It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to build any fire or place any other hot substance upon any paved street, alley or sidewalk or thoroughfare within the corporate limits of the city, or in any other manner to injure or deface any such paved streets, alleys, sidewalks or other thoroughfares or any portion thereof. The term “paved streets, alleys, sidewalks or other thoroughfares” is to be construed to include any street, alley, sidewalk or other thoroughfare, the surface of which is paved, or covered with brick, asphalt, bitulithic, petulithic, or any other pavement of any name or character.
(2005 Code, sec. 12.1.34)
It shall be unlawful to throw or drop upon any street any nails, tacks, crockery, scrap iron, tin, wire, bottles, glass or any other thing likely to injure a vehicle tire, or litter the streets.
(2005 Code, sec. 12.1.38)
No person shall cut, deface or in any way injure any tree or sapling, used for shade or ornamental purposes, standing or growing in any of the streets or alleys, or along the sidewalk, or within any of the public places belonging to or within the city; nor shall any person hitch or cause to be hitched any horse, mule, ox or other animal to any such trees or saplings, standing or growing as aforesaid, or to any boxing which may be placed around said trees or saplings for their protection; nor shall any person not being the owner or agent thereof commit any of the offenses aforesaid upon such trees that may be standing upon any lot within the city.
(2005 Code, sec. 12.1.39)
No person shall willfully obstruct or injure or cause to be obstructed or injured in any manner whatsoever any public sidewalk, street or alley in the city. Provided, however, that the parking of motor vehicles in compliance with the ordinances of the city shall not be construed to be an obstruction.
(2005 Code, sec. 12.1.40)
It shall be unlawful to establish, keep or maintain upon any sidewalk, street or public thoroughfare, within the corporate limits of the city, any booth, stand, stall, tent, vehicle, pushcart or device of any kind or character whatsoever which is used as a means, repository or receptacle for carrying on or pursuing the business of vending or selling newspapers, notions, fruits, vegetables, produce, popcorn, candies, peanuts, confections, eatables or any other like or unlike kind or character of property, goods, wares or merchandise of any description whatsoever, whether herein specifically enumerated or not; provided, however, that the provisions of this section are not intended to apply to itinerant vendors who continuously move about from place to place and who do not occupy the street or sidewalk or any part thereof as a permanent or stationery place for the conduct of their business.
(2005 Code, sec. 12.1.41)