05
Schedule of fees and charges
A. Administrative services
Amnd. by Ord. 08-17
B. Construction services
(1) Contractor registration/licensing
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-15
(2) Permits and inspections - Building
Amnd. by Ord. 16-13
(3) Permits and inspections - Electrical
Amnd. by Ord. 16-13
(4) Permits and inspections - Plumbing
Amnd. by Ord. 16-13
(5) Permits and inspections - Mechanical
Amnd. by Ord. 16-13
(6) Permits and inspections - Signs
Amnd. by Ord. 16-13
(7) Certificates of occupancy
Amnd. by Ord. 16-13
C. Water and sewer
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-15
D. Development
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-15
E. Animal control
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-15
F. Health and sanitation
(1) Solid waste collection
Amnd. by Ord. 10-02
(2) Health permits
Art. A8.000
G. Miscellaneous
Amnd. by Ord. 10-06
Chapter 3.4 Claims Against the City
Sec. 3.4.01
Claims for damage or injury
Sec. 3.4.02
Suits - Prerequisite
Sec. 3.4.03
Notice - Procedure
Sec. 3.4.04
No waiver of notice
Sec. 3.4.05
Notice - Sworn to
Sec. 3.4.06
Cumulative of state law
Chapter 5.1 Sale of Personal Property
Sec. 5.1.01
Purpose of chapter
Sec. 5.1.02
Definitions in this chapter
Sec. 5.1.03
Requirements for purchasers
Sec. 5.1.04
Violations defined
Sec. 5.1.05
Culpable mental state not required
Chapter 5.2 Wreckers
Article I General Provisions
Sec. 5.2.01
Sec. 5.2.02
Article II Wrecker Registration
Sec. 5.2.03
Registration required on all tow trucks
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.04
Scope of regulation
Article III Certificate for Police Dispatched Wrecker Service
Sec. 5.2.06
Certificate required
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.07
Limitation of certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.08
Eligibility for certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.09
Application for certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.10
Application fee
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.11
Public hearing
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.12
Action on application
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.13
Issuance of certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.14
Form and contents of certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.15
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.16
Existing certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.17
Duration of certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.18
Renewal of certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.19
Amendment of certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.20
Gross revenues
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Article IV Operating Rules for Police Pulls
Sec. 5.2.21
Rotation of dispatches
Sec. 5.2.22
Records to be maintained; city inspection
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.23
Authority for police pulls
Sec. 5.2.24
Pull cards
Sec. 5.2.25
Dispatch procedures
Dltd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.26
Procedure for determination of owner's rights
Dltd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.27
Police department optional release without fee
Sec. 5.2.28
Service to city vehicles
Article V Suspension or Revocation of Certificate
Sec. 5.2.30
Chief may suspend or revoke certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.31
Grounds for suspension or revocation
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.32
Notice of suspension or revocation; hearing
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.33
Expiration date not tolled
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.34
Eligibility for new certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.35
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Article VI Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 5.2.40
Solicitation of wrecker business prohibited
Sec. 5.2.41
City employees not to recommend wrecker
Amnd. by Ord. 2019-04
Sec. 5.2.42
Fees for police pull generated service
Sec. 5.2.43
Disengaging of tows
Sec. 5.2.44
Compliance with state standards required
Sec. 5.2.45
Frequency of auctions
Dltd. by Ord. 2019-04
Chapter 5.3 Alarm Systems
Article I Definitions
Article II Permits
Sec. 5.3.01
Permit required
Sec. 5.3.02
Form of application
Sec. 5.3.03
Permit issue/denial
Sec. 5.3.04
Transfer and amendments
Sec. 5.3.05
Fees paid
Sec. 5.3.06
Permit duration and renewal
Sec. 5.3.07
Duration of denial
Article III Alarm System Operation
Sec. 5.3.10
Requirements of operation
Sec. 5.3.11
Sec. 5.3.12
Manual reset required
Sec. 5.3.13
Reporting of alarm signals
Sec. 5.3.14
Alarm reporting
Sec. 5.3.15
Alarm system operating instructions
Article IV Information Recorded
Sec. 5.3.20
Information recorded
Sec. 5.3.21
Alarm classification
Article V Service Fee
Sec. 5.3.22
Fee schedule
Amnd. by Ord. 10-06
Sec. 5.3.23
New installations
Sec. 5.3.24
Service fee waiver
Article VI Revocation of Alarm Permit
Sec. 5.3.30
Grounds for revocation
Sec. 5.3.31
Appeal from denial or revocation of a permit
Sec. 5.3.32
Duration of revocation
Article VII Violations
Sec. 5.3.34
Amnd. by Ord. 10-06
Sec. 5.3.35
Corporations, partnerships and associations
Chapter 5.4 Vendors
Sec. 5.4.01
Sec. 5.4.02
Licenses required
Sec. 5.4.03
Application for license
Sec. 5.4.04
Bond required
Sec. 5.4.05
Blanket bond permitted
Sec. 5.4.06
Sec. 5.4.07
Issuance of license
Sec. 5.4.08
Suspension of license
Sec. 5.4.09
Revocation of license
Sec. 5.4.10
Display of license
Sec. 5.4.11
License not transferable
Sec. 5.4.12
Entering residence under false pretenses
Sec. 5.4.13
Refusing to leave upon request
Sec. 5.4.14
Loud noise prohibited
Sec. 5.4.15
No solicitation without invitation after 8:00 p.m.
Sec. 5.4.16
Interstate commerce
Amnd. by Ord. 08-10
Sec. 5.4.17
Sec. 5.4.18
Police power
Chapter 6.1 Animal Control
Sec. 6.1.01
Sec. 6.1.02
Running at large
Sec. 6.1.03
Impoundment; fees
Amnd. by Ord. 17-07
Sec. 6.1.04
Rabies control
A. — C.
Chapter 8.1 Ambulances
Sec. 8.1.01
Scope of service
Sec. 8.1.02
Sec. 8.1.03
Sec. 8.1.04
Responsibility for fees
Chapter 8.2 Emergency Management
Sec. 8.2.01
Sec. 8.2.02
Sec. 8.2.03
Intent and purpose
Sec. 8.2.04
Sec. 8.2.05
Emergency management director powers and duties
Sec. 8.2.06
Emergency management plan
Sec. 8.2.07
Interjurisdictional program
Sec. 8.2.08
Controlling law
Sec. 8.2.09
Sec. 8.2.10
Standard of care for emergency action
Sec. 8.2.11
Commitment of funds
Sec. 8.2.12
Offenses; penalties
Chapter 8.3 Garbage and Trash Disposal
Sec. 8.3.01
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.02
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.03
Duties of customer
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.04
Residential collection - Placement of containers
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.05
Residential collection - Bundled trash and brush
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.06
Residential collection - Charges
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.07
Duties of commercial, institutional and industrial customers locations of containers
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.08
Commercial, institutional and industrial collection charges
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.09
Collection of charges
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.10
Collection to be carried on in systematic, efficient and sanitary manner
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.11
Duty of customer to see that containers are emptied reporting requirement
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.12
Prohibited acts
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.13
Private collection and disposal
A. License required
B. Classifications of licenses
C. License fees
D. Permits under class B license; fees
E. Permit required
F. Identification of vehicles
G. Covers on trucks
Sec. 8.3.14
Permit - Application; information to be shown
Sec. 8.3.15
Class B license; investigation of application by city council
Sec. 8.3.16
Permit - Nontransferable; revocation
Sec. 8.3.17
Permit to be attached to vehicle or kept in possession of person rendering service
Sec. 8.3.18
Duty of city as to inspection and enforcement of chapter
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.19
Wastes from building operations
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.20
Wastes from tree trimming operations
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 8.3.21
Solid waste recycling
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Chapter 8.4 Nuisances
Sec. 8.4.01
Prohibited conditions
Amnd. by Ord. 17-05
Sec. 8.4.02
Duties of removal
Amnd. by Ord. 17-05
Sec. 8.4.03
City removal; lien procedures
Amnd. by Ord. 17-05
Sec. 8.4.04
Stables, stalls, etc.
Amnd. by Ord. 15-05
Sec. 8.4.05
Other deposits
Chapter 8.5 Food Service
Sec. 8.5.04
Sec. 8.5.04
Designation of health authority
Sec. 8.5.04
State regulation adopted
Sec. 8.5.04
Sec. 8.5.05
Food permits
Sec. 8.5.06
Review of plans
Sec. 8.5.07
Food manager and food handler certification
Sec. 8.5.08
Hours for sale of alcoholic beverages
Chapter 8.6 Health Standards
Sec. 8.6.01
Public swimming pools
Chapter 9.1 Offenses by or Against Police Officers
Sec. 9.1.01
Obedience to officers
Sec. 9.1.02
Unlawful to flee or interfere
Sec. 9.1.03
Communication with person in custody
Sec. 9.1.04
Delivery of articles to prisoners
Sec. 9.1.05
Refusal to assist police officer
Chapter 9.2 Fireworks
Sec. 9.2.01
Sec. 9.2.02
Fireworks prohibited
Sec. 9.2.03
Sec. 9.2.05
Fireworks a public nuisance
Chapter 9.3 Noise Abatement
Sec. 9.3.01
Unreasonable noise prohibited
Sec. 9.3.02
Same - Enjoyment of private homes
Sec. 9.3.03
Same - Permitting noise
Sec. 9.3.04
Same - Enumerated acts
Chapter 10.1 Abandoned Vehicles
Sec. 10.1.01
Amnd. by Ord. 17-04
Sec. 10.1.02
Amnd. by Ord. 17-04
Sec. 10.1.03
General provisions
Amnd. by Ord. 17-04
Sec. 10.1.04
Junked vehicles exceptions
Amnd. by Ord. 17-04
Sec. 10.1.05
Amnd. by Ord. 17-04
Sec. 10.1.06
Enforcement authority
Amnd. by Ord. 17-04
Chapter 10.2 Truck Routes
Sec. 10.2.01
Sec. 10.2.02
Restricted to truck routes
Sec. 10.2.03
Requirements and exceptions
Sec. 10.2.04
Designated truck routes and commercial delivery routes
Sec. 10.2.05
Cargo spillage
Chapter 10.3 Speed Limits
Sec. 10.3.01
Streets designated speed zones based upon engineering studies
Sec. 10.3.02
School zone; school zone based upon engineering studies
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-13
Sec. 10.3.02
Construction speed zone on State Highway Spur 303
Chapter 10.4 Parking
Sec. 10.4.01
Blocking roadway prohibited
Sec. 10.4.02
Duties of peace officer to remove
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-14
Sec. 10.4.03
24-hour time limit
Sec. 10.4.04
School zone regulation and designation
Sec. 10.4.05
Signs regulating parking
Sec. 10.4.06
Prohibited parking activities
Sec. 10.4.07
Off-street parking regulations
Chapter 10.5 Traffic Control Devices
Sec. 10.5.01
Device placement based on engineering studies
Sec. 10.5.02
Erection of devices
Sec. 10.5.03
Motorist duties
Chapter 10.6 Vehicle Operations
Sec. 10.6.01
Holding to moving vehicle
Sec. 10.6.02
Unlawful riding
Sec. 10.6.03
Operating vehicle off pavement
Sec. 10.6.04
Transporting loose materials
Sec. 10.6.05
Operations affecting funeral processions
Sec. 10.6.06
Operation of vehicle on private property
Chapter 10.7 Accidents
Sec. 10.7.01
Accidents prohibited; definition; application
Sec. 10.7.02
Leaving scene of accident
Sec. 10.7.03
Accident reporting
Chapter 12.1 Streets and Sidewalks
Article I General Provisions
Sec. 12.1.01
Sec. 12.1.02
Sec. 12.1.03
Street designations
Sec. 12.1.04
Street standards
Article II Disturbing Streets
Sec. 12.1.10
Street use permit and fee
Sec. 12.1.11
Restoration of surface
Sec. 12.1.12
Driving on opened streets
Sec. 12.1.13
Barricades and/or warning devices required
Sec. 12.1.14
Submission of plan
Sec. 12.1.15
Limitations on operations
Article III Commercial Access Driveways
Sec. 12.1.20
Permit required
Sec. 12.1.21
Sec. 12.1.22
Sec. 12.1.23
Sec. 12.1.24
Sec. 12.1.25
Sec. 12.1.26
Sec. 12.1.28
Vehicle service features
Article IV Street Signs and Numbers
Sec. 12.1.30
House-numbering required
Sec. 12.1.31
Damaging street signs
Sec. 12.1.32
Requirements for curb numbering; permit required
Article V Activities Prohibited
Sec. 12.1.33
Dirt etc. falling from vehicles
Sec. 12.1.34
Building fire etc. on paved street
Sec. 12.1.35
Traction engines etc. prohibited on streets
Sec. 12.1.36
Crossing sidewalks prohibited
Sec. 12.1.37
Sec. 12.1.38
Littering street
Sec. 12.1.39
Injuring trees
Article VI Obstructing Streets and Sidewalks
Sec. 12.1.40
Obstructing streets and sidewalks
Sec. 12.1.41
Selling on streets
Article VII Sight Obstructions
Sec. 12.1.45
Sec. 12.1.46
Obstructions prohibited within visibility triangle
Sec. 12.1.47
Obstruction prohibited within parkway areas
Sec. 12.1.48
Chapter 12.2 Parks
Sec. 12.2.01
Sec. 12.2.02
Lake regulation
Sec. 12.2.03
Park speed zone
Sec. 12.2.04
Restricted areas
Sec. 12.2.05
Littering and dumping prohibited
Sec. 12.2.06
Alcoholic beverages prohibited
Amnd. by Ord. 16-02
Sec. 12.2.07
Mining/drilling prohibited
Chapter 13.1 Electricity
Sec. 13.1.01
Grant of franchise
Sec. 13.1.02
Poles and towers
Sec. 13.1.03
City regulation
Sec. 13.1.04
Hold harmless
Sec. 13.1.05
Franchise fee
Sec. 13.1.06
Sec. 13.1.07
Sec. 13.1.08
Effective date
Sec. 13.1.09
Tariff revisions
Chapter 13.2 Telecommunications
Sec. 13.2.01
Construction and maintenance
Sec. 13.2.02
Supervision by town of location of poles and conduit
Sec. 13.2.03
Street to be restored to good condition
Sec. 13.2.04
Operation and maintenance of telephone plant
Sec. 13.2.05
Temporary removal of wire
Sec. 13.2.06
Tree trimming
Sec. 13.2.07
Annual cash consideration to be paid by the telephone company
Sec. 13.2.08
Payment of cash consideration to be in lieu of any other payments except usual, general or special ad valorem taxes
Sec. 13.2.09
Facilities to be furnished to town as additional consideration
Sec. 13.2.10
Attachments on poles and space in ducts not here affected
Sec. 13.2.11
Period of time of this ordinance termination
Sec. 13.2.12
No exclusive privileges conferred by this ordinance
Sec. 13.2.13
Successors and assigns
Sec. 13.2.14
Partial invalidity and repeal provisions
Sec. 13.2.15
Acceptance of agreement
Chapter 13.3 Gas
Sec. 13.3.01
Grant of consent
Sec. 13.3.02
Location of improvements
Sec. 13.3.03
Excavations and obstructions
Sec. 13.3.04
Service facilities charges
Sec. 13.3.05
Main extensions
Sec. 13.3.06
Customer deposit
Sec. 13.3.07
Sec. 13.3.08
Service and maintenance
Sec. 13.3.09
Franchise consideration
Sec. 13.3.10
Termination of prior franchise
Sec. 13.3.11
Acceptance of franchise
Chapter 13.4 Water and Sewer
Part I Water and Sewer Services
Article I Definitions
Sec. 13.4.01
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.02
Water utility and waterworks
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.03
Director of public works
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Article II Meters
Sec. 13.4.20
Control of meters
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.21
Purchase and repair of meters
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.22
Charge in case of faulty meter
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Article III Billing, Rates, Deposits and Miscellaneous Charges
Sec. 13.4.30
Billing and collection procedures
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.31
Water and sewer rates
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.32
New accounts
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.34
Service outside corporate limits
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Article IV Regulations and Restrictions on Service
Sec. 13.4.40
Responsibility for leakage
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.41
Opening curb-stop
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.42
Extension of water service prohibited
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.43
Separate service pipe for each house
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.44
Repair and renewal of service pipes
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.45
Connection for multi units
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.46
Interruption of service by the water utility
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.47
Tapping of street mains
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.48
Use of fire hydrants
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.49
Malicious interference with water service
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.50
Diversion of water from metered flow
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.51
Water used in construction charged to property owner
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.52
Repairing meters and meter boxes; testing meters; fee
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.53
Installation of check valve or back siphonage prevention devices
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.54
Liability for interrupted service
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.55
Exposing meter or fire hydrant to damage; moving meters or hydrants
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.56
Vending water
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.57
Compulsory sanitary sewer connection
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Sec. 13.4.58
Fire sprinkler system or fire service
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-02
Article V Water Rationing
Sec. 13.4.61
Plan adoption
Sec. 13.4.62
Plan implementation and reporting
Sec. 13.4.63
Enforcement official
Sec. 13.4.64
Penalty for violations
Article VI Privately Owned Wells
Sec. 13.4.67
Bond and permit to dig or drill well
Amnd. by Ord. 2018-07A
Sec. 13.4.68
Application for permit
Amnd. by Ord. 2018-07A
Sec. 13.4.69
Compliance standards; well report
Amnd. by Ord. 2018-07A
Part II Industrial Waste and Water Pollution Control
Article I General Provisions
Sec. 13.4.101
Purpose and policy
Sec. 13.4 102
Sec. 13.4.103
Sec. 13.4.104
Article II General Sewer Use Requirements
Sec. 13.4.110
Prohibited discharge standards
Sec. 13.4.111
National categorical pretreatment standards
Sec. 13.4.112
Local limits
Sec. 13.4.113
City’s right of revision
Sec. 13.4.114
Sec. 13.4.115
Plant loading
Article III Pretreatment of Wastewater
Sec. 13.4.120
Pretreatment facilities
Sec. 13.4.121
Additional pretreatment measures
Sec. 13.4.122
Accidental discharge/slug control plans
Sec. 13.4.123
Hauled wastewater
Article IV Wastewater Discharge Permit Application
Sec. 13.4.126
Wastewater analysis
Sec. 13.4.127
Wastewater discharge permit requirement
Sec. 13.4.128
Wastewater discharge permitting: existing connections
Sec. 13.4.129
Wastewater discharge permitting: new connections
Sec. 13.4.130
Wastewater discharge permit application contents
Sec. 13.4.131
Application signatories and certification
Sec. 13.4.132
Wastewater discharge permit decisions
Article V Wastewater Discharge Permit Issuance Process
Sec. 13.4.136
Wastewater discharge permit duration
Sec. 13.4.137
Wastewater discharge permit contents
Sec. 13.4.138
Wastewater discharge permit modification
Sec. 13.4.139
Wastewater discharge permit transfer
Sec. 13.4.140
Wastewater discharge permit revocation
Sec. 13.4.141
Wastewater discharge permit reissuance
Article VI Reporting Requirements
Sec. 13.4.146
Baseline monitoring reports
Sec. 13.4.147
Compliance schedule progress reports
Sec. 13.4.148
Reports on compliance with categorical pretreatment standard deadline
Sec. 13.4.149
Periodic compliance reports
Sec. 13.4.150
Reports of changed conditions
Sec. 13.4.151
Reports of potential problems
Sec. 13.4.152
Reports from unpermitted users
Sec. 13.4.153
Notice of violation/repeat sampling and reporting
Sec. 13.4.154
Notification of the discharge of hazardous waste
Sec. 13.4.155
Analytical requirements
Sec. 13.4.156
Sample collection
Sec. 13.4.157
Sec. 13.4.158
Article VII Compliance Monitoring
Sec. 13.4.161
Right of entry; inspection and sampling
Sec. 13.4.162
Search warrants
Sec. 13.4.163
Confidential information
Sec. 13.4.164
Publication of users in significant noncompliance
Article VIII Administrative Enforcement Remedies
Sec. 13.4.165
Notification of violation
Sec. 13.3.166
Show cause hearing
Sec. 13.4.167
Compliance orders
Sec. 13.4.168
Cease and desist orders
Sec. 13.4.169
Emergency suspensions
Sec. 13.4.170
Termination of discharge
Article IX Judicial Enforcement Remedies
Sec. 13.4.175
Injunctive relief
Sec. 13.4.176
Civil penalties
Sec. 13.4.177
Criminal prosecution
Sec. 13.4.178
Remedies nonexclusive
Sec. 13.4.179
Applicability of more stringent regulations
Article X Affirmative Defenses to Discharge Violations
Sec. 13.4.180
Upset provision
Sec. 13.4.181
Acts of God
Sec. 13.4.182
Article XI Wastewater Treatment Rates
Sec. 13.4.183
Pretreatment charges and fees
Article XII Water Sources Protection
Sec. 13.4.190
Ground water source protection
Sec. 13.4.191
Wells near sanitary sewer lines
Sec. 13.4.192
Wells near sewage treatment and other systems
Sec. 13.4.193
Minimum distances from waste locations
Sec. 13.4.194
Distance from livestock
Sec. 13.4.195
Reporting to TCEQ
Chapter 13.5 Cable Television
Article I General Provisions
Sec. 13.5.01
Sec. 13.5.02
Franchise required to operate
Sec. 13.5.03
Limits on a grantee’s recourse
Sec. 13.5.04
Special licenses to traverse franchise area
Sec. 13.5.05
Acceptance of terms and conditions by grantee
Sec. 13.5.06
Failure of city to enforce compliance
Sec. 13.5.07
Rights reserved to city
Sec. 13.5.08
Grantee’s employment practices
Sec. 13.5.09
Time is of the essence
Sec. 13.5.10
Unlawful acts; penalties
Article II Application and Required Services
Sec. 13.5.14
Authority to grant; criteria for granting
Sec. 13.5.15
Form contents; procedures; fees; payment
Sec. 13.5.16
Required services and facilities to be included in franchise agreement
Article III Franchise Conditions
Sec. 13.5.19
Sec. 13.5.20
Notice of
Sec. 13.5.21
State of the art modifications
Sec. 13.5.22
Renewal of franchise
Sec. 13.5.23
Revocation procedures
Sec. 13.5.24
Purchase of cable television (“CATV”) system by city
Sec. 13.5.25
Transfer of ownership to city; transition period
Sec. 13.5.26
Arbitrary and capricious action by a grantee
Sec. 13.5.27
Franchise fees
Sec. 13.5.28
Liability for damages, insurance, indemnification, performance and payment bonds
Sec. 13.5.29
Letter of credit
Sec. 13.5.30
Liquidated damages
Sec. 13.5.31
Transfer of franchise
Sec. 13.5.32
Sec. 13.5.33
Article IV Subscriber Rates
Sec. 13.5.36
Subscriber fees
Sec. 13.5.37
Books and records
Sec. 13.5.38
Fiscal reports
Article V System Operation
Sec. 13.5.40
Sec. 13.5.41
Sec. 13.5.42
Service to schools public buildings, etc.
Sec. 13.5.43
Operating procedures
Sec. 13.5.44
Tests and performance monitoring
Sec. 13.5.45
Performance evaluation sessions
Sec. 13.5.46
Service, adjustment and complaint procedures
Sec. 13.5.47
Use of streets
Sec. 13.5.48
Maintenance of the system
Sec. 13.5.49
Construction schedule and reports
Sec. 13.5.50
Protection of subscriber privacy
Sec. 13.5.51
Article VI Access Channels
Sec. 13.5.54
Access channels
Article VII Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 13.5.56
Sec. 13.5.57
Additional provisions
Chapter 15.1 Building Code
Article I Adoption and Amendment of Model Codes
Sec. 15.1.01
Adoption and amendment of International Codes
A. Building code
Amnd. by Ord. 06-03
B. Mechanical code
Amnd. by Ord. 16-12
C. Residential code
Amnd. by Ord. 06-03
D. Incorporation by reference; copies on file
Amnd. by Ord. 06-03
E. Rule of construction
Sec. 15.1.02
Building code amendments
Rpld. by Ord. 06-03
Article II Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Sec. 15.1.05
Amnd. by Ord. 16-12
Sec. 15.1.06
Sec. 15.1.07
Sec. 15.1.08
Sec. 15.1.09
Appeals; time limit
Sec. 15.1.10
Board decisions: variations and modifications
Sec. 15.1.11
Decisions: procedure
Article III Moved Buildings
Sec. 15.1.14
IBC amendment
Sec. 15.1.15
License and permits
Sec. 15.1.16
Application for license and permits
Sec. 15.1.17
Building official shall reject
Sec. 15.1.18
Bond required
Sec. 15.1.19
Notices to be given by building official
Sec. 15.1.20
Public safety requirements
Sec. 15.1.21
Other permits
Sec. 15.1.22
Expense of utility adjustments
Article IV Permit Fees
Sec. 15.1.25
Permit fees
Sec. 15.1.26
Standards for fee calculations
Sec. 15.1.28
Condition precedent to issuance of permit
Article V Outdoor Advertising Displays
Sec. 15.1.30
Outdoor advertising displays
Sec. 15.1.31
Definitions; classifications
Sec. 15.1.32
Permits required; exceptions; permit fees
Sec. 15.1.33
Identification of signs
Sec. 15.1.34
Annual inspection
Sec. 15.1.35
Unsafe signs
Sec. 15.1.36
Sec. 15.1.37
Unlawful signs
Sec. 15.1.38
Location restrictions
Sec. 15.1.39
Obstructions to view
Sec. 15.1.40
Structural requirements
Sec. 15.1.41
Sec. 15.1.42
Use of plastic materials
Sec. 15.1.43
Sign erector registration
Article VI Sidewalks, Driveways and Curbs
Sec. 15.1.46
License and permit required
Sec. 15.1.47
Use of license by others or sub-letting prohibited
Sec. 15.1.48
Job permit required
Sec. 15.1.49
Construction standards
Article VII Fences
Sec. 15.1.51
Enclosure of swimming pool
Sec. 15.1.52
Sec. 15.1.53
Sec. 15.1.54
Sec. 15.1.55
Chapter 15.2 Plumbing Code
Sec. 15.2.01
Adoption of International Codes
A. Plumbing code
Amnd. by Ord. 16-12
B. Fuel gas code
Amnd. by Ord. 16-12
C. Incorporation by reference; copy on file
D. Rule of construction
Sec. 15.2.02
International Plumbing Code amendments
Amnd. by Ord. 16-12
Sec. 15.2.03
International Fuel Gas Code amendments
Dltd. by Ord. 16-12
Sec. 15.4.04
Board of appeals; repealer
Sec. 15.4.05
Plumbing fees prescribed
Article I Electrical Code
Adoption and Amendment of National Electrical Code
Sec. 15.3.01
Uniform code adoption; rule of construction
Amnd. by Ord. 16-12
Sec. 15.3.02
Amendments, additions and deletions
Dltd. by Ord. 16-12
Article II Enforcement officer
Sec. 15.3.05
Sec. 15.3.06
Restrictions on business interests
Sec. 15.3.07
Article III Electrical Board
Sec. 15.3.10
Appointment of board; organization
Sec. 15.3.11
Records of the board examination
Sec. 15.3.12
Sec. 15.3.13
Article IV Licenses
Sec. 15.3.15
License required
Sec. 15.3.16
Grades of licenses
Rep. by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 15.3.17
Registration and fees
Sec. 15.3.18
Expiration of license
Rep. by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 15.3.19
License suspension, revocation or forfeiture
Rep. by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 15.3.20
General license requirements
Rep. by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 15.3.21
Special provisions for maintenance electricians
Rep. by Ordinance adopting Code
Article V Examinations
Sec. 15.3.25
Examination prerequisite to license
Rep. by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 15.3.26
Time and place of examination
Rep. by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 15.3.27
Application for examination
Rep. by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 15.3.28
Qualifications of applicants
Rep. by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 15.3.29
Examination and license fees
Rep. by Ordinance adopting Code
Sec. 15.3.30
Reciprocal licensing
Article VI Permits and Fees
Sec. 15.3.35
Permit required; exception
Sec. 15.3.36
Application for permit
Sec. 15.3.37
Article VII Inspections and Notices
Sec. 15.3.40
Inspection of installations made under permit
Sec. 15.3.41
Notice of conformance
Sec. 15.3.42
Certificate of approval for temporary installation
Sec. 15.3.43
Notice of non-conformance
Sec. 15.3.44
Operation of disapproved or condemned equipment
Sec. 15.3.45
Uncovering concealed equipment
Sec. 15.3.46
Authorization of connections
Sec. 15.3.47
Inspection of change of occupancy
Article VIII Electricity Supply Agency
Sec. 15.3.50
Connection or disconnection of meters
Sec. 15.3.51
Required services
Sec. 15.3.52
Inaccessible meters
Article IX Administration
Sec. 15.3.55
Application and scope
Sec. 15.3.56
Administration authority and assistants
Sec. 15.3.57
Right to entry
Sec. 15.3.58
Liability for damages
Chapter 15.4 Fire Prevention Code
Sec. 15.4 01
Amnd. by Ord. 16-05
Sec. 15.4.02
Adoption of International Code
A. Fire code
Amnd. by Ord. 06-03
B. Incorporation by reference; copy on file
Amnd. by Ord. 16-05
C. Rule of construction
Amnd. by Ord. 16-05
Sec. 15.4.03
Fire code - Amendments
Rpld. by Ord. 06-03
Sec. 15.4.04
Board of appeals
Amnd. by Ord. 16-05
Fees; repealer
Amnd. by Ord. 16-05
Chapter 15.5 Flood Damage Prevention
Article I Introductory Matters
Sec. 15.5.01
Statutory authorization
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5:02
Findings of fact
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.03
Statement of purpose
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.04
Methods of reducing flood losses
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.05
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Article II General Provisions
Sec. 15.5.06
Lands to which this chapter applies
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.07
Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.08
Establishment of development permit
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.09
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.10
Abrogation and greater restrictions
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.11
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.12
Warning and disclaimer of liability
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Article III Administration
Sec. 15.5.15
Designation of floodplain administrator
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.16
Duties and responsibilities of floodplain administrator
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.17
Permit procedures
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.1
Variance procedures
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Article IV Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction
Sec. 15.5.20
General standards
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.21
Specific standards
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.22
Standards for subdivision proposals
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.23
Standards for areas of shallow flooding (AO/AH zones)
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.24
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.25
Penalties for noncompliance
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.26
Abrogation and greater restrictions
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.27
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.28
Warning and disclaimer of liability
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Sec. 15.5.29
Amnd. by Ord. 09-12
Chapter 16.1 Subdivisions
Article I General Provisions
Sec. 16.1.01
Sec. 16.1.02
Sec. 16.1.03
Sec. 16.1.04
Platting required
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.05
Implementation and enforcement
Sec. 16.1.06
Sec. 16.1.07
Article II Submission Requirements
Sec. 16.1.10
Time and place of filings
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.11
Reproduction and form requirements
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.12
Plat fee
Article III Approval Expirations
Sec. 16.1.13
Preliminary plats
Sec. 16.1.14
Final plats and replats
Article IV Preliminary Plats
Sec. 16.1.15
Sec. 16.1.16
Sec. 16.1.17
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.18
Substantial changes
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.19
Effect of disapproval
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Article V Final Plats
Sec. 16.1.20
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.21
Sec. 16.1.22
Sec. 16.1.23
Contract conditions precedent to final plat
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Article VI Plat Revision
Sec. 16.1.25
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.26
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.27
Plat revisions requiring public hearing
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.28
Plat revisions exempt from public hearing requirements
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.29
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Sec. 16.1.30
Other requirements
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
Article VII Development Standards
Sec. 16.1.35
Sec. 16.1.36
Engineering data
Sec. 16.1.37
Sec. 16.1.38
Sec. 16.1.39
Building lines
Sec. 16.1.40
Sec. 16.1.41
Development plan
Sec. 16.1.42
Adoption of standard specifications
Article VIII Streets and Other Rights of Way, Standards for Sidewalks
Sec. 16.1.45
Streets, general requirements
Amnd. by Ord. 2021-17
Sec. 16.1.46
Streets, right-of-way
Sec. 16.1.47
Streets, design construction costs
Sec. 16.1.48
Streets, access
Sec. 16.1.49
Design requirements
Sec. 16.1.50
Dead end streets
Sec. 16.1.51
Visibility triangles
Sec. 16.1.52
Other access ways
Sec. 16.5.53
Engineering and supervision
Sec. 16.1.54
Sec. 16.1.55
Sec. 16.1.56
Ownership and maintenance
Sec. 16.1.57
Construction requirements
Sec. 16.1.58
Private access ways
Sec. 16.1.59
Driveway and parking area standards
Article IX Drainage Standards
Sec. 16.1.61
Sec. 16.1.62
General requirements
Sec. 16.1.63
Drainage features and policies
Sec. 16.1.64
General design requirements
Sec. 16.1.65
Sec. 16.1.66
Offsite drainage
Article X Water and Sanitary Sewer Requirements
Sec. 16.1.70
Basic policy
Sec. 16.1.71
Basis of extension
Sec. 16.1.72
Fees due city for existing mains, lift stations
App. A
Owner’s Certificate - Dedication for Individuals
Art. 10.02, app. A
App. B
Owner’s Certificate - Form of Dedication for Corporation
Art. 10.02, app. B
App. C
Surveyor’s Certificate
Amnd. by Ord. 2020-09
App. D
City Approval Statement
Art. 10.02, app. D
App. E
Statement Acknowledging Visibility Triangles
Art. 10.02, app. E
App. F
Deed Restriction Certification Statement
Art. 10.02, app. F
App. G
Plat Adoption (Replat) - Corporation Format
Art. 10.02, app. G
App. H
Plat Adoption (Replat) - Individual Format
Art. 10.02, app. H
Chapter 16.2 Impact Fees
Sec. 16.2.01
Sec. 16.2.02
Sec. 16.2.03
Sec. 16.2.04
Sec. 16.2.05
Impact fee as condition of development approval
Sec. 16.2.06
Land use assumptions
Sec. 16.2.07
Impact fees per service unit
Sec. 16.2.08
Assessment of impact fees
Sec. 16.2.09
Computation and collection of impact fees
Sec. 16.2.10
Suspension of fee collection
Sec. 16.2.11
Offsets and credits against impact fees
Sec. 16.2.12
Establishment of accounts
Sec. 16.2.13
Use of proceeds of impact fee accounts
Sec. 16.2.14
Sec. 16.2.15
Sec. 16.2.16
Updates to plan and revision of fees
Sec. 16.2.17
Functions of advisory committee
Sec. 16.2.18
Agreement for capital improvements
Sec. 16.2.19
Use of other financing mechanisms
Sec. 16.2.20
Impact fee as additional and supplemental regulation
Sec. 16.2.21
Relief procedures
Sec. 16.2.22
Exemption from chapter
Secs. 16.2.23 - 16.2.24
Sec. 16.2.25
Water benefit area
Sec. 16.2.26
Water improvement plan
Sec. 16.2.27
Water facilities fees
Sec. 16.2.28
Sanitary sewer benefit area
Sec. 16.2.29
Sanitary sewer improvements plan
Sec. 16.2.30
Sanitary sewer facilities fees
Appendix A
Art. 10.03, appendix A
Appendix B
Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Assessment Schedule
Amnd. by Ord. 06-12
Chapter 17.1 General Provisions
Sec. 17.1.01
Title reference
Sec. 17.1.02
Purpose and intent
Sec. 17.1.03
Interpretation of ordinance
Sec. 17.1.04
Severability of provisions
Chapter 17.2 Districts and Boundaries Thereof
Sec. 17.2.01
Districts established
Sec. 17.2.02
Purposes of districts
Sec. 17.2.03
Zoning district map
Sec. 17.2.04
Cumulative nature of districts
Sec. 17.2.05
Amendments to zoning district map
Sec. 17.2.06
Vacated streets and alleys
Chapter 17.3 Definitions
Sec. 17.3.01
Rules for definition
Sec. 17.3.02
Defined terms
Chapter 17.4 General Standards
Sec. 17.4.01
Sec. 17.4.02
Lot requirements
Sec. 17.4.03
Yard requirements
Sec. 17.4.04
Principal and accessory buildings and uses
Amnd. by Ord. 2018-05
Sec. 17.4.05
Screening devices
Sec. 17.4.06
Height standards
Sec. 17.4.07
Agricultural uses
Sec. 17.4.08
Design standards
Chapter 17.5 Residential District Regulations
Sec. 17.5.01
General provisions
Sec. 17.5.02
“SF” residential district
Amnd. by Ord. 2018-14A
Sec. 17.5.03
“MF” residential district
Sec. 17.5.04
“GH” residential district
Chapter 17.6 Commercial and Industrial District Regulations
Sec. 17.6.01
General provisions
Sec. 17.6.02
“B-1” business district
Sec. 17.6.03
“B-2” business district
Sec. 17.6.04
“B-3” business district
Amnd. by Ord. 2018-17
Sec. 17.6.05
“LI” light industrial district
Chapter 17.7 Overlay District Regulations
Sec. 17.7.01
“PD” eligibility criteria
Sec. 17.7.02
Planned development administration
Sec. 17.7.03
“PD” planned development district
Chapter 17.8 Special Exceptions and Other Permits
Sec. 17.8.01
Special exceptions
Amnd. by Ord. 2022-11
Sec. 17.8.02
Temporary uses
Chapter 17.9 Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards
Sec. 17.9.01
Amnd. by Ord. 10-10
Sec. 17.9.02
General provisions
Amnd. by Ord. 10-10
Sec. 17.9.03
Minimum off-street parking standards
Amnd. by Ord. 10-10
Sec. 17.9.04
Schedule of off-street parking standards
Amnd. by Ord. 10-10
Sec. 17.9.05
Minimum off-street loading standards
Amnd. by Ord. 10-10
Sec. 17.9.06
Loading space for emergency vehicles
Amnd. by Ord. 10-10
Sec. 17.9.07
Handicapped parking
Dltd. by Ord. 10-10
Chapter 17.10 Sign Standards
Sec. 17.10.01
Sec. 17.10.02
Sec. 17.10.03
Schedule of sign standards
Sec. 17.10.04
General provisions
Chapter 17.11 Landscape Standards
Sec. 17.11.01
Purpose and intent
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.02
Scope of chapter
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.03
Administration and enforcement
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.04
Required landscape mixture
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.05
Content of landscaping plans
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.06
Description of planting material
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.07
Landscaping credit
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.08
Maintenance of landscaping
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.09
Landscaping of parking lots
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.10
Landscaping adjacent to residential districts
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.11
Conflict with traffic
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Sec. 17.11.12
Existing nonconforming uses
Amnd. by Ord. 08-01
Exhibit A
Street Yard Landscaping Requirements and Landscaping Requirements for Head-In Parking
Art. 14.03, div. 11, exhibit A
Exhibit B
Description of Dripline
Art. 14.03, div. 11, exhibit B
Exhibit C
Rear and Side Yard Landscape Buffer Requirement
Art. 14.03, div. 11, exhibit C
Appendix A
Recommended Plant Material
Art. 14.03, div. 11, appendix A
Chapter 17.12 Nonconforming Uses
Sec. 17.12.01
Sec. 17.12.02
Nonconforming uses regulated
Sec. 17.12.03
Nonconforming status
Sec. 17.12.04
Continuing lawful use of property
Sec. 17.12.05
Changing nonconforming uses
Sec. 17.12.06
Restoration of damaged property
Sec. 17.12.07
Termination of nonconforming uses
Sec. 17.12.08
Registration of nonconforming uses
Chapter 17.13 Amendments and Enforcement
Sec. 17.13.01
Authority to amend
Sec. 17.13.02
Recommendations of commission
Sec. 17.13.03
Public hearing on proposed amendment
Sec. 17.13.04
Amendment over protest
Sec. 17.13.05
Limitations on re-application
Sec. 17.13.06
Permits and certificates of occupancy
Sec. 17.13.07
Penalty for violation
Chapter 17.14 Planning and Zoning Commission
Sec. 17.14.01
Commission created
Sec. 17.14.02
Membership, appointment and term of office
Sec. 17.14.03
Organization and rules of procedure
Amnd. by Ord. 16-03
Sec. 17.14.04
Sec. 17.14.05
Powers, jurisdiction and scope of activity of commission
Chapter 17.15 Board of Adjustment
Sec. 17.15.01
Sec. 17.15.02
Appeals to the board of adjustment
Sec. 17.15.03
Powers of board
Sec. 17.15.04
Vote required for board decisions
Sec. 17.15.05
Appeals from board decisions