The city administrator’s office shall be responsible for the administration and management of the business affairs of the city pursuant to the statutes of the state, the Code of Ordinances, the ordinances of the city, and the resolutions and directives of the city council, as evidenced by the majority vote of the city council.
The city administrator’s office shall be responsible for all operations of the city, excluding:
Legislative functions of the city council; and
Judicial functions of the municipal court judge of the city.
The city administrator shall be the chief administrative officer of the city.
(Ordinance 2016-09-03, sec. 1.5, adopted –/–/16; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
The city council shall nominate and by majority vote select a qualified candidate to fill a vacancy in the office of city administrator.
The term of office for the city administrator shall be at the discretion of the city council.
During such times as the office of city administrator becomes vacant, the mayor shall serve as the acting city administrator until the city council shall convene to approve a new city administrator or appoint an interim city administrator.
(Ordinance 2016-09-03, sec. 1.5, adopted –/–/16)
The term of employment for the city administrator shall be at the discretion of the city council. The city administrator shall be an at-will employee of the city.
The compensation for the city administrator shall be determined by the city council. Such compensation shall be reviewed annually by the city council for increase; any such increase shall be in the sole discretion of the city council.
All contracts or amendments to contracts with the city administrator shall be adopted by majority vote of the city council.
(Ordinance 2016-09-03, sec. 1.5, adopted –/–/16)
The city administrator shall manage and be responsible for the administration of all day-to-day operations of the city government including the management of all city departments, except for the office of the municipal court judge, and monitoring of all city ordinances, resolutions, council meetings and state statutes.
The city administrator shall have the authority and responsibility to:
Prepare a plan of administration, including an organizational chart, which defines authority and responsibility for all positions of the city.
Establish administrative procedures to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the city government according to best practices in local government and in accordance with the adopted budget of the city.
Recruit, hire, evaluate, promote, discipline or terminate employees in departments reporting to the city administrator in accordance with adopted policies.
Manage and direct the work of city employees.
Attend or appoint a representative to attend all meetings of the city council, unless excused by the mayor or by majority vote of the city council, and assist the city council as necessary in the performance of its duties.
Represent the mayor and city council in matters involving legislative and intergovernmental affairs when authorized by the city council.
Act as or designate the public information officer for the city with the responsibility of assuring that the news media are kept informed about the operations of the city and that all open meeting and public information rules and regulations are followed.
Establish and maintain procedures to facilitate communications between citizens and city government to assure that complaints, grievances, recommendations and other matters receive prompt attention by a city official, and assure that all such matters are expeditiously addressed.
Establish and enforce administrative rules of the city.
Promote the economic well-being and growth of the city through public and private sector cooperation.
The city administrator shall have the responsibility to provide the administrative direction and coordination of all department heads of the city according to the established organization procedures.
Evaluate, in conjunction with department heads, the performance of all employees on an annual basis.
Serve as or designate a personnel director of the city, to establish and maintain complete and current personnel records, including specific job descriptions, for all city employees consistent with the city council approved city personnel manual.
Prepare and administer a classification and pay plan for city employees in accordance with the approved budget.
Administer or designate an employee to administer the grievance procedures of the city in accordance with the approved city personnel manual.
Prepare and submit the annual city budget to the city council and administer the approved budget.
Propose and present ordinances, resolutions and proclamations for consideration by the city council.
Stay informed, under the guidance of the city attorney, concerning current federal, state and county legislation and administrative rules affecting the city and submit appropriate reports and recommendations on those matters to the city council.
Ensure that employees receive adequate opportunities for training to maintain and improve their job-related knowledge and skills in accordance with the adopted budget.
Work with the mayor, the city council and the city secretary to ensure that appropriate agendas are prepared for all meetings of the city council, all city council committees and all other appropriate committees and commissions of the city, together with such supporting material as may be required, with nothing in this subsection being construed as to give the city administrator authority to limit or in any way prevent matters from being considered by the city council or any of its committees and commissions.
Inform the city council regularly about the activities of the city administrator’s office.
Receive directives from the mayor in the event that action normally requiring city council approval is necessary in declared emergency situations and at a time when the city council cannot meet.
Serve as the city secretary in the absence of a city secretary appointed by the city council.
(Ordinance 2016-09-03, sec. 1.5, adopted –/–/16; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
The city administrator shall report to and be responsible to the city council.
The mayor shall serve as the liaison to the office of city administrator.
The mayor, as the liaison to the office of city administrator, shall, subject to the review and approval of the city council, serve as the direct supervisor of the city administrator.
The mayor, as the liaison to the office of city administrator, shall, subject to the review and approval of the city council, ensure the city administrator receives the training, equipment and guidance necessary to perform all of the duties of city administrator.
The authority of the mayor, as the liaison to the office of city administrator in matters of discipline, shall be limited to the right to place the city administrator on paid or unpaid administrative leave until such time as the city council can meet to consider the disciplinary issue for which the leave was imposed in accordance with the adopted policies of the city.
The right to place the city administrator on paid administrative leave shall be limited to issues for which the mayor, as the liaison to the office of city administrator, has good cause to believe that leave is required in the best interest of the city.
The mayor, as the liaison to the office of city administrator, shall bring all matters of discipline or performance involving the city administrator to the attention of the city council during executive session at the first available meeting date for which an agenda may be legally posted, whether a regular meeting date or a special called meeting date.
(Ordinance 2016-09-03, sec. 1.5, adopted –/–/16)