The planning and zoning commission, as heretofore duly created by ordinance and now performing its authorized duties in compliance with chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code, is hereby perpetuated, and the terms of office of the present membership shall not be affected by this amendment.
(2005 Code, sec. 17.14.01)
The commission shall be composed of five regular (5) members and two (2) alternate members to serve in the absence of regular members, all of whom shall be residents and real property taxpayers in the city. Annually, at the regular meeting of the council held during the month of May, or as soon thereafter as practicable, expiring memberships shall be filled by appointment for a term of three (3) years. Members may be removed from office at any time by a majority vote of the council, and in case of vacancies in the membership of said commission by death, resignation, or other cause, such vacancies shall be filled by the council for the unexpired term. All members shall serve without pay.
(2005 Code, sec. 17.14.02)
The members of the commission shall organize and elect their own officers and shall hold meetings regularly as needed and shall designate the time and place of such meetings; provided however, that the same shall be held within the corporate limits of the city. The commission shall have the power to adopt its own rules of procedure insofar as same are consistent with the statutes of the state and the ordinances of the city and shall keep a written record of all its proceedings. The city secretary shall have the duty of care, custody and control of all records of the commission. Three (3) members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(Ordinance 16-03 adopted 7/21/16)
Whenever it is deemed necessary by the commission to incur any expenses in the performance of duties assigned to such commission, an estimate of such proposed expenses shall be submitted to the council and no debts of any kind or character shall be made or incurred by the commission, or anyone acting for such commission, unless and until such expenditures have been specifically authorized in writing by the council prior to the time such obligations are incurred.
(2005 Code, sec. 17.14.04)
The commission shall procure information and make recommendations to the council on the creation or modification of zoning districts, as provided in chapter 211 of the Texas [Local] Government Code, which authorizes cities and incorporated villages to pass zoning regulations. All powers granted under such chapter are specifically adopted and made a part hereof.
The commission shall procure information and make recommendations to the council and shall cooperate with the park board and all similar organizations as to all facts bearing upon the needs of the city with regard to recreation grounds, the development and improvement of parks and boulevards, the extension and opening of streets and avenues, and other public ways and places, and city plans and improvements generally. The commission shall keep itself informed with reference to the progress of city planning in this and other areas and shall make studies and recommendations for improvement of the plan of the city with a view to the present and future movement of traffic, the convenience, health, recreation, safety, general welfare, and the needs of the city dependent upon such plans; it shall consider and report to the council with reference to all facts bearing upon the design and the relation to the city plan of all new public ways, lands, buildings, bridges, extensions, or openings of streets and avenues.
The commission shall pass upon and recommend all preliminary and revised preliminary plats of land to the city council, which shall be the final authority for approval of final plats of land pursuant to the terms of chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code. The commission shall formulate and furnish to the council regulations governing the platting of additions for the guidance of the public.
In addition to its zoning duties and the review and recommendations to the council relative to preliminary and revised preliminary [plats] and their review and approval of all final plats, it is contemplated within this article that the commission shall act as an advisory board to the council relating to all nature of public improvements, civic improvements, city planning, openings, widening and changing of streets, routing of public utilities, controlling and regulating traffic upon the public streets and ways of the city, as the said commission may deem beneficial and to the best interest of the city.
(2005 Code, sec. 17.14.05)