Authorized fees.
The city may adopt reasonable fees for reimbursement of costs of setting up and operating the city’s pretreatment program, which may include:
Fees for wastewater discharge permit applications, including the cost of processing such applications;
Fees for monitoring, inspection, and surveillance procedures, including the cost of collecting and analyzing a user’s discharge, and reviewing monitoring reports submitted by users;
Fees for reviewing and responding to accidental discharge procedures and construction;
Fees for filing appeals;
Other fees as the city may deem necessary to carry out the requirements contained herein. These fees relate solely to the matters covered by this article and are separate from all other fees, fines, and penalties chargeable by the city;
Fees for treating abnormal strength wastes; and
Fees incurred from an upset, bypass or unauthorized discharge.
Surcharge for abnormal strength wastes.
The city may surcharge industrial users for the treating of abnormal strength wastes. Water or wastes having (i) a five-day biochemical oxygen demand greater than two hundred fifty (250) parts per million (ppm) by weight or (ii) containing more than two hundred fifty (250) parts per million by weight of total suspended solids shall be subject to the review and approval of the DCO. Where the DCO has approved the admission of (i) or (ii) above into the POTW, that discharge may be subject to a surcharge as determined by the DCO. In no case shall a discharge be accepted that will prevent the POTW from meeting its limits.
The surcharge will be assessed according to the following formula each month using the most current pollutant concentration data and the current month’s wastewater flow:
Surcharge   =
x   [a(BOD - x) + b(TSS - y)][8.34]
Flow in gallons.
Weight in pounds of one gallon of water.
Normal limits of BOD in domestic wastewater expressed in milligrams per liter.
Normal limits of TSS in domestic wastewater expressed in milligrams per liter.
Unit cost of treatment per pound of BOD.
Unit cost of treatment per pound of TSS.
Measured amount of BOD, in mg/l.
Measured amount of TSS, in mg/l.
A surcharge is an additional charge by the POTW for the increased cost of handling discharge of unusual strength and character and shall not serve as a variance to the requirements of this article. Exercise of this provision shall not be a bar to, or a prerequisite for, taking any other action against the user.
(2005 Code, sec. 13.4.183)