This article shall be commonly cited as the revised fence ordinance.
This article applies to all fences within the incorporated municipal boundaries (i.e., “city limits”).
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 1, adopted 4/5/16)
This article provides uniform standards for the erection and maintenance of fences. All fences in this article shall be erected and maintained in accordance with these standards. The general objectives of these standards are to promote health, safety, welfare, convenience and enjoyment of the public, improve the long-term sustainability of residential structures, and promote the safety of persons and property by providing that fences do not:
Create a hazard due to collapse, fire, decay or abandonment;
Obstruct firefighting or police observation ability;
Create traffic hazards by confusing or distracting pedestrians or motorists; or
Become obstacles that hinder the ability of pedestrians, bicyclists or motorists to read traffic signs.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 2, adopted 4/5/16)
Words and phrases used in this article shall have the meanings set forth in this section. Terms that are not defined below, but are defined elsewhere in the Code of Ordinances, shall be given the meanings set forth in the code. Words and phrases not defined in the Code of Ordinances shall be given their common, ordinary meaning unless the context clearly requires otherwise. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense shall include the future tense, words in the plural number shall include the singular number (and vice versa), and words in the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender (and vice versa). The word “shall” is always mandatory, while the word “may” is merely directory. Headings and captions are for reference purposes only.
Approved fence materials.
Materials normally manufactured for, used as, and recognized as fencing materials such as wrought iron or other decorative metals suitable for the construction of fences, fired masonry, concrete, stone, metal tubing, wood planks, chain link and vinyl composite manufactured specifically as fencing materials. Fence materials must also be materials approved for exterior use that are weather-and decay-resistant. The provisions of this article are not intended to prevent the installation of any material or to prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code, provided that any such alternative has been approved by a building official or his designee. An alternative material, design or method of construction shall be approved where the building official finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of this code, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this article in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety.
Building official.
The city code enforcement officer, building inspector, or a designee of any of the preceding persons.
Ordinances passed and approved by the city.
Dilapidated fence.
A fence which is decayed, deteriorated, or has fallen into partial ruin.
Director of public works.
The person(s) so designated by the city to provide oversight for and have responsibility of the public works department.
A right created by grant, reservation, agreement, prescription, or necessary implication, which one has in the land of another, and may be dedicated by plat or implied by right. It is either for the benefit of appurtenant land such as for the right to cross, or egress, such as a public utility easement, or in specific, such as an exclusive utility easement. An easement may or may not have descriptive metes and bounds.
An artificially constructed barrier enclosing, separating, or screening areas of land, serving as a boundary, a means of protection, a buffer, a decorative element, a means of visually modifying the view, and/or for confinement. A fence is any part of a fence including the base, footings, supporting columns, post, braces, structural members, or any other of its appendages. Except where otherwise required in this code, regulations governing the height, location and opacity of fences also apply to walls, hedges or landscaping used in lieu of a fence or in combination with a fence.
Fence contracting.
Engaging in the business of erecting, maintaining, constructing, or reconstructing fences for which a permit is required.
Fence contractor.
A person who, for remuneration, erects, maintains, constructs, or reconstructs a fence on the premises of another. It does not mean the owner who owns or leases the premises on which the fence is located.
Front yard.
A yard located in front of the front elevation of a building and extending across a lot between the side yard lines and being the minimum horizontal distance between the front property line and the outside wall of the main building.
Lot, corner.
A lot which has at least two (2) adjacent sides abutting for their full lengths on a street, provided that the interior angle at the intersection of such two (2) sides is less than one hundred thirty-five degrees (135°).
Lot depth.
The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.
Lot, interior.
A lot other than a corner lot.
Lot, key.
A corner lot that is so designed that the lots located directly behind it face the side street of the corner lot and are not separated by an alley.
The degree of openness which light or views are blocked measured perpendicular to the fence for each fence section between supports.
Public right-of-way (ROW).
A strip of land which is used as a roadbed for a street, alley or a highway and is intended for use by the public at large, or land set aside as an easement or in fee, either by purchase, agreement or condemnation. Generally, describes an area used for the provision of streets and utilities. Unless otherwise specified, the term “right-of-way” shall refer to a public right-of-way.
Rear yard.
The area extending across the rear of a lot measured between the lot lines and being the minimum horizontal distance between the rear lot line and the rear of the outside wall of the main building. On both corner lots and interior lots, the rear yard shall in all cases be at the opposite end of the lot from the front yard.
A repair to a fence shall be defined as maintenance to a fence where replacement of materials does not exceed forty percent (40%) of the fence and does not change the scope, location or dimensions of the fence. Repairs shall be made using the same material, or material with comparable composition, color, size, shape and quality of the original fence to which the repair is being made.
Residential district.
A district where the primary purpose is residential use and is defined in the comprehensive zoning ordinance, excluding multifamily.
Retaining wall.
A wall not laterally supported at the top that resists lateral soil loads and other imposed loads.
A method of visually modifying the view of a structure, building, feature or use by methods such as fencing, walls, berms, densely planted vegetation or a combination of these methods.
Screening wall.
A wall or architectural extension that may be part of the structure or a standalone feature that screens from view the interior of a property so that visibility through the wall shall be prevented from the exterior side of the wall or architectural extension.
The distance from the property line or the right-of-way line of all streets adjacent to the premises on which a fence is located to the part of the fence closest to the property line or right-of-way line.
Side yard.
The area between the building and side line of the lot and extending from the front lot line to the rear lot line and being the minimum horizontal distance between a side lot line and the outside wall of the side of the main building.
Any dedicated public thoroughfare that affords the principal means of access to abutting property.
Vision or visibility triangle.
The corner visibility triangle is defined at an intersection by extending the two ROW lines from their point of intersection to a distance of thirty feet (30'). These two points are then connected with an imaginary line to form the corner visibility triangle. If there are no curbs existing, then the triangular area shall be formed by extending the property lines for distance of thirty feet (30') from their point of intersection.
An open space at grade between a building and the adjoining lot lines, unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of a structure from the ground upward. In measuring a yard for the purpose of determining the width of the side yard, the depth of a front yard or the depth of a rear yard, the shortest horizontal distance between the lot line and the main building shall be used.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 3, adopted 4/5/16)
It shall be unlawful for any person or organization to violate any regulation described in this article.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 11, adopted 4/5/16)
The city shall have the power to administer and enforce the provisions of this article as may be required by governing law. Any person violating any provision of this article is subject to suit for injunctive relief as well as prosecution for criminal violations. Any violation of this article is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
Criminal penalty.
Any person violating any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be fined a sum in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code. Each day that a provision of this article is violated shall constitute a separate offense. An offense under this article is a misdemeanor.
Civil remedies.
Nothing in this article shall be construed as a waiver of the city’s right to bring a civil action to enforce the provisions of this article and to seek remedies as allowed by law, including but not limited to the following:
Injunctive relief to prevent specific conduct that violates this article or to require specific conduct that is necessary for compliance with this article; and
A civil penalty up to one hundred dollars ($100.00) a day when it is shown that the defendant was actually notified of the provisions of this article and after receiving notice committed acts in violation of this article or failed to take action necessary for the compliance with this article, and other available relief.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 14, adopted 4/5/16; Ordinance adopting 2018 Code)
It is unlawful for any person to engage in the business of fence contracting without a valid contractor’s registration. Property owners are not required to register as a contractor.
The city secretary’s office shall establish procedures, forms and standards with regard to the content, format and number of copies of information constituting an application for a contractor registration.
Every contractor registration provided for in this code shall expire one (1) year following the date of its issuance, and shall be renewed by the city secretary’s office upon application.
The city secretary or his designee may revoke or suspend a fence contractor’s registration for either of the following reasons:
The registrant violates the requirements of this article twice within a twelve (12) month period.
The registrant fails to obtain permits and/or inspections twice within a twelve (12) month period.
A contractor whose registration has been revoked or suspended may be reinstated by the city secretary’s office or the city council. The registration may only be reinstated if the contractor corrects all violations and pays all applicable fees.
Appeals from an order, requirement, decision or determination of a building official or the city secretary’s office shall be made in writing to the city secretary’s office within seven working days of the order, requirement, decision or determination. The city secretary’s office shall notify the building official and the appellant of the placement of the appeal on an upcoming city council agenda in compliance with the state open meetings law.
Finality of council’s decision.
The decision of the city council is final.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 5, adopted 4/5/16)
No person shall construct a fence, guy wire, brace or any fence post upon or into a public right-of-way or property that the city or the general public has dominion and control over, owns or has an easement over, under, around or through.
It is unlawful to erect, maintain, suffer or permit any fence on any corner lot in such a manner as to create a traffic hazard or restrict visibility. Failure of the owner, agent or occupant to remove such obstruction within the specified time limit required on the receipt of notice to do so is a violation of this article.
No fence material shall be used to construct a fence except for those listed and regulated in this article or other city ordinances.
Materials acceptable for the construction of fences include sections of fence designed by a manufacturer for the express purpose of use as a component of a fence intended for the type location it is proposed to be used and consisting of wood, metal, plastic or composite.
Fence sections essentially parallel with a public street shall have their back side (the side with the exposed posts and rails) oriented to the interior of the residential lot to minimize their exposure to the public. Exception: Posts and rails may be oriented to the exterior of the residence when concealed within construction that is consistent with and complementary to the construction of the fence. Visual depictions of construction shall be required for review of appearance prior to issuance of a permit.
No fence shall be erected on a public right-of-way, or within any drainage easement, or visibility, access and maintenance easements, unless otherwise authorized by the public works director.
Fences constructed in nonresidential zoning districts must meet requirements found in the zoning ordinance.
Any area three feet (3') in radius around any fire hydrants and fire hose connections must be kept free of any fencing that could impede access to or use of the hydrant or fire hose connection.
A fence must not impede access to public utilities or metering devices.
Fences are not permitted in floodway areas as designated on FEMA’s flood boundary and floodway map.
A fence must not adversely affect drainage or create debris build-up.
Fences shall be maintained in good repair by the owner. Good repair shall mean that:
The fence shall not be out of vertical alignment more than one foot from the vertical height measured at the top of the fence for fences greater than four feet in height; except, however, for fencing four feet or less in height, the fence shall not be out of vertical alignment more than six inches from the vertical height measured at the top of the fence;
Once a pattern has been established, it must remain the same from corner post to corner post; and
Any and all broken, loose, damaged, deteriorated, or missing parts (i.e., slats, posts, wood rails, bricks, panels) shall be replaced or repaired.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 7, adopted 4/5/16; Ordinance 2019-11-03 adopted 11/5/19)
This section shall apply in all residential zoning districts within the city.
Height limitation in rear yard.
It is unlawful for any person to construct, erect, maintain, suffer, or permit a fence in any rear yard or along any rear yard lot line which fence exceeds eight feet (8') in height as defined in this article.
Decorative gate embellishments are allowed. They shall not exceed the height of the fence by more than two feet (2').
Height limitation in side yard.
It is unlawful for any person to construct, erect, maintain, suffer, or permit a fence in any side yard or along any side yard lot line which fence exceeds eight feet (8') in height as defined in this article.
Fences in front yard.
All fences constructed in the front yard of a residential property shall be no taller in height than forty-eight inches (48") as defined in this article.
All fences constructed in the front yard of a residential property shall allow minimum fifty (50%) percent opacity.
All fences constructed in the front yard of a residential property shall not impede the vision triangle.
All fences constructed in the front yard of a residential property shall not allow vertical support posts and gates to extend more than four inches (4") above the top of the fence intersection.
A decorative gate over four feet (4') in height in the front yard requires the approval of the city secretary’s office or designee.
Key lots.
There are special restrictions for fences on key lots.
Refer to the definition in the definitions section (section 4.06.003) for an explanation of a key lot.
A fence that is more than 50% opaque and constructed of tubular steel or wrought iron and not exceeding eight (8) feet in height may be located up to five (5) feet from the property line of the side of the house on a key lot.
A solid fence, not exceeding eight (8) feet in height, may be located at the setback line (front yard setback shall be used for key lots) as defined by the zoning ordinance as it is currently written or may be amended. It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure proper setbacks are maintained.
Temporary fences.
Temporary fences are prohibited in residential districts, except where required by code for construction, excavation or life safety issues.
Prohibited fences.
Except as noted in subsection (g)(2), the following types of fences are prohibited in a residential district. It is unlawful for any person to erect, maintain, or permit a fence that:
Is electrically charged in any manner, except single-strand wires designed to conduct electricity through an approved low-voltage regulator shall be allowed along the fence’s interior for the purposes of securing pets within a fenced yard.
Has barbed wire in or on it.
Has concertina wire in or on it.
Has razor wire in or on it.
Has in it or on it barbs, projections, broken glass, or anything reasonably capable of causing harm to persons or animals.
Residential lots consisting of one or more acres and that are or can be used for housing horses or livestock in compliance with all city ordinances are exempt from subsections (g)(1)(A) and (g)(1)(B).
Fence intersecting screening wall.
Where a fence intersects a screening wall and the height of the fence exceeds the height of the screening wall, the height of the fence shall transition to the height of the screening wall over a distance of twenty feet (20'). The city secretary’s office may make exceptions to the twenty feet (20') transition where terrain and lot orientation does not allow for an orderly transition. Visual depictions of construction shall be required for review prior to issuance of a permit.
Access for residential garbage collection.
Access must be maintained upon a residential lot for the access and collection of trash and recycling containers.
Residential lots that enclose the driveway with a gate shall provide a separate area where trash and recycling containers are accessible for collection as approved by the public works department.
Residential lots that do not provide an accessible location for the collection of refuse containers may be refused service.
Residential lots with a pool shall have an interior fence as required by code to protect access to the pool.
Determination of fence height and opacity.
Fence height.
Fence height is measured to include the body of the fence, plus allowing a maximum of six inches (6") (on average between posts) above the natural grade (i.e., for drainage purposes). Fence posts are permitted to extend a maximum of four inches (4") above the body of the fence. Columns are permitted to extend a maximum of twelve inches (12") above the body of the fence.
In the event that the fence height has been elevated through the use of a retaining wall, the fence height is measured from the ground level at the highest point. The creation of a berm or other method for the primary purpose of increasing the elevation of the fence is not allowed.
Opacity is the degree of openness which light or views are blocked measured perpendicular to the fence for each fence section between supports.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 8, adopted 4/5/16)
Zoning requirements.
Fences constructed in nonresidential zoning districts must meet requirements found in the zoning ordinance.
A fence in a nonresidential zoning district may not exceed eight feet (8') in height nor be less than six feet (6') in height and [shall] meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance as it currently exists or may be amended.
Fences in districts zoned Agricultural or Industrial may also contain the following material:
Fence arms;
Barbed wire as accessory to other fencing material;
Razor wire with special applications;
Chain link;
Other material that may be approved for use in that district by the city secretary’s office or his designee, unless approved by a site specific zoning case or approved by a variance;
Fences on parcels used for agricultural purpose may contain barbed wire or other material approved by the city secretary’s office or his designee.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 9, adopted 4/5/16)
It is unlawful for any person to construct, repair, replace, or cause to be constructed, repaired, or replaced a fence or any part of a fence in the city without first obtaining a fence permit from the building official. No permit is required for repairs as defined by this article.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 4.1, adopted 4/5/16)
No registrant under this article shall for any purpose allow its registration, by name or any other identification, to be transferred to, assigned to, or in any manner directly or indirectly used by any person, and corporation or business entity other than the one to whom the registration was issued.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 4.2, adopted 4/5/16)
Any person making application for a fence permit shall complete a permit application, provided by the city secretary’s office or his designee. The city secretary’s office shall establish procedures, forms and standards with regard to the content, format and number of copies of information constituting an application for a contractor registration.
Expiration of plan review.
An application for which no permit is issued within ninety (90) days following the date of application shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for review may be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the city secretary’s office. The city secretary’s office may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days on written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. No applications shall be extended more than once.
Permits will not be processed without contractor and homeowner written validation.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 6, adopted 4/5/16)
Submission; preparation.
Construction documents, special inspection and structural observation programs, and other data shall be submitted in one or more sets, as required by the building official, with each application for a permit. When required by the city secretary’s office or his designee, the applicant shall also provide additional information as required by the building code. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed.
Authority to require additional documents.
Where special conditions exist, a building official or the city secretary’s office is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional.
The city secretary’s office is authorized to waive the submission of construction documents and other data not required to be prepared by a registered design professional if it is found that the nature of the work applied for is such that reviewing of construction documents is not necessary to obtain compliance with this code.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 4.7, adopted 4/5/16)
The application, plans, specifications, computations and other data filed by an applicant for a permit shall be reviewed by the city secretary’s office. When a permit is submitted where plans are required, the building official or his designee shall endorse in writing or stamp the plans and specifications “Reviewed.” Such reviewed plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified or altered by any person without authorization from the building official or his designee, and a person shall do work regulated by this article in accordance with the approved plans.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 4.3, adopted 4/5/16)
Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is commenced within ninety (90) days after its issuance, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended, abandoned or lacks the required inspections by a building official for a period of ninety (90) days after the time the work is commenced. The city secretary’s office or his designee may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days on written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. No applications shall be extended more than once. Changes, alterations, or adjustments in the permit or in the work authorized by the issuance of the permit, after it has been issued, shall not extend the original expiration date established upon the original issuance of the permit.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 4.4, adopted 4/5/16)
The city secretary’s office or his designee may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this article when the permit was issued in error, on the basis of incorrect information, or in violation of any applicable law.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 4.5, adopted 4/5/16)
The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations is not a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this article or of any other city ordinance. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this article or any other city ordinance are not valid.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 4.6, adopted 4/5/16)
One set of approved plans, specifications, and a copy of the permit shall be made available, by the applicant, for inspection of the work authorized by the permit. The set of approved plans, specifications and permit shall be kept on the work site by the applicant during the construction process.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 4.8, adopted 4/5/16)
The owner or the owner’s authorized agent who applies for a permit to construct a fence must comply with all the requirements of this article and the requirements of the building code. The provisions of this article shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of local, state or federal law.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 4.9, adopted 4/5/16)
The owner, the owner’s authorized agent or the contractor who receives a permit to construct a fence must post the permit in accordance with this section.
Each permit shall be posted in such a manner as to be visible from the street;
Each permit shall be posted in the first window left of the front door;
If the residence has no windows to the left of the front door, the permit shall be posted in the first window right of the front door;
If the property has no windows facing the street, the permit shall be sealed in a clear watertight container in such a manner as to be readable through the container, affixed to a sturdy backer-board that is at least 1 inch larger than the permit on all sides, affixed to a sturdy post, and posted in the front yard in a manner clearly visible from the street;
All descriptions of directions in this section shall be from the viewpoint of a person facing the front of the house.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 4.10, adopted 4/5/16)
When a person begins any work for which a permit is required by this article without first obtaining a permit, the permit application fee shall be double the amount of the standard permit fee whether or not a permit is ultimately issued. Payment of the fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this article nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
Permit fees shall be as designated by the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
(Ordinance 2016-04-01, sec. 10, adopted 4/5/16)
Upon denial of a fence permit application by the building official, an applicant may appeal in writing to the board of adjustment for consideration of variances. The board of adjustment shall have the power to authorize upon appeal in specific cases such variances from the terms of this article as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this article will result in unnecessary hardship and so that the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done, including the following considerations:
Constitutes waste or inefficient use of land or other resources; and
Does not serve its intended purpose, is not effective or necessary.
Areas that warrant a hearing before the board of adjustment would be fence materials, fence setbacks and overall height of the fence. These are the only areas that may be considered for a variance by the board of adjustment.
(Ordinance 2019-06-07 adopted 6/18/19)
After denial of a fence permit, the applicant may file an application for appeal for a variance public hearing with the city administrator to be considered or scheduled for a public hearing before the board of adjustment.
An appeal fee as provided for in the city’s fee schedule shall accompany such application.
Site plan drawings and elevations of the proposed fence shall accompany the application.
Before the tenth day prior to the public hearing on the variance, the city shall send notice via regular mail to all property owners, as indicated by the most recent tax appraisal roll, within 200 feet of the property on which the variance is requested.
The board of adjustment shall hear the appeal from the applicant and render a decision.
The board of adjustment shall render a permanent written report regarding the actions of the board of adjustment and shall file the same with the city administrator within two (2) weeks from the date of the action.
The board of adjustment shall decide the appeal within a reasonable time. Upon the public hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or attorney. The board of adjustment may reverse or affirm wholly or partly or may modify the order, requirements, decision, or determination as in its opinion ought to be made in the premises, and to that end, shall have all powers of the officer or department from whom the appeal is taken. The decision of the board of adjustment shall be final and binding upon the applicant.
(Ordinance 2019-06-07 adopted 6/18/19)