Subdivision within the city shall be connected to and utilize an approved water supply and disposal system. Connection with the city’s sanitary sewer system shall be required.
The owner shall pay all costs attributable to the installation of water and sewer facilities as needed to fulfill the basic requirements of the city for service within the subdivision.
All subdivision extensions shall be covered by a written and executed agreement in a form prepared or approved by the city attorney which clearly defines the scope and details of the proposed extension and particularly regulations of the city and to deliver to the city clear and unencumbered title to all the proposed improvements at the time of acceptance by the city, which must be prior to commencing service.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.70)
Where extensions of water and sanitary sewer systems are required to serve property which is to be subdivided or platted for development by an owner, water and sanitary sewer facilities shall be extended to such properties on the following basis:
Plan to be approved.
It shall be unlawful for any person to provide water and/or sewerage service to any lot, or plot of land, tract or any part thereof unless and until a plat of such lot or tract of land has conformed to the platting requirements of the city, and has been approved and filed for record with Tarrant County.
Concurrently with the submittal of a preliminary plat, plat revision or plat showing, the owner of the tract or subdivision shall submit to the city engineer, for his approval, a map or plat showing the location of water and sanitary sewer mains which will be required to ensure adequate service and fire protection for lots specified in such proposed plat.
At the request of the city engineer, the owner of the land being platted shall submit a layout showing the proposed location of water meters to ensure adequate access is available for reading and maintaining such prior to the filing of a final plat of record with Tarrant County.
Extensions within property to be developed.
Owners of such property will defray the entire cost of water and sanitary sewer systems within their subdivision. Should a lift station and/or force main be required to utilize a provided off-site service location, such lift station and/or force main shall be installed at the owner’s cost.
Off-site extensions.
Where water and/or sanitary sewer facilities are not available to a tract to be developed, the owner will pay for such facilities to the subdivision property line. Acquisition of the required off-site easements shall be paid by the owner.
Fire protection.
In residentially zoned districts, approved fire hydrants shall be spaced so that all portions or [of] proposed lots are within five hundred feet (500') of a proposed fire hydrant, based on actual laying length of fire hose. In all other zoning districts, this distance shall be reduced to three hundred feet (300'). Fire hydrants shall also be placed at the end of every cul-de-sac. All site-related water mains shall be not less than 8 inches inside diameter; provided, that a 6-inch water main may be approved only when: (i) it is a single fire hydrant lead or dead-end branch less than 500 feet long; or, (ii) it is connected at each end to an 8-inch or larger looped pipe and is located within 450 feet of another 8-inch or larger looped parallel main.
Impact fee offsets and/or credits for off-site extensions, on-site and off-site oversizing of water or sewer lines, will be determined and applied in accordance with section 10.03.011 in article 10.03 of this code.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.71)
When an existing site-related water or sanitary sewer main lies in a street, alley or easement in or adjacent to an area or tract of land to be subdivided, the owner shall pay to the city the applicable pro rata charge for the water main and sanitary sewer main before extensions from or connections to such line or lines are made.
When the subdivision is to be served by an existing site-related lift station lift station [sic], the owner shall pay his pro rata cost of that station.
Treatment plants and lift stations on public property.
Where it is necessary to provide a treatment plant or lift station as a part of the sewer service to a development or any part thereof, all portions of such treatment facilities or lift stations, including access roads thereto, shall be on public property or within an easement or right-of-way secured by an appropriate written instrument suitable for filing with the county clerk.
The fee requirements of this section shall be construed in a manner consistent with state law and article 10.03 of this code.
(2005 Code, sec. 16.1.72)