Water conservation plan.
The document of 20 pages captioned “Water Conservation Plan” promulgated by the City of Fort Worth and adopted by its city council in April, 2005 is hereby adopted as the water conservation plan of the city, and is incorporated herein and specifically made a part of this article. A copy of the plan shall be maintained on file in the office of the city secretary. The restrictive, prohibitive or otherwise regulatory measures contained in the plan, when implemented as therein provided, shall have the same force and effect as any other exercise of the police power of the city.
Drought contingency/emergency water management plan.
The document of 14 pages captioned “Drought Contingency/Emergency Water Management Plan” promulgated by the City of Fort Worth and adopted by its city council in April, 2005 is hereby adopted as the drought contingency and emergency water management plan of the city, and is incorporated herein and specifically made a part of this article. A copy of the plan shall be maintained on file in the office of the city secretary. The restrictive, prohibitive or otherwise regulatory measures contained in the plan, when implemented as therein provided, shall have the same force and effect as any other exercise of the police power of the city.
(2005 Code, sec. 13.4.61)
The plans adopted in section 13.05.031 shall be implemented in accordance with the procedures set forth therein. The city shall make in a timely manner such reports concerning the plans and/or their implementation as may be required from time to time by statute or contract.
(2005 Code, sec. 13.4.62)
The mayor is designated as the official responsible for implementation and enforcement, according to the guidelines contained in the plan.
(2005 Code, sec. 13.4.63)
Users of city water, other than the city, that do not comply with the mandatory provisions of this division, the plan and orders issued pursuant thereto shall be guilty of a class C misdemeanor. Each day such violation shall exist shall be deemed a separate offense.
(2005 Code, secs. 13.4.64)