Respond or cause a representative to respond within a reasonable period of time (not to exceed two (2) hours) when notified by the city to repair or inactivate a malfunctioning alarm system, to provide access to the premises, or to provide security for the premises; and
Not manually activate an alarm for any reason other than an occurrence of an event that the alarm system was intended to report.
(2005 Code, sec. 5.3.10)
A permit holder or person in control of a local alarm shall adjust the mechanism or cause the mechanism to be adjusted so that an alarm signal will sound for no longer than 30 minutes after being activated.
(2005 Code, sec. 5.3.11)
A permit holder or person in control of a local alarm or an alarm system that causes an alarm notification to be sent directly to the city shall adjust the mechanism or cause the mechanism to be adjusted to that upon activation the system will not transmit another alarm signal without first being manually reset.
(2005 Code, sec. 5.3.12)
A permit holder or person in control of an alarm system shall not allow alarm signals to be reported through a relaying intermediary that does not comply with the requirements of this article and any rules and regulations promulgated by the chief or that is not licensed by the state department of public safety private security bureau.
(2005 Code, sec. 5.3.13)
A permit holder or person in control of an alarm system whose alarm system transmits alarm notifications to the police department shall:
Transmit the alarm in the form and with the content specified by the chief; and
Insure that any recorded message is intelligible.
(2005 Code, sec. 5.3.14)
A permit holder or person in control of an alarm system shall maintain a complete set of written operating instructions for each alarm system at each alarm site. Special codes, combinations, or passwords must not be included in these instructions.
(2005 Code, sec. 5.3.15)