This article shall be known as the subdivision code or the subdivision ordinance of the city.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.01)
This article is adopted under the authority of the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including particularly chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.02)
The purpose of this article is to provide procedures and standards for the orderly, safe and healthful development of areas within the city and to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the community.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.03)
No person, firm, association or corporation shall subdivide land in the city except by platting of the same in compliance with chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules and regulations provided in this article. No building permit shall be issued for the construction of improvements on any property not platted as required by this section, except that a plat shall not be a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit when all of the following conditions shall exist:
The tract or parcel of land is occupied by an existing single-family residential structure built pursuant to a duly issued building permit;
The permit applied for is for the purpose of altering, remodeling or enlarging the said existing single-family residential structure or of adding, altering, remodeling or enlarging a permitted accessory structure;
Both the existing structure and the proposed change conform to the zoning, building, electrical, plumbing, and other applicable ordinances of the city; and
The area added by the remodeling or enlargement of a residential structure does not exceed 50% of the area of the preexisting structure.
(Ordinance 2020-09 adopted 10/15/20)
In the implementation of the standards and procedures of this article, the city shall insure that the developer makes appropriate new improvements or extends existing improvements so as to connect with existing or proposed improvements on adjacent properties in accordance with good engineering practice, having regard for the boundaries, topography, existing and proposed land uses and amenities of both the property being developed and adjacent properties, where such extensions and connections are consistent with or in furtherance of the comprehensive plan of the city for such improvements.
The requirements of this article imposed on subdividers and developers of real property within the city shall be enforced by any available civil and/or criminal remedies.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.05)
For the purpose of this article, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section:
A minor public right-of-way, not intended to provide the primary means of access to abutting lots, which is used primarily for vehicular service access to the back sides of properties otherwise abutting on a street.
Amending plat.
A plat document amending a preceding plat as authorized by section 212.016, Texas Local Government Code, which may be recorded and is controlling over that preceding plat document.
The person or other entity seeking approval of a plat, replat, or any other city consent or action required by this article.
Having approval of the appropriate authority of the city.
Building setback line.
The line within a property defining the minimum horizontal distance between a building and the adjacent right-of-way line.
City council.
The governing body of the city.
City engineer.
The person or firm appointed to such position by the city council.
The planning and zoning commission of the city.
Comprehensive plan.
The plan required by section 211.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
A street having but one outlet to another street, and terminated on the opposite end by a vehicular turnaround.
A person duly authorized under the provisions of the Texas Engineering Registration Act, as heretofore or hereafter amended, to practice the profession of engineering.
Areas on the roadway expanded to provide a turn-around and additional access or lot frontage on residential minor or local streets. Knuckles are required at intersections where each street extends in only one direction from the intersection.
An undivided tract or parcel of land having frontage on a public street or private access easement and which is, or in the future may be offered for sale, conveyance, transfer or improvement which is designated as a distinct and separate tract, and which is identified by a tract or lot number or symbol in a duly approved subdivision plat which has been properly filed of record.
The person or other entity having legal ownership of real property which is subject to this article.
Plat administrator.
The person designated by the city to receive and process submissions made pursuant to this article, and to enforce the terms hereof.
Plat, final.
The official, permanent record of the division of land, approved or to be approved by appropriate bodies and recorded in the plat records of Tarrant County is compliance with the requirements of this article and chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code.
Plat, preliminary.
A working document normally precedent to a final plat, containing all planning factors deemed necessary by this article or the platting authority to determine the appropriate subdivision of land.
The revision or subdivision of any part or all of any block or a previously platted subdivision, addition, or lot.
Any person or any agent thereof, dividing or proposing to divide land so as to constitute a subdivision as that term is defined herein. In any event, the term “subdivider” shall include the owner, equitable owner or authorized agent of such owner or equitable owner, of land sought to be subdivided.
A division of any tract of land situated within the corporate limits, in two or more parts, for the purpose of laying out any subdivision of any tract of land or any addition of any town or city, or for laying out suburban lots or building lots, or any lots, and streets, alleys or parts or other portions intended for public use or the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto. Subdivision includes resubdivision, but it does not include the division of land for agricultural purposes in parcels or tracts of five acres or more and not involving any new street, alley or easement of access.
Any person registered as a licensed professional land surveyor by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.
Thoroughfare plan.
The plan for streets and thoroughfares contained in the comprehensive plan adopted by the city.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.06; Ordinance 2020-09 adopted 10/15/20; Ordinance 2021-17 adopted 11/18/21)
Except as otherwise provided in this article, the city council shall be the final authority for the approval of preliminary plats, final plats, replats, and amending plats, after review and comment of the planning and zoning commission.
(Ordinance 2020-09 adopted 10/15/20)
The city council hereby delegates to the plat administrator the ability to approve the following:
Amending plats;
Replats involving four or fewer lots fronting on an existing street and not requiring the creation of any new street or the extension of municipal facilities; or
The plat administrator may, for any reason, elect to present the plat for approval to the municipal authority responsible for approving plats.
The plat administrator shall not disapprove a plat and shall be required to refer any plat which the plat administrator refuses to approve to the municipal authority responsible for approving plats within the time period specified in this article for consideration of the plat.
If the plat administrator refers a plat, for any reason, to the municipal authority responsible for approving plats, the plat shall be processed in the same manner herein provided for a final plat.
(Ordinance 2020-09 adopted 10/15/20)