In addition to the standards contained in divisions 8 through 10 of this article, subdivision development shall be done in accordance with the following:
Block length.
The maximum block length for residential development shall be 1600 feet, measured along the center of the block.
The maximum block length along thoroughfares shall be 1600 feet, except under special conditions and upon approval by the city council.
Street names.
Street names shall be continuations of existing street names adjacent thereto or on line therewith, if such names are not duplications.
Proposed new names must be submitted to the city for checking prior to the plat submittal.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.35)
The final plat shall show the following engineering data:
For streets:
Complete curve data (central angle, L.R.P.C., P.R.C., P.T.) shown on centerline or each side of street.
Length and bearings of all tangents.
Dimensions from all angle points and points of curve to an adjacent side lot line.
Complete bearings and dimensions for front, rear, and side lot lines.
Watercourses and easements which are adequate to carry water in accordance with the design requirements of the city. Drainage easements shall be dimensioned by distances and bearings; and, where easements shall be dimensioned by distances and bearings [sic]; and, where easements cross lot lines, the distance from the lot corners shall be shown.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.36)
The lot design of a neighborhood should provide for lots of adequate width and depth to provide open area and to eliminate overcrowding. Lots should be rectangular so far as practicable and should have the side lot lines at right angles to the streets on which the lot faces or radial to curved street lines.
All lots shown on the plat shall comply with all regulations prescribed therefor in the zoning ordinance of the city relating to the zoning district in which said lots are located.
Minimum lot sizes, single-family residential:
Lots area minimums shall be as provided in the zoning ordinance of the city.
Corner lots with a minimum required width should be at least 5 feet wider than the average interior lots in the block.
Corner lots with a minimum required width siding on a major thoroughfare should be at least 15 feet wider than the average width of interior lots in the block.
Lots facing or backing on a major thoroughfare shall be at least 10 feet deeper than average interior lot depth.
Lot width shall be the average of the front and rear lot line dimensions.
Minimum usable lot depths for lots backing on natural drainage easements shall be 70 feet between front lot line and drainage easement.
Lots fronting on the vehicular turnaround portion of cul-de-sacs or knuckles shall have a minimum lot width of 80 feet measured at the building line.
A panhandle lot is a lot, other than a cul-de-sac lot, a portion of which is not of a buildable width. The following shall govern the platting of panhandle lots:
No plat containing a panhandle lot will be approved unless there is no practical way, by reason of the dimensions of all of the contiguous property of the developer, that the property can be developed conventionally - i.e., with a standard minimum lot width.
Panhandle lots shall not be permitted in nonresidential zoning districts.
The minimum width of the panhandle shall be 25 feet.
Access to the primary building on the lot shall be by means of all-weather surface meeting the minimum standards of section 10.02.234 of this article.
The all-weather access shall have a turning radius meeting the minimum standards of section 10.02.225(e)(4) of this article.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.37; Ordinance 2021-17 adopted 11/18/21)
Blocks shall be numbered consecutively within the overall plat and/or sections of an overall plat are [as] recorded. Block numbers shall be assigned by the city engineer.
All lots shall be numbered consecutively within each block.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.38)
No building lines shall be shown on final plats.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.39)
With reference to drainage easements:
The location and width shall be determined by the city engineer.
Easements for drainage on or adjacent to lots, tracts, or reserves shall be noted: “This easement shall be kept clear of fences, buildings, planting, and other obstructions to the operation and maintenance of the drainage facility, and abutting property shall not be permitted to drain into this easement except by means of an approved drainage structure.”
The outfall flow line of the easement shall be within an approved drainage structure.
Utility easements shall be coordinated with the needs of public and private utility companies.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.40)
In addition to the other requirements of this article, the builder, owner or developer of any nonresidential, planned development or multifamily residential development shall, prior to the issuance of any building permit therefor, submit to the city for its review and approval a development plan for the property on which said development is to be located. The plan shall include the developer’s proposed location and size of water, sewer and street facilities and means of accommodating drainage and shall include such other engineering information as may be specified by the city engineer. This section shall apply to such developments whether or not platting of the property then occurs, but shall not be required when such a plan was previously submitted, reviewed and approved by the city at the time of platting. The submission shall be accompanied by a review fee as prescribed in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.41)
The Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Second Edition, 1987, together with the 1991 amendments, as published by the North Central Texas Council of Governments, is hereby adopted as the minimum standard for public works construction in the city; provided, that in the event of conflict between the said standard specifications and the provisions of this code, the latter shall govern.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.42)